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Process Data set: Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate ( (p)MDI); phosgenation of methylenedianiline (MDA); production mix, at plant; polymeric MDI ( (p)MDI) (en) en

Key Data Set Information
Location EU-28
Geographical representativeness description Primary production data for the MDI production is from five different suppliers in the EU (Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal and Hungary). Fuel and energy inputs in the system reflect average European conditions and whenever applicable, site specific conditions were applied, to reflect representative situations. Therefore, the study results are intended to be applicable within EU boundaries and in order to be applied in other regions ad-justments might be required. MDI imported into Europe was not considered in this Eco-profile.
Reference year 2018
Base name ; Treatment, standards, routes ; Mix and location types ; Quantitative product or process properties
Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate ( (p)MDI); phosgenation of methylenedianiline (MDA); production mix, at plant; polymeric MDI ( (p)MDI)
Use advice for data set The LCI data set should be used for LCI/ LCA studies where MDI is used along the production chain. The major application of 4.4-MDI is as a primary feedstock for the production of rigid polyurethane foams. Such foams have good thermal insulation properties and are used worldwide in the manufac-ture of freezers and refrigerators, and in building and automotive applications.
Technical purpose of product or process The major application of 4.4-MDI is as a primary feedstock for the production of rigid polyurethane foams. Such foams have good thermal insulation properties and are used worldwide in the manufacture of freezers and refrigerators, and in building and automotive applications.
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: Materials production / Organic chemicals
General comment on data set The main data source was a data collection from European producers of MDI. Primary data on gate-to-gate MDI production is derived from site-specific information for processes under operational control supplied by the participating companies of this study. Five different MDI producers with plants in five European countries participated in the primary data collection. 100% of the European MDI production (EU-27) in 2018 is covered. The data for the upstream supply chain until the precursors are taken from the GaBi 2020 Databases of the software system GaBi 10. Combined elemental + mass allocation was applied for the production process of MDI as hydrogen chloride (HCl 100%) results as co-product.
Copyright Yes
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2025
Time representativeness description The LCI data for MDI production was collected as 12 month averages representing the year 2018, to compensate seasonal influence of data. Background data have reference years from 2016 to 2019. The dataset is considered to be valid until substantial technological changes in the production chain occur.
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system Commercial production of MDI involves the following key process stages. The production of MDI involves the following major stages: • Production of Methylenedianiline (MDA): In the production of MDI, Methylenedianiline (MDA) is formed initially through the reaction of formaldehyde with aniline in the presence of a hydrochloric acid catalyst. The percentage distribution of isomers of MDA formed during this step depends on the ratio of aniline to formaldehyde, the acid concentration, and the reaction conditions. After the reaction, the mixture is neutralised by adding caustic soda, and separates into an organic phase and an inorganic (aqueous) phase. The organic phase containing crude MDA is washed. Excess aniline from washing is isolated by distillation for recycling in the first step of the reaction. The inorganic (aqueous) phase is purified from any residual organics and discharged for further treatment or recovery. • Phosgenation of MDA to crude MDI: During this stage phosgene is reacted with MDA in an inert solvent to produce crude MDI and a hydrogen chloride byproduct. • Solvent Recovery and MDI Purification: Following phosgenation, when evolution of hydrogen chloride is complete and a homogeneous solution is obtained, the solvent is recovered by distillation. Purified MDI is obtained by fractional distillation, crystallization, or sublimation. The background system is addressed as follows:   Electricity, Thermal energy: The electricity (and thermal energy as by-product) used is modelled according to the individual country-specific situation. The country-specific modelling is achieved on multiple levels. Firstly the individual power plants in service are modelled according to the current national grid. This includes net losses and imported electricity. Second, the national emission and efficiency standards of the power plants are modelled. Third, the country-specific fuel supply (share of resources used, by import and / or domestic supply) including the country-specific properties (e.g. element and energy contents) are accounted for. Fourth, the import, transport, mining and exploration processes for the energy carrier supply chain are modelled according to the specific situation of each power-producing country. The different mining and exploration techniques (emissions and efficiencies) in the different exploration countries are accounted for according to current engineering knowledge and information.   Steam: The steam supply is modelled according to the individual country-specific situation with regard to the technology efficiencies and energy carriers used. Efficiencies range from 85% to 95% in relation to the representative energy carrier (gas, oil, coal). Coal, crude oil and natural gas used for the generation of steam are modelled according to the specific import situation (see electricity).   Energy carriers: Coal, crude oil, natural gas and uranium are modelled according to the specific import situation (see electricity).   Refinery products: Diesel, gasoline, technical gases, fuel oils, basic oils and residues such as bitumen are modelled via a country-specific, refinery parameterized model. The refinery model represents the current national standard in refinery techniques (e.g. emission level, internal energy consumption,...) as well as the individual country-specific product output spectrum, which can be quite different from country to country. Hence the refinery products used show the individual country-specific use of resources. The supply of crude oil is modelled, again, according to the country-specific crude oil situation with the respective properties of the resources.
Flow diagram(s) or picture(s)
  • isopa_mdi production.jpg Image
Mathematical model
Model description The calculation follows the vertical calculation methodology, i.e. that the averaging is done after modelling the specific processes. Restrictions on competition and confidentiality do not allow displaying and describing the systems and analysing details. A partly elemental, partly mass based approach has been chosen for the allocation of the environmental burden of both the production process of MDI as hydrogen chloride (HCl 100%) results as co-product from both systems. The choice on this allocation procedure took two important aspects into consideration: • Although the primary purpose of both plants are to produce MDI, these processes have been specifically designed not only to produce MDI in the required quality, but also to produce HCl in a quality that can be marketed, i.e. HCl is a desired co-product. Therefore, the quality of the HCl is a critical aspect and influences the process design. • Despite the fact that both products are sold as valuable substances, prices do not reach the same level for both cases, with higher absolute values for MDI. But as HCl would have to be neutralized and disposed as a waste if it was not sold as product, the actual value of HCl cannot be expressed by the market value alone. Apart from that market values are volatile and can be very different in different regions. As a consequence of this a physical allocation approach has been considered to better reflect more the reality - however, a pure mass allocation of all consumed materials would not reflect the elemental reality of both by-products. It also leads to a significantly higher result for HCl compared to its on-purpose production process (using hydrogen and chlorine gas).As in both production processes the main pre-cursors MDA react with on-site produced phosgene (made from carbon monoxide and chlorine gases) it has been decided to allocate CO (as well as MDA) to MDI only and the consumed Chlorine only to HCl. All other raw materials and energy, (waste) water, waste and emissions are allocated by mass. .
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set LCI result
LCI Method Principle Attributional
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations None
LCI method approaches
  • Allocation - mass
  • Allocation - element content
Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations None
Deviation from modelling constants / explanations None
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Data cut-off and completeness principles In the foreground processes all relevant flows were considered, trying to avoid any cut-off of material and energy flows. In single cases additives used in the MDI unit process (<0.1 % m/m of product output) were neglected. In all cases it was assured that no hazardous substances or metals were present in this neglected part. According to the GaBi Databases 2020, used in the background processes, at least 95 % of mass and energy of the input and output flows were covered and 98 % of their environmental relevance (according to expert judgment) was considered, hence an influence of cut-offs less than 1 % on the total in expected. All transports in the pre-chain contribute maximum 0.2% to the overall environmental burden. Including production the contribution of all transports is expected to be less than 1 %, thus transports are excluded from this investigation.
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations None
Data selection and combination principles 100% coverage of the European industry.
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None
Data treatment and extrapolations principles The data set represents the specific situation in Europe, focusing on the main technologies used for producing MDI in Europe. Primary production data for the MDI production is from five different suppliers in the EU.
Deviation from data treatment and extrapolations principles / explanations None
Data source(s) used for this data set
Percentage supply or production covered 100.0 %
Annual supply or production volume The considered participants covered 100% of the MDI European production in 2018.
Sampling procedure European producers act as a main source of data for the production of MDI on the basis of a direct questionnaire. Primary data on gate-to-gate MDI production is derived from site specific information for processes under operational control supplied by the participating companies of this study. The data for the upstream supply chain until the precursors are taken from the GaBi 2020 Databases of the software system GaBi 10.
Data collection period 2018
Completeness of product model No statement
Completeness elementary flows, per topic
  • Climate change: No statement
  • Ozone depletion: No statement
  • Summer smog: No statement
  • Eutrophication: No statement
  • Acidification: No statement
  • Human toxicity: No statement
  • Freshwater ecotoxicity: No statement
  • Seawater eco-toxicity: No statement
  • Terrestric eco-toxicity: No statement
  • Radioactivity: No statement
  • Land use: No statement
  • Non-renewable material resource depletion: No statement
  • Renewable material resource consumption: No statement
  • Non-renewable primary energy depletion: No statement
  • Renewable primary energy consumption: No statement
  • Particulate matter/respiratory inorganics: No statement
  • Species depletion: No statement
  • Noise: No statement
Type of review Scope / Method(s) of review Data quality indicators Review details
Accredited third party review
Scope name Method name
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
LCIA results
  • Cross-check with other source
LCIA results calculation
  • Sample tests on calculations
Unit process(es), black box
  • Cross-check with other data set
Life cycle inventory methods
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
Unit process(es), single operation
  • Expert judgement
Raw data
  • Sample tests on calculations
LCI results or Partly terminated system
  • Cross-check with other data set
Goal and scope definition
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Overall quality: Very good - 1.0
  • Methodological appropriateness and consistency: Very good - 1.0
  • Precision: Very good - 1.0
  • Completeness: Very good - 1.0
  • Geographical representativeness: Very good - 1.0
  • Time representativeness: Very good - 1.0
  • Technological representativeness: Very good - 1.0
The project included regular milestone meetings with representatives of all participating producers and the programme manager. The reviewer participated in these meetings. In addition, a review meeting between the LCA practitioner and the reviewer was held, including a model and database review, and spot checks of data and calculations
Subsequent review comments
The present Eco-Profile is an update of an Eco-Profile published in 2012 for MDII. During the Eco-profile generation by Sphera the question on allocation criteria possibly to be applied for the by-product HCl of the MDI-production were discussed. The actual review is based on the final Eco-profile document accompanied by a webmeeting for clarifying open questions and comments of the reviewer, including spot checks of the software model applied and explanations on the primary data collection. The Eco-profile document was sent and reviewed in March/April 2021. The compliance of the documents was reviewed according to the current requirements of the Eco-profiles program and methodology, version 3.0 (Oct 2019) of PlasticsEurope and the accompanying template for Eco-profile reports. The representativeness of the resulting inventory data is estimated according to the expert judgement of ISOPA in respect to the production volumes in Europe. As all main producers have taken part in this study, the technology displays the state-of-the art status. For the update of the Eco-profile new and complete foreground data were delivered by the participants of the study complemented with upstream process inventories from the current available GaBi database. The mass allocation approach, applied in the preceding Eco-profile for the by-product HCl by producing the products MDI and TDI were controversially discussed. The current approach of the combined elemental and mass allocation still displays physical reality and reflects more specifically the intention of considered process and products. The collected data are thoroughly processed; the transfer into a systematically built software model shows a sound quality. The methodological approaches follow the PCR requirements. The recommendations of the reviewer have been followed to clarify certain aspects. The structure and description of the Eco-profile is clear and transparent, thus displaying a reliable source of information. So far the PCR does not require specific indicators for the impact assessment. While preparing the life cycle inventory / software model necessary requirements for the assessment of further impact categories, e.g. required by the Product Environmental Footprint were partly integrated, i.e. regionalisation of water flows. Applying the LCI for the assessment of further indicators, not assessed within this Eco-profile, the documentation need to be checked, if respective data are included in the inventory.
Reviewer name and institution
Type of review Scope / Method(s) of review Data quality indicators Review details
Dependent internal review
Scope name Method name
Unit process(es), single operation
No records found.
LCI results or Partly terminated system
  • Expert judgement
  • Energy balance
  • Mass balance
  • Documentation
Unit process(es), black box
  • Validation of data sources
  • Expert judgement
  • Mass balance
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
Goal and scope definition
No records found.
Raw data
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Validation of data sources
  • Expert judgement
  • Mass balance
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
LCIA results
  • Cross-check with other data set
  • Cross-check with other source
LCIA results calculation
No records found.
Life cycle inventory methods
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
No records found.
  • Overall quality: Very good - 1.0
  • Methodological appropriateness and consistency: Very good - 1.0
  • Precision: Very good - 1.0
  • Completeness: Very good - 1.0
  • Geographical representativeness: Very good - 1.0
  • Time representativeness: Very good - 1.0
  • Technological representativeness: Very good - 1.0
The internal review was done by several iteration steps concerning raw data validation, completeness and consistency of modelling with regard to ISO 14040 and 14044.
Subsequent review comments
The LCI method applied is in compliance with ISO 14040 and 14044. The documentation includes all relevant information in view of the data quality and scope of the application of the respective LCI result / data set. The dataset represents the state-of-the-art in view of the referenced functional unit.
Reviewer name and institution
Compliance Declarations
Compliance system name
Approval of overall compliance
Fully compliant
Nomenclature compliance
Fully compliant
Methodological compliance
Fully compliant
Review compliance
Fully compliant
Documentation compliance
Fully compliant
Quality compliance
Not defined
Compliance system name
Approval of overall compliance
Fully compliant
Nomenclature compliance
Fully compliant
Methodological compliance
Fully compliant
Review compliance
Fully compliant
Documentation compliance
Fully compliant
Quality compliance
Not defined
Compliance system name
Approval of overall compliance
Not defined
Nomenclature compliance
Not defined
Methodological compliance
Fully compliant
Review compliance
Not defined
Documentation compliance
Not defined
Quality compliance
Not defined
Commissioner and goal
Commissioner of data set
Project PlasticsEurope Eco-profiles
Intended applications This eco-profile (LCI) is intended to be used as »cradle-to-gate« building blocks of life cycle assessment (LCA) studies of defined applications or products. LCA studies considering the full life cycle (»cradle-to-grave«) of an application or product allow for comparative assertions to be derived. It is essential to note that comparisons cannot be made at the level of the polymer or its precursors. In order to compare the performance of different materials, the whole life cycle and the effects of relevant life cycle parameters must be considered. It is intended to be used by member companies, to support product-orientated environmental management; by users of plastics, as a building block of life cycle assessment (LCA) studies of individual products; and by other interested parties, as a source of life cycle information.
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2021-04-27T08:58:48.000
Data set format(s)
Data entry by
Publication and ownership
UUID d7679212-da86-4656-b9d7-24423e64a68d
Date of last revision 2021-04-27T08:58:48.000
Data set version 00.00.001
Workflow and publication status Data set finalised; entirely published
Owner of data set
Copyright Yes
License type Other
Access and use restrictions GaBi (source code, database including extension modules and single data sets, documentation) remains property of thinkstep AG. thinkstep AG delivers GaBi licenses comprising data storage medium and manual as ordered by the customer. The license guarantees the right of use for one installation of GaBi. Further installations using the same license are not permitted. Additional licenses are only valid if the licensee holds at least one main license. Licenses are not transferable and must only be used within the licensee's organisation. Data sets may be copied for internal use. The number of copies is restricted to the number of licenses of the software system GaBi the licensee owns. The right of use is exclusively valid for the licensee. All rights reserved.


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Elementary flow BE 3.27602272585192E-4 m2*a3.27602272585192E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow LV 0.00280995044051888 m30.00280995044051888 m3
Elementary flow PL 2.54620600131341E-7 m32.54620600131341E-7 m3
Elementary flow BA 4.68881328267078E-8 m2*a4.68881328267078E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.49824490272517E-15 m21.49824490272517E-15 m2
Elementary flow CL 1.10589685152216E-6 m21.10589685152216E-6 m2
Elementary flow KR 2.08881590672609E-11 m22.08881590672609E-11 m2
Elementary flow 1.29829824979956E-24 m21.29829824979956E-24 m2
Elementary flow CZ 4.91403407472207E-4 m24.91403407472207E-4 m2
Elementary flow 2.94994526346933E-13 MJ2.94994526346933E-13 MJ
Elementary flow PL 4.7151315334113E-4 m2*a4.7151315334113E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow 0.276460506182165 MJ0.276460506182165 MJ
Elementary flow 3.407468965723734E-10 kg3.407468965723734E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.6146460797740207 kg3.6146460797740207 kg
Elementary flow LT 3.27602272602056E-4 m23.27602272602056E-4 m2
Elementary flow MY 1.58634708914843E-5 m31.58634708914843E-5 m3
Elementary flow FI 0.00212941477252168 m20.00212941477252168 m2
Elementary flow BA 1.04977041037009E-8 m2*a1.04977041037009E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow NZ 2.26343486406988E-10 m22.26343486406988E-10 m2
Elementary flow 2.14314058738105E-19 kg2.14314058738105E-19 kg
Elementary flow 2.51729982157569E-12 kg2.51729982157569E-12 kg
Elementary flow TR 2.14056299048282E-8 m22.14056299048282E-8 m2
Elementary flow 0.0603556400556999 kg0.0603556400556999 kg
Elementary flow LU 4.76711763710223E-9 m2*a4.76711763710223E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.89470618180735E-9 m23.89470618180735E-9 m2
Elementary flow -1.09180564998271E-6 m3-1.09180564998271E-6 m3
Elementary flow SK 1.00576813633506E-7 m2*a1.00576813633506E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 6.95376870609362E-21 kg6.95376870609362E-21 kg
Elementary flow 4.217579465564341E-5 kg4.217579465564341E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.55430475027822E-6 MJ2.55430475027822E-6 MJ
Elementary flow 1.34808278187687E-16 m2*a1.34808278187687E-16 m2*a
Elementary flow LT 9.75022944112147E-7 m39.75022944112147E-7 m3
Elementary flow ES 2.5596723644898E-8 m2*a2.5596723644898E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow FR 4.49302653568763E-4 m2*a4.49302653568763E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.46982518235713E-12 kg1.46982518235713E-12 kg
Elementary flow MK 3.65544117272906E-9 m2*a3.65544117272906E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow BA 1.01157773171547E-7 m21.01157773171547E-7 m2
Elementary flow 0.015003071098040893 m30.015003071098040893 m3
Elementary flow 4.31591859521303E-12 kg4.31591859521303E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.80692758038211E-16 kg2.80692758038211E-16 kg
Elementary flow 1.29829824979956E-24 m21.29829824979956E-24 m2
Elementary flow MK 2.65312794609818E-6 m32.65312794609818E-6 m3
Elementary flow 2.26659380924772E-5 kg2.26659380924772E-5 kg
Elementary flow DE 3.74550286623817E-8 m23.74550286623817E-8 m2
Elementary flow NL 3.78935382792626E-4 m33.78935382792626E-4 m3
Elementary flow DE 0.00742979513755779 m2*a0.00742979513755779 m2*a
Elementary flow 4.55035753217683E-16 kg4.55035753217683E-16 kg
Elementary flow 0.0902064764555059 kg0.0902064764555059 kg
Elementary flow 3.75032332482463E-5 m2*a3.75032332482463E-5 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.5230871687953E-4 kg1.5230871687953E-4 kg
Elementary flow FI 0.00212941477252168 m2*a0.00212941477252168 m2*a
Elementary flow NL 4.39701045965536E-9 m24.39701045965536E-9 m2
Elementary flow 5.2605790725108E-22 m25.2605790725108E-22 m2
Elementary flow 2.4828128582259E-13 kg2.4828128582259E-13 kg
Elementary flow CN 1.44552325730179E-5 m31.44552325730179E-5 m3
Elementary flow 42.930017153011406 MJ42.930017153011406 MJ
Elementary flow DE 2.39043024370127E-9 m22.39043024370127E-9 m2
Elementary flow RS 5.90542166596631E-8 m2*a5.90542166596631E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 6.58634947325523E-17 m2*a6.58634947325523E-17 m2*a
Elementary flow AU 4.01929716014915E-5 m34.01929716014915E-5 m3
Elementary flow ID 1.8704001324241E-6 m31.8704001324241E-6 m3
Elementary flow RO 5.23417605009171E-8 m2*a5.23417605009171E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 6.49333459852943E-24 m26.49333459852943E-24 m2
Elementary flow MY 7.36163967694225E-11 m2*a7.36163967694225E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow ES 3.80743695088972E-7 m23.80743695088972E-7 m2
Elementary flow BR 4.27097750768895E-7 m34.27097750768895E-7 m3
Elementary flow TR 6.75095511135807E-9 m2*a6.75095511135807E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.2879524740443563E-4 kg1.2879524740443563E-4 kg
Elementary flow MY 1.99880821154113E-4 m2*a1.99880821154113E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow ZA 2.2683776467963E-7 m32.2683776467963E-7 m3
Elementary flow NO 1.45788325455152E-8 m2*a1.45788325455152E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow IT 2.21849715289974E-8 m22.21849715289974E-8 m2
Elementary flow DE 1.3896297000093E-7 m21.3896297000093E-7 m2
Elementary flow AR -4.57826346031301E-7 m3-4.57826346031301E-7 m3
Elementary flow MX 2.2002133611132E-5 m32.2002133611132E-5 m3
Elementary flow ES 3.7717945113911E-4 m33.7717945113911E-4 m3
Elementary flow ES 3.80743695088972E-7 m23.80743695088972E-7 m2
Elementary flow US 2.23609262235485E-5 m32.23609262235485E-5 m3
Elementary flow NZ 1.84564982325338E-11 m2*a1.84564982325338E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow US 2.597366574351698E-4 m32.597366574351698E-4 m3
Elementary flow US 1.70764658228229E-6 m2*a1.70764658228229E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow ES 1.32862533750077E-11 m21.32862533750077E-11 m2
Elementary flow RU 5.3822404306068E-6 m25.3822404306068E-6 m2
Elementary flow BE 1.43712222870314E-7 m2*a1.43712222870314E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow RS 1.62084047581823E-4 m31.62084047581823E-4 m3
Elementary flow 5.34296743089125E-13 kg5.34296743089125E-13 kg
Elementary flow ID 2.58205774859194E-8 m2*a2.58205774859194E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow IT 0.02451350715559078 m30.02451350715559078 m3
Elementary flow NZ 1.99690679312143E-10 m2*a1.99690679312143E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow 9.89315976534541E-18 m2*a9.89315976534541E-18 m2*a
Elementary flow SL 6.3204096769115E-8 m26.3204096769115E-8 m2
Elementary flow 3.89470721826189E-9 m2*a3.89470721826189E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.376465266251938E-9 kg1.376465266251938E-9 kg
Elementary flow 5.216174245439269E-15 kg5.216174245439269E-15 kg
Elementary flow 2.4873747401509E-7 m22.4873747401509E-7 m2
Elementary flow TH 2.1872084139814E-10 m22.1872084139814E-10 m2
Elementary flow CL 5.89887017995659E-9 m25.89887017995659E-9 m2
Elementary flow TH 1.44747293684302E-11 m2*a1.44747293684302E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow US 7.40637459319935E-7 m37.40637459319935E-7 m3
Elementary flow CN 6.29368068772758E-4 m36.29368068772758E-4 m3
Elementary flow VE 4.05553666819359E-9 m24.05553666819359E-9 m2
Elementary flow IT 6.99267321803174E-9 m26.99267321803174E-9 m2
Elementary flow SE 1.32103350565022E-6 m21.32103350565022E-6 m2
Elementary flow LV 4.91403407471096E-4 m24.91403407471096E-4 m2
Elementary flow 2.2630564647033E-17 m22.2630564647033E-17 m2
Elementary flow SK 9.43937777933529E-8 m2*a9.43937777933529E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow ES 6.34019513178905E-4 m26.34019513178905E-4 m2
Elementary flow HU 3.21598270890395E-10 m23.21598270890395E-10 m2
Elementary flow CO 2.0457618509996E-6 m2*a2.0457618509996E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow CZ 1.63519343693771E-6 m21.63519343693771E-6 m2
Elementary flow FI 0.00212941477252168 m20.00212941477252168 m2
Elementary flow 2.09088987879018E-14 m22.09088987879018E-14 m2
Elementary flow 0.00556685712027551 m30.00556685712027551 m3
Elementary flow 7.31211241832411E-23 kg7.31211241832411E-23 kg
Elementary flow AR 3.24256066443032E-8 m23.24256066443032E-8 m2
Elementary flow 1.92595506143838E-4 kg1.92595506143838E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.25714129235008E-23 kg1.25714129235008E-23 kg
Elementary flow 8.27857321411087E-9 m28.27857321411087E-9 m2
Elementary flow DE 0.00331435123229188 m20.00331435123229188 m2
Elementary flow BR 1.51259077331732E-10 m21.51259077331732E-10 m2
Elementary flow SK 3.86605299980347E-6 m33.86605299980347E-6 m3
Elementary flow FR 0.10476845504003052 m30.10476845504003052 m3
Elementary flow HU 4.54415696884963E-6 m24.54415696884963E-6 m2
Elementary flow BE 3.27602272585192E-4 m23.27602272585192E-4 m2
Elementary flow PH 1.8904111349459213E-15 m31.8904111349459213E-15 m3
Elementary flow 1.05305148594075E-16 kg1.05305148594075E-16 kg
Elementary flow ZA 8.03595086175731E-6 m28.03595086175731E-6 m2
Elementary flow ZA 2.13504313201492E-7 m2*a2.13504313201492E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow RO 2.51371413408384E-7 m22.51371413408384E-7 m2
Elementary flow RS 1.04925927852427E-5 m31.04925927852427E-5 m3
Elementary flow 0.691956430827277 MJ0.691956430827277 MJ
Elementary flow BR 2.02378193774339E-6 m22.02378193774339E-6 m2
Elementary flow 7.25384836500339 kg7.25384836500339 kg
Elementary flow PT 2.70149589021717E-8 m2*a2.70149589021717E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow LU 3.50289024142065E-9 m23.50289024142065E-9 m2
Elementary flow DE 1.52119920486271E-18 m21.52119920486271E-18 m2
Elementary flow ID 2.673782546036851E-5 m32.673782546036851E-5 m3
Elementary flow KZ 5.11817188818826E-8 m2*a5.11817188818826E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow LT 3.27602272602056E-4 m23.27602272602056E-4 m2
Elementary flow BE 2.89448561555702E-9 m22.89448561555702E-9 m2
Elementary flow NZ 7.62237947056259E-6 m37.62237947056259E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.58510639634569E-8 m21.58510639634569E-8 m2
Elementary flow 3.38397689188384E-15 m23.38397689188384E-15 m2
Elementary flow GB 4.85109885302938E-4 m2*a4.85109885302938E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow HU 1.63801135974053E-4 m21.63801135974053E-4 m2
Elementary flow BR 9.21673035876646E-5 m29.21673035876646E-5 m2
Elementary flow DK 1.09095477794023E-6 m31.09095477794023E-6 m3
Elementary flow ES 1.32862533750077E-11 m21.32862533750077E-11 m2
Elementary flow CN 1.7459955498955E-16 m21.7459955498955E-16 m2
Elementary flow 0.00324743275303041 kg0.00324743275303041 kg
Elementary flow BR 7.05113587280068E-17 m27.05113587280068E-17 m2
Elementary flow CO 4.86760328078304E-6 m34.86760328078304E-6 m3
Elementary flow PL 0.0014742102265015 m20.0014742102265015 m2
Elementary flow 5.07882741722381E-6 kg5.07882741722381E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.58430942027007E-14 m2*a1.58430942027007E-14 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.64907115498269E-19 kg1.64907115498269E-19 kg
Elementary flow IN 9.02917591539685E-11 m2*a9.02917591539685E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow SK 2.65288656537553E-8 m2*a2.65288656537553E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow MK 1.58512105623096E-8 m2*a1.58512105623096E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow SE 0.00262213921413897 m20.00262213921413897 m2
Elementary flow TH 1.5256993112571992E-7 m31.5256993112571992E-7 m3
Elementary flow KZ 0.002621124409494739 m30.002621124409494739 m3
Elementary flow SL 6.34839587974096E-9 m2*a6.34839587974096E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow EE 6.91632985889081E-5 m36.91632985889081E-5 m3
Elementary flow ES 1.00125884654554E-7 m21.00125884654554E-7 m2
Elementary flow RS 0.014873920602574644 m30.014873920602574644 m3
Elementary flow 2.48737360789824E-7 m22.48737360789824E-7 m2
Elementary flow FI 4.77948945884981E-6 m34.77948945884981E-6 m3
Elementary flow ES 0.00243814705975142 m30.00243814705975142 m3
Elementary flow MK 0.0013029177269558581 m30.0013029177269558581 m3
Elementary flow SE 3.07244088836335E-9 m23.07244088836335E-9 m2
Elementary flow 1.63433616647771E-6 m21.63433616647771E-6 m2
Elementary flow SK 3.27602272585192E-4 m23.27602272585192E-4 m2
Elementary flow DE 7.04798101743373E-6 m2*a7.04798101743373E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow BA 0.002660226393951262 m30.002660226393951262 m3
Elementary flow MK 1.68944436493094E-8 m2*a1.68944436493094E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow AR 3.24256066443032E-8 m2*a3.24256066443032E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.91629678343806E-18 kg2.91629678343806E-18 kg
Elementary flow RO 5.2113351145925E-7 m25.2113351145925E-7 m2
Elementary flow MX 9.95329433661717E-5 m39.95329433661717E-5 m3
Elementary flow DE 0.00292434900041192 m30.00292434900041192 m3
Elementary flow PL 4.7151315334113E-4 m24.7151315334113E-4 m2
Elementary flow 3.6199487512576E-16 kg3.6199487512576E-16 kg
Elementary flow TH 5.47319551168073E-9 m35.47319551168073E-9 m3
Elementary flow 1.36253815590914E-14 m21.36253815590914E-14 m2
Elementary flow VE 2.24861238220609E-9 m2*a2.24861238220609E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow PT 0.0604992559361696 m30.0604992559361696 m3
Elementary flow AU 3.26649994262398E-6 m23.26649994262398E-6 m2
Elementary flow FR 6.55902733700388E-4 m36.55902733700388E-4 m3
Elementary flow LV 4.91403407471096E-4 m2*a4.91403407471096E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow AU 4.31600978057543E-6 m2*a4.31600978057543E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow CZ 3.36048222164742E-10 m23.36048222164742E-10 m2
Elementary flow BR 2.02214364076423E-6 m22.02214364076423E-6 m2
Elementary flow MX 4.36876954114773E-10 m2*a4.36876954114773E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow DE 0.00205784494219314 m2*a0.00205784494219314 m2*a
Elementary flow CA 4.58402498356405E-6 m24.58402498356405E-6 m2
Elementary flow AT 2.23832483351156E-8 m22.23832483351156E-8 m2
Elementary flow CZ 0.007422417450679632 m30.007422417450679632 m3
Elementary flow BR 1.56925657522451E-6 m21.56925657522451E-6 m2
Elementary flow TR 9.58879068205011E-9 m2*a9.58879068205011E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow NG 1.12286396162259E-4 m31.12286396162259E-4 m3
Elementary flow SI 1.74369441070618E-5 m31.74369441070618E-5 m3
Elementary flow HU 1.63801135974053E-4 m2*a1.63801135974053E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow 5.2605790725108E-22 m25.2605790725108E-22 m2
Elementary flow 6.0247901200291E-16 m2*a6.0247901200291E-16 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.873222763221E-16 m2*a3.873222763221E-16 m2*a
Elementary flow ES 6.55204546039335E-4 m26.55204546039335E-4 m2
Elementary flow DE 0.00742979513603694 m20.00742979513603694 m2
Elementary flow SK 3.27602272602056E-4 m2*a3.27602272602056E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow CA 5.61837881832581E-8 m2*a5.61837881832581E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow GB 2.75786020993923E-7 m2*a2.75786020993923E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow JP -1.756452118416762E-4 m3-1.756452118416762E-4 m3
Elementary flow LT 9.60137777613548E-11 m29.60137777613548E-11 m2
Elementary flow 7.56839860684799E-6 kg7.56839860684799E-6 kg
Elementary flow EE 3.27602272602056E-4 m23.27602272602056E-4 m2
Elementary flow 1.9532215225102675E-5 kg1.9532215225102675E-5 kg
Elementary flow 3.25066215874695E-5 m33.25066215874695E-5 m3
Elementary flow ZA 4.465453108158803E-5 m34.465453108158803E-5 m3
Elementary flow SG 5.28861569347014E-9 m35.28861569347014E-9 m3
Elementary flow RO 2.51371413408384E-7 m2*a2.51371413408384E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.01580139932689E-7 m23.01580139932689E-7 m2
Elementary flow KR 1.15586397251615E-10 m31.15586397251615E-10 m3
Elementary flow 4.69203843977777E-21 m24.69203843977777E-21 m2
Elementary flow BG 4.77767119307491E-4 m34.77767119307491E-4 m3
Elementary flow CL 9.93242193412966E-8 m2*a9.93242193412966E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow FI 0.004216489864188627 m30.004216489864188627 m3
Elementary flow NL 4.0536591473044E-9 m2*a4.0536591473044E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.95208157695322E-15 m21.95208157695322E-15 m2
Elementary flow US 1.11559683217529E-10 m21.11559683217529E-10 m2
Elementary flow IN 1.80406213314723E-7 m31.80406213314723E-7 m3
Elementary flow ES 6.34019513178905E-4 m26.34019513178905E-4 m2
Elementary flow RO 2.41909220119718E-7 m2*a2.41909220119718E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow NZ 8.19634879388588E-12 m2*a8.19634879388588E-12 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.98438711109843E-17 m21.98438711109843E-17 m2
Elementary flow FI 6.72096444329484E-10 m26.72096444329484E-10 m2
Elementary flow 7.99163715329035E-15 kg7.99163715329035E-15 kg
Elementary flow SK 2.16732074495766E-7 m22.16732074495766E-7 m2
Elementary flow 0.005823902000752944 kg0.005823902000752944 kg
Elementary flow 7.356932522602528E-5 kg7.356932522602528E-5 kg
Elementary flow 4.45953939693929E-13 m24.45953939693929E-13 m2
Elementary flow 1.895154262731485E-7 kg1.895154262731485E-7 kg
Elementary flow 9.53416459711745E-14 kg9.53416459711745E-14 kg
Elementary flow 9.61804556483213E-18 m2*a9.61804556483213E-18 m2*a
Elementary flow RS 2.56189553350262E-7 m2*a2.56189553350262E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow SK 9.60137777613548E-11 m29.60137777613548E-11 m2
Elementary flow NL 0.00205676734506436 m30.00205676734506436 m3
Elementary flow BG 1.31763476764658E-7 m2*a1.31763476764658E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.10453580978308E-12 m2*a2.10453580978308E-12 m2*a
Elementary flow VN 1.73591971989946E-10 m2*a1.73591971989946E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow MX 3.08406493520954E-9 m23.08406493520954E-9 m2
Elementary flow MY 1.9988082115332E-4 m21.9988082115332E-4 m2
Elementary flow 3.4353911368906473E-6 kg3.4353911368906473E-6 kg
Elementary flow RU 1.25877544979861E-6 m2*a1.25877544979861E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow HU 4.72217756961023E-7 m2*a4.72217756961023E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow SK 2.16732074495766E-7 m22.16732074495766E-7 m2
Elementary flow 3.71720626368078E-5 m23.71720626368078E-5 m2
Elementary flow IT 1.99895941217689E-20 m2*a1.99895941217689E-20 m2*a
Elementary flow 4.36898370960772E-17 kg4.36898370960772E-17 kg
Elementary flow JP 2.14275540540928E-10 m22.14275540540928E-10 m2
Elementary flow PT 1.03770241526615E-4 m31.03770241526615E-4 m3
Elementary flow UA 5.02586396766318E-7 m35.02586396766318E-7 m3
Elementary flow FR 4.49302653558084E-4 m24.49302653558084E-4 m2
Elementary flow 4.65104905488314E-14 m2*a4.65104905488314E-14 m2*a
Elementary flow JP 1.06388555093748E-8 m2*a1.06388555093748E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.89470615394427E-9 m23.89470615394427E-9 m2
Elementary flow RU 3.60107107530426E-4 m33.60107107530426E-4 m3
Elementary flow BR 9.21673050986027E-5 m2*a9.21673050986027E-5 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.04625497244433E-15 m21.04625497244433E-15 m2
Elementary flow ZA 8.03595086175731E-6 m28.03595086175731E-6 m2
Elementary flow PL 9.60137244813324E-11 m29.60137244813324E-11 m2
Elementary flow 8.87013766371302E-14 kg8.87013766371302E-14 kg
Elementary flow CA 7.47940221892107E-4 m37.47940221892107E-4 m3
Elementary flow SI 1.12697602511277E-6 m31.12697602511277E-6 m3
Elementary flow RU 2.74790812734956E-7 m22.74790812734956E-7 m2
Elementary flow UA 8.71997076198967E-8 m28.71997076198967E-8 m2
Elementary flow 0.521469651095823 MJ0.521469651095823 MJ
Elementary flow 1.5672115158798E-4 kg1.5672115158798E-4 kg
Elementary flow CH 1.02493029197698E-7 m2*a1.02493029197698E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow GR 3.45835510245666E-8 m2*a3.45835510245666E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow PL 5.34093895967456E-5 m35.34093895967456E-5 m3
Elementary flow TH 6.68982177796557E-11 m2*a6.68982177796557E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow KZ 8.79444496002266E-5 m38.79444496002266E-5 m3
Elementary flow SE 1.33332285326034E-8 m31.33332285326034E-8 m3
Elementary flow UA 0.007778011215778293 m30.007778011215778293 m3
Elementary flow AU 4.77134196791663E-7 m2*a4.77134196791663E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow RU 5.3822404306068E-6 m25.3822404306068E-6 m2
Elementary flow DE 6.79987928581847E-6 m2*a6.79987928581847E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.94651750959633E-18 m21.94651750959633E-18 m2
Elementary flow BR 2.02393058450172E-6 m2*a2.02393058450172E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow MX 2.3744135979084E-8 m32.3744135979084E-8 m3
Elementary flow ES 6.34019513178905E-4 m2*a6.34019513178905E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.47576579458293E-14 kg2.47576579458293E-14 kg
Elementary flow AT 0.13263620274620955 m30.13263620274620955 m3
Elementary flow 3.86773609588115E-15 m23.86773609588115E-15 m2
Elementary flow 1.45633209564209E-16 kg1.45633209564209E-16 kg
Elementary flow IT 3.27602272602056E-4 m2*a3.27602272602056E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow SE 0.02449735827234022 m30.02449735827234022 m3
Elementary flow ES 3.80743695088972E-7 m2*a3.80743695088972E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow NO 4.91403407471096E-4 m24.91403407471096E-4 m2
Elementary flow EE 4.76711763710223E-9 m2*a4.76711763710223E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.21926350681093E-6 kg3.21926350681093E-6 kg
Elementary flow FR 1.33062754356134E-8 m21.33062754356134E-8 m2
Elementary flow CA 4.98484404624569E-6 m24.98484404624569E-6 m2
Elementary flow 4.96653835547124E-9 kg4.96653835547124E-9 kg
Elementary flow EE 3.27602272602056E-4 m2*a3.27602272602056E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow CH 2.06429622186913E-9 m22.06429622186913E-9 m2
Elementary flow CO 2.66366069184952E-5 m32.66366069184952E-5 m3
Elementary flow 2.29242510799627E-10 kg2.29242510799627E-10 kg
Elementary flow RO 2.26883168095853E-7 m2*a2.26883168095853E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow AU 7.01567325315002E-7 m2*a7.01567325315002E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.743219161119701E-10 kg2.743219161119701E-10 kg
Elementary flow NL 4.39701045965536E-9 m24.39701045965536E-9 m2
Elementary flow 3.29099089547047E-17 m2*a3.29099089547047E-17 m2*a
Elementary flow CA 3.70212048165599E-5 m33.70212048165599E-5 m3
Elementary flow TR 5.06590318779917E-9 m2*a5.06590318779917E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 4.3945788461246E-12 kg4.3945788461246E-12 kg
Elementary flow FI 1.18304051063985E-7 m31.18304051063985E-7 m3
Elementary flow GR 2.17395662241514E-4 m32.17395662241514E-4 m3
Elementary flow DE 0.21557583555845766 m30.21557583555845766 m3
Elementary flow PL 4.76423852529368E-7 m2*a4.76423852529368E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow LU 9.60137777613548E-11 m29.60137777613548E-11 m2
Elementary flow IN 1.03502182676536E-6 m2*a1.03502182676536E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow -5.657487473495475E-13 kg-5.657487473495475E-13 kg
Elementary flow US 1.45441631436449E-10 m21.45441631436449E-10 m2
Elementary flow TR 6.466968064822109E-4 m36.466968064822109E-4 m3
Elementary flow NL 4.0536591473044E-9 m24.0536591473044E-9 m2
Elementary flow BE 0.00857703077176096 m30.00857703077176096 m3
Elementary flow DK 3.84727135154043E-5 m33.84727135154043E-5 m3
Elementary flow IT 8.05065074265521E-8 m2*a8.05065074265521E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow US 3.23059684761496E-6 m23.23059684761496E-6 m2
Elementary flow CN 2.15079831044691E-10 m22.15079831044691E-10 m2
Elementary flow RO 4.76631655968502E-9 m34.76631655968502E-9 m3
Elementary flow DE 1.3896297000093E-7 m21.3896297000093E-7 m2
Elementary flow 2.16257555359496E-15 m22.16257555359496E-15 m2
Elementary flow 4.8582092445707E-8 kg4.8582092445707E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.18088375276368E-21 kg3.18088375276368E-21 kg
Elementary flow BG 1.55451097665321E-4 m31.55451097665321E-4 m3
Elementary flow NL 9.69312559395366E-11 m29.69312559395366E-11 m2
Elementary flow BG 1.64084893821415E-4 m21.64084893821415E-4 m2
Elementary flow IT 1.99895941217689E-20 m21.99895941217689E-20 m2
Elementary flow NG 0.005762184112852188 m30.005762184112852188 m3
Elementary flow RU 2.74790812734956E-7 m22.74790812734956E-7 m2
Elementary flow GB 1.45859455409363E-7 m2*a1.45859455409363E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow AT 2.23832483351156E-8 m2*a2.23832483351156E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow ID 3.93477475149683E-7 m2*a3.93477475149683E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow US 1.11559683217529E-10 m21.11559683217529E-10 m2
Elementary flow 1.45621739486371E-15 m21.45621739486371E-15 m2
Elementary flow IN 3.96334629057328E-19 m23.96334629057328E-19 m2
Elementary flow 1.3544605906426E-15 m21.3544605906426E-15 m2
Elementary flow NL 2.18313106738134E-7 m2*a2.18313106738134E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.80616522333318E-9 kg2.80616522333318E-9 kg
Elementary flow NO 9.84636962663223E-10 m29.84636962663223E-10 m2
Elementary flow 5.24049096303823E-15 kg5.24049096303823E-15 kg
Elementary flow ZA 7.73339885031845E-6 m2*a7.73339885031845E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow GB 1.81627334561341E-7 m2*a1.81627334561341E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow AU 3.17583848063589E-6 m33.17583848063589E-6 m3
Elementary flow NO 1.66978254848934E-4 m31.66978254848934E-4 m3
Elementary flow 6.4910121223164845E-6 kg6.4910121223164845E-6 kg
Elementary flow KR 2.08881590672609E-11 m22.08881590672609E-11 m2
Elementary flow DK 1.9202755552271E-9 m21.9202755552271E-9 m2
Elementary flow CZ 3.36048222164742E-10 m23.36048222164742E-10 m2
Elementary flow 1.94051485451849E-5 kg1.94051485451849E-5 kg
Elementary flow 4.31634768808578E-16 kg4.31634768808578E-16 kg
Elementary flow VE 6.00734786269809E-5 m36.00734786269809E-5 m3
Elementary flow FR 8.44008951450281E-9 m28.44008951450281E-9 m2
Elementary flow SI 0.00797350864712739 m30.00797350864712739 m3
Elementary flow VE 1.65063524295634E-9 m2*a1.65063524295634E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow UA 4.2160274889315E-8 m2*a4.2160274889315E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.82361774903116 kg3.82361774903116 kg
Elementary flow 7.12690139199571E-14 kg7.12690139199571E-14 kg
Elementary flow ID 1.83378351511762E-6 m31.83378351511762E-6 m3
Elementary flow FI 3.33698234597157E-8 m2*a3.33698234597157E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow BG 1.63801135974053E-4 m21.63801135974053E-4 m2
Elementary flow SE 3.07244088836335E-9 m23.07244088836335E-9 m2
Elementary flow 1.74396439793548E-15 kg1.74396439793548E-15 kg
Elementary flow CL 3.22933190313463E-8 m33.22933190313463E-8 m3
Elementary flow 1.91636648155792 MJ1.91636648155792 MJ
Elementary flow VE 4.05553666819359E-9 m24.05553666819359E-9 m2
Elementary flow HU 1.60683488807185E-4 m31.60683488807185E-4 m3
Elementary flow 1.18081357679892E-16 m21.18081357679892E-16 m2
Elementary flow SE 1.32103350565022E-6 m2*a1.32103350565022E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow MY 2.96877168745018E-10 m2*a2.96877168745018E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow GB 4.91403407471096E-4 m2*a4.91403407471096E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow 4.32134048981251E-6 m2*a4.32134048981251E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow LU -5.31505819553137E-7 m3-5.31505819553137E-7 m3
Elementary flow 3.02903133028743E-13 kg3.02903133028743E-13 kg
Elementary flow KZ 5.83353310616377E-7 m35.83353310616377E-7 m3
Elementary flow IT 8.05065074265521E-8 m28.05065074265521E-8 m2
Elementary flow UA 4.50394327305818E-8 m2*a4.50394327305818E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 5.12383957644534E-7 kg5.12383957644534E-7 kg
Elementary flow 0.0115845521011279 MJ0.0115845521011279 MJ
Elementary flow 1.72772729912372E-7 kg1.72772729912372E-7 kg
Elementary flow PL 0.00147724857091526 m20.00147724857091526 m2
Elementary flow 2.53776222506018E-13 m2*a2.53776222506018E-13 m2*a
Elementary flow NZ 2.26343486406988E-10 m22.26343486406988E-10 m2
Elementary flow KR 1.01543122331278E-11 m2*a1.01543122331278E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow MY 6.18464907927574E-10 m2*a6.18464907927574E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow RO 5.2113351145925E-7 m25.2113351145925E-7 m2
Elementary flow VE 3.08836335617716E-4 m33.08836335617716E-4 m3
Elementary flow VE 2.16011781669215E-8 m32.16011781669215E-8 m3
Elementary flow 8.18450753654234E-19 kg8.18450753654234E-19 kg
Elementary flow SE 9.18241919889389E-8 m29.18241919889389E-8 m2
Elementary flow BR 8.66790650311126E-6 m28.66790650311126E-6 m2
Elementary flow 1.06569886928955E-6 m21.06569886928955E-6 m2
Elementary flow 0.161955695855082 kg0.161955695855082 kg
Elementary flow IE 4.76711763710223E-9 m2*a4.76711763710223E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow MY 2.49920913486713E-6 m32.49920913486713E-6 m3
Elementary flow BR 1.56910531614717E-6 m2*a1.56910531614717E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow GR 3.44145293979134E-7 m23.44145293979134E-7 m2
Elementary flow IT 3.27609265275274E-4 m23.27609265275274E-4 m2
Elementary flow 2.896247494665E-15 m22.896247494665E-15 m2
Elementary flow DE 3.72174236579015E-6 m2*a3.72174236579015E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow 6.77528245186296E-15 m2*a6.77528245186296E-15 m2*a
Elementary flow RU 0.02869305747455876 m30.02869305747455876 m3
Elementary flow AT 6.55204546039335E-4 m26.55204546039335E-4 m2
Elementary flow 1.3656111669855E-6 kg1.3656111669855E-6 kg
Elementary flow GR 3.44145293979134E-7 m23.44145293979134E-7 m2
Elementary flow SK 3.27602272602056E-4 m23.27602272602056E-4 m2
Elementary flow RS 5.88175397213077E-7 m25.88175397213077E-7 m2
Elementary flow 3.98425554326938E-17 kg3.98425554326938E-17 kg
Elementary flow GB 4.28367063246825E-9 m24.28367063246825E-9 m2
Elementary flow AT 1.29618599977829E-9 m21.29618599977829E-9 m2
Elementary flow 7.45077302628198E-13 kg7.45077302628198E-13 kg
Elementary flow CA 4.7784415163906E-6 m2*a4.7784415163906E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.12435154637794E-16 m23.12435154637794E-16 m2
Elementary flow 3.46244114462609E-10 kg3.46244114462609E-10 kg
Elementary flow KZ 1.21780085166965E-7 m21.21780085166965E-7 m2
Elementary flow FR 4.49302654979183E-4 m24.49302654979183E-4 m2
Elementary flow GB 3.90587054494387E-7 m23.90587054494387E-7 m2
Elementary flow UA 8.71997076198967E-8 m28.71997076198967E-8 m2
Elementary flow CL 1.07194909981119E-5 m31.07194909981119E-5 m3
Elementary flow LU 3.50289024142065E-9 m2*a3.50289024142065E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow GB 4.91403407471096E-4 m24.91403407471096E-4 m2
Elementary flow BE 1.56934151843008E-4 m31.56934151843008E-4 m3
Elementary flow 6.3809350469236E-6 kg6.3809350469236E-6 kg
Elementary flow RU 3.71263051777588E-4 m33.71263051777588E-4 m3
Elementary flow US 6.48603053110947E-7 m2*a6.48603053110947E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow CA 3.09889086557296E-9 m23.09889086557296E-9 m2
Elementary flow RO 4.91403408867694E-4 m24.91403408867694E-4 m2
Elementary flow SE 9.18241919889389E-8 m2*a9.18241919889389E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow LU 3.50289024142065E-9 m23.50289024142065E-9 m2
Elementary flow ES 1.00125884654554E-7 m21.00125884654554E-7 m2
Elementary flow IT 2.21849715289974E-8 m22.21849715289974E-8 m2
Elementary flow 1.45633209564209E-18 kg1.45633209564209E-18 kg
Elementary flow 3.53327587273781E-16 m23.53327587273781E-16 m2
Elementary flow 2.45270494876282E-14 m22.45270494876282E-14 m2
Elementary flow 2.82114775066921E-17 m2*a2.82114775066921E-17 m2*a
Elementary flow IS 3.99842394785005E-5 m33.99842394785005E-5 m3
Elementary flow PT 4.91403407471096E-4 m24.91403407471096E-4 m2
Elementary flow PT 0.00111322749461339 m30.00111322749461339 m3
Elementary flow 6.14508207364536E-17 m26.14508207364536E-17 m2
Elementary flow BG 2.83757477908025E-7 m22.83757477908025E-7 m2
Elementary flow HU 1.97924888561823E-6 m2*a1.97924888561823E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow 9.34472040227152E-14 m29.34472040227152E-14 m2
Elementary flow IE 1.03028035646964E-5 m31.03028035646964E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.56488740371091E-5 kg1.56488740371091E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.91629678343806E-18 kg2.91629678343806E-18 kg
Elementary flow RO 0.00170740055269272 m30.00170740055269272 m3
Elementary flow MK 3.64010508796099E-8 m23.64010508796099E-8 m2
Elementary flow VN 1.13884172962005E-9 m31.13884172962005E-9 m3
Elementary flow HU 1.68345292927052E-4 m21.68345292927052E-4 m2
Elementary flow 1.01057372725208E-15 m21.01057372725208E-15 m2
Elementary flow NL 1.49272036771952E-4 m31.49272036771952E-4 m3
Elementary flow 5.91967482551337E-20 m2*a5.91967482551337E-20 m2*a
Elementary flow IT 1.98414719383189E-4 m31.98414719383189E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.91546581503612E-15 m22.91546581503612E-15 m2
Elementary flow CZ 1.63519343693771E-6 m21.63519343693771E-6 m2
Elementary flow CN 3.32822385457208E-7 m2*a3.32822385457208E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 0.0021008680633087065 kg0.0021008680633087065 kg
Elementary flow HU 0.00702531830703849 m30.00702531830703849 m3
Elementary flow 5.02044475587809E-17 m25.02044475587809E-17 m2
Elementary flow FR 0.00196561363397531 m2*a0.00196561363397531 m2*a
Elementary flow IE 2.211578925495953E-4 m32.211578925495953E-4 m3
Elementary flow LV 2.97980542487285E-7 m32.97980542487285E-7 m3
Elementary flow BR 1.40849350324064E-12 m2*a1.40849350324064E-12 m2*a
Elementary flow LT 1.25558357271905E-5 m31.25558357271905E-5 m3
Elementary flow -1.76935914726403E-10 MJ-1.76935914726403E-10 MJ
Elementary flow CL 7.70727288827604E-5 m37.70727288827604E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.38085105729029E-14 kg1.38085105729029E-14 kg
Elementary flow VN 5.82655987190433E-10 m25.82655987190433E-10 m2
Elementary flow HU 2.1086633476821E-6 m2*a2.1086633476821E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow CA 1.53316859759662E-7 m2*a1.53316859759662E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow KR 2.05505100497685E-12 m2*a2.05505100497685E-12 m2*a
Elementary flow 9.94892711291901E-4 kg9.94892711291901E-4 kg
Elementary flow CL 2.44905185134195E-9 m2*a2.44905185134195E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow LT 4.76711763710223E-9 m2*a4.76711763710223E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.67851723657246E-7 m21.67851723657246E-7 m2
Elementary flow IT 2.49924534752347E-8 m2*a2.49924534752347E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow CH 0.01614831351316273 m30.01614831351316273 m3
Elementary flow VN 5.82655987190433E-10 m25.82655987190433E-10 m2
Elementary flow ES 1.36939476914783E-9 m21.36939476914783E-9 m2
Elementary flow 7.44843839161162E-12 kg7.44843839161162E-12 kg
Elementary flow 0.0183217480935888 kg0.0183217480935888 kg
Elementary flow IT 1.04433563835368E-5 m31.04433563835368E-5 m3
Elementary flow SK 0.01291807359035535 m30.01291807359035535 m3
Elementary flow DE 1.55685762174899E-5 m21.55685762174899E-5 m2
Elementary flow 6.954623685897542E-18 kg6.954623685897542E-18 kg
Elementary flow 5.77219921520265E-18 m25.77219921520265E-18 m2
Elementary flow CN 6.70052272482082E-10 m26.70052272482082E-10 m2
Elementary flow 1.29829824979956E-24 m2*a1.29829824979956E-24 m2*a
Elementary flow US 3.23045136595808E-6 m23.23045136595808E-6 m2
Elementary flow 1.02909250729722 MJ1.02909250729722 MJ
Elementary flow FR 0.00100225117725474 m30.00100225117725474 m3
Elementary flow DE 0.0090423673398754 m30.0090423673398754 m3
Elementary flow GB 1.72863848231358E-5 m31.72863848231358E-5 m3
Elementary flow US 8.79892799844962E-7 m2*a8.79892799844962E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow AT 2.23832483351156E-8 m22.23832483351156E-8 m2
Elementary flow 3.98447032629388E-18 kg3.98447032629388E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.709460217569787 MJ1.709460217569787 MJ
Elementary flow PL 0.00147421022660767 m2*a0.00147421022660767 m2*a
Elementary flow KR 8.67879619576968E-12 m2*a8.67879619576968E-12 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.63433630011708E-6 m2*a1.63433630011708E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow ES 4.39380689955986E-8 m2*a4.39380689955986E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow ES 6.55204546020251E-4 m26.55204546020251E-4 m2
Elementary flow IE 9.60137777613548E-11 m29.60137777613548E-11 m2
Elementary flow IE 1.41958638207787E-7 m31.41958638207787E-7 m3
Elementary flow 1.69182322685771E-26 kg1.69182322685771E-26 kg
Elementary flow NZ 5.15753389388233E-8 m35.15753389388233E-8 m3
Elementary flow 2.77959827888308E-8 kg2.77959827888308E-8 kg
Elementary flow FR 4.27016320450135E-7 m2*a4.27016320450135E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.93670136239033E-8 kg2.93670136239033E-8 kg
Elementary flow 0.00306539321919511 kg0.00306539321919511 kg
Elementary flow DE 0.00206325388913221 m20.00206325388913221 m2
Elementary flow CZ 4.91403407472207E-4 m24.91403407472207E-4 m2
Elementary flow GB 4.85109884094187E-4 m24.85109884094187E-4 m2
Elementary flow BA 2.68153695469537E-5 m32.68153695469537E-5 m3
Elementary flow 5.6066813153498E-6 kg5.6066813153498E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.56688870497052E-15 m21.56688870497052E-15 m2
Elementary flow NO 4.91403407471096E-4 m2*a4.91403407471096E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow CZ 2.44643066710674E-5 m32.44643066710674E-5 m3
Elementary flow 0.0135804137659124 MJ0.0135804137659124 MJ
Elementary flow KZ 1.5952388414498E-8 m2*a1.5952388414498E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow DK 9.53423527420447E-8 m2*a9.53423527420447E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow CN 1.7459955498955E-16 m21.7459955498955E-16 m2
Elementary flow RO 9.30048933281492E-6 m39.30048933281492E-6 m3
Elementary flow ES 7.56179069172242E-6 m37.56179069172242E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.83076935747785E-27 kg1.83076935747785E-27 kg
Elementary flow 3.91391838973657E-16 kg3.91391838973657E-16 kg
Elementary flow GR 1.49726503584685E-7 m2*a1.49726503584685E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow AT 1.29618599977829E-9 m21.29618599977829E-9 m2
Elementary flow PT 6.89408097981288E-5 m36.89408097981288E-5 m3
Elementary flow HU 3.21598270890395E-10 m23.21598270890395E-10 m2
Elementary flow 17.6442878355602 kg17.6442878355602 kg
Elementary flow IN 1.03526042521212E-6 m21.03526042521212E-6 m2
Elementary flow US 5.13743359241319E-5 m25.13743359241319E-5 m2
Elementary flow US 5.23155960906169E-5 m25.23155960906169E-5 m2
Elementary flow KZ 5.46460226283645E-8 m2*a5.46460226283645E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow BR 7.05113587280068E-17 m27.05113587280068E-17 m2
Elementary flow BR 1.20389680476451E-12 m2*a1.20389680476451E-12 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.8351996395666846E-18 kg2.8351996395666846E-18 kg
Elementary flow PL 1.04179291923551E-4 m31.04179291923551E-4 m3
Elementary flow MY 2.99775099550474E-6 m32.99775099550474E-6 m3
Elementary flow IN 2.52263486652362E-6 m32.52263486652362E-6 m3
Elementary flow AU 6.36697492878721E-6 m36.36697492878721E-6 m3
Elementary flow BR 8.06570799254759E-6 m38.06570799254759E-6 m3
Elementary flow BG 5.05788627358797E-6 m35.05788627358797E-6 m3
Elementary flow MY 9.91969087180232E-10 m29.91969087180232E-10 m2
Elementary flow KR 8.605044556966086E-7 m38.605044556966086E-7 m3
Elementary flow ZA 8.90477032356361E-8 m2*a8.90477032356361E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 8.48117834664651E-18 m28.48117834664651E-18 m2
Elementary flow AU 1.3750823130747E-10 m21.3750823130747E-10 m2
Elementary flow 7.57930319588545E-14 m2*a7.57930319588545E-14 m2*a
Elementary flow BR 8.66790592732132E-6 m2*a8.66790592732132E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow DK 1.9202755552271E-9 m21.9202755552271E-9 m2
Elementary flow GR 1.59851013426074E-7 m2*a1.59851013426074E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow SE 1.42227493573014E-5 m31.42227493573014E-5 m3
Elementary flow MY 4.59311967811582E-7 m34.59311967811582E-7 m3
Elementary flow 0.00989642967255235 kg0.00989642967255235 kg
Elementary flow 1.56612228077562E-15 m21.56612228077562E-15 m2
Elementary flow GR 6.13287379071805E-6 m36.13287379071805E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.43939482113662E-14 m21.43939482113662E-14 m2
Elementary flow PL 9.60137244813324E-11 m29.60137244813324E-11 m2
Elementary flow SE 0.00262081818063669 m2*a0.00262081818063669 m2*a
Elementary flow AR 3.24256066443032E-8 m23.24256066443032E-8 m2
Elementary flow NO 7.06206398527484E-8 m2*a7.06206398527484E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow TH 1.63335580863847E-8 m31.63335580863847E-8 m3
Elementary flow 9.04432819558474E-7 kg9.04432819558474E-7 kg
Elementary flow CZ 9.59823764007244E-5 m39.59823764007244E-5 m3
Elementary flow NL 4.0536591473044E-9 m24.0536591473044E-9 m2
Elementary flow 1.23969740616056E-27 m21.23969740616056E-27 m2
Elementary flow BA 4.3772059103435E-8 m2*a4.3772059103435E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.63433614686103E-6 m21.63433614686103E-6 m2
Elementary flow NO 3.64375853424623E-8 m23.64375853424623E-8 m2
Elementary flow MX 1.22237056497132E-9 m2*a1.22237056497132E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow MY 9.91969087180232E-10 m29.91969087180232E-10 m2
Elementary flow NO 4.91403407471096E-4 m24.91403407471096E-4 m2
Elementary flow HU 2.9429261497123E-4 m32.9429261497123E-4 m3
Elementary flow RS 2.7293234618407E-7 m2*a2.7293234618407E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow NL 9.69312559395366E-11 m2*a9.69312559395366E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow PT 8.85750225000508E-13 m2*a8.85750225000508E-13 m2*a
Elementary flow NL 2.1809975893227E-4 m22.1809975893227E-4 m2
Elementary flow ES 1.36939476914783E-9 m21.36939476914783E-9 m2
Elementary flow CL 5.89887017995659E-9 m25.89887017995659E-9 m2
Elementary flow CN 6.70052272482082E-10 m26.70052272482082E-10 m2
Elementary flow US 5.23155960906169E-5 m2*a5.23155960906169E-5 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.93092298880852E-15 m2*a1.93092298880852E-15 m2*a
Elementary flow MK 3.64010508796099E-8 m23.64010508796099E-8 m2
Elementary flow 2.57035027878701E-5 kg2.57035027878701E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.65412431852197E-15 m2*a1.65412431852197E-15 m2*a
Elementary flow BG 1.63801135974053E-4 m2*a1.63801135974053E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow RS 5.88175397213077E-7 m25.88175397213077E-7 m2
Elementary flow 2.39213176547959E-27 m22.39213176547959E-27 m2
Elementary flow 2.91629678343806E-16 kg2.91629678343806E-16 kg
Elementary flow SK 9.60137777613548E-11 m29.60137777613548E-11 m2
Elementary flow AU 2.20338165280295E-6 m22.20338165280295E-6 m2
Elementary flow JP -2.05877726025536E-7 m3-2.05877726025536E-7 m3
Elementary flow ZA 1.78940589043637E-6 m31.78940589043637E-6 m3
Elementary flow PT 5.44104101832472E-10 m25.44104101832472E-10 m2
Elementary flow LT 9.60137777613548E-11 m29.60137777613548E-11 m2
Elementary flow IN 2.1180538261593166E-4 m32.1180538261593166E-4 m3
Elementary flow 1.20958776964004E-22 kg1.20958776964004E-22 kg
Elementary flow 29.1897421244314 MJ29.1897421244314 MJ
Elementary flow TH 2.1872084139814E-10 m22.1872084139814E-10 m2
Elementary flow DE 0.00331435123230282 m2*a0.00331435123230282 m2*a
Elementary flow CL 1.10648124524934E-6 m2*a1.10648124524934E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow GR 1.53530039000088E-11 m21.53530039000088E-11 m2
Elementary flow JP 1.18636656650876E-11 m31.18636656650876E-11 m3
Elementary flow GB 4.85109885302938E-4 m24.85109885302938E-4 m2
Elementary flow AT 6.55204546039335E-4 m26.55204546039335E-4 m2
Elementary flow 7.41575110032924E-15 m27.41575110032924E-15 m2
Elementary flow EE 3.27602272585192E-4 m23.27602272585192E-4 m2
Elementary flow RO 2.51371413408384E-7 m22.51371413408384E-7 m2
Elementary flow 1.17924740686584E-19 m21.17924740686584E-19 m2
Elementary flow 0.00767198278717694 MJ0.00767198278717694 MJ
Elementary flow SE 9.18241919889389E-8 m29.18241919889389E-8 m2
Elementary flow AU 2.46881068642101E-8 m22.46881068642101E-8 m2
Elementary flow 6.59540622217738E-16 m26.59540622217738E-16 m2
Elementary flow 3.22691804932517E-25 kg3.22691804932517E-25 kg
Elementary flow ID 1.5090415535803E-7 m2*a1.5090415535803E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow GB 3.90587054494387E-7 m23.90587054494387E-7 m2
Elementary flow FR 7.78326677851689E-13 m2*a7.78326677851689E-13 m2*a
Elementary flow SE 0.00262081817999556 m20.00262081817999556 m2
Elementary flow RU 2.13853137539269E-10 m22.13853137539269E-10 m2
Elementary flow CZ 3.68102679517565E-7 m2*a3.68102679517565E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow CO 4.41590798790119E-6 m24.41590798790119E-6 m2
Elementary flow 5.37331524823602E-16 kg5.37331524823602E-16 kg
Elementary flow NO 1.93548488613838E-5 m31.93548488613838E-5 m3
Elementary flow TH 1.37348070478862E-10 m2*a1.37348070478862E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow IT 2.0815192879264E-9 m32.0815192879264E-9 m3
Elementary flow VN 2.05011883707899E-10 m2*a2.05011883707899E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow IT 1.73791122692749E-7 m2*a1.73791122692749E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow JP 2.14275540540928E-10 m22.14275540540928E-10 m2
Elementary flow DE 0.00332451086038104 m20.00332451086038104 m2
Elementary flow 1.64890158282067E-17 m21.64890158282067E-17 m2
Elementary flow SK 7.24143545851572E-4 m37.24143545851572E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.94976033191514E-20 kg2.94976033191514E-20 kg
Elementary flow BA 1.01157773171547E-7 m21.01157773171547E-7 m2
Elementary flow GB 3.96780336764125E-4 m33.96780336764125E-4 m3
Elementary flow BE 3.27602272585192E-4 m23.27602272585192E-4 m2
Elementary flow KZ 1.21780071567346E-7 m21.21780071567346E-7 m2
Elementary flow RU 2.14017120529339E-6 m2*a2.14017120529339E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow VN 2.04052401450485E-10 m2*a2.04052401450485E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow GB 4.91403407471096E-4 m24.91403407471096E-4 m2
Elementary flow CZ 4.91403407472207E-4 m2*a4.91403407472207E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow 5.03609291950398E-14 kg5.03609291950398E-14 kg
Elementary flow EE 2.73729632877979E-9 m32.73729632877979E-9 m3
Elementary flow 6.52544111466792E-21 kg6.52544111466792E-21 kg
Elementary flow KR 8.88760315557799E-8 m38.88760315557799E-8 m3
Elementary flow NO 0.1139220232295833 m30.1139220232295833 m3
Elementary flow SE 1.52547764387271E-7 m2*a1.52547764387271E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow NO 3.64375853424623E-8 m23.64375853424623E-8 m2
Elementary flow IT 3.27602272602056E-4 m23.27602272602056E-4 m2
Elementary flow 1.2454913647513E-13 m2*a1.2454913647513E-13 m2*a
Elementary flow MX 1.42782960779304E-9 m2*a1.42782960779304E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow LV 4.91403408867694E-4 m24.91403408867694E-4 m2
Elementary flow CH 2.06429622186913E-9 m22.06429622186913E-9 m2
Elementary flow 5.79809502539945E-16 kg5.79809502539945E-16 kg
Elementary flow 9.97599563917498E-16 m29.97599563917498E-16 m2
Elementary flow CO 4.41590798790119E-6 m24.41590798790119E-6 m2
Elementary flow FR 8.44008951450281E-9 m28.44008951450281E-9 m2
Elementary flow 5.82846330750568E-19 m25.82846330750568E-19 m2
Elementary flow BR 2.41288047597972E-4 m32.41288047597972E-4 m3
Elementary flow 3.45779617870352E-12 kg3.45779617870352E-12 kg
Elementary flow NL 2.1809975893227E-4 m22.1809975893227E-4 m2
Elementary flow RU 2.2687131153216E-6 m2*a2.2687131153216E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow IS 9.95305622904717E-10 m39.95305622904717E-10 m3
Elementary flow AT 6.98909074513846E-5 m36.98909074513846E-5 m3
Elementary flow NL 0.00165374463956826 m30.00165374463956826 m3
Elementary flow 3.76479779926486E-5 m23.76479779926486E-5 m2
Elementary flow RU 2.13853137539269E-10 m22.13853137539269E-10 m2
Elementary flow RO 4.91403408867694E-4 m2*a4.91403408867694E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow PH 4.72407126075586E-17 m34.72407126075586E-17 m3
Elementary flow BG 2.85095885976185E-8 m2*a2.85095885976185E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 6.72088200934107E-7 kg6.72088200934107E-7 kg
Elementary flow NL 2.1809975893227E-4 m2*a2.1809975893227E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow US 1.32759584255891E-4 m31.32759584255891E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.63025008940742E-20 m2*a2.63025008940742E-20 m2*a
Elementary flow MX 3.08406493520954E-9 m23.08406493520954E-9 m2
Elementary flow 1.02996980330341E-15 kg1.02996980330341E-15 kg
Elementary flow MY 1.99880821154113E-4 m21.99880821154113E-4 m2
Elementary flow IT 3.41600678777455E-9 m23.41600678777455E-9 m2
Elementary flow BE 0.021736005271991737 m30.021736005271991737 m3
Elementary flow TR 2.14056299048282E-8 m22.14056299048282E-8 m2
Elementary flow 2.04713550488352E-17 kg2.04713550488352E-17 kg
Elementary flow EE 5.0347714327682E-5 m35.0347714327682E-5 m3
Elementary flow RO 1.23945611601526E-4 m31.23945611601526E-4 m3
Elementary flow BR 9.10075502134355E-7 m39.10075502134355E-7 m3
Elementary flow BR 1.63829848718505E-9 m21.63829848718505E-9 m2
Elementary flow 3.06375276696619E-16 kg3.06375276696619E-16 kg
Elementary flow EE 9.60137777613548E-11 m29.60137777613548E-11 m2
Elementary flow NL 9.69312559395366E-11 m29.69312559395366E-11 m2
Elementary flow ES 9.85953488327881E-8 m2*a9.85953488327881E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 7.50217162170329E-12 m2*a7.50217162170329E-12 m2*a
Elementary flow LU -1.07406490258371E-6 m3-1.07406490258371E-6 m3
Elementary flow CA 4.03917977382342E-7 m24.03917977382342E-7 m2
Elementary flow PL 1.67407714002217E-6 m2*a1.67407714002217E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.38901929700777E-20 m21.38901929700777E-20 m2
Elementary flow CA 3.57185832221633E-6 m33.57185832221633E-6 m3
Elementary flow 8.7817991201281E-19 m28.7817991201281E-19 m2
Elementary flow LT 3.27602272602056E-4 m2*a3.27602272602056E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow 8.61888788414859E-27 m28.61888788414859E-27 m2
Elementary flow CZ 5.48411475694945E-7 m2*a5.48411475694945E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow DE 0.00742979513753971 m20.00742979513753971 m2
Elementary flow 3.37832127617582E-15 m23.37832127617582E-15 m2
Elementary flow PT 4.91403408867694E-4 m2*a4.91403408867694E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow PT 5.44104101832472E-10 m25.44104101832472E-10 m2
Elementary flow 2.63513528653799E-4 kg2.63513528653799E-4 kg
Elementary flow CO 1.92751283422619E-6 m2*a1.92751283422619E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow FR 0.00196562694025063 m20.00196562694025063 m2
Elementary flow IE 9.60137777613548E-11 m29.60137777613548E-11 m2
Elementary flow 7.25440427454685E-12 m27.25440427454685E-12 m2
Elementary flow BR 9.21673050986027E-5 m29.21673050986027E-5 m2
Elementary flow CN 1.45578306559691E-8 m2*a1.45578306559691E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow FR 0.00196561363547808 m20.00196561363547808 m2
Elementary flow TR 3.12621530345325E-7 m33.12621530345325E-7 m3
Elementary flow AU 3.29314792355502E-6 m23.29314792355502E-6 m2
Elementary flow GR 5.29352881928203E-6 m35.29352881928203E-6 m3
Elementary flow 0.0216101481683028 kg0.0216101481683028 kg
Elementary flow CH 3.6382183761621E-5 m33.6382183761621E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.06156720389251E-8 kg1.06156720389251E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.03088411262363E-13 m2*a2.03088411262363E-13 m2*a
Elementary flow 4.3795010649178E-16 m24.3795010649178E-16 m2
Elementary flow PL 3.58191014866447E-4 m33.58191014866447E-4 m3
Elementary flow 8.89743544943011E-10 kg8.89743544943011E-10 kg
Elementary flow ID 5.7020220799363E-7 m25.7020220799363E-7 m2
Elementary flow -1.2289332344819933E-9 MJ-1.2289332344819933E-9 MJ
Elementary flow TR 4.86781087375748E-6 m34.86781087375748E-6 m3
Elementary flow MK 6.49221951704483E-7 m36.49221951704483E-7 m3
Elementary flow SL 6.3204096769115E-8 m26.3204096769115E-8 m2
Elementary flow CN 4.43169200611059E-7 m24.43169200611059E-7 m2
Elementary flow IT 8.05065074265521E-8 m28.05065074265521E-8 m2
Elementary flow CZ 7.35365733089649E-7 m2*a7.35365733089649E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow ES 6.55204546020251E-4 m2*a6.55204546020251E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow IT 3.41600678777455E-9 m23.41600678777455E-9 m2
Elementary flow ES 5.5121656480703E-6 m35.5121656480703E-6 m3
Elementary flow BR 8.66790595285455E-6 m28.66790595285455E-6 m2
Elementary flow IN 1.03526042521252E-6 m21.03526042521252E-6 m2
Elementary flow LU 9.60137777613548E-11 m29.60137777613548E-11 m2
Elementary flow 0.00346132594229788 m30.00346132594229788 m3
Elementary flow CN 5.22926885868666E-6 m35.22926885868666E-6 m3
Elementary flow PT 8.85750225000508E-13 m28.85750225000508E-13 m2
Elementary flow DE 2.39043024370127E-9 m22.39043024370127E-9 m2
Elementary flow 1.06569887127763E-6 m21.06569887127763E-6 m2
Elementary flow BR 1.56910531614717E-6 m21.56910531614717E-6 m2
Elementary flow DE 8.53549469510159E-5 m38.53549469510159E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.61262437818098E-9 kg1.61262437818098E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.96187282157574E-13 m2*a4.96187282157574E-13 m2*a
Elementary flow RO 4.91403407471096E-4 m24.91403407471096E-4 m2
Elementary flow GB 5.02494039426796E-7 m35.02494039426796E-7 m3
Elementary flow VN 6.23199506922769E-9 m36.23199506922769E-9 m3
Elementary flow NO 9.84636962663223E-10 m29.84636962663223E-10 m2
Elementary flow CL 1.10589685152216E-6 m21.10589685152216E-6 m2
Elementary flow PL 8.92612740305364E-7 m2*a8.92612740305364E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 0.0019490581781016 MJ0.0019490581781016 MJ
Elementary flow NZ 3.21024237207196E-9 m33.21024237207196E-9 m3
Elementary flow IN 1.48306741831392E-10 m2*a1.48306741831392E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.51902882359649E-19 m23.51902882359649E-19 m2
Elementary flow SL 2.9340539591756E-8 m2*a2.9340539591756E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow PT 8.85750225000508E-13 m28.85750225000508E-13 m2
Elementary flow AT 6.55204546039335E-4 m2*a6.55204546039335E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow AR -9.00487318114523E-9 m3-9.00487318114523E-9 m3
Elementary flow 6.78134078077119E-22 kg6.78134078077119E-22 kg
Elementary flow GB 7.98056087063174E-5 m37.98056087063174E-5 m3
Elementary flow HU 0.0165232431928281 m30.0165232431928281 m3
Elementary flow BA 1.79398850874993E-6 m31.79398850874993E-6 m3
Elementary flow CN 4.42954076171923E-7 m24.42954076171923E-7 m2
Elementary flow PL 4.7151315334113E-4 m24.7151315334113E-4 m2
Elementary flow BE 2.89448561555702E-9 m22.89448561555702E-9 m2
Elementary flow 1.08006225433261E-10 kg1.08006225433261E-10 kg
Elementary flow FR 5.34257213700043E-9 m2*a5.34257213700043E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow BE 0.00144288637734199 m30.00144288637734199 m3
Elementary flow CO 4.42640329268733E-7 m2*a4.42640329268733E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow DE 0.00205784495743319 m20.00205784495743319 m2
Elementary flow AT 6.43560881008801E-8 m2*a6.43560881008801E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.37820468763501E-15 m2*a3.37820468763501E-15 m2*a
Elementary flow SL 2.75152385888896E-8 m2*a2.75152385888896E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow EE 9.60137777613548E-11 m29.60137777613548E-11 m2
Elementary flow PL 3.03834430880782E-6 m23.03834430880782E-6 m2
Elementary flow FI 6.72096444329484E-10 m26.72096444329484E-10 m2
Elementary flow 1.1478576825336E-14 m2*a1.1478576825336E-14 m2*a
Elementary flow -2.96099373628808E-15 m2*a-2.96099373628808E-15 m2*a
Elementary flow AU 2.20155927082049E-6 m22.20155927082049E-6 m2
Elementary flow GR 1.53530039000088E-11 m21.53530039000088E-11 m2
Elementary flow 3.60867934406214E-11 kg3.60867934406214E-11 kg
Elementary flow BG 1.23484759647976E-7 m2*a1.23484759647976E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.48737577242245E-7 m2*a2.48737577242245E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow NO 1.25682419086037E-10 m2*a1.25682419086037E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.58688364674569E-4 kg3.58688364674569E-4 kg
Elementary flow -1.68094456405896E-21 kg-1.68094456405896E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.07580786106663E-16 m21.07580786106663E-16 m2
Elementary flow GB 4.28367063246825E-9 m24.28367063246825E-9 m2
Elementary flow FR 3.03014173682422E-6 m33.03014173682422E-6 m3
Elementary flow VE 1.56289481338932E-10 m2*a1.56289481338932E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow ID 5.7020220799363E-7 m25.7020220799363E-7 m2
Elementary flow DE 3.74550286623817E-8 m23.74550286623817E-8 m2
Elementary flow UA 0.00113659389887002 m30.00113659389887002 m3
Elementary flow PT 4.91403408867694E-4 m24.91403408867694E-4 m2


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Elementary flow 0.00105065401834314 kg0.00105065401834314 kg
Elementary flow 4.61648930693298E-7 kg4.61648930693298E-7 kg
Elementary flow 0.006327323877333928 kg0.006327323877333928 kg
Elementary flow 1.42617327865057E-6 kg1.42617327865057E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.25991746207186E-6 kg2.25991746207186E-6 kg
Elementary flow 0.0010160142296108973 kg0.0010160142296108973 kg
Elementary flow 4.60261648501895E-13 kg4.60261648501895E-13 kg
Elementary flow 6.6087004860521E-17 kg6.6087004860521E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.69448181156644E-6 kg1.69448181156644E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.35300503722817E-16 kg3.35300503722817E-16 kg
Elementary flow 5.60055669967396E-16 kg5.60055669967396E-16 kg
Elementary flow 7.10775092208369E-19 kg7.10775092208369E-19 kg
Elementary flow 9.50303756212665E-4 kg9.50303756212665E-4 kg
Elementary flow 4.73263472404208E-20 kg4.73263472404208E-20 kg
Elementary flow 2.39264119461421E-14 kg2.39264119461421E-14 kg
Elementary flow 5.24995264677114E-8 kg5.24995264677114E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.00193640717598E-22 kg2.00193640717598E-22 kg
Elementary flow 7.12982867174807E-10 kg7.12982867174807E-10 kg
Elementary flow 5.16095765464975E-24 kg5.16095765464975E-24 kg
Elementary flow 4.61523295176011E-10 kg4.61523295176011E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.64521545517206E-20 kg1.64521545517206E-20 kg
Elementary flow 9.45667906584984E-12 kg9.45667906584984E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.3284562681965513E-17 kg2.3284562681965513E-17 kg
Elementary flow 6.83690347073835E-13 kg6.83690347073835E-13 kg
Elementary flow 6.95130809263386E-23 kg6.95130809263386E-23 kg
Elementary flow 4.03272913622899E-8 kg4.03272913622899E-8 kg
Elementary flow 5.0367449591352235E-9 kg5.0367449591352235E-9 kg
Elementary flow CO 2.52033680710971E-5 m32.52033680710971E-5 m3
Elementary flow GR 4.90629903379831E-6 m34.90629903379831E-6 m3
Elementary flow 4.66004195759774E-25 kg4.66004195759774E-25 kg
Elementary flow ZA 4.45571294507204E-5 m34.45571294507204E-5 m3
Elementary flow 2.42329796963002E-15 kg2.42329796963002E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.29670307243736E-22 kg1.29670307243736E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.1143606436593E-21 kg1.1143606436593E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.73197704822295E-4 kg1.73197704822295E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.51759887973266E-7 kg1.51759887973266E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.91044230846569E-8 kg1.91044230846569E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.51414374821453E-8 kg1.51414374821453E-8 kg
Elementary flow 7.63457525675471E-5 kg7.63457525675471E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.36140787901328E-11 kg1.36140787901328E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.81772742433853E-9 kg1.81772742433853E-9 kg
Elementary flow 9.40239083897271E-23 kg9.40239083897271E-23 kg
Elementary flow BG 1.5263156329062E-4 m31.5263156329062E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.81582859887826E-14 kg2.81582859887826E-14 kg
Elementary flow 3.27157066114553E-12 kg3.27157066114553E-12 kg
Elementary flow 7.98977685235558E-23 kBq7.98977685235558E-23 kBq
Elementary flow VN 6.44949125643921E-9 m36.44949125643921E-9 m3
Elementary flow MK 5.19377561275215E-7 m35.19377561275215E-7 m3
Elementary flow 1.2180424637609464E-5 kg1.2180424637609464E-5 kg
Elementary flow 4.43582764203918E-18 kg4.43582764203918E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.1228421270389784E-9 kg1.1228421270389784E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.83044268298944E-11 kg2.83044268298944E-11 kg
Elementary flow 4.161138416700126E-12 kg4.161138416700126E-12 kg
Elementary flow 8.68252945250893E-7 kg8.68252945250893E-7 kg
Elementary flow UA 0.00777022329327558 m30.00777022329327558 m3
Elementary flow 9.06605566776911E-6 kBq9.06605566776911E-6 kBq
Elementary flow UA 0.00112532684827753 m30.00112532684827753 m3
Elementary flow 4.33222287594736E-22 kg4.33222287594736E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.2036233800615E-27 kg1.2036233800615E-27 kg
Elementary flow ZA 8.19163608424371E-7 m38.19163608424371E-7 m3
Elementary flow CA 7.45887752369893E-4 m37.45887752369893E-4 m3
Elementary flow 4.54311427904324E-23 kg4.54311427904324E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.71842061557239E-19 kg1.71842061557239E-19 kg
Elementary flow FR 5.46569204573565E-5 m35.46569204573565E-5 m3
Elementary flow 8.91933595850512E-10 kg8.91933595850512E-10 kg
Elementary flow SI 9.0158081999759E-7 m39.0158081999759E-7 m3
Elementary flow 6.58938932016465E-20 kg6.58938932016465E-20 kg
Elementary flow 9.96680270229241E-12 kg9.96680270229241E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.17481254345898E-21 kg1.17481254345898E-21 kg
Elementary flow 4.285937213552456E-10 kg4.285937213552456E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.56117627603113E-7 kg3.56117627603113E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.13622346717853E-24 kg1.13622346717853E-24 kg
Elementary flow -4.09843866049762E-14 kg-4.09843866049762E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.14167417939877E-17 kg1.14167417939877E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.18186707466331E-17 kg1.18186707466331E-17 kg
Elementary flow 3.40609899020651E-18 kBq3.40609899020651E-18 kBq
Elementary flow BR 2.53193021184158E-8 m32.53193021184158E-8 m3
Elementary flow 4.05649918409509E-23 kg4.05649918409509E-23 kg
Elementary flow 5.79169106611238E-23 kg5.79169106611238E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.06535541003646E-9 kg1.06535541003646E-9 kg
Elementary flow 0.00847397067760763 kg0.00847397067760763 kg
Elementary flow 2.73387178345364E-24 kg2.73387178345364E-24 kg
Elementary flow 4.88667255816317E-23 kg4.88667255816317E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.16000953123924E-21 kg1.16000953123924E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.24126479725338E-22 kg1.24126479725338E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.06068225253625E-9 kg1.06068225253625E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.6315613706594E-24 kg4.6315613706594E-24 kg
Elementary flow 9.57216745931051E-27 kg9.57216745931051E-27 kg
Elementary flow 2.12483362744358E-5 kg2.12483362744358E-5 kg
Elementary flow 5.47260828707296E-23 kg5.47260828707296E-23 kg
Elementary flow 9.06668992017932E-6 kBq9.06668992017932E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00708554757677314 kg0.00708554757677314 kg
Elementary flow MK 0.00130254507070839 m30.00130254507070839 m3
Elementary flow 2.08675597383652E-12 kg2.08675597383652E-12 kg
Elementary flow CZ 7.81008325794449E-5 m37.81008325794449E-5 m3
Elementary flow 9.10027265315605E-10 kg9.10027265315605E-10 kg
Elementary flow 11.86298346670092 kg11.86298346670092 kg
Elementary flow 3.1012786848531407E-7 kg3.1012786848531407E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.83106016593411E-17 kBq2.83106016593411E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 2.42475198409839E-11 kg2.42475198409839E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.69224200378835E-5 kg2.69224200378835E-5 kg
Elementary flow 3.68960536733025E-19 kg3.68960536733025E-19 kg
Elementary flow 9.59994575381188E-11 kg9.59994575381188E-11 kg
Elementary flow 5.49636062031717E-18 kBq5.49636062031717E-18 kBq
Elementary flow 6.04453721805628E-10 kg6.04453721805628E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.84228330580732E-6 kg2.84228330580732E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.55090567753545E-11 kg1.55090567753545E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.01461358256777E-22 kg1.01461358256777E-22 kg
Elementary flow 9.73334499927792E-24 kg9.73334499927792E-24 kg
Elementary flow 4.30875230896218E-19 kg4.30875230896218E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.86199404663034E-11 kg1.86199404663034E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.60379282826951E-10 kg1.60379282826951E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.22966939042784E-6 kg3.22966939042784E-6 kg
Elementary flow 4.55022052482379E-7 kBq4.55022052482379E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 1.35316902096913E-5 kBq1.35316902096913E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 1.07953376060908E-21 kg1.07953376060908E-21 kg
Elementary flow RS 8.39407422810493E-6 m38.39407422810493E-6 m3
Elementary flow -4.55199505243434E-23 kg-4.55199505243434E-23 kg
Elementary flow 7.07254790288721E-8 kBq7.07254790288721E-8 kBq
Elementary flow BG 4.72930293508964E-4 m34.72930293508964E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.08037339781891E-21 kg2.08037339781891E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.56408310702939E-19 kg1.56408310702939E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.65001051730573E-19 kg1.65001051730573E-19 kg
Elementary flow 5.54632754921101E-15 kg5.54632754921101E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.2743653810975673E-25 kg1.2743653810975673E-25 kg
Elementary flow 4.08169879263326E-25 kg4.08169879263326E-25 kg
Elementary flow 1.90782245977982E-11 kg1.90782245977982E-11 kg
Elementary flow MY 1.97759014571645E-8 m31.97759014571645E-8 m3
Elementary flow 4.21379143239586E-22 kg4.21379143239586E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.07434438738463E-18 kg1.07434438738463E-18 kg
Elementary flow -7.38828606076644E-13 kg-7.38828606076644E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.83558363776117E-19 kg2.83558363776117E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.10066953872375E-5 kg1.10066953872375E-5 kg
Elementary flow 3.12322654503186E-8 kg3.12322654503186E-8 kg
Elementary flow HU 0.0068096643570533 m30.0068096643570533 m3
Elementary flow 3.37881239431994E-23 kg3.37881239431994E-23 kg
Elementary flow CN 1.25836950765943E-5 m31.25836950765943E-5 m3
Elementary flow LT 1.21931149187879E-5 m31.21931149187879E-5 m3
Elementary flow KR 7.99335868791E-8 m37.99335868791E-8 m3
Elementary flow 5.822843486050534E-11 kg5.822843486050534E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.277943254610269E-5 kBq3.277943254610269E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 2.1441120417804E-28 kg2.1441120417804E-28 kg
Elementary flow ID 1.46831582419182E-6 m31.46831582419182E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.75024293133648E-18 kg1.75024293133648E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.01716880795845E-16 kBq1.01716880795845E-16 kBq
Elementary flow 2.82756172271391E-12 kg2.82756172271391E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.31798042877417E-7 kg1.31798042877417E-7 kg
Elementary flow 7.49398204914928E-7 kg7.49398204914928E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.79970932985786E-16 kg4.79970932985786E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.76285307651487E-22 kg2.76285307651487E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.2949524188464E-9 kg1.2949524188464E-9 kg
Elementary flow GB 3.88457180763216E-4 m33.88457180763216E-4 m3
Elementary flow 41.025401441614804 kBq41.025401441614804 kBq
Elementary flow 4.48413490440836E-22 kg4.48413490440836E-22 kg
Elementary flow 7.25522208074496E-11 kg7.25522208074496E-11 kg
Elementary flow 7.81399720429983E-23 kg7.81399720429983E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.26618287939339E-14 kBq1.26618287939339E-14 kBq
Elementary flow 1.03898037012869E-6 kg1.03898037012869E-6 kg
Elementary flow 4.788976522031407E-7 kg4.788976522031407E-7 kg
Elementary flow SE 1.06665828243793E-8 m31.06665828243793E-8 m3
Elementary flow 2.66725362124804E-9 kg2.66725362124804E-9 kg
Elementary flow 5.55812612009912E-22 kg5.55812612009912E-22 kg
Elementary flow GB 2.86768964219128E-6 m32.86768964219128E-6 m3
Elementary flow 3.59186313677103E-9 kg3.59186313677103E-9 kg
Elementary flow 9.0757038160982E-18 kg9.0757038160982E-18 kg
Elementary flow 2.23514770590349E-23 kg2.23514770590349E-23 kg
Elementary flow 9.63607601905631E-23 kg9.63607601905631E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.8157693065419073E-7 kg1.8157693065419073E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.3674819160262E-6 kg4.3674819160262E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.784438404521004E-4 kg1.784438404521004E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.16410611232057E-23 kg2.16410611232057E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.53680745088096E-20 kg3.53680745088096E-20 kg
Elementary flow 9.29410805570312E-22 kg9.29410805570312E-22 kg
Elementary flow 0.002742960486299852 m30.002742960486299852 m3
Elementary flow 3.36729699401149E-11 kg3.36729699401149E-11 kg
Elementary flow 5.80966813345921E-15 kBq5.80966813345921E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 0.027124888992079262 kBq0.027124888992079262 kBq
Elementary flow IN 1.53353065322302E-7 m31.53353065322302E-7 m3
Elementary flow AR -4.54448517074627E-7 m3-4.54448517074627E-7 m3
Elementary flow 5.011173983629744E-16 kg5.011173983629744E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.28092811360028E-18 kg2.28092811360028E-18 kg
Elementary flow 8.19387780266373E-6 kg8.19387780266373E-6 kg
Elementary flow -1.77280961711682E-11 kg-1.77280961711682E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.23533199207017E-23 kg1.23533199207017E-23 kg
Elementary flow BA 0.00265993180309771 m30.00265993180309771 m3
Elementary flow 2.56492803353056E-10 kg2.56492803353056E-10 kg
Elementary flow 8.59854675718952E-13 kg8.59854675718952E-13 kg
Elementary flow 8.78999405884406E-22 kg8.78999405884406E-22 kg
Elementary flow NL 3.3088677442324804E-4 m33.3088677442324804E-4 m3
Elementary flow 4.00498723959741E-19 kg4.00498723959741E-19 kg
Elementary flow 7.44669439644327E-9 kg7.44669439644327E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.12628773385543E-16 kg1.12628773385543E-16 kg
Elementary flow 7.55044915168378E-9 kg7.55044915168378E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.60048025445485E-23 kg1.60048025445485E-23 kg
Elementary flow 6.20691466020351E-7 kg6.20691466020351E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.96795023348543E-18 kg1.96795023348543E-18 kg
Elementary flow 3.5725988921494E-6 kBq3.5725988921494E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.50697426635318E-13 kg1.50697426635318E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.61989256028739E-8 kg1.61989256028739E-8 kg
Elementary flow 8.05092695092622E-9 kg8.05092695092622E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.532313248657586E-5 kg3.532313248657586E-5 kg
Elementary flow 5.31080131662747E-13 kg5.31080131662747E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.18773652516716E-8 kg1.18773652516716E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.50940114840648E-23 kg3.50940114840648E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.43462440145611E-15 kg1.43462440145611E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.58943457310947E-21 kg1.58943457310947E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.69635012614015E-22 kg1.69635012614015E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.2912819797153E-9 kg1.2912819797153E-9 kg
Elementary flow 7.01674544123506E-7 kg7.01674544123506E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.57518871359386E-23 kg4.57518871359386E-23 kg
Elementary flow 5.28490079130723E-23 kg5.28490079130723E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.74748549032958E-18 kg1.74748549032958E-18 kg
Elementary flow CN 6.24751363785738E-4 m36.24751363785738E-4 m3
Elementary flow 3.333299049471E-11 kg3.333299049471E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.49409693840231E-18 kg3.49409693840231E-18 kg
Elementary flow 4.73263472405514E-15 kBq4.73263472405514E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 2.96734323347713E-22 kg2.96734323347713E-22 kg
Elementary flow 4.55266253116555E-17 kg4.55266253116555E-17 kg
Elementary flow ES 0.0023708243084996 m30.0023708243084996 m3
Elementary flow 8.53499805395359E-7 kg8.53499805395359E-7 kg
Elementary flow 5.60953941584137E-23 kg5.60953941584137E-23 kg
Elementary flow 5.73280270631831E-7 kg5.73280270631831E-7 kg
Elementary flow 8.15476515953421E-23 kg8.15476515953421E-23 kg
Elementary flow IT 0.024481598410458 m30.024481598410458 m3
Elementary flow 0.0622726272634507 kg0.0622726272634507 kg
Elementary flow 9.12901283783695E-8 kg9.12901283783695E-8 kg
Waste flow 0.00597397747527588 kg0.00597397747527588 kg
Elementary flow 2.87072477388218E-22 kg2.87072477388218E-22 kg
Elementary flow EE 2.18983706486677E-9 m32.18983706486677E-9 m3
Elementary flow 1.92082443811222E-17 kg1.92082443811222E-17 kg
Elementary flow 0.0155451175089145 m30.0155451175089145 m3
Elementary flow 0.8995864180984864 MJ0.8995864180984864 MJ
Elementary flow 3.54418316200548E-4 kg3.54418316200548E-4 kg
Elementary flow 3.75413214631426E-22 kg3.75413214631426E-22 kg
Elementary flow 5.45529385356143E-25 kg5.45529385356143E-25 kg
Elementary flow 1.51306865053759E-10 kg1.51306865053759E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.71864536702802E-22 kg1.71864536702802E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.00368954652858E-17 kBq2.00368954652858E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 1.41956539417704E-21 kg1.41956539417704E-21 kg
Elementary flow 4.28658436613462E-6 kBq4.28658436613462E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.31380117497403E-18 kg1.31380117497403E-18 kg
Elementary flow 5.03297679594381E-11 kg5.03297679594381E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.12868629916025E-17 kg1.12868629916025E-17 kg
Elementary flow 4.90724967700659E-12 kg4.90724967700659E-12 kg
Elementary flow 9.25764907460741E-11 kg9.25764907460741E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.02232104445318E-22 kg1.02232104445318E-22 kg
Elementary flow 9.24503456326648E-21 kg9.24503456326648E-21 kg
Elementary flow 3.28415784104702E-10 kg3.28415784104702E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.56932924971516E-23 kg3.56932924971516E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.99535831107887E-9 kg1.99535831107887E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.0552097455479025E-6 kg3.0552097455479025E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.11993189337285E-16 kg1.11993189337285E-16 kg
Elementary flow PL 3.37155669526881E-4 m33.37155669526881E-4 m3
Elementary flow 7.83946858364358E-7 kg7.83946858364358E-7 kg
Elementary flow 5.42314295746739E-14 kg5.42314295746739E-14 kg
Elementary flow 5.45463430719684E-25 kg5.45463430719684E-25 kg
Elementary flow 3.18823115213508E-10 kg3.18823115213508E-10 kg
Elementary flow FR 9.1838735214135E-4 m39.1838735214135E-4 m3
Elementary flow 1.20086226850576E-19 kg1.20086226850576E-19 kg
Elementary flow 8.092264973668322E-4 kg8.092264973668322E-4 kg
Elementary flow 0.0793265202521866 kg0.0793265202521866 kg
Elementary flow 4.97054093490146E-22 kg4.97054093490146E-22 kg
Elementary flow 6.151913169085786 MJ6.151913169085786 MJ
Elementary flow 1.21115935343575E-16 kBq1.21115935343575E-16 kBq
Elementary flow 2.04468061034387E-18 kg2.04468061034387E-18 kg
Elementary flow PT 8.96219195047648E-4 m38.96219195047648E-4 m3
Elementary flow 1.24004576177225E-17 kg1.24004576177225E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.036033049568E-9 kg1.036033049568E-9 kg
Elementary flow MX 2.17372364937298E-5 m32.17372364937298E-5 m3
Elementary flow 6.423885739802734E-4 kg6.423885739802734E-4 kg
Elementary flow 8.23665332045687E-8 kg8.23665332045687E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.79880199622409E-18 kg1.79880199622409E-18 kg
Elementary flow 2.1971782697246E-8 kg2.1971782697246E-8 kg
Elementary flow US 1.90325009887677E-5 m31.90325009887677E-5 m3
Elementary flow 8.35340569969388E-20 kg8.35340569969388E-20 kg
Waste flow 6.55654072327482E-4 kg6.55654072327482E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.0389663479881212E-7 kg1.0389663479881212E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.43919114343615E-6 kg4.43919114343615E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.315939150189E-23 kg2.315939150189E-23 kg
Elementary flow NL 0.00146281454413337 m30.00146281454413337 m3
Elementary flow 4.73263472405502E-18 kg4.73263472405502E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.44437036219776E-6 kBq1.44437036219776E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 3.69092643070111E-16 kg3.69092643070111E-16 kg
Elementary flow 3.222147535911451E-5 kg3.222147535911451E-5 kg
Elementary flow -1.32360179371309E-17 kg-1.32360179371309E-17 kg
Elementary flow 3.67964562517363E-24 kg3.67964562517363E-24 kg
Elementary flow 8.41045720372308E-16 kg8.41045720372308E-16 kg
Elementary flow PL 1.01281999002434E-4 m31.01281999002434E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.36631739448722E-15 kBq2.36631739448722E-15 kBq
Elementary flow ID 1.78635083169234E-6 m31.78635083169234E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.36432335202739E-19 kg1.36432335202739E-19 kg
Elementary flow 4.84298732794427E-23 kg4.84298732794427E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.59123177840296E-21 kg1.59123177840296E-21 kg
Elementary flow 3.08229101572972E-6 kg3.08229101572972E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.08681879591923E-17 kg1.08681879591923E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.78355756307887E-24 kg1.78355756307887E-24 kg
Elementary flow TR 4.51981876223163E-6 m34.51981876223163E-6 m3
Elementary flow 3.0526470735463E-24 kg3.0526470735463E-24 kg
Elementary flow 9.83053857522718E-17 kg9.83053857522718E-17 kg
Elementary flow FI 2.37816648223004E-6 m32.37816648223004E-6 m3
Elementary flow CZ 0.00741954383140963 m30.00741954383140963 m3
Elementary flow 8.36729514238099E-22 kg8.36729514238099E-22 kg
Elementary flow BA 1.43657487949588E-6 m31.43657487949588E-6 m3
Elementary flow 3.86104592130523E-24 kg3.86104592130523E-24 kg
Elementary flow 2.7892495204706003E-10 kg2.7892495204706003E-10 kg
Elementary flow 6.07282075695305E-7 kg6.07282075695305E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.61749216993769E-23 kg1.61749216993769E-23 kg
Elementary flow 4.71330533710901E-17 kg4.71330533710901E-17 kg
Elementary flow 0.0033106765381525 kBq0.0033106765381525 kBq
Elementary flow 9.26338319714132E-24 kg9.26338319714132E-24 kg
Elementary flow KZ 0.00261743946748889 m30.00261743946748889 m3
Elementary flow 3.31952161287566E-23 kg3.31952161287566E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.44530631542575E-11 kg3.44530631542575E-11 kg
Elementary flow 7.21510400694745E-11 kg7.21510400694745E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.29163322227556E-23 kg1.29163322227556E-23 kg
Elementary flow 4.61272573460417E-9 kg4.61272573460417E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.22046716046051E-21 kg2.22046716046051E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.51120752839614E-9 kg1.51120752839614E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.23240445642223E-6 kg1.23240445642223E-6 kg
Elementary flow 5.62664823226155E-29 kg5.62664823226155E-29 kg
Elementary flow 2.1200136006278E-8 kg2.1200136006278E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.39361437208149E-5 kg2.39361437208149E-5 kg
Elementary flow NG 1.11597238790488E-4 m31.11597238790488E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.633695048026E-8 kBq2.633695048026E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 1.59014218094177E-7 kg1.59014218094177E-7 kg
Elementary flow RO 7.43415192397762E-6 m37.43415192397762E-6 m3
Elementary flow 9.96681372612101E-7 kg9.96681372612101E-7 kg
Elementary flow AU 1.2281137558916E-6 m31.2281137558916E-6 m3
Elementary flow 3.33114889592972E-13 kg3.33114889592972E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.54871129153184E-23 kg1.54871129153184E-23 kg
Elementary flow 4.12312003931423E-13 kg4.12312003931423E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.70656292651629E-16 kg1.70656292651629E-16 kg
Elementary flow 0.00674512172042261 kBq0.00674512172042261 kBq
Elementary flow 1.44154447366865E-5 kBq1.44154447366865E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 4.30613404833758E-4 kBq4.30613404833758E-4 kBq
Elementary flow RO 1.19292725515393E-4 m31.19292725515393E-4 m3
Elementary flow 0.00139324622181643 kg0.00139324622181643 kg
Elementary flow 3.0670310481291E-13 kg3.0670310481291E-13 kg
Elementary flow 3.04146401761576E-14 kg3.04146401761576E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.79701287785368E-21 kg1.79701287785368E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.37512910006282E-8 kg1.37512910006282E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.83267408098947E-13 kg3.83267408098947E-13 kg
Elementary flow 3.1308867148803E-15 kg3.1308867148803E-15 kg
Elementary flow JP -7.95945684637404E-8 m3-7.95945684637404E-8 m3
Elementary flow 2.36850136644681E-18 kg2.36850136644681E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.79698411691926E-15 kBq1.79698411691926E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 1.43567860028096E-11 kg1.43567860028096E-11 kg
Elementary flow 8.4962247313593E-22 kg8.4962247313593E-22 kg
Elementary flow 9.83444176056628E-11 kg9.83444176056628E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.34628960059123E-22 kg1.34628960059123E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.98842073487147E-23 kg2.98842073487147E-23 kg
Elementary flow CL 1.05851850594187E-5 m31.05851850594187E-5 m3
Elementary flow ES 3.56794917154856E-4 m33.56794917154856E-4 m3
Elementary flow AT 6.86650177722748E-5 m36.86650177722748E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.33264382740892E-9 kg1.33264382740892E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.36022002199254E-22 kg2.36022002199254E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.65077927059136E-23 kg1.65077927059136E-23 kg
Elementary flow 7.67953097478546E-15 kg7.67953097478546E-15 kg
Elementary flow 9.27491747806308E-17 kg9.27491747806308E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.1502930497613E-7 kg1.1502930497613E-7 kg
Elementary flow JP 2.06074333215339E-10 m32.06074333215339E-10 m3
Elementary flow EE 6.8686560148206E-5 m36.8686560148206E-5 m3
Elementary flow 7.551485500998763E-7 kg7.551485500998763E-7 kg
Elementary flow 8.46539139869438E-11 kg8.46539139869438E-11 kg
Elementary flow CN 5.16053710162613E-6 m35.16053710162613E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.61173012811479E-21 kg1.61173012811479E-21 kg
Elementary flow 9.60113004508543E-14 kg9.60113004508543E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.6683390953433E-22 kg1.6683390953433E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.89767382797118E-14 kg1.89767382797118E-14 kg
Elementary flow 3.72406427279709E-5 kg3.72406427279709E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.46738730127935E-10 kg1.46738730127935E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.77885352112469E-8 kBq1.77885352112469E-8 kBq
Elementary flow -2.02490397647964E-21 kg-2.02490397647964E-21 kg
Elementary flow 2.15265764624373E-6 kg2.15265764624373E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.32276474790715E-19 kg1.32276474790715E-19 kg
Elementary flow KZ 8.70704491015237E-5 m38.70704491015237E-5 m3
Elementary flow 2.1093647276669E-15 kBq2.1093647276669E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 4.05252864068614E-8 kBq4.05252864068614E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 8.99228870826898E-9 kg8.99228870826898E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.34975961223476E-23 kg4.34975961223476E-23 kg
Elementary flow 5.40587951734005E-10 kg5.40587951734005E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.23653526918446E-8 kg3.23653526918446E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.66835763047568E-19 kBq2.66835763047568E-19 kBq
Elementary flow 3.8744315638529E-5 kg3.8744315638529E-5 kg
Elementary flow 7.02863977180701E-6 kg7.02863977180701E-6 kg
Elementary flow UA 5.38800609669602E-7 m35.38800609669602E-7 m3
Elementary flow 4.30034095708075E-9 kg4.30034095708075E-9 kg
Elementary flow 6.26847461689029E-5 kg6.26847461689029E-5 kg
Elementary flow SE 0.0244655949305899 m30.0244655949305899 m3
Elementary flow 2.00995191887112E-10 kg2.00995191887112E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.96066424427318E-24 kg1.96066424427318E-24 kg
Elementary flow SE 5.65110693580271E-6 m35.65110693580271E-6 m3
Elementary flow 3.572832379479424E-6 kg3.572832379479424E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.30530523778074E-22 kg2.30530523778074E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.24862185979374E-4 kg1.24862185979374E-4 kg
Elementary flow SI 1.64568988160621E-5 m31.64568988160621E-5 m3
Elementary flow 5.69817259740888E-8 kg5.69817259740888E-8 kg
Elementary flow 4.44315609038757E-23 kg4.44315609038757E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.42739828325416E-12 kg1.42739828325416E-12 kg
Elementary flow 7.2057318852435E-11 kg7.2057318852435E-11 kg
Elementary flow PH 4.63433980530228E-17 m34.63433980530228E-17 m3
Elementary flow 5.85534399185886E-8 kBq5.85534399185886E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 1.07220560882568E-14 kg1.07220560882568E-14 kg
Elementary flow 2.75666003332923E-26 kg2.75666003332923E-26 kg
Elementary flow 2.58919533049163E-8 kBq2.58919533049163E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 6.33671628707611E-15 kg6.33671628707611E-15 kg
Elementary flow FI 0.004210959226858 m30.004210959226858 m3
Elementary flow 0.0122676946135673 kg0.0122676946135673 kg
Elementary flow 0.0010143995519167025 kg0.0010143995519167025 kg
Elementary flow 1.41905670656842E-5 kg1.41905670656842E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.75223000127819E-23 kg2.75223000127819E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.2067762553366E-17 kBq1.2067762553366E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 9.30038361897406E-19 kBq9.30038361897406E-19 kBq
Elementary flow 2.71173101619061E-22 kg2.71173101619061E-22 kg
Elementary flow 3.63115957943528E-17 kg3.63115957943528E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.44154438592365E-5 kBq1.44154438592365E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 2.18452984854652E-22 kg2.18452984854652E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.14621807477197E-25 kg1.14621807477197E-25 kg
Elementary flow 3.20430977075299E-18 kBq3.20430977075299E-18 kBq
Elementary flow 5.84313732417921E-23 kg5.84313732417921E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.84949223721729E-20 kg2.84949223721729E-20 kg
Elementary flow 5.69000867405029E-12 kg5.69000867405029E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.74100926197406E-10 kg2.74100926197406E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.09035448636843E-12 kg2.09035448636843E-12 kg
Elementary flow 5.48422984923705E-20 kg5.48422984923705E-20 kg
Elementary flow US 1.84346939056044E-5 m31.84346939056044E-5 m3
Elementary flow 7.59772731625278E-23 kg7.59772731625278E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.87843792337649E-23 kg1.87843792337649E-23 kg
Elementary flow BE 5.044150377859991E-4 m35.044150377859991E-4 m3
Elementary flow 7.21510400256715E-11 kg7.21510400256715E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.28041690503064E-11 kg1.28041690503064E-11 kg
Elementary flow 6.50114647587E-11 kg6.50114647587E-11 kg
Elementary flow 9.54937601288792E-22 kg9.54937601288792E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.68409129564563 kBq1.68409129564563 kBq
Elementary flow 0.395205100330323 kBq0.395205100330323 kBq
Elementary flow CH 3.511030766138E-5 m33.511030766138E-5 m3
Elementary flow 4.39559953216789E-9 kg4.39559953216789E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.01321521654571E-21 kg4.01321521654571E-21 kg
Elementary flow 3.08747336733137E-7 kg3.08747336733137E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.78551821257674E-22 kg4.78551821257674E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.0855767252797E-17 kg1.0855767252797E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.10187777978815E-23 kg2.10187777978815E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.46779325503191E-9 kg2.46779325503191E-9 kg
Elementary flow SK 3.09284239998816E-6 m33.09284239998816E-6 m3
Elementary flow 2.68038960621609E-21 kg2.68038960621609E-21 kg
Elementary flow -2.12612328259562E-15 kg-2.12612328259562E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.42201270985823E-25 kg1.42201270985823E-25 kg
Elementary flow KR 1.38672509858457E-10 m31.38672509858457E-10 m3
Elementary flow 1.6574220138022E-6 kg1.6574220138022E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.34615561647346E-23 kg6.34615561647346E-23 kg
Elementary flow 7.80900834913864E-19 kg7.80900834913864E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.36069780766141E-12 kg1.36069780766141E-12 kg
Elementary flow CZ 2.02196134198055E-5 m32.02196134198055E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.90105908593973E-22 kg1.90105908593973E-22 kg
Elementary flow ID 2.67294423939917E-5 m32.67294423939917E-5 m3
Elementary flow 0.03703674192963662 kBq0.03703674192963662 kBq
Elementary flow 2.66420766318659E-9 kg2.66420766318659E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.18840543585025E-21 kg1.18840543585025E-21 kg
Elementary flow 5.28636329299555E-22 kg5.28636329299555E-22 kg
Elementary flow 0.048012705531534 kBq0.048012705531534 kBq
Elementary flow 9.62986475381214E-14 kg9.62986475381214E-14 kg
Elementary flow 5.01357479215244E-7 kg5.01357479215244E-7 kg
Elementary flow 6.71997573624597E-16 kg6.71997573624597E-16 kg
Elementary flow 1.16165567680839E-4 kBq1.16165567680839E-4 kBq
Elementary flow LV 0.00280995018416234 m30.00280995018416234 m3
Elementary flow 4.460428538192E-27 kg4.460428538192E-27 kg
Elementary flow 1.7308456631743E-7 kg1.7308456631743E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.73510485413138E-5 kg1.73510485413138E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.38882291736354E-24 kg1.38882291736354E-24 kg
Elementary flow 7.11493785163694E-18 kg7.11493785163694E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.83077549201715E-7 kg1.83077549201715E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.702819345513987E-4 kBq4.702819345513987E-4 kBq
Elementary flow ZA 4.04749780134528E-7 m34.04749780134528E-7 m3
Elementary flow 4.281978518262E-13 kBq4.281978518262E-13 kBq
Elementary flow 2.93959322580149E-8 kg2.93959322580149E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.82913372259683E-10 kg2.82913372259683E-10 kg
Elementary flow 7.16089094827302E-23 kg7.16089094827302E-23 kg
Elementary flow 5.08595316327212E-7 kg5.08595316327212E-7 kg
Elementary flow 5.36443457276799E-23 kg5.36443457276799E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.75701219018579E-6 kg1.75701219018579E-6 kg
Elementary flow DE 0.00413692210455577 m30.00413692210455577 m3
Elementary flow HU 1.90149418211027E-4 m31.90149418211027E-4 m3
Elementary flow CA 3.58800717763752E-5 m33.58800717763752E-5 m3
Elementary flow GR 2.75946727792902E-6 m32.75946727792902E-6 m3
Elementary flow 2.61372177802715E-11 kg2.61372177802715E-11 kg
Elementary flow 6.65618108223875E-22 kg6.65618108223875E-22 kg
Elementary flow 9.07605255246419E-11 kg9.07605255246419E-11 kg
Elementary flow RS 1.60650716196462E-4 m31.60650716196462E-4 m3
Elementary flow 3.40087484966363E-16 kBq3.40087484966363E-16 kBq
Elementary flow 3.54708120639801E-23 kg3.54708120639801E-23 kg
Elementary flow 7.17939803458426E-22 kg7.17939803458426E-22 kg
Elementary flow 8.63788429843833E-10 kg8.63788429843833E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.57817843856149E-10 kg1.57817843856149E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.95944281555538E-4 kg1.95944281555538E-4 kg
Elementary flow 8.57049817085646E-19 kg8.57049817085646E-19 kg
Elementary flow 8.57528325052865E-7 kg8.57528325052865E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.5080162431331418E-5 kg1.5080162431331418E-5 kg
Elementary flow 3.07490807029647E-5 kBq3.07490807029647E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 3.88248440844284E-9 kg3.88248440844284E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.13781153648652E-22 kg1.13781153648652E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.77211072331296E-24 kg1.77211072331296E-24 kg
Elementary flow 6.04403712266347E-6 kBq6.04403712266347E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.52940529232711E-11 kg1.52940529232711E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.95626440587288E-20 kg2.95626440587288E-20 kg
Elementary flow 3.05577294953711E-12 kg3.05577294953711E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.24398498527709E-27 kg3.24398498527709E-27 kg
Elementary flow 5.83102124399396E-19 kg5.83102124399396E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.6708069946155E-21 kg1.6708069946155E-21 kg
Elementary flow 7.48874418637442E-10 kg7.48874418637442E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.04473167093909E-13 kg2.04473167093909E-13 kg
Elementary flow 4.78971223083007E-6 kg4.78971223083007E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.66345646996096E-11 kg3.66345646996096E-11 kg
Elementary flow PT 2.2924416442323504E-4 m32.2924416442323504E-4 m3
Elementary flow 3.61522449750067E-22 kg3.61522449750067E-22 kg
Elementary flow 4.66911765741806E-6 kg4.66911765741806E-6 kg
Elementary flow 7.8090083491392E-18 kg7.8090083491392E-18 kg
Elementary flow 5.28422227302194E-20 kg5.28422227302194E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.94691803047587E-24 kg1.94691803047587E-24 kg
Elementary flow 1.68986968666316E-14 kg1.68986968666316E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.57982439983826E-6 kg1.57982439983826E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.99133145666788E-6 kBq1.99133145666788E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 9.11859508260629E-24 kg9.11859508260629E-24 kg
Elementary flow 3.90907322663993E-14 kBq3.90907322663993E-14 kBq
Elementary flow IS 9.8919741558416E-10 m39.8919741558416E-10 m3
Elementary flow SK 7.0834532721768E-4 m37.0834532721768E-4 m3
Elementary flow 7.43894043335591E-7 kg7.43894043335591E-7 kg
Elementary flow BE 0.00827187107159882 m30.00827187107159882 m3
Elementary flow 3.25730306632925E-20 kg3.25730306632925E-20 kg
Elementary flow US 2.58505128763329E-4 m32.58505128763329E-4 m3
Elementary flow 3.4646117463708E-6 kg3.4646117463708E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.91405413239803E-22 kg1.91405413239803E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.92399578037826E-18 kg1.92399578037826E-18 kg
Elementary flow 3.45078950432717E-29 kg3.45078950432717E-29 kg
Elementary flow 9.65057333123312E-21 kg9.65057333123312E-21 kg
Elementary flow 7.36215091394787E-15 kg7.36215091394787E-15 kg
Elementary flow 4.97153482625817E-25 kg4.97153482625817E-25 kg
Elementary flow 2.53444713549269E-21 kg2.53444713549269E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.09073972083059E-22 kg1.09073972083059E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.53501409800747E-17 kg1.53501409800747E-17 kg
Elementary flow 5.40705810114676E-10 kg5.40705810114676E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.73329061317237E-4 kg1.73329061317237E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.4005604391025E-19 kg2.4005604391025E-19 kg
Elementary flow 5.33300819009885E-18 kg5.33300819009885E-18 kg
Elementary flow 3.89130841403627E-20 kg3.89130841403627E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.0951194310602921E-17 kg1.0951194310602921E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.19477142972628E-21 kg1.19477142972628E-21 kg
Elementary flow 6.30781066008778E-24 kg6.30781066008778E-24 kg
Elementary flow 1.37836965306237E-26 kg1.37836965306237E-26 kg
Elementary flow 2.61772752200969E-22 kg2.61772752200969E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.55625147362991E-21 kg1.55625147362991E-21 kg
Elementary flow 5.39160585275132E-20 kg5.39160585275132E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.37624742070323E-23 kg1.37624742070323E-23 kg
Elementary flow 0.00301785513668641 kBq0.00301785513668641 kBq
Elementary flow 5.31315445740081E-20 kg5.31315445740081E-20 kg
Elementary flow TH 1.61051896132244E-8 m31.61051896132244E-8 m3
Elementary flow 3.72351949835258E-18 kg3.72351949835258E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.33796445344379E-18 kg1.33796445344379E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.41793937764045E-11 kg1.41793937764045E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.31315300290342E-10 kg1.31315300290342E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.17200685615118E-16 kBq2.17200685615118E-16 kBq
Elementary flow 1.48062102332127E-19 kg1.48062102332127E-19 kg
Elementary flow 3.25643012020989E-11 kg3.25643012020989E-11 kg
Elementary flow CL 7.52056206151067E-5 m37.52056206151067E-5 m3
Elementary flow 5.10675984842699E-15 kg5.10675984842699E-15 kg
Elementary flow 8.56673313950187E-17 kg8.56673313950187E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.00400983640155E-14 kg1.00400983640155E-14 kg
Elementary flow -3.3998821299652297E-6 kg-3.3998821299652297E-6 kg
Elementary flow 5.85380285171915E-15 kg5.85380285171915E-15 kg
Elementary flow 4.14094292913422E-11 kg4.14094292913422E-11 kg
Elementary flow 7.48570202414076E-11 kg7.48570202414076E-11 kg
Elementary flow AU 3.94490746837253E-5 m33.94490746837253E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.77211074503349E-23 kg1.77211074503349E-23 kg
Waste flow 2.87804469776794E-8 kg2.87804469776794E-8 kg
Elementary flow 4.39165262750749E-8 kg4.39165262750749E-8 kg
Elementary flow 4.46144697408336E-23 kg4.46144697408336E-23 kg
Elementary flow 7.93950249176934E-21 kg7.93950249176934E-21 kg
Elementary flow BR 6.88901705161443E-6 m36.88901705161443E-6 m3
Elementary flow IS 3.98101419949884E-5 m33.98101419949884E-5 m3
Elementary flow 2.35969220308739E-7 kg2.35969220308739E-7 kg
Elementary flow SI 0.00797350791911412 m30.00797350791911412 m3
Elementary flow 1.15739654976033E-4 kg1.15739654976033E-4 kg
Elementary flow 8.87572448632476E-23 kg8.87572448632476E-23 kg
Elementary flow 7.15283727783726E-21 kg7.15283727783726E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.8460570522369E-22 kg1.8460570522369E-22 kg
Elementary flow 4.81193118888608E-9 kg4.81193118888608E-9 kg
Elementary flow 9.14900598345175E-8 kg9.14900598345175E-8 kg
Elementary flow PL 5.60715237484639E-5 m35.60715237484639E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.91857173688455E-11 kg1.91857173688455E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.11140206603762E-19 kg1.11140206603762E-19 kg
Elementary flow MX 2.56258781456284E-8 m32.56258781456284E-8 m3
Elementary flow 5.90401985502983E-15 kBq5.90401985502983E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 2.02567030379489E-9 kg2.02567030379489E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.56921338835733E-20 kBq3.56921338835733E-20 kBq
Elementary flow 8.37444098679712E-13 kg8.37444098679712E-13 kg
Elementary flow 4.61672729404133E-16 kg4.61672729404133E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.3184914066374E-20 kg2.3184914066374E-20 kg
Elementary flow 0.0072204358207315755 m30.0072204358207315755 m3
Elementary flow 8.97148171931948E-20 kg8.97148171931948E-20 kg
Elementary flow 3.96720286999291E-13 kg3.96720286999291E-13 kg
Elementary flow EE 5.03477097523359E-5 m35.03477097523359E-5 m3
Elementary flow 7.28336502758866E-11 kg7.28336502758866E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.17311088304006E-5 kBq1.17311088304006E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 1.58275994678768E-22 kg1.58275994678768E-22 kg
Elementary flow 6.13994481407398E-23 kg6.13994481407398E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.83513155933026E-9 kg2.83513155933026E-9 kg
Elementary flow 8.1082268427083E-11 kg8.1082268427083E-11 kg
Elementary flow 6.5266693697384E-9 kg6.5266693697384E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.44480459215995E-17 kg4.44480459215995E-17 kg
Elementary flow 3.99450680790991E-19 kg3.99450680790991E-19 kg
Elementary flow 2.74740600397149E-4 kg2.74740600397149E-4 kg
Elementary flow 7.49681754845597E-10 kg7.49681754845597E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.51190876241193E-5 kg1.51190876241193E-5 kg
Elementary flow 4.86711374739159E-21 kg4.86711374739159E-21 kg
Elementary flow RU 3.45229485940991E-4 m33.45229485940991E-4 m3
Elementary flow 3.81210653951762E-4 kg3.81210653951762E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.74055460223271E-21 kg2.74055460223271E-21 kg
Elementary flow 5.13359439543275E-8 kg5.13359439543275E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.05877189782606E-11 kg3.05877189782606E-11 kg
Elementary flow 9.39648284454144E-28 kg9.39648284454144E-28 kg
Elementary flow 5.3998856048993E-22 kg5.3998856048993E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.56370333873765E-8 kg1.56370333873765E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.28163832739527E-20 kg2.28163832739527E-20 kg
Elementary flow 2.0110669450367E-21 kg2.0110669450367E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.41444385698956E-9 kg1.41444385698956E-9 kg
Elementary flow 5.64553406953338E-14 kg5.64553406953338E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.1356979486641E-6 kg1.1356979486641E-6 kg
Elementary flow 4.9033735838706E-7 kg4.9033735838706E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.16200337262698E-22 kg1.16200337262698E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.91402394897325E-10 kg1.91402394897325E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.73109299741757E-21 kg2.73109299741757E-21 kg
Elementary flow 8.30740366415408E-7 kg8.30740366415408E-7 kg
Elementary flow 5.62664823226155E-29 kg5.62664823226155E-29 kg
Elementary flow 9.8969885225244E-23 kg9.8969885225244E-23 kg
Elementary flow 8.59307608909078E-21 kg8.59307608909078E-21 kg
Elementary flow 5.41141501503665E-23 kg5.41141501503665E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.66265657973133E-11 kg1.66265657973133E-11 kg
Elementary flow 6.27656894858891E-23 kg6.27656894858891E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.84841016830343E-9 kg2.84841016830343E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.39451003175547E-7 kg1.39451003175547E-7 kg
Elementary flow 6.63173485812766E-9 kg6.63173485812766E-9 kg
Elementary flow 8.87648791168629E-15 kg8.87648791168629E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.69044710578295E-19 kBq1.69044710578295E-19 kBq
Elementary flow 8.29147155424172E-22 kg8.29147155424172E-22 kg
Elementary flow 5.5665180757275E-20 kg5.5665180757275E-20 kg
Elementary flow IE 1.13566910605343E-7 m31.13566910605343E-7 m3
Elementary flow 3.0371466260844E-15 kBq3.0371466260844E-15 kBq
Elementary flow MK 2.44968381310939E-6 m32.44968381310939E-6 m3
Elementary flow 5.10096570191001E-22 kg5.10096570191001E-22 kg
Elementary flow -1.95017907243817E-8 kg-1.95017907243817E-8 kg
Elementary flow -1.53666175741536E-20 kg-1.53666175741536E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.04216767660332E-17 kBq1.04216767660332E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 2.21028071110276E-22 kg2.21028071110276E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.21452176960494E-10 kg2.21452176960494E-10 kg
Elementary flow BG 4.04630901640474E-6 m34.04630901640474E-6 m3
Elementary flow 7.29248850111352E-10 kg7.29248850111352E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.78319944733887E-7 kg1.78319944733887E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.38961055102601E-9 kg2.38961055102601E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.46966676043419 kBq2.46966676043419 kBq
Elementary flow 3.37127334636761E-5 kBq3.37127334636761E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 6.30331265200888E-23 kg6.30331265200888E-23 kg
Elementary flow 7.20397324998192E-11 kg7.20397324998192E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.07220246494351E-22 kg1.07220246494351E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.50822819975506E-16 kBq2.50822819975506E-16 kBq
Elementary flow 5.81005434498481E-23 kg5.81005434498481E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.28324142488622E-22 kg2.28324142488622E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.86640385965861E-5 kg2.86640385965861E-5 kg
Elementary flow RO 0.00167864486068733 m30.00167864486068733 m3
Elementary flow 1.13621985579007E-6 kg1.13621985579007E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.35959792953411E-16 kg2.35959792953411E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.85232728264026E-28 kg2.85232728264026E-28 kg
Elementary flow FR 0.104699554539 m30.104699554539 m3
Elementary flow NL 0.0020567671632566 m30.0020567671632566 m3
Elementary flow 0.690960700999558 MJ0.690960700999558 MJ
Elementary flow 1.46678394834778E-9 kg1.46678394834778E-9 kg
Elementary flow 6.20637534366997E-15 kg6.20637534366997E-15 kg
Elementary flow 2.38093126610194E-23 kg2.38093126610194E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.7598929948635E-15 kg1.7598929948635E-15 kg
Elementary flow NG 0.00575987249109451 m30.00575987249109451 m3
Elementary flow 1.67743085204535E-7 kg1.67743085204535E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.92201260759377E-7 kg1.92201260759377E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.47942396007639E-21 kg3.47942396007639E-21 kg
Elementary flow LV 2.6510184954127E-7 m32.6510184954127E-7 m3
Elementary flow 2.36589980820525E-20 kg2.36589980820525E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.99530297469761E-17 kg1.99530297469761E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.86725163077371E-24 kg2.86725163077371E-24 kg
Elementary flow 1.82933011253879E-6 kBq1.82933011253879E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 7.16183387774642E-23 kg7.16183387774642E-23 kg
Elementary flow 6.00810585748428E-4 kg6.00810585748428E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.56401282745094E-23 kg1.56401282745094E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.6866931352329911E-12 kg1.6866931352329911E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.042880082146097E-9 kg1.042880082146097E-9 kg
Elementary flow 9.68776117887751E-14 kBq9.68776117887751E-14 kBq
Elementary flow 7.82677489873707E-9 kg7.82677489873707E-9 kg
Elementary flow 7.37153493900805E-23 kg7.37153493900805E-23 kg
Elementary flow SK 0.0128888091457959 m30.0128888091457959 m3
Elementary flow 0.0038936666300883 kBq0.0038936666300883 kBq
Elementary flow 4.73263472405447E-19 kg4.73263472405447E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.14506299777131E-21 kg1.14506299777131E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.56586085120237E-19 kg1.56586085120237E-19 kg
Elementary flow TH 4.37855632608796E-9 m34.37855632608796E-9 m3
Elementary flow 2.5511015013158E-15 kg2.5511015013158E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.1093171709944E-23 kg1.1093171709944E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.14242073806236E-30 kg3.14242073806236E-30 kg
Elementary flow 7.16597239882452E-23 kg7.16597239882452E-23 kg
Elementary flow 8.96103971839446E-11 kg8.96103971839446E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.84301357034915E-22 kg1.84301357034915E-22 kg
Elementary flow 9.74062936812498E-13 kg9.74062936812498E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.00796591095145E-14 kg1.00796591095145E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.38093376167731E-20 kg1.38093376167731E-20 kg
Elementary flow 0.0359866887370485 kg0.0359866887370485 kg
Elementary flow NO 1.91992976236125E-5 m31.91992976236125E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.17030763727048E-12 kg1.17030763727048E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.18332138406592E-19 kg2.18332138406592E-19 kg
Elementary flow 5.5590968489252E-22 kg5.5590968489252E-22 kg
Elementary flow 4.26245693569848E-22 kg4.26245693569848E-22 kg
Elementary flow 3.35399795093978E-5 kBq3.35399795093978E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 3.17263187954218E-15 kg3.17263187954218E-15 kg
Elementary flow 3.52668244157568E-14 kBq3.52668244157568E-14 kBq
Elementary flow LT 9.65266926712341E-7 m39.65266926712341E-7 m3
Elementary flow 2.12536361453568E-22 kg2.12536361453568E-22 kg
Elementary flow 3.58199680712062E-22 kg3.58199680712062E-22 kg
Elementary flow RS 0.0148694640867403 m30.0148694640867403 m3
Elementary flow 1.1482143323166E-9 kg1.1482143323166E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.79189085618473E-15 kg1.79189085618473E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.02684493995601E-8 kg1.02684493995601E-8 kg
Elementary flow 4.69137446947198E-15 kBq4.69137446947198E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 7.61653157886601E-12 kg7.61653157886601E-12 kg
Elementary flow 9.63614333500134E-16 kBq9.63614333500134E-16 kBq
Elementary flow 5.07996198692032E-5 kg5.07996198692032E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.56606852724988E-9 kg2.56606852724988E-9 kg
Elementary flow 6.79279297232554E-9 kg6.79279297232554E-9 kg
Elementary flow 6.2379929257224E-9 kg6.2379929257224E-9 kg
Elementary flow 0.0251044883111932 kBq0.0251044883111932 kBq
Elementary flow 8.1061740544963E-15 kg8.1061740544963E-15 kg
Elementary flow LU -1.06746140714919E-6 m3-1.06746140714919E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.88311641561287E-12 kg1.88311641561287E-12 kg
Elementary flow 8.91580678602128E-18 kg8.91580678602128E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.17316522150225E-7 kg1.17316522150225E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.97421631403802E-24 kg2.97421631403802E-24 kg
Elementary flow 5.40151289914806E-10 kg5.40151289914806E-10 kg
Elementary flow 0.00103728212161408 kBq0.00103728212161408 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00138013848519267 m30.00138013848519267 m3
Elementary flow 1.3621587949316E-8 kg1.3621587949316E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.15971984650558E-23 kg1.15971984650558E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.2258907994662E-17 kBq3.2258907994662E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 5.78337344969269E-18 kg5.78337344969269E-18 kg
Elementary flow 8.02522209477902E-15 kg8.02522209477902E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.1800619873824E-7 kBq1.1800619873824E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 7.55429541976577E-7 kg7.55429541976577E-7 kg
Elementary flow TR 6.4492755609057E-4 m36.4492755609057E-4 m3
Elementary flow 1.17201271246257E-13 kg1.17201271246257E-13 kg
Elementary flow 8.26684313465184E-24 kg8.26684313465184E-24 kg
Elementary flow 3.06470425005705E-10 kg3.06470425005705E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.16130801707798E-14 kg1.16130801707798E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.94233668090331E-20 kg1.94233668090331E-20 kg
Elementary flow 4.27057500357314E-8 kg4.27057500357314E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.63744275342865E-20 kg3.63744275342865E-20 kg
Elementary flow 7.49044471054502E-21 kg7.49044471054502E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.44672242449736E-11 kg1.44672242449736E-11 kg
Elementary flow 9.4873019938823E-15 kBq9.4873019938823E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 2.07538927278242E-17 kBq2.07538927278242E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 5.70438462232937E-8 kg5.70438462232937E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.37715994400177E-22 kg2.37715994400177E-22 kg
Elementary flow 3.92164355225846E-8 kBq3.92164355225846E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 1.85268881153128E-22 kg1.85268881153128E-22 kg
Elementary flow 6.5679697892401E-24 kg6.5679697892401E-24 kg
Elementary flow 2.59861900672047E-19 kg2.59861900672047E-19 kg
Elementary flow 8.83201721496226E-14 kBq8.83201721496226E-14 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00108884647571822 kBq0.00108884647571822 kBq
Elementary flow 1.16628135921846E-16 kg1.16628135921846E-16 kg
Elementary flow PH 1.88972723554229E-15 m31.88972723554229E-15 m3
Elementary flow 6.88987600971229E-22 kg6.88987600971229E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.82134272139634E-11 kg1.82134272139634E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.13269158926656E-16 kg1.13269158926656E-16 kg
Elementary flow 3.79036593023796E-13 kg3.79036593023796E-13 kg
Elementary flow 4.013890559304649E-6 kg4.013890559304649E-6 kg
Waste flow 1.31614609296793 kg1.31614609296793 kg
Elementary flow RU 0.0286606523043569 m30.0286606523043569 m3
Elementary flow 3.13505773609165E-13 kg3.13505773609165E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.0975658987556E-23 kg2.0975658987556E-23 kg
Elementary flow 9.60152616230613E-19 kBq9.60152616230613E-19 kBq
Elementary flow 1.55970674735429E-10 kg1.55970674735429E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.54217510931011E-18 kg2.54217510931011E-18 kg
Elementary flow 2.3794647054141E-23 kg2.3794647054141E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.85241884183994E-8 kg1.85241884183994E-8 kg
Waste flow 3.35248971697126E-11 kg3.35248971697126E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.01010877617965E-18 kg2.01010877617965E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.36977875921934E-12 kg1.36977875921934E-12 kg
Elementary flow KZ 7.32989617257161E-7 m37.32989617257161E-7 m3
Elementary flow 1.46710177862767E-15 kBq1.46710177862767E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 3.46645632973248E-16 kg3.46645632973248E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.28753993993162E-6 kBq2.28753993993162E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 5.66088492652309E-11 kg5.66088492652309E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.42390449770229E-19 kg1.42390449770229E-19 kg
Elementary flow 4.32263117262819E-19 kBq4.32263117262819E-19 kBq
Elementary flow 2.30394528891942E-23 kg2.30394528891942E-23 kg
Elementary flow 8.92160502445524E-8 kg8.92160502445524E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.31284431802612E-17 kg3.31284431802612E-17 kg
Elementary flow 6.66938383531974E-9 kg6.66938383531974E-9 kg
Elementary flow DE 0.21554076285526 m30.21554076285526 m3
Elementary flow 3.89877608413785E-27 kg3.89877608413785E-27 kg
Elementary flow 2.31536995501164E-18 kg2.31536995501164E-18 kg
Elementary flow 2.61596199354924E-16 kg2.61596199354924E-16 kg
Elementary flow NZ 4.9722027509874E-8 m34.9722027509874E-8 m3
Elementary flow 1.19459413695805E-14 kg1.19459413695805E-14 kg
Elementary flow 2.36032602582283E-10 kg2.36032602582283E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.829330114412045E-6 kBq1.829330114412045E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 9.24503456322552E-22 kg9.24503456322552E-22 kg
Elementary flow 7.47792488422045E-22 kg7.47792488422045E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.01165956868146E-6 kg2.01165956868146E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.94323291103432E-19 kg2.94323291103432E-19 kg
Elementary flow 5.20537956443107E-27 kg5.20537956443107E-27 kg
Elementary flow 2.02394525577054E-22 kg2.02394525577054E-22 kg
Elementary flow BA 2.65192876196419E-5 m32.65192876196419E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.61592987529895E-8 kg1.61592987529895E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.0782653104115E-6 kBq3.0782653104115E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 4.28882613414667E-7 kg4.28882613414667E-7 kg
Elementary flow 5.1156999162512E-9 kg5.1156999162512E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.82193253812799E-28 kg3.82193253812799E-28 kg
Elementary flow 7.30547601151314E-21 kg7.30547601151314E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.03085269367448E-17 kBq1.03085269367448E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 2.14434535600241E-7 kg2.14434535600241E-7 kg
Elementary flow 8.72156980599374E-23 kg8.72156980599374E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.83107332009558E-18 kg2.83107332009558E-18 kg
Elementary flow 7.29542245372039E-6 kg7.29542245372039E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.79856552780686E-22 kg3.79856552780686E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.73365584799396E-6 kg2.73365584799396E-6 kg
Elementary flow 12.5437016826699 kg12.5437016826699 kg
Elementary flow 1.82623340974971E-11 kg1.82623340974971E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.09400020326991E-20 kg1.09400020326991E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.00583522361476E-8 kg1.00583522361476E-8 kg
Elementary flow RU 4.10498875929487E-5 m34.10498875929487E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.35312521039866E-18 kg1.35312521039866E-18 kg
Elementary flow 4.47126192087987E-22 kg4.47126192087987E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.20288427758803E-20 kg1.20288427758803E-20 kg
Elementary flow 2.99377622924136E-10 kg2.99377622924136E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.94042969681528E-7 kg2.94042969681528E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.46028037626577E-4 kg2.46028037626577E-4 kg
Elementary flow 3.59488419787449E-9 kg3.59488419787449E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.91338038196447E-8 kg3.91338038196447E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.88923721086196E-5 kBq1.88923721086196E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00132973294317326 kg0.00132973294317326 kg
Elementary flow 0.00149968053705922 kBq0.00149968053705922 kBq
Elementary flow 5.31806318099696E-20 kg5.31806318099696E-20 kg
Elementary flow 8.45884380209946E-6 kBq8.45884380209946E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.47588444248929E-13 kBq1.47588444248929E-13 kBq
Elementary flow 1.93074512865436E-11 kg1.93074512865436E-11 kg
Elementary flow 7.94060977804912E-29 kg7.94060977804912E-29 kg
Elementary flow 2.72300601162123E-21 kg2.72300601162123E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.70440348978132E-6 kBq1.70440348978132E-6 kBq
Elementary flow AR -8.91248850873466E-9 m3-8.91248850873466E-9 m3
Elementary flow 2.97421631403802E-24 kg2.97421631403802E-24 kg
Elementary flow 1.76722608010304E-13 kg1.76722608010304E-13 kg
Elementary flow 9.50956829714125E-12 kg9.50956829714125E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.00679213302275E-23 kg3.00679213302275E-23 kg
Elementary flow 4.23478615115425E-24 kg4.23478615115425E-24 kg
Elementary flow 5.80424354978803E-21 kg5.80424354978803E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.41639802531634E-21 kg1.41639802531634E-21 kg
Elementary flow 2.13320355605719E-17 kg2.13320355605719E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.25782901859404E-21 kBq2.25782901859404E-21 kBq
Elementary flow 1.57027256920282E-24 kg1.57027256920282E-24 kg
Elementary flow 1.30874926827653E-14 kg1.30874926827653E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.66195339724016E-19 kg1.66195339724016E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.60097239289637E-22 kg1.60097239289637E-22 kg
Elementary flow 3.20687790386621E-10 kg3.20687790386621E-10 kg
Elementary flow NO 1.41681826501587E-5 m31.41681826501587E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.90888696482785E-22 kg1.90888696482785E-22 kg
Elementary flow 5.15669824980394E-11 kg5.15669824980394E-11 kg
Waste flow 7.33245650677798E-7 kg7.33245650677798E-7 kg
Elementary flow 8.35272934349848E-6 kg8.35272934349848E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.92823045249182E-8 kg1.92823045249182E-8 kg
Elementary flow 8.66112700263448E-31 kg8.66112700263448E-31 kg
Elementary flow 0.0106465649812372 kg0.0106465649812372 kg
Elementary flow 6.94328351731897E-16 kg6.94328351731897E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.81338112916448E-7 kg2.81338112916448E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.69020245392126E-23 kg1.69020245392126E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.25282708256283E-11 kg1.25282708256283E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.08490526212769E-9 kBq3.08490526212769E-9 kBq
Elementary flow 5.63849617906738E-22 kg5.63849617906738E-22 kg
Elementary flow 5.56720512135968E-24 kg5.56720512135968E-24 kg
Elementary flow 5.31939935850206E-24 kg5.31939935850206E-24 kg
Elementary flow 5.6955823636229E-23 kg5.6955823636229E-23 kg
Elementary flow NZ 3.14002375568934E-9 m33.14002375568934E-9 m3
Elementary flow 3.43951860883036E-22 kg3.43951860883036E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.89169889472689E-9 kg1.89169889472689E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.49359003930761E-28 kg1.49359003930761E-28 kg
Elementary flow DK 3.84727100418023E-5 m33.84727100418023E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.81134874710783E-4 kBq1.81134874710783E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 1.98998223577747E-21 kg1.98998223577747E-21 kg
Elementary flow MY 4.91722679939468E-7 m34.91722679939468E-7 m3
Elementary flow 3.03555704365676E-17 kg3.03555704365676E-17 kg
Elementary flow 5.05882979919357E-7 kg5.05882979919357E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.040520936798E-18 kg1.040520936798E-18 kg
Elementary flow 4.46143834456818E-18 kg4.46143834456818E-18 kg
Elementary flow 2.56608342964141E-14 kg2.56608342964141E-14 kg
Elementary flow 2.35751699947186E-8 kBq2.35751699947186E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 1.0883308899624E-17 kBq1.0883308899624E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 5.04310096330021E-17 kg5.04310096330021E-17 kg
Elementary flow 8.4972821478366E-12 kg8.4972821478366E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.56367110322755E-22 kg3.56367110322755E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.40855811895725E-23 kg2.40855811895725E-23 kg
Elementary flow 6.2273085284005E-10 kg6.2273085284005E-10 kg
Elementary flow 5.06635671557169E-16 kg5.06635671557169E-16 kg
Elementary flow 3.22360660530913E-23 kg3.22360660530913E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.85382926536022E-12 kg1.85382926536022E-12 kg
Elementary flow 5.64968222853262E-24 kg5.64968222853262E-24 kg
Elementary flow 3.98102218407068E-9 kg3.98102218407068E-9 kg
Elementary flow 6.99103824699157E-12 kg6.99103824699157E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.74676211630754E-10 kg1.74676211630754E-10 kg
Elementary flow 6.58205331388276E-11 kg6.58205331388276E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.32443045939367E-28 kg2.32443045939367E-28 kg
Elementary flow 1.0223558860253E-24 kg1.0223558860253E-24 kg
Elementary flow IN 2.32169465831628E-6 m32.32169465831628E-6 m3
Elementary flow 9.94772523123785E-28 kg9.94772523123785E-28 kg
Elementary flow 2.38113674085501E-5 kg2.38113674085501E-5 kg
Elementary flow 3.19373185977966E-9 kBq3.19373185977966E-9 kBq
Elementary flow NZ 7.56270282425855E-6 m37.56270282425855E-6 m3
Elementary flow 4.27198525508217E-7 kBq4.27198525508217E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 9.38883182627716E-22 kg9.38883182627716E-22 kg
Elementary flow DE 0.00543855251324404 m30.00543855251324404 m3
Elementary flow 4.95978373880773E-13 kg4.95978373880773E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.58035495769089E-6 kBq2.58035495769089E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 9.17694545518817E-7 kBq9.17694545518817E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 8.51299491149373E-23 kg8.51299491149373E-23 kg
Elementary flow 9.16171537999047E-17 kg9.16171537999047E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.27159291248354E-28 kg2.27159291248354E-28 kg
Elementary flow -1.00892603610797E-21 kg-1.00892603610797E-21 kg
Elementary flow 6.21558368034187E-6 kg6.21558368034187E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.63873836112889E-6 kg1.63873836112889E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.26418428531134E-10 kg2.26418428531134E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.63192625914981E-5 kg3.63192625914981E-5 kg
Elementary flow 3.80080446569228E-23 kg3.80080446569228E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.40437274885887E-22 kg3.40437274885887E-22 kg
Elementary flow NO 0.113833776011117 m30.113833776011117 m3
Elementary flow 9.82113782664513E-21 kg9.82113782664513E-21 kg
Elementary flow VE 4.16410925209468E-6 m34.16410925209468E-6 m3
Elementary flow 2.41734805750314 kg2.41734805750314 kg
Elementary flow 3.05737119816836E-22 kg3.05737119816836E-22 kg
Waste flow 0.0113853598241181 kg0.0113853598241181 kg
Elementary flow 0.00280537309883566 kg0.00280537309883566 kg
Elementary flow 9.07923089085345E-8 kg9.07923089085345E-8 kg
Elementary flow 5.67113595049747E-6 kg5.67113595049747E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.33446216732207E-10 kg1.33446216732207E-10 kg
Elementary flow TR 2.93729216104589E-7 m32.93729216104589E-7 m3
Elementary flow 1.56362857491719E-4 kg1.56362857491719E-4 kg
Elementary flow GR 2.1137530870969E-4 m32.1137530870969E-4 m3
Elementary flow IN 2.1169755726838E-4 m32.1169755726838E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.76404156391465E-7 kg2.76404156391465E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.44056814214578E-13 kg4.44056814214578E-13 kg
Elementary flow 0.0217116314083027 kg0.0217116314083027 kg
Elementary flow 7.48665885767402E-9 kg7.48665885767402E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.07308340915558E-23 kg3.07308340915558E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.10580360936446E-13 kg1.10580360936446E-13 kg
Elementary flow 3.27356794384275E-7 kg3.27356794384275E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.80966625816873E-13 kBq1.80966625816873E-13 kBq
Elementary flow 1.17694777544001E-13 kg1.17694777544001E-13 kg
Elementary flow 3.42314898665882E-8 kg3.42314898665882E-8 kg
Elementary flow 6.16626260209651E-7 kg6.16626260209651E-7 kg
Elementary flow 7.36192286134344E-11 kg7.36192286134344E-11 kg
Elementary flow VE 5.86615566704183E-5 m35.86615566704183E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.56363043096254E-13 kBq1.56363043096254E-13 kBq
Elementary flow 1.95424707116348E-17 kBq1.95424707116348E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 1.8437532422252E-7 kg1.8437532422252E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.44150927523849E-6 kBq3.44150927523849E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.59475764995221E-7 kg1.59475764995221E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.62178652407344E-19 kg3.62178652407344E-19 kg
Elementary flow 3.25354930047066E-26 kg3.25354930047066E-26 kg
Elementary flow 1.06216843658178E-20 kg1.06216843658178E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.01560527758175E-12 kg1.01560527758175E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.89234437606658E-23 kg1.89234437606658E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.30647155881866E-13 kg1.30647155881866E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.02648337901827E-11 kg2.02648337901827E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.13671120973443E-22 kg1.13671120973443E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.4534013507224E-22 kg2.4534013507224E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.28694662459325E-14 kg2.28694662459325E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.4181562144604E-18 kg1.4181562144604E-18 kg
Elementary flow 4.04839134890306E-9 kg4.04839134890306E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.36083314339438E-8 kg1.36083314339438E-8 kg
Elementary flow 8.65696096765601E-20 kBq8.65696096765601E-20 kBq
Elementary flow 3.81093910195578E-15 kg3.81093910195578E-15 kg
Elementary flow 3.87875414244435E-20 kg3.87875414244435E-20 kg
Elementary flow 2.80657192382147E-19 kg2.80657192382147E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.93623660701502E-13 kg1.93623660701502E-13 kg
Elementary flow MX 9.84432471379329E-5 m39.84432471379329E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.90842755961708E-16 kBq1.90842755961708E-16 kBq
Elementary flow 9.12202967582106E-23 kg9.12202967582106E-23 kg
Elementary flow 5.74157021972878E-21 kg5.74157021972878E-21 kg
Elementary flow SG 4.99741085583224E-9 m34.99741085583224E-9 m3
Elementary flow 1.40258198358438E-10 kg1.40258198358438E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.50618012702195E-8 kg2.50618012702195E-8 kg
Elementary flow 9.48389323963176E-29 kg9.48389323963176E-29 kg
Elementary flow 1.61304251358581E-9 kg1.61304251358581E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.74827330980211E-10 kg1.74827330980211E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.60190133160956E-23 kg2.60190133160956E-23 kg
Elementary flow 4.24884493457272E-16 kg4.24884493457272E-16 kg
Elementary flow KR 8.59918154834963E-7 m38.59918154834963E-7 m3
Elementary flow 1.8952840950185113E-5 kg1.8952840950185113E-5 kg
Elementary flow 3.80936848943145E-15 kg3.80936848943145E-15 kg
Elementary flow GB 5.25755869098354E-5 m35.25755869098354E-5 m3
Elementary flow JP -1.75567909099364E-4 m3-1.75567909099364E-4 m3
Elementary flow 7.11944392013469E-10 kg7.11944392013469E-10 kg
Elementary flow CL 3.48526056316542E-8 m33.48526056316542E-8 m3
Elementary flow DK 5.99232623639245E-7 m35.99232623639245E-7 m3
Elementary flow 2.75965514665388E-13 kg2.75965514665388E-13 kg
Elementary flow MY 1.58602484972245E-5 m31.58602484972245E-5 m3
Elementary flow 2.35158262901711E-8 kg2.35158262901711E-8 kg
Elementary flow 4.38674510283819E-21 kg4.38674510283819E-21 kg
Elementary flow 6.15816840263029E-23 kg6.15816840263029E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.06660162194406E-17 kg1.06660162194406E-17 kg
Elementary flow 7.2528919786912E-15 kg7.2528919786912E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.74784464160871E-21 kg1.74784464160871E-21 kg
Elementary flow 6.89949430403783E-17 kg6.89949430403783E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.27795670750433E-16 kg2.27795670750433E-16 kg
Elementary flow BR 2.36279158446197E-4 m32.36279158446197E-4 m3
Elementary flow 1.36631550357334E-17 kg1.36631550357334E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.28544968201447E-11 kg2.28544968201447E-11 kg
Elementary flow 4.0616725605226E-17 kg4.0616725605226E-17 kg
Elementary flow 9.24052696170018E-10 kg9.24052696170018E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.70916349508794E-8 kg2.70916349508794E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.79723730451528E-9 kg2.79723730451528E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.89523912428599E-13 kg4.89523912428599E-13 kg
Elementary flow 7.9060064324228E-26 kg7.9060064324228E-26 kg
Elementary flow 1.12413215089583E-22 kg1.12413215089583E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.8293744638817E-4 kBq2.8293744638817E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 1.07311346700215E-15 kBq1.07311346700215E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 5.15138610599238E-8 kg5.15138610599238E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.24931956716262E-14 kg1.24931956716262E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.42502122670815E-23 kg1.42502122670815E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.29286374836787E-22 kg2.29286374836787E-22 kg
Elementary flow 6.98986406206616E-6 kg6.98986406206616E-6 kg
Elementary flow 8.53281305059057E-17 kg8.53281305059057E-17 kg
Elementary flow 4.64503778311522E-14 kBq4.64503778311522E-14 kBq
Elementary flow CH 0.0161433805569179 m30.0161433805569179 m3
Elementary flow 6.6596162043462E-22 kg6.6596162043462E-22 kg
Elementary flow 5.61840720731842E-5 kg5.61840720731842E-5 kg
Elementary flow 6.03089597218014E-20 kg6.03089597218014E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.70171203148561E-22 kg1.70171203148561E-22 kg
Elementary flow 5.59188063456513E-11 kg5.59188063456513E-11 kg
Waste flow 1.22871983353925E-5 kg1.22871983353925E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.10580024299586E-18 kg2.10580024299586E-18 kg
Elementary flow PT 0.0601561328648014 m30.0601561328648014 m3
Elementary flow 2.5963716120168E-21 kg2.5963716120168E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.84490158206875E-13 kg1.84490158206875E-13 kg
Elementary flow -1.62841468078601E-10 kg-1.62841468078601E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.42472886279146E-21 kg1.42472886279146E-21 kg
Elementary flow 2.0481160078043E-20 kg2.0481160078043E-20 kg
Elementary flow 2.31322410977325E-9 kg2.31322410977325E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.85032848877027E-19 kg4.85032848877027E-19 kg
Elementary flow 2.27503403540046E-9 kg2.27503403540046E-9 kg
Elementary flow 5.00207068790495E-5 kg5.00207068790495E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.21349088832897E-5 kBq1.21349088832897E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 9.4747037548053E-11 kg9.4747037548053E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.12535147143552E-8 kg1.12535147143552E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.84350214318732E-16 kg1.84350214318732E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.38771239499702E-23 kg2.38771239499702E-23 kg
Elementary flow 7.46621133780334E-16 kg7.46621133780334E-16 kg
Elementary flow 7.5816236544073E-12 kg7.5816236544073E-12 kg
Elementary flow TH 1.52500149191212E-7 m31.52500149191212E-7 m3
Elementary flow 1.59742470169734E-18 kg1.59742470169734E-18 kg
Elementary flow 5.02234099470604E-17 kBq5.02234099470604E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 2.22194086663519E-14 kg2.22194086663519E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.14722371662552E-11 kg1.14722371662552E-11 kg
Elementary flow 5.52949620506925E-23 kg5.52949620506925E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.50339553848937E-11 kg2.50339553848937E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.3706773023203E-15 kg1.3706773023203E-15 kg
Elementary flow AU 6.25537942804224E-6 m36.25537942804224E-6 m3
Elementary flow 3.42218963082318E-11 kg3.42218963082318E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.48398672156159E-15 kg1.48398672156159E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.8580928798366E-13 kg1.8580928798366E-13 kg
Elementary flow 9.00265779481671E-14 kg9.00265779481671E-14 kg
Elementary flow 3.17488707005894E-19 kg3.17488707005894E-19 kg
Elementary flow 5.1116631452907E-12 kg5.1116631452907E-12 kg
Elementary flow LU -4.77745002580127E-7 m3-4.77745002580127E-7 m3
Elementary flow IT 1.89725011695531E-4 m31.89725011695531E-4 m3
Elementary flow Emissions to air / Inorganic emissions to air 3.93198569166804 kg3.93198569166804 kg
Elementary flow 7.85906686279436E-10 kg7.85906686279436E-10 kg
Elementary flow FI 9.58648579701587E-8 m39.58648579701587E-8 m3
Elementary flow 2.71764745681602E-15 kg2.71764745681602E-15 kg
Elementary flow 2.36981201057347E-21 kg2.36981201057347E-21 kg
Elementary flow 9.52610655352736E-24 kg9.52610655352736E-24 kg
Elementary flow VE 2.38879433927476E-8 m32.38879433927476E-8 m3
Elementary flow 6.14082754446376E-4 kg6.14082754446376E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.18553267159585E-19 kg2.18553267159585E-19 kg
Elementary flow 2.58906665699695E-20 kg2.58906665699695E-20 kg
Waste flow 0.0168418945521562 kg0.0168418945521562 kg
Elementary flow CA 3.30785642295155E-6 m33.30785642295155E-6 m3
Elementary flow 6.465162849057E-20 kg6.465162849057E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.63756445018892E-4 kg1.63756445018892E-4 kg
Elementary flow 3.48632030124879E-22 kg3.48632030124879E-22 kg
Elementary flow IE 2.20827758902708E-4 m32.20827758902708E-4 m3
Elementary flow 3.82210394997583E-19 kg3.82210394997583E-19 kg
Elementary flow 4.44567077738685E-17 kg4.44567077738685E-17 kg
Elementary flow 5.50801471942505E-22 kg5.50801471942505E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.91027893065891E-5 kBq2.91027893065891E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 1.15320719728818E-6 kg1.15320719728818E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.74235396760562E-15 kBq2.74235396760562E-15 kBq
Elementary flow AT 0.132617208002239 m30.132617208002239 m3
Elementary flow 7.38014658920012E-14 kBq7.38014658920012E-14 kBq
Elementary flow 1.14430730187836E-8 kg1.14430730187836E-8 kg
Waste flow 5.57634834753464E-6 kg5.57634834753464E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.21119157012441E-22 kg3.21119157012441E-22 kg
Product flow 1.0 kg1.0 kg
Elementary flow 2.06449816281809E-6 kg2.06449816281809E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.68407534140857E-19 kBq6.68407534140857E-19 kBq
Elementary flow 1.57041025245841E-18 kg1.57041025245841E-18 kg
Elementary flow ES 9.25793801827335E-7 m39.25793801827335E-7 m3
Elementary flow -7.35137010057973E-17 kg-7.35137010057973E-17 kg
Elementary flow 8.17502708272084E-11 kg8.17502708272084E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.44917784925435E-6 kg3.44917784925435E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.52153092647028E-10 kg1.52153092647028E-10 kg
Elementary flow -5.703875195882E-20 kg-5.703875195882E-20 kg
Elementary flow HU 0.0165232417325181 m30.0165232417325181 m3
Elementary flow 1.29686106942679E-17 kg1.29686106942679E-17 kg
Elementary flow 4.64674946478454E-12 kg4.64674946478454E-12 kg
Elementary flow 9.90738728406601E-14 kg9.90738728406601E-14 kg
Elementary flow 2.86441665588954E-13 kg2.86441665588954E-13 kg
Elementary flow 8.53956241320654E-16 kg8.53956241320654E-16 kg
Elementary flow 6.89336365864054E-23 kg6.89336365864054E-23 kg
Elementary flow 5.72981838981856E-15 kg5.72981838981856E-15 kg
Elementary flow 4.44908715788537E-18 kg4.44908715788537E-18 kg
Elementary flow 9.33792058623555E-7 kg9.33792058623555E-7 kg
Elementary flow IE 8.98783826655735E-6 m38.98783826655735E-6 m3
Elementary flow 4.21970890483667E-11 kg4.21970890483667E-11 kg
Elementary flow IT 9.12697652967981E-7 m39.12697652967981E-7 m3
Elementary flow 1.1052109890168E-20 kg1.1052109890168E-20 kg
Elementary flow 2.70662394066437E-23 kg2.70662394066437E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.97871066156623E-22 kg3.97871066156623E-22 kg
Elementary flow 3.37197765108008E-23 kg3.37197765108008E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.41312544468886E-16 kg3.41312544468886E-16 kg
Elementary flow 1.96356785215161E-14 kBq1.96356785215161E-14 kBq
Elementary flow 8.49618321753294E-5 kg8.49618321753294E-5 kg
Elementary flow 9.86361524118183E-12 kg9.86361524118183E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.10718419007815E-23 kg3.10718419007815E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.36063768280838E-6 kg2.36063768280838E-6 kg
Elementary flow 5.20752067558428E-17 kg5.20752067558428E-17 kg
Elementary flow 8.20994695944431E-21 kg8.20994695944431E-21 kg
Elementary flow 6.68417730699053E-20 kg6.68417730699053E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.00344935411504E-10 kg1.00344935411504E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.20593308496541E-21 kg2.20593308496541E-21 kg
Elementary flow 4.5330580425197E-16 kg4.5330580425197E-16 kg
Elementary flow 1.29378155697415E-15 kg1.29378155697415E-15 kg
Elementary flow 6.28595881592542E-7 kg6.28595881592542E-7 kg
Elementary flow BE 0.0217098021146578 m30.0217098021146578 m3
Elementary flow 1.43736523697165E-16 kg1.43736523697165E-16 kg
Elementary flow 6.22207845740385E-17 kg6.22207845740385E-17 kg
Elementary flow 4.08020399701868E-7 kg4.08020399701868E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.07058217893841E-4 kg3.07058217893841E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.63803338529518E-18 kBq2.63803338529518E-18 kBq
Elementary flow 9.53046942337591E-18 kg9.53046942337591E-18 kg
Elementary flow 3.23997588444009E-23 kg3.23997588444009E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.82521761928491E-15 kBq1.82521761928491E-15 kBq