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Process Data set: Aromatic Polyester Polyols (APP) production mix; polycondensation; production mix, at producer; Hydroxyl value: 150-360 mg KOH/g, aromatic content: 5-50%; Average gross calorific value 22.5 MJ/kg (en) en

Key Data Set Information
Location EU-28
Geographical representativeness description Primary production data for the APP production is from five APP producers with six plants in five different European countries (Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and The Netherlands). Fuel and energy inputs in the system reflect average European conditions and whenever applicable, site specific conditions were applied, to reflect representative situations.
Reference year 2019
Base name ; Treatment, standards, routes ; Mix and location types ; Quantitative product or process properties
Aromatic Polyester Polyols (APP) production mix; polycondensation; production mix, at producer; Hydroxyl value: 150-360 mg KOH/g, aromatic content: 5-50%; Average gross calorific value 22.5 MJ/kg
Use advice for data set The data set can be used for all LCA/CF studies where the product is needed. Combination with individual unit processes using this commodity enables the generation of user-specific (product) LCAs. Due to high resistance to light and thermal aging, as well as thermal stability of polyurethane produced with APPs, the polyurethane/polyisocyanurate (PUR/PIR, in the following the common term for both PU is applied) products are used for paints, coating materials and flame-retarded rigid foams [ULLMANN 2010]. They also may be formulated into adhesives, sealants, and elastomers. Polyurethanes are made from polyols e.g. APPs and polyisocyanates. Typical isocyanates used include polymeric methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (PMDI) in rigid foam applications. Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) is used in flexible foam applications. Monomeric MDI is used in adhesive, coating, sealant, and elastomer applications. Flame retardants may be included in the APP batch and/or added separately during PUR production. This Eco-profile refers to APP without flame retardant additions. When used in thermal insulation products, the use phase results in substantial energy savings of buildings / technical installations / fridges over their use phase. Today’s most important process for an end-of-life is an energy recovery of the PU material.
Technical purpose of product or process Polyester Polyols are important intermediate products for many production chains. APPs are used to manufacture polyisocyanurate (PIR) and polyurethane (PUR) rigid insulation foam, which finds extensive use in the automotive, construction, refrigeration and other industrial sectors. Other uses include flexible polyure-thane foams, semi-rigid foams, and polyurethane coatings. A major part of the world’s polyols production is shared by two groups of polyols, namely polyether and polyester polyols.
Synonyms Aromatic polyester polyols (APP)
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: Materials production / Plastics
General comment on data set The main data source was a data collection from European producers of APP. Primary data on gate-to-gate APP production is derived from site-specific information for processes under operational control supplied by the participating companies of this Eco-profile: five APP producers with six plants in five different European countries. This covers more than 75-85 % of the European APP production (EU-27) in 2020. Land use cannot be read out correctly as the areas were not collected for the foreground system.
Copyright Yes
Owner of data set
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2026
Time representativeness description The LCI data for APP production was collected as 12 month averages representing the year 2020. Background data have reference year of 2016 to 2019. Even if all data were related to 2016, major changes in the result are not expected, as technological breakthrough is not known for refining, steam cracking or re-refining technology or one of the related up-stream technologies. These are rather established and if possible constantly optimised technologies. The dataset is considered to be valid until substantial technological changes in the production chain occur.
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system Foreground system: Aromatic polyester polyols are made by polycondensation from a variety of potential input materials such as multifunctional glycols, e.g. diethylene glycol with multifunctional aromatic anhydrides and acids, e.g. phthalic anhydride, terephthalic acid, isophthalic acid. Also the production technology can differ from producer to producer. Basically the process can be described as follows: The alcohol is first heated, then dicarboxylic ac-id/anhydride is added and the reaction water is removed. The amount of excess diol determines the molecular weight of the product, which also and it depends on the processing conditions and the type of diol. Nitrogen, carbon dioxide or vacuum is used to remove the water and to reach the aimed conversion of more than 99%. Catalysts are used reluctantly because they cannot be removed and can have an undesirable effect on the following PU reaction. Background system: Electricity: Electricity is modelled according to the individual country-specific situations. The country-specific modelling is achieved on multiple levels. Firstly, individual energy carrier specific power plants and plants for renewable energy sources are modelled according to the current national electricity grid mix. Modelling the electricity consumption mix includes transmission / distribution losses and the own use by energy producers (own consumption of power plants and "other" own consumption e.g. due to pumped storage hydro power etc.), as well as imported electricity. Secondly, the national emission and efficiency standards of the power plants are modelled as well as the share of electricity plants and combined heat and power plants (CHP). Thirdly, the country-specific energy carrier supply (share of imports and / or domestic supply) including the country-specific energy carrier properties (e.g. element and energy content) are accounted for. Fourthly, the exploration, mining/production, processing and transport processes of the energy carrier supply chains are modelled according to the specific situation of each electricity producing country. The different production and processing techniques (emissions and efficiencies) in the different energy producing countries are considered, e.g. different crude oil production technologies or different flaring rates at the oil platforms. Thermal energy, process steam: The thermal energy and process steam supply is modelled according to the individual country-specific situation with regard to emission standards and considered energy carriers. The thermal energy and process steam are produced at heat plants. Efficiencies for thermal energy production are by definition 100% in relation to the corresponding energy carrier input. For process steam the efficiency ranges from 85%, 90% to 95%. The energy carriers used for the generation of thermal energy and process steam are modelled according to the specific import situation (see electricity above). Transports: All relevant and known transport processes are included. Ocean-going and inland ship transport as well as rail, truck and pipeline transport of bulk commodities are considered. Energy carriers: The energy carriers are modelled according to the specific supply situation (see electricity above). Refinery products: Diesel fuel, gasoline, technical gases, fuel oils, lubricants and residues such as bitumen are modelled with a parameterised country-specific refinery model. The refinery model represents the current national standard in refining techniques (e.g. emission level, internal energy consumption, etc.) as well as the individual country-specific product output spectrum, which can be quite different from country to country. The supply of crude oil is modelled, again, according to the country-specific situation with the respective properties of the resources.
Included data sets
Flow diagram(s) or picture(s)
  • app flow chart.jpg Image
Mathematical model
Model description The calculation follows the vertical calculation methodology, i.e. that the averaging is done after modelling the specific processes. Restrictions on competition and confidentiality do not allow displaying and describing the systems and analysing details.
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set LCI result
LCI Method Principle Attributional
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations None
LCI method approaches
  • Allocation - net calorific value
  • Not applicable
  • Allocation - market value
  • Allocation - exergetic content
  • Allocation - mass
Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations Foreground system: In some companies’ information, output material with deviations from the required specification is re-ported. If these materials show significant differences and are sold at a different price level (like the condensate), a price allocation is used based on the sales price ratio of the main product and co-product. In case of material declared as off-grade sent to recovery, neither further environmental bur-den nor credits are given to the modelled system (< 1% of total production). If the co-products are reused in the same process, then the output is looped back as an input. When recycled material is reported as input to the system (1% of the average APP) the input dataset used is modelled using the recycled content approach: scrap inputs to the recycled product system are modelled as being free of any primary material burden, only burden for the recycling process are taken into account. Background system: In the refinery operations, co-production is addressed by applying allocation based on mass and net calorific value. The chosen allocation in downstream petrochemicals is based on several sensitivity analyses, which were reviewed by petrochemical experts. Materials and chemicals needed are modelled using the allocation rule most suitable for the respective product (mass, energy, exergy, economic). For further information on specific product see
Modelling constants All data used in the calculation of the LCI results refer to net calorific value.
Deviation from modelling constants / explanations Rainwater input elementary flow, although not an ILCD-compliant flow, is left in the LCI, because it is part of the water assessment as specified by the Eco-profile methodology guidelines.
LCA methodology report
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Data cut-off and completeness principles In the foreground processes all relevant flows are considered, with no cut-off of material and energy flows. According to the GaBi database, used in the background processes, at least 95% of mass and energy of the input and output flows are covered and 98% of their environmental relevance (according to expert judgment) are considered, hence an influence of cut-offs less than 1% on the total is expected. Transports for the main input materials (Diol/Triol, Phthalates) were considered. The contribution of transport of small material proportions is expected to be less than 1%; hence the transports for minor input amounts are excluded.
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations None
Data selection and combination principles 75-85% coverage of the European industry
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None
Data treatment and extrapolations principles The data set represents the specific situation in Europe, focusing on the main technologies used for producing APP in Europe. Primary production data for the APP production comes from five APP producers in the EU.
Deviation from data treatment and extrapolations principles / explanations None
Documentation of data quality management
Data source(s) used for this data set
Percentage supply or production covered 75.0 %
Annual supply or production volume The considered participants covered 75-85% of all APP production in Europe in 2020.
Sampling procedure European producers act as a main source of data for the production of APP on the basis of a direct questionnaire. Primary data on gate-to-gate APP production is derived from site specific information for processes under operational control supplied by the participating companies of this study. The data for the upstream supply chain until the precursors are taken from the GaBi database version 2020.1 (SP40).
Data collection period 2019
Uncertainty adjustments None
Completeness of product model All relevant flows quantified
Supported impact assessment methods
  • Primary energy from non renewable resources (gross cal. value)
  • Primary energy from non renewable resources (net cal. value)
  • Primary energy from renewable resources (gross cal. value)
  • Primary energy from renewable resources (net cal. value)
  • Primary energy demand from ren. and non ren. resources (net cal. value)
  • Primary energy demand from ren. and non ren. resources (gross cal. value)
  • TRACI 2.1, Ecotoxicity (recommended)
  • TRACI 2.1, Human toxicity, cancer (recommended)
  • TRACI 2.1, Human toxicity, non-canc. (recommended)
  • TRACI 2.1, Global Warming Air, excl. biogenic carbon
  • TRACI 2.1, Resources, Fossil fuels
  • TRACI 2.1, Human Health Particulate Air
  • USEtox, Ecotoxicity (recommended)
  • USEtox, Human toxicity, cancer (recommended)
  • TRACI 2.1, Ozone Depletion Air
  • TRACI 2.1, Smog Air
  • USEtox, Human toxicity, non-canc. (recommended)
  • Total freshwater consumption (including rainwater)
  • Blue water consumption
  • Blue water use
  • Total freshwater use
  • Resource depletion water, midpoint (v1.06)
  • Resource depletion, mineral, fossils and renewables, midpoint (v1.06)
  • Climate change midpoint, incl biogenic carbon (v1.06)
  • Particulate matter/Respiratory inorganics midpoint (v1.06)
  • Acidification midpoint (v1.06)
  • Eutrophication terrestrial midpoint (v1.06)
  • Climate change midpoint, excl biogenic carbon (v1.06)
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Agricultural land occupation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Climate change Ecosystems, default, excl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Climate change Human Health, default, excl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Fossil depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Freshwater ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Freshwater eutrophication
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Human toxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Ionising radiation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Marine ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Metal depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Natural land transformation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Ozone depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Particulate matter formation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Photochemical oxidant formation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Terrestrial acidification
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Terrestrial ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Urban land occupation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Agricultural land occupation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Climate change, default, excl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Fossil depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Freshwater ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Freshwater eutrophication
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Human toxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Ionising radiation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Marine ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Marine eutrophication
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Metal depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Natural land transformation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Ozone depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Particulate matter formation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Photochemical oxidant formation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Terrestrial acidification
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Terrestrial ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Urban land occupation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Water depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Climate change, default, excl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Climate change, default, excl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Climate change Ecosystems, default, excl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Climate change Human Health, default, excl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Climate change Ecosystems, default, excl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Climate change Human Health, default, excl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Freshwater eutrophication
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Freshwater eutrophication
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Freshwater eutrophication
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Freshwater eutrophication
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Marine eutrophication
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Marine eutrophication
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Ozone depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Ozone depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Ozone depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Ozone depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Terrestrial acidification
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Terrestrial acidification
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Terrestrial acidification
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Terrestrial acidification
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Photochemical oxidant formation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Photochemical oxidant formation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Photochemical oxidant formation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Photochemical oxidant formation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Particulate matter formation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Particulate matter formation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Particulate matter formation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Particulate matter formation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Ionising radiation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Ionising radiation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Ionising radiation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Ionising radiation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Agricultural land occupation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Urban land occupation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Agricultural land occupation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Urban land occupation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Agricultural land occupation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Urban land occupation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Agricultural land occupation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Urban land occupation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Natural land transformation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Natural land transformation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Natural land transformation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Natural land transformation
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Fossil depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Fossil depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Fossil depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Fossil depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Metal depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Metal depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Metal depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Metal depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Water depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Water depletion
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Freshwater ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Human toxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Marine ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Terrestrial ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Freshwater ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Human toxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Marine ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Terrestrial ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Terrestrial ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Marine ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Human toxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Freshwater ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Terrestrial ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Marine ecotoxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Human toxicity
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Freshwater ecotoxicity
  • Anthropogenic Abiotic Depletion Potential (AADP), TU Berlin
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Climate change, incl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Climate change Ecosystems, incl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Climate change Human Health, incl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Climate change Ecosystems, incl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Climate change Human Health, incl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Climate change, incl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Climate change Ecosystems, incl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Climate change Human Health, incl biogenic carbon
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Climate change, incl biogenic carbon
  • TRACI 2.1, Global Warming Air, incl. biogenic carbon
  • TRACI 2.1, Acidification
  • TRACI 2.1, Eutrophication
  • Eutrophication freshwater midpoint (v1.06)
  • Ionizing radiation midpoint, human health (v1.06)
  • Eutrophication marine midpoint (v1.06)
  • Ozone depletion midpoint (v1.06)
  • Photochemical ozone formation midpoint, human health (v1.06)
  • Ecotoxicity freshwater midpoint (v1.06)
  • Human toxicity midpoint, cancer effects (v1.06)
  • Human toxicity midpoint, non-cancer effects (v1.06)
  • UBP 2013, Global warming
  • UBP 2013, Pesticides into soil
  • UBP 2013, Radioactive waste to deposit
  • UBP 2013, Radioactive substances into air
  • UBP 2013, Water resources
  • UBP 2013, Energy resources
  • UBP 2013, Water pollutants
  • UBP 2013, Heavy metals into soil
  • UBP 2013, Mineral resources
  • UBP 2013, POP into water
  • UBP 2013, Radioactive substances into water
  • UBP 2013, Carcinogenic substances into air
  • UBP 2013, Heavy metals into air
  • UBP 2013, Land use
  • UBP 2013, Heavy metals into water
  • UBP 2013, Main air pollutants
  • UBP 2013, Ozone layer depletion
  • UBP 2013, Non radioactive waste to deposit
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Climate change Ecosystems, incl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Climate change Human Health, incl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Climate change, incl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Climate change Ecosystems, incl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Climate change Human Health, incl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Climate change, incl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Climate change Ecosystems, incl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Climate change Human Health, incl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Climate change, incl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • TRACI 2.1, Global Warming Air, incl biogenic carbon, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GWP20, incl biogenic carbon
  • IPCC AR5 GWP100, incl biogenic carbon
  • IPCC AR5 GTP50, incl biogenic carbon
  • IPCC AR5 GTP20, incl biogenic carbon
  • IPCC AR5 GTP100, incl biogenic carbon
  • IPCC AR5 GTP100, incl biogenic carbon, incl Land Use Change, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GTP20, incl biogenic carbon, incl Land Use Change, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GTP50, incl biogenic carbon, incl Land Use Change, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GWP100, incl biogenic carbon, incl Land Use Change, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GWP20, incl biogenic carbon, incl Land Use Change, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Climate change, excl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Climate change Human Health, excl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Climate change Ecosystems, excl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Climate change, excl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • TRACI 2.1, Global Warming Air, excl biogenic carbon, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • UBP 2013, Global warming, incl Land Use Change
  • IPCC AR5 GWP100, excl biogenic carbon, incl Land Use Change, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Climate change Human Health, excl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Climate change Ecosystems, excl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Climate change, excl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GWP20, excl biogenic carbon
  • IPCC AR5 GWP20, excl biogenic carbon, incl Land Use Change, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GTP100, excl biogenic carbon, incl Land Use Change, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Climate change Human Health, excl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Climate change Ecosystems, excl biog. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GWP100, excl biogenic carbon
  • IPCC AR5 GTP50, excl biogenic carbon
  • IPCC AR5 GTP20, excl biogenic carbon
  • IPCC AR5 GTP100, excl biogenic carbon
  • IPCC AR5 GTP20, excl biogenic carbon, incl Land Use Change, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GTP50, excl biogenic carbon, incl Land Use Change, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GTP20, incl biogenic carbon, Land Use Change only, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Climate change Human Health, LUC only, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (I) - Climate change, LUC only, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (H) - Climate change, LUC only, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GWP20, excl biogenic carbon, Land Use Change only, no norm/weight
  • UBP 2013, Global warming, Land Use Change only
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Climate change Ecosystems, LUC only, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (E) - Climate change Human Health, LUC only, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Midpoint (E) - Climate change, LUC only, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Climate change Ecosystems, LUC only, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (H) - Climate change Human Health, LUC only, no norm/weight
  • ReCiPe 1.08 Endpoint (I) - Climate change Ecosystems, LUC only, no norm/weight
  • TRACI 2.1, Global Warming Air, LUC only, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GWP100, excl biogenic carbon, Land Use Change only, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GTP50, excl biogenic carbon, Land Use Change only, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GTP20, excl biogenic carbon, Land Use Change only, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GTP100, excl biogenic carbon, Land Use Change only, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GWP20, incl biogenic carbon, Land Use Change only, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GWP100, incl biogenic carbon, Land Use Change only, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GTP50, incl biogenic carbon, Land Use Change only, no norm/weight
  • IPCC AR5 GTP100, incl biogenic carbon, Land Use Change only, no norm/weight
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Photochem. Ozone Creation Potential (POCP)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Global Warming Potential (GWP 100), Land Use Change only, no norm/weight
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Eutrophication Potential (EP)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Freshwater Aquatic Ecotoxicity Pot. (FAETP inf.)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Acidification Potential (AP)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Marine Aquatic Ecotoxicity Pot. (MAETP inf.)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Global Warming Potential (GWP 100), excl bio. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Ozone Layer Depletion Potential (ODP, steady state)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Global Warming Potential (GWP 100), incl bio. C, incl LUC, no norm/weight
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Terrestric Ecotoxicity Potential (TETP inf.)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Human Toxicity Potential (HTP inf.)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Global Warming Potential (GWP 100 years)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Global Warming Potential (GWP 100 years), excl biogenic carbon
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Abiotic Depletion (ADP elements)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2015, Abiotic Depletion (ADP fossil)
Completeness elementary flows, per topic
  • Climate change: All relevant flows quantified
  • Ozone depletion: All relevant flows quantified
  • Summer smog: All relevant flows quantified
  • Eutrophication: All relevant flows quantified
  • Acidification: All relevant flows quantified
  • Human toxicity: All relevant flows quantified
  • Freshwater ecotoxicity: All relevant flows quantified
  • Seawater eco-toxicity: All relevant flows quantified
  • Terrestric eco-toxicity: All relevant flows quantified
  • Radioactivity: All relevant flows quantified
  • Land use: Relevant flows missing
  • Non-renewable material resource depletion: All relevant flows quantified
  • Renewable material resource consumption: All relevant flows quantified
  • Non-renewable primary energy depletion: All relevant flows quantified
  • Renewable primary energy consumption: All relevant flows quantified
  • Particulate matter/respiratory inorganics: All relevant flows quantified
  • Species depletion: No statement
  • Noise: No statement
Type of review Scope / Method(s) of review Data quality indicators Review details
Independent external review
Scope name Method name
LCI results or Partly terminated system
  • Sample tests on calculations
  • Documentation
  • Cross-check with other data set
LCIA results
  • Sample tests on calculations
  • Cross-check with other data set
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Documentation
Raw data
  • Sample tests on calculations
Unit process(es), single operation
  • Documentation
  • Expert judgement
  • Documentation
LCIA results calculation
  • Documentation
  • Cross-check with other data set
Goal and scope definition
  • Expert judgement
  • Documentation
Unit process(es), black box
  • Documentation
Life cycle inventory methods
  • Expert judgement
  • Documentation
  • Overall quality: Very good - 1.0
  • Methodological appropriateness and consistency: Very good - 1.0
  • Precision: Very good - 1.0
  • Completeness: Very good - 1.0
  • Geographical representativeness: Good - 2.0
  • Time representativeness: Good - 2.0
  • Technological representativeness: Very good - 1.0
See Review Statement
Subsequent review comments
See Review Statement
Reviewer name and institution
Type of review Scope / Method(s) of review Data quality indicators
Dependent internal review
Scope name Method name
Unit process(es), single operation
  • Expert judgement
  • Cross-check with other data set
  • Energy balance
  • Element balance
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Mass balance
LCI results or Partly terminated system
  • Expert judgement
  • Cross-check with other data set
  • Energy balance
  • Element balance
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Mass balance
Goal and scope definition
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Expert judgement
Raw data
  • Sample tests on calculations
  • Expert judgement
  • Validation of data sources
  • Cross-check with other source
LCIA results calculation
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Expert judgement
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Expert judgement
  • Documentation
LCIA results
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Expert judgement
  • Cross-check with other data set
  • Cross-check with other source
Life cycle inventory methods
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
Unit process(es), black box
  • Expert judgement
  • Cross-check with other data set
  • Energy balance
  • Element balance
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Mass balance
  • Overall quality: Good - 2.0
  • Methodological appropriateness and consistency: Fair - 3.0
  • Precision: Good - 2.0
  • Completeness: Good - 2.0
  • Geographical representativeness: Good - 2.0
  • Time representativeness: Very good - 1.0
  • Technological representativeness: Good - 2.0
Reviewer name and institution
Compliance Declarations
Compliance system name
Approval of overall compliance
Fully compliant
Nomenclature compliance
Fully compliant
Methodological compliance
Fully compliant
Review compliance
Not defined
Documentation compliance
Fully compliant
Quality compliance
Not defined
Compliance system name
Approval of overall compliance
Not defined
Nomenclature compliance
Not defined
Methodological compliance
Not defined
Review compliance
Not defined
Documentation compliance
Not defined
Quality compliance
Not defined
Compliance system name
Approval of overall compliance
Not defined
Nomenclature compliance
Fully compliant
Methodological compliance
Fully compliant
Review compliance
Not defined
Documentation compliance
Not defined
Quality compliance
Not defined
Commissioner and goal
Commissioner of data set
Intended applications This background LCI data set can be used for any types of LCA studies. LCA studies considering the full life cycle (»cradle-to-grave«) of an application or product allow for comparative assertions to be derived. It is essential to note that comparisons cannot be made at the level of the polymer or its precursors. In order to compare the performance of different materials, the whole life cycle and the effects of relevant life cycle parameters must be considered. It is intended to be used by member companies, to support product-orientated environmental management; by users of plastics, as a building block of life cycle assessment (LCA) studies of individual products; and by other interested parties, as a source of life cycle information.
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2021-07-01T01:00:00.000
Data set format(s)
Data entry by
Publication and ownership
UUID d2fe899e-7fc0-49d3-a7cc-bbf8cad5439a
Date of last revision 2021-07-01T01:00:00.000
Data set version 00.00.001
Workflow and publication status Data set finalised; entirely published
Unchanged re-publication of
Owner of data set
Copyright Yes
License type Other
Access and use restrictions GaBi (source code, database including extension modules and single data sets, documentation) remains property of thinkstep AG. thinkstep AG delivers GaBi licenses comprising data storage medium and manual as ordered by the customer. The license guarantees the right of use for one installation of GaBi. Further installations using the same license are not permitted. Additional licenses are only valid if the licensee holds at least one main license. Licenses are not transferable and must only be used within the licensee's organisation. Data sets may be copied for internal use. The number of copies is restricted to the number of licenses of the software system GaBi the licensee owns. The right of use is exclusively valid for the licensee. All rights reserved.


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Elementary flow BE 2.07123030940167E-4 m2*a2.07123030940167E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow LV 0.00198039946438739 m30.00198039946438739 m3
Elementary flow PL 5.39622814311519E-7 m35.39622814311519E-7 m3
Elementary flow BA 1.78796037181025E-8 m2*a1.78796037181025E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.62822575680243E-15 m21.62822575680243E-15 m2
Elementary flow CL 1.17317707066118E-6 m21.17317707066118E-6 m2
Elementary flow KR 1.49141780481532E-11 m21.49141780481532E-11 m2
Elementary flow 1.41093301493647E-24 m21.41093301493647E-24 m2
Elementary flow CZ 3.10684545409135E-4 m23.10684545409135E-4 m2
Elementary flow 3.16494824101789E-13 MJ3.16494824101789E-13 MJ
Elementary flow PL 0.00151920015230225 m2*a0.00151920015230225 m2*a
Elementary flow 0.159235374266796 MJ0.159235374266796 MJ
Elementary flow 3.683407502752531E-10 kg3.683407502752531E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.5142464708494963 kg2.5142464708494963 kg
Elementary flow LT 2.07123030950638E-4 m22.07123030950638E-4 m2
Elementary flow MY 9.167395075419445E-6 m39.167395075419445E-6 m3
Elementary flow FI 0.00134629970161159 m20.00134629970161159 m2
Elementary flow BA 3.9179041867043E-9 m2*a3.9179041867043E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow NZ 1.43022231193264E-10 m21.43022231193264E-10 m2
Elementary flow 2.32906963239163E-19 kg2.32906963239163E-19 kg
Elementary flow 2.73568920516831E-12 kg2.73568920516831E-12 kg
Elementary flow TR 1.27553194522094E-8 m21.27553194522094E-8 m2
Elementary flow 0.150627577372843 kg0.150627577372843 kg
Elementary flow LU 3.19003998017358E-9 m2*a3.19003998017358E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.165470197778E-9 m22.165470197778E-9 m2
Elementary flow 4.30378118988091E-7 m34.30378118988091E-7 m3
Elementary flow SK 5.56225081249694E-9 m2*a5.56225081249694E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 7.5570457763801E-21 kg7.5570457763801E-21 kg
Elementary flow 5.035038546512571E-4 kg5.035038546512571E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.46111208514664E-6 MJ1.46111208514664E-6 MJ
Elementary flow 3.63898211136079E-16 m2*a3.63898211136079E-16 m2*a
Elementary flow LT 7.66513920941419E-7 m37.66513920941419E-7 m3
Elementary flow ES 1.85792206633359E-8 m2*a1.85792206633359E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow FR 0.00155264936606155 m2*a0.00155264936606155 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.6426143196293E-12 kg1.6426143196293E-12 kg
Elementary flow MK 1.97480477274175E-9 m2*a1.97480477274175E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow BA 3.85564762584373E-8 m23.85564762584373E-8 m2
Elementary flow 0.006545519698425605 m30.006545519698425605 m3
Elementary flow 4.69034789186096E-12 kg4.69034789186096E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.05044373956775E-16 kg3.05044373956775E-16 kg
Elementary flow 1.41093301493647E-24 m21.41093301493647E-24 m2
Elementary flow MK 1.43332966471936E-6 m31.43332966471936E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.453154616646E-5 kg1.453154616646E-5 kg
Elementary flow DE 6.75660968625493E-8 m26.75660968625493E-8 m2
Elementary flow NL 0.00414516720046188 m30.00414516720046188 m3
Elementary flow DE 0.0611150187782211 m2*a0.0611150187782211 m2*a
Elementary flow 4.86900761758696E-16 kg4.86900761758696E-16 kg
Elementary flow 0.0161987244785602 kg0.0161987244785602 kg
Elementary flow 3.67778143468774E-5 m2*a3.67778143468774E-5 m2*a
Elementary flow 0.00176037114257154 kg0.00176037114257154 kg
Elementary flow FI 0.00134629970161159 m2*a0.00134629970161159 m2*a
Elementary flow NL 6.14171344311102E-8 m26.14171344311102E-8 m2
Elementary flow 5.71696277825197E-22 m25.71696277825197E-22 m2
Elementary flow 2.7746863870423E-13 kg2.7746863870423E-13 kg
Elementary flow CN 1.37337361545585E-5 m31.37337361545585E-5 m3
Elementary flow 24.775013357276844 MJ24.775013357276844 MJ
Elementary flow DE 1.33288363798069E-9 m21.33288363798069E-9 m2
Elementary flow RS 4.42455076713793E-9 m2*a4.42455076713793E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 7.15775093654597E-17 m2*a7.15775093654597E-17 m2*a
Elementary flow AU 4.2715989302611E-5 m34.2715989302611E-5 m3
Elementary flow ID 7.22946796182217E-7 m37.22946796182217E-7 m3
Elementary flow RO 2.22276002706727E-8 m2*a2.22276002706727E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.42898552462618E-24 m23.42898552462618E-24 m2
Elementary flow MY 4.68048409515205E-11 m2*a4.68048409515205E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow ES 3.66779211066361E-7 m23.66779211066361E-7 m2
Elementary flow BR 2.62074332829592E-7 m32.62074332829592E-7 m3
Elementary flow TR 4.93283702151058E-9 m2*a4.93283702151058E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 0.0018457809806022426 kg0.0018457809806022426 kg
Elementary flow MY 1.9455874710115E-4 m2*a1.9455874710115E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow ZA 9.3248266959306E-8 m39.3248266959306E-8 m3
Elementary flow NO 7.34447723451419E-9 m2*a7.34447723451419E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow IT 1.43842884643924E-8 m21.43842884643924E-8 m2
Elementary flow DE 9.49680226994043E-8 m29.49680226994043E-8 m2
Elementary flow AR 2.102347097938794E-7 m32.102347097938794E-7 m3
Elementary flow MX 1.27206533171729E-5 m31.27206533171729E-5 m3
Elementary flow ES 3.40140394111531E-4 m33.40140394111531E-4 m3
Elementary flow ES 3.66779211066361E-7 m23.66779211066361E-7 m2
Elementary flow US 0.00155490988517755 m30.00155490988517755 m3
Elementary flow NZ 2.27839911304741E-11 m2*a2.27839911304741E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow US 5.1759842945984E-4 m35.1759842945984E-4 m3
Elementary flow US 9.59473424094501E-7 m2*a9.59473424094501E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow ES 1.13066161789193E-11 m21.13066161789193E-11 m2
Elementary flow RU 2.66680551737324E-6 m22.66680551737324E-6 m2
Elementary flow BE 1.3359400002238E-7 m2*a1.3359400002238E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow RS 1.21449778214881E-5 m31.21449778214881E-5 m3
Elementary flow 3.78746248446324E-13 kg3.78746248446324E-13 kg
Elementary flow ID 9.5184575727425E-9 m2*a9.5184575727425E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow IT 0.02907023714236505 m30.02907023714236505 m3
Elementary flow NZ 1.10120143657464E-10 m2*a1.10120143657464E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.0751444918516E-17 m2*a1.0751444918516E-17 m2*a
Elementary flow SL 4.87235557123392E-8 m24.87235557123392E-8 m2
Elementary flow 2.16547132415057E-9 m2*a2.16547132415057E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 9.757446101332948E-10 kg9.757446101332948E-10 kg
Elementary flow 4.734145287081021E-15 kg4.734145287081021E-15 kg
Elementary flow 3.22312730353549E-7 m23.22312730353549E-7 m2
Elementary flow TH 2.03947241266522E-10 m22.03947241266522E-10 m2
Elementary flow CL 2.22442782101437E-9 m22.22442782101437E-9 m2
Elementary flow TH 1.63886742814402E-11 m2*a1.63886742814402E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow US 0.00151551463441566 m30.00151551463441566 m3
Elementary flow CN 6.11088627322929E-4 m36.11088627322929E-4 m3
Elementary flow VE 1.3859861037427E-9 m21.3859861037427E-9 m2
Elementary flow IT 5.77211669040465E-9 m25.77211669040465E-9 m2
Elementary flow SE 7.63049137557453E-7 m27.63049137557453E-7 m2
Elementary flow LV 3.10684545408446E-4 m23.10684545408446E-4 m2
Elementary flow 2.45938886107734E-17 m22.45938886107734E-17 m2
Elementary flow SK 5.21459218752744E-9 m2*a5.21459218752744E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow ES 3.38050057571808E-4 m23.38050057571808E-4 m2
Elementary flow HU 1.2850020201826E-10 m21.2850020201826E-10 m2
Elementary flow CO 7.41103405822565E-7 m2*a7.41103405822565E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow CZ 7.37427805260111E-7 m27.37427805260111E-7 m2
Elementary flow FI 0.00134629970161159 m20.00134629970161159 m2
Elementary flow 2.2722858920403E-14 m22.2722858920403E-14 m2
Elementary flow 0.0095960440578535 m30.0095960440578535 m3
Elementary flow 7.94647774508002E-23 kg7.94647774508002E-23 kg
Elementary flow AR 3.49169282742857E-8 m23.49169282742857E-8 m2
Elementary flow 2.47010189336086E-4 kg2.47010189336086E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.36620510333746E-23 kg1.36620510333746E-23 kg
Elementary flow 8.94890228474841E-9 m28.94890228474841E-9 m2
Elementary flow DE 0.00402818619704221 m20.00402818619704221 m2
Elementary flow BR 9.4359635271017E-11 m29.4359635271017E-11 m2
Elementary flow SK 2.13583891304163E-7 m32.13583891304163E-7 m3
Elementary flow FR 0.05780764771659623 m30.05780764771659623 m3
Elementary flow HU 5.63426472099915E-8 m25.63426472099915E-8 m2
Elementary flow BE 2.07123030940167E-4 m22.07123030940167E-4 m2
Elementary flow PH 2.101453396489488E-15 m32.101453396489488E-15 m3
Elementary flow 1.14440940164662E-16 kg1.14440940164662E-16 kg
Elementary flow ZA 4.59172992046462E-6 m24.59172992046462E-6 m2
Elementary flow ZA 8.73284617098767E-8 m2*a8.73284617098767E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow RO 2.11873251188537E-7 m22.11873251188537E-7 m2
Elementary flow RS 7.86171282263505E-7 m37.86171282263505E-7 m3
Elementary flow 0.752195934151315 MJ0.752195934151315 MJ
Elementary flow BR 1.08256790516503E-6 m21.08256790516503E-6 m2
Elementary flow 26.7686904052631 kg26.7686904052631 kg
Elementary flow PT 1.75452198909547E-8 m2*a1.75452198909547E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow LU 2.27120344174617E-9 m22.27120344174617E-9 m2
Elementary flow DE 1.36514106877076E-18 m21.36514106877076E-18 m2
Elementary flow ID 1.4717241677248441E-5 m31.4717241677248441E-5 m3
Elementary flow KZ 1.43795028833672E-8 m2*a1.43795028833672E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow LT 2.07123030950638E-4 m22.07123030950638E-4 m2
Elementary flow BE 2.69069605678878E-9 m22.69069605678878E-9 m2
Elementary flow NZ 1.030593885619638E-5 m31.030593885619638E-5 m3
Elementary flow 2.70241872099296E-8 m22.70241872099296E-8 m2
Elementary flow 3.67755520193498E-15 m23.67755520193498E-15 m2
Elementary flow GB 0.00126017151800701 m2*a0.00126017151800701 m2*a
Elementary flow HU 1.03561515242977E-4 m21.03561515242977E-4 m2
Elementary flow BR 5.2125126158422E-5 m25.2125126158422E-5 m2
Elementary flow DK 1.05115964819534E-6 m31.05115964819534E-6 m3
Elementary flow ES 1.13066161789193E-11 m21.13066161789193E-11 m2
Elementary flow CN 8.9582915763978E-17 m28.9582915763978E-17 m2
Elementary flow 5.83153651613578E-4 kg5.83153651613578E-4 kg
Elementary flow BR 3.61777159580598E-17 m23.61777159580598E-17 m2
Elementary flow CO 1.76582523060977E-6 m31.76582523060977E-6 m3
Elementary flow PL 9.3205363913036E-4 m29.3205363913036E-4 m2
Elementary flow 6.8972514871815E-6 kg6.8972514871815E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.72175683684023E-14 m2*a1.72175683684023E-14 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.79213700274172E-19 kg1.79213700274172E-19 kg
Elementary flow IN 1.72383825156821E-10 m2*a1.72383825156821E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow SK 4.3935410279206E-9 m2*a4.3935410279206E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow MK 8.56398233257077E-9 m2*a8.56398233257077E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow SE 0.00165774729661275 m20.00165774729661275 m2
Elementary flow TH 1.0260344933947054E-7 m31.0260344933947054E-7 m3
Elementary flow KZ 0.002348123584804069 m30.002348123584804069 m3
Elementary flow SL 4.893198749544E-9 m2*a4.893198749544E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow EE 4.49575305641007E-5 m34.49575305641007E-5 m3
Elementary flow ES 5.7830082118443E-8 m25.7830082118443E-8 m2
Elementary flow RS 0.001113998783655511 m30.001113998783655511 m3
Elementary flow 3.22312607305379E-7 m23.22312607305379E-7 m2
Elementary flow FI 3.24060615222256E-6 m33.24060615222256E-6 m3
Elementary flow ES 0.00220962507665364 m30.00220962507665364 m3
Elementary flow MK 7.037377466956105E-4 m37.037377466956105E-4 m3
Elementary flow SE 2.05600323229215E-9 m22.05600323229215E-9 m2
Elementary flow 1.43941397085129E-6 m21.43941397085129E-6 m2
Elementary flow SK 2.07123030940167E-4 m22.07123030940167E-4 m2
Elementary flow DE 1.03694748215476E-5 m2*a1.03694748215476E-5 m2*a
Elementary flow BA 0.0010218198273500775 m30.0010218198273500775 m3
Elementary flow MK 9.12700447770157E-9 m2*a9.12700447770157E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow AR 3.49169282742857E-8 m2*a3.49169282742857E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.0672745048032E-18 kg2.0672745048032E-18 kg
Elementary flow RO 2.21295068167979E-7 m22.21295068167979E-7 m2
Elementary flow MX 5.75388780811965E-5 m35.75388780811965E-5 m3
Elementary flow DE 0.00615318562644022 m30.00615318562644022 m3
Elementary flow PL 0.00151920015230225 m20.00151920015230225 m2
Elementary flow 3.93399889723075E-16 kg3.93399889723075E-16 kg
Elementary flow TH 4.49646922032549E-9 m34.49646922032549E-9 m3
Elementary flow 1.48077871686969E-14 m21.48077871686969E-14 m2
Elementary flow VE 7.68484531899703E-10 m2*a7.68484531899703E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow PT 0.002915168195498224 m30.002915168195498224 m3
Elementary flow AU 1.72303489975514E-6 m21.72303489975514E-6 m2
Elementary flow FR 1.80175827347054E-5 m31.80175827347054E-5 m3
Elementary flow LV 3.10684545408446E-4 m2*a3.10684545408446E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow AU 1.1772789728919E-5 m2*a1.1772789728919E-5 m2*a
Elementary flow CZ 2.24875353531954E-10 m22.24875353531954E-10 m2
Elementary flow BR 1.07963742967494E-6 m21.07963742967494E-6 m2
Elementary flow MX 2.41871714537516E-10 m2*a2.41871714537516E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow DE 0.0012943924401402 m2*a0.0012943924401402 m2*a
Elementary flow CA 2.6083848831724E-6 m22.6083848831724E-6 m2
Elementary flow AT 1.45128471497743E-8 m21.45128471497743E-8 m2
Elementary flow CZ 0.004109954706171345 m30.004109954706171345 m3
Elementary flow BR 8.70610433716253E-7 m28.70610433716253E-7 m2
Elementary flow TR 5.84277907174283E-9 m2*a5.84277907174283E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow NG 4.15895626238264E-5 m34.15895626238264E-5 m3
Elementary flow SI 1.34537140771179E-5 m31.34537140771179E-5 m3
Elementary flow HU 1.03561515242977E-4 m2*a1.03561515242977E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow 5.71696277825197E-22 m25.71696277825197E-22 m2
Elementary flow 6.54747327016913E-16 m2*a6.54747327016913E-16 m2*a
Elementary flow 4.20924580049564E-16 m2*a4.20924580049564E-16 m2*a
Elementary flow ES 4.14246062493116E-4 m24.14246062493116E-4 m2
Elementary flow DE 0.061115018777142 m20.061115018777142 m2
Elementary flow SK 2.07123030950638E-4 m2*a2.07123030950638E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow CA 3.76019998234805E-8 m2*a3.76019998234805E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow GB 1.55850088981802E-7 m2*a1.55850088981802E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow JP 1.3181528443589706E-4 m31.3181528443589706E-4 m3
Elementary flow LT 6.42501010091299E-11 m26.42501010091299E-11 m2
Elementary flow 5.06103807379601E-6 kg5.06103807379601E-6 kg
Elementary flow EE 2.07123030950638E-4 m22.07123030950638E-4 m2
Elementary flow 2.664492773439879E-4 kg2.664492773439879E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.69143205280434E-5 m31.69143205280434E-5 m3
Elementary flow ZA 2.51734214695991E-5 m32.51734214695991E-5 m3
Elementary flow SG 4.53187436586075E-9 m34.53187436586075E-9 m3
Elementary flow RO 2.11873251188537E-7 m2*a2.11873251188537E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.0349298390464E-7 m22.0349298390464E-7 m2
Elementary flow KR 8.32691626427582E-11 m38.32691626427582E-11 m3
Elementary flow 5.0990981685759E-21 m25.0990981685759E-21 m2
Elementary flow BG 3.14074369907371E-4 m33.14074369907371E-4 m3
Elementary flow CL 9.81343446298476E-8 m2*a9.81343446298476E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow FI 0.002858498943877969 m30.002858498943877969 m3
Elementary flow NL 2.62831090114022E-9 m2*a2.62831090114022E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.12143521876395E-15 m22.12143521876395E-15 m2
Elementary flow US 6.0871161170725E-11 m26.0871161170725E-11 m2
Elementary flow IN 9.66305481670943E-8 m39.66305481670943E-8 m3
Elementary flow ES 3.38050057571808E-4 m23.38050057571808E-4 m2
Elementary flow RO 1.02729854616125E-7 m2*a1.02729854616125E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow NZ 1.01181456996531E-11 m2*a1.01181456996531E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow 5.35659955905337E-17 m25.35659955905337E-17 m2
Elementary flow FI 4.49750707063909E-10 m24.49750707063909E-10 m2
Elementary flow 5.66502627094408E-15 kg5.66502627094408E-15 kg
Elementary flow SK 1.19803293952311E-8 m21.19803293952311E-8 m2
Elementary flow 0.0031250064011778948 kg0.0031250064011778948 kg
Elementary flow 4.276803918524389E-5 kg4.276803918524389E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.20377743937557E-12 m21.20377743937557E-12 m2
Elementary flow 6.133305062324615E-5 kg6.133305062324615E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.02480706758376E-13 kg1.02480706758376E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.04524594455967E-17 m2*a1.04524594455967E-17 m2*a
Elementary flow RS 1.91953757112633E-8 m2*a1.91953757112633E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow SK 6.42501010091299E-11 m26.42501010091299E-11 m2
Elementary flow NL 0.00101032315493889 m30.00101032315493889 m3
Elementary flow BG 8.64754097847489E-8 m2*a8.64754097847489E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.28711568140101E-12 m2*a2.28711568140101E-12 m2*a
Elementary flow VN 4.97286348787913E-11 m2*a4.97286348787913E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow MX 1.77174058555667E-9 m21.77174058555667E-9 m2
Elementary flow MY 1.94558747100657E-4 m21.94558747100657E-4 m2
Elementary flow 1.9345449120182266E-6 kg1.9345449120182266E-6 kg
Elementary flow RU 6.47130043871472E-7 m2*a6.47130043871472E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow HU 1.20398152557931E-8 m2*a1.20398152557931E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow SK 1.19803293952311E-8 m21.19803293952311E-8 m2
Elementary flow 3.62537433815284E-5 m23.62537433815284E-5 m2
Elementary flow IT 1.79587999877866E-20 m2*a1.79587999877866E-20 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.09704041640973E-17 kg3.09704041640973E-17 kg
Elementary flow JP 1.98375510044852E-10 m21.98375510044852E-10 m2
Elementary flow UA 1.47383661520809E-7 m31.47383661520809E-7 m3
Elementary flow FR 0.00155264936605493 m20.00155264936605493 m2
Elementary flow 5.05455273269265E-14 m2*a5.05455273269265E-14 m2*a
Elementary flow JP 9.84941343579332E-9 m2*a9.84941343579332E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.16547016749765E-9 m22.16547016749765E-9 m2
Elementary flow RU 5.89079536730489E-5 m35.89079536730489E-5 m3
Elementary flow BR 5.21251272320777E-5 m2*a5.21251272320777E-5 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.13702325382045E-15 m21.13702325382045E-15 m2
Elementary flow ZA 4.59172992046462E-6 m24.59172992046462E-6 m2
Elementary flow PL 1.21220728619619E-10 m21.21220728619619E-10 m2
Elementary flow 9.63700415626693E-14 kg9.63700415626693E-14 kg
Elementary flow CA 8.24866922112919E-4 m38.24866922112919E-4 m3
Elementary flow SI 8.68930707870145E-7 m38.68930707870145E-7 m3
Elementary flow RU 1.92228905207969E-7 m21.92228905207969E-7 m2
Elementary flow UA 2.52127124605725E-8 m22.52127124605725E-8 m2
Elementary flow 0.601513177503442 MJ0.601513177503442 MJ
Elementary flow 9.62420712393679E-5 kg9.62420712393679E-5 kg
Elementary flow CH 6.8585859573732E-8 m2*a6.8585859573732E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow GR 2.36300290040902E-8 m2*a2.36300290040902E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow PL 3.29537880218933E-5 m33.29537880218933E-5 m3
Elementary flow TH 7.57439447255469E-11 m2*a7.57439447255469E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow KZ 7.86433972634407E-5 m37.86433972634407E-5 m3
Elementary flow SE 9.84209388001383E-9 m39.84209388001383E-9 m3
Elementary flow UA 2.243736910591114E-4 m32.243736910591114E-4 m3
Elementary flow AU 2.68828548905718E-7 m2*a2.68828548905718E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow RU 2.66680551737324E-6 m22.66680551737324E-6 m2
Elementary flow DE 9.99919153108366E-6 m2*a9.99919153108366E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow 4.02101544256214E-18 m24.02101544256214E-18 m2
Elementary flow BR 1.08266065780615E-6 m2*a1.08266065780615E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow MX 1.31649281022593E-8 m31.31649281022593E-8 m3
Elementary flow ES 3.38050057571808E-4 m2*a3.38050057571808E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.75499470324175E-14 kg1.75499470324175E-14 kg
Elementary flow AT 0.06799774578873213 m30.06799774578873213 m3
Elementary flow 6.91297272776864E-15 m26.91297272776864E-15 m2
Elementary flow 1.03234938027132E-16 kg1.03234938027132E-16 kg
Elementary flow IT 2.07123030950638E-4 m2*a2.07123030950638E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow SE 0.01806352877515066 m30.01806352877515066 m3
Elementary flow ES 3.66779211066361E-7 m2*a3.66779211066361E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow NO 3.10684545408446E-4 m23.10684545408446E-4 m2
Elementary flow EE 3.19003998017358E-9 m2*a3.19003998017358E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.183201377193E-6 kg2.183201377193E-6 kg
Elementary flow FR 7.3328956999152E-9 m27.3328956999152E-9 m2
Elementary flow CA 2.87303566696848E-6 m22.87303566696848E-6 m2
Elementary flow 5.82988663387119E-9 kg5.82988663387119E-9 kg
Elementary flow EE 2.07123030950638E-4 m2*a2.07123030950638E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow CH 1.38137717169629E-9 m21.38137717169629E-9 m2
Elementary flow CO 9.66298812181551E-6 m39.66298812181551E-6 m3
Elementary flow 3.30112464371007E-10 kg3.30112464371007E-10 kg
Elementary flow RO 9.63378839006453E-8 m2*a9.63378839006453E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow AU 3.98582155722062E-7 m2*a3.98582155722062E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.331496928633013E-10 kg3.331496928633013E-10 kg
Elementary flow NL 6.14171344311102E-8 m26.14171344311102E-8 m2
Elementary flow 3.57650216707613E-17 m2*a3.57650216707613E-17 m2*a
Elementary flow CA 6.29489753460847E-5 m36.29489753460847E-5 m3
Elementary flow TR 1.97971727140702E-9 m2*a1.97971727140702E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 4.91119510149841E-12 kg4.91119510149841E-12 kg
Elementary flow FI 8.01105249601363E-8 m38.01105249601363E-8 m3
Elementary flow GR 1.48814907468379E-4 m31.48814907468379E-4 m3
Elementary flow DE 0.3201869221276829 m30.3201869221276829 m3
Elementary flow PL 5.35959663854156E-7 m2*a5.35959663854156E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow LU 6.42501010091299E-11 m26.42501010091299E-11 m2
Elementary flow IN 5.35350309560532E-7 m2*a5.35350309560532E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow -3.2507336224595127E-13 kg-3.2507336224595127E-13 kg
Elementary flow US 2.97529410371375E-10 m22.97529410371375E-10 m2
Elementary flow TR 4.721211985989144E-4 m34.721211985989144E-4 m3
Elementary flow NL 2.62831090114022E-9 m22.62831090114022E-9 m2
Elementary flow BE 0.00462969962757489 m30.00462969962757489 m3
Elementary flow DK 3.70454173038343E-5 m33.70454173038343E-5 m3
Elementary flow IT 0.0200596473557853 m2*a0.0200596473557853 m2*a
Elementary flow US 1.82683256577713E-6 m21.82683256577713E-6 m2
Elementary flow CN 2.02642546270307E-10 m22.02642546270307E-10 m2
Elementary flow RO 4.01738193028555E-9 m34.01738193028555E-9 m3
Elementary flow DE 9.49680226994043E-8 m29.49680226994043E-8 m2
Elementary flow 2.35019068710991E-15 m22.35019068710991E-15 m2
Elementary flow 2.3451791200291E-8 kg2.3451791200291E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.41747793292848E-21 kg3.41747793292848E-21 kg
Elementary flow BG 1.02215998602217E-4 m31.02215998602217E-4 m3
Elementary flow NL 1.08014691127039E-12 m21.08014691127039E-12 m2
Elementary flow BG 1.03747775676685E-4 m21.03747775676685E-4 m2
Elementary flow IT 1.79587999877866E-20 m21.79587999877866E-20 m2
Elementary flow NG 0.0021342623932492956 m30.0021342623932492956 m3
Elementary flow RU 1.92228905207969E-7 m21.92228905207969E-7 m2
Elementary flow GB 3.37850650877951E-8 m2*a3.37850650877951E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow AT 1.45128471497743E-8 m2*a1.45128471497743E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow ID 3.02664946776052E-7 m2*a3.02664946776052E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow US 6.0871161170725E-11 m26.0871161170725E-11 m2
Elementary flow 1.5825521351737E-15 m21.5825521351737E-15 m2
Elementary flow IN 4.6685098428513E-19 m24.6685098428513E-19 m2
Elementary flow 1.47196737746063E-15 m21.47196737746063E-15 m2
Elementary flow NL 3.04938219902714E-6 m2*a3.04938219902714E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow 8.33971807877237E-9 kg8.33971807877237E-9 kg
Elementary flow NO 5.92883175605234E-10 m25.92883175605234E-10 m2
Elementary flow 5.25388766714443E-15 kg5.25388766714443E-15 kg
Elementary flow ZA 4.46797878237285E-6 m2*a4.46797878237285E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow GB 3.99015914151528E-8 m2*a3.99015914151528E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow AU 2.04044703342886E-6 m32.04044703342886E-6 m3
Elementary flow NO 2.05462877065875E-5 m32.05462877065875E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.4684550287756657E-5 kg1.4684550287756657E-5 kg
Elementary flow KR 1.49141780481532E-11 m21.49141780481532E-11 m2
Elementary flow DK 1.2850020201826E-9 m21.2850020201826E-9 m2
Elementary flow CZ 2.24875353531954E-10 m22.24875353531954E-10 m2
Elementary flow 2.00167279822615E-5 kg2.00167279822615E-5 kg
Elementary flow 4.69081421086275E-16 kg4.69081421086275E-16 kg
Elementary flow VE 2.59152230724735E-5 m32.59152230724735E-5 m3
Elementary flow FR 5.3333634219888E-9 m25.3333634219888E-9 m2
Elementary flow SI 0.00615467413611515 m30.00615467413611515 m3
Elementary flow VE 5.64120193439457E-10 m2*a5.64120193439457E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow UA 1.21901198645814E-8 m2*a1.21901198645814E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 56.6004685382513 kg56.6004685382513 kg
Elementary flow 5.05204473532708E-14 kg5.05204473532708E-14 kg
Elementary flow ID 1.08165218225071E-6 m31.08165218225071E-6 m3
Elementary flow FI 2.23302798612151E-8 m2*a2.23302798612151E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow BG 1.03561515242977E-4 m21.03561515242977E-4 m2
Elementary flow SE 2.05600323229215E-9 m22.05600323229215E-9 m2
Elementary flow 1.23624250009989E-15 kg1.23624250009989E-15 kg
Elementary flow CL 1.22314389545694E-8 m31.22314389545694E-8 m3
Elementary flow 0.896142742840409 MJ0.896142742840409 MJ
Elementary flow VE 1.3859861037427E-9 m21.3859861037427E-9 m2
Elementary flow 1.28325554535772E-16 m21.28325554535772E-16 m2
Elementary flow SE 7.63049137557453E-7 m2*a7.63049137557453E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow MY 1.89363436588118E-10 m2*a1.89363436588118E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow GB 3.10684545408446E-4 m2*a3.10684545408446E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.77885528704903E-6 m2*a3.77885528704903E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow LU 2.03888528782254E-6 m32.03888528782254E-6 m3
Elementary flow 3.38511714313217E-13 kg3.38511714313217E-13 kg
Elementary flow KZ 1.63931868280283E-7 m31.63931868280283E-7 m3
Elementary flow IT 0.0200596473557853 m20.0200596473557853 m2
Elementary flow UA 1.30225925959911E-8 m2*a1.30225925959911E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.92367342817534E-7 kg3.92367342817534E-7 kg
Elementary flow 0.00977475641664859 MJ0.00977475641664859 MJ
Elementary flow 2.00978597299793E-7 kg2.00978597299793E-7 kg
Elementary flow PL 9.3390814805108E-4 m29.3390814805108E-4 m2
Elementary flow 2.75792683290123E-13 m2*a2.75792683290123E-13 m2*a
Elementary flow NZ 1.43022231193264E-10 m21.43022231193264E-10 m2
Elementary flow KR 7.25005942356731E-12 m2*a7.25005942356731E-12 m2*a
Elementary flow MY 3.53413468891319E-10 m2*a3.53413468891319E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow RO 2.21295068167979E-7 m22.21295068167979E-7 m2
Elementary flow VE 3.93453050495358E-5 m33.93453050495358E-5 m3
Elementary flow VE 7.37822006549446E-9 m37.37822006549446E-9 m3
Elementary flow 8.89455786133702E-19 kg8.89455786133702E-19 kg
Elementary flow SE 5.95369556301764E-8 m25.95369556301764E-8 m2
Elementary flow BR 6.37691889788339E-6 m26.37691889788339E-6 m2
Elementary flow 8.38128025239384E-7 m28.38128025239384E-7 m2
Elementary flow 0.0199534568928961 kg0.0199534568928961 kg
Elementary flow IE 3.19003998017358E-9 m2*a3.19003998017358E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow MY 2.43266460259269E-6 m32.43266460259269E-6 m3
Elementary flow BR 8.70516074080982E-7 m2*a8.70516074080982E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow GR 2.35203486340697E-7 m22.35203486340697E-7 m2
Elementary flow IT 2.07128803067328E-4 m22.07128803067328E-4 m2
Elementary flow 3.14751263982982E-15 m23.14751263982982E-15 m2
Elementary flow DE 5.82075984341996E-6 m2*a5.82075984341996E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow 7.36307487358653E-15 m2*a7.36307487358653E-15 m2*a
Elementary flow RU 0.02098137218162901 m30.02098137218162901 m3
Elementary flow AT 4.14246062493116E-4 m24.14246062493116E-4 m2
Elementary flow 1.59873172231334E-6 kg1.59873172231334E-6 kg
Elementary flow GR 2.35203486340697E-7 m22.35203486340697E-7 m2
Elementary flow AT 2.1277092885914E-9 m32.1277092885914E-9 m3
Elementary flow SK 2.07123030950638E-4 m22.07123030950638E-4 m2
Elementary flow RS 4.40689292562631E-8 m24.40689292562631E-8 m2
Elementary flow 4.32991127514223E-17 kg4.32991127514223E-17 kg
Elementary flow GB 2.85975086129814E-9 m22.85975086129814E-9 m2
Elementary flow AT 8.67376363623252E-10 m28.67376363623252E-10 m2
Elementary flow 8.32723355315262E-13 kg8.32723355315262E-13 kg
Elementary flow CA 2.73614037813266E-6 m2*a2.73614037813266E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.39540595256824E-16 m23.39540595256824E-16 m2
Elementary flow 3.77451275410616E-10 kg3.77451275410616E-10 kg
Elementary flow KZ 3.42152171443274E-8 m23.42152171443274E-8 m2
Elementary flow FR 0.00155264936706474 m20.00155264936706474 m2
Elementary flow GB 8.75491127201773E-8 m28.75491127201773E-8 m2
Elementary flow UA 2.52127124605725E-8 m22.52127124605725E-8 m2
Elementary flow CL 5.26228777858125E-6 m35.26228777858125E-6 m3
Elementary flow LU 2.27120344174617E-9 m2*a2.27120344174617E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow GB 3.10684545408446E-4 m23.10684545408446E-4 m2
Elementary flow 7.32381029485395E-6 kg7.32381029485395E-6 kg
Elementary flow RU 2.66718448039076E-4 m32.66718448039076E-4 m3
Elementary flow US 3.76493929751019E-7 m2*a3.76493929751019E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow CA 3.42949568967551E-9 m23.42949568967551E-9 m2
Elementary flow RO 3.10684546400852E-4 m23.10684546400852E-4 m2
Elementary flow SE 5.95369556301764E-8 m2*a5.95369556301764E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow LU 2.27120344174617E-9 m22.27120344174617E-9 m2
Elementary flow ES 5.7830082118443E-8 m25.7830082118443E-8 m2
Elementary flow IT 1.43842884643924E-8 m21.43842884643924E-8 m2
Elementary flow 1.03234938027132E-18 kg1.03234938027132E-18 kg
Elementary flow 3.83980667741046E-16 m23.83980667741046E-16 m2
Elementary flow 2.66549037733961E-14 m22.66549037733961E-14 m2
Elementary flow 3.06589758658933E-17 m2*a3.06589758658933E-17 m2*a
Elementary flow IS 1.50781404108417E-5 m31.50781404108417E-5 m3
Elementary flow PT 3.10684545408446E-4 m23.10684545408446E-4 m2
Elementary flow PT 4.46028319766029E-5 m34.46028319766029E-5 m3
Elementary flow 6.6782012018029E-17 m26.6782012018029E-17 m2
Elementary flow BG 1.86260171098685E-7 m21.86260171098685E-7 m2
Elementary flow HU 2.45252410300501E-8 m2*a2.45252410300501E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.01554254724447E-13 m21.01554254724447E-13 m2
Elementary flow IE 6.9088982237467E-6 m36.9088982237467E-6 m3
Elementary flow 9.47463240674103E-6 kg9.47463240674103E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.0672745048032E-18 kg2.0672745048032E-18 kg
Elementary flow RO 7.24391895161978E-4 m37.24391895161978E-4 m3
Elementary flow MK 1.96657675399054E-8 m21.96657675399054E-8 m2
Elementary flow VN 4.65767299865416E-10 m34.65767299865416E-10 m3
Elementary flow HU 1.03617857878946E-4 m21.03617857878946E-4 m2
Elementary flow 1.09824646749457E-15 m21.09824646749457E-15 m2
Elementary flow NL 1.25324345487015E-6 m31.25324345487015E-6 m3
Elementary flow 6.43323865495747E-20 m2*a6.43323865495747E-20 m2*a
Elementary flow IT 0.00100814614888399 m30.00100814614888399 m3
Elementary flow 3.16839825350607E-15 m23.16839825350607E-15 m2
Elementary flow CZ 7.37427805260111E-7 m27.37427805260111E-7 m2
Elementary flow CN 3.3487735123111E-7 m2*a3.3487735123111E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 0.0011951630278760432 kg0.0011951630278760432 kg
Elementary flow HU 8.15275667288147E-5 m38.15275667288147E-5 m3
Elementary flow 5.45599550998365E-17 m25.45599550998365E-17 m2
Elementary flow FR 0.00124273818454073 m2*a0.00124273818454073 m2*a
Elementary flow IE 1.482779714531004E-4 m31.482779714531004E-4 m3
Elementary flow LV 2.09814856466344E-7 m32.09814856466344E-7 m3
Elementary flow BR 8.66448861249655E-13 m2*a8.66448861249655E-13 m2*a
Elementary flow LT 9.88527101264151E-6 m39.88527101264151E-6 m3
Elementary flow -1.25463456472634E-10 MJ-1.25463456472634E-10 MJ
Elementary flow CL 3.82732218503324E-5 m33.82732218503324E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.22769289126377E-14 kg1.22769289126377E-14 kg
Elementary flow VN 1.90166858677999E-10 m21.90166858677999E-10 m2
Elementary flow HU 2.61577397913731E-8 m2*a2.61577397913731E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow CA 1.02722266279721E-7 m2*a1.02722266279721E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow KR 1.46756054740647E-12 m2*a1.46756054740647E-12 m2*a
Elementary flow 8.68971688505377E-4 kg8.68971688505377E-4 kg
Elementary flow CL 9.23047578762994E-10 m2*a9.23047578762994E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow LT 3.19003998017358E-9 m2*a3.19003998017358E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.82649451319588E-7 m21.82649451319588E-7 m2
Elementary flow IT 1.67017302916602E-8 m2*a1.67017302916602E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow CH 0.017846581749152792 m30.017846581749152792 m3
Elementary flow VN 1.90166858677999E-10 m21.90166858677999E-10 m2
Elementary flow ES 9.3337320772094E-10 m29.3337320772094E-10 m2
Elementary flow 8.32405907300652E-12 kg8.32405907300652E-12 kg
Elementary flow 0.0121078807172662 kg0.0121078807172662 kg
Elementary flow IT 0.00106227279372652 m30.00106227279372652 m3
Elementary flow SK 7.10179437419891E-4 m37.10179437419891E-4 m3
Elementary flow DE 2.27384181699553E-5 m22.27384181699553E-5 m2
Elementary flow 7.557974930300075E-18 kg7.557974930300075E-18 kg
Elementary flow 6.27296873728246E-18 m26.27296873728246E-18 m2
Elementary flow CN 4.80838021597306E-10 m24.80838021597306E-10 m2
Elementary flow 1.41093301493647E-24 m2*a1.41093301493647E-24 m2*a
Elementary flow US 1.8265350079255E-6 m21.8265350079255E-6 m2
Elementary flow 2.0647265342695 MJ2.0647265342695 MJ
Elementary flow FR 5.61828543680129E-4 m35.61828543680129E-4 m3
Elementary flow DE 0.0106842471965323 m30.0106842471965323 m3
Elementary flow GB 2.48657903610349E-6 m32.48657903610349E-6 m3
Elementary flow US 4.93891212718977E-7 m2*a4.93891212718977E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow AT 1.45128471497743E-8 m21.45128471497743E-8 m2
Elementary flow 4.33014469175658E-18 kg4.33014469175658E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.00368493105004 MJ1.00368493105004 MJ
Elementary flow PL 9.32053639205805E-4 m2*a9.32053639205805E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow KR 6.19655833893718E-12 m2*a6.19655833893718E-12 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.43941411608459E-6 m2*a1.43941411608459E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow ES 2.59254347873317E-8 m2*a2.59254347873317E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow ES 4.14246062481267E-4 m24.14246062481267E-4 m2
Elementary flow IE 6.42501010091299E-11 m26.42501010091299E-11 m2
Elementary flow IE 9.51849302804217E-8 m39.51849302804217E-8 m3
Elementary flow 1.83812884492185E-26 kg1.83812884492185E-26 kg
Elementary flow NZ 6.84746630547862E-8 m36.84746630547862E-8 m3
Elementary flow -1.73091079644749E-6 kg-1.73091079644749E-6 kg
Elementary flow FR 2.69191688442959E-7 m2*a2.69191688442959E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.90497751191245E-8 kg1.90497751191245E-8 kg
Elementary flow 0.00565502747341633 kg0.00565502747341633 kg
Elementary flow DE 0.0013024617673474 m20.0013024617673474 m2
Elementary flow CZ 3.10684545409135E-4 m23.10684545409135E-4 m2
Elementary flow GB 0.00126017151714809 m20.00126017151714809 m2
Elementary flow BA 1.03013757934761E-5 m31.03013757934761E-5 m3
Elementary flow 7.61474916606278E-6 kg7.61474916606278E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.70282478040494E-15 m21.70282478040494E-15 m2
Elementary flow NO 3.10684545408446E-4 m2*a3.10684545408446E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow CZ 1.23212004640267E-5 m31.23212004640267E-5 m3
Elementary flow 0.0114589172024582 MJ0.0114589172024582 MJ
Elementary flow KZ 4.48292788487319E-9 m2*a4.48292788487319E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow DK 6.38007996034716E-8 m2*a6.38007996034716E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow CN 8.9582915763978E-17 m28.9582915763978E-17 m2
Elementary flow RO 3.95240719864898E-6 m33.95240719864898E-6 m3
Elementary flow ES 1.20740616830835E-4 m31.20740616830835E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.02152832381352E-27 kg2.02152832381352E-27 kg
Elementary flow 2.77445475007994E-16 kg2.77445475007994E-16 kg
Elementary flow GR 1.02362250555005E-7 m2*a1.02362250555005E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow AT 8.67376363623252E-10 m28.67376363623252E-10 m2
Elementary flow HU 1.2850020201826E-10 m21.2850020201826E-10 m2
Elementary flow 18.2129063344412 kg18.2129063344412 kg
Elementary flow IN 5.3580581652032E-7 m25.3580581652032E-7 m2
Elementary flow US 0.107154343880738 m20.107154343880738 m2
Elementary flow US 0.107154977306255 m20.107154977306255 m2
Elementary flow KZ 1.53527989507845E-8 m2*a1.53527989507845E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow BR 3.61777159580598E-17 m23.61777159580598E-17 m2
Elementary flow BR 7.40581958483839E-13 m2*a7.40581958483839E-13 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.0811685528999686E-18 kg3.0811685528999686E-18 kg
Elementary flow PL 1.17398693362822E-4 m31.17398693362822E-4 m3
Elementary flow MY 2.75200224529323E-6 m32.75200224529323E-6 m3
Elementary flow IN 1.40633599693925E-6 m31.40633599693925E-6 m3
Elementary flow AU 4.56229692293913E-6 m34.56229692293913E-6 m3
Elementary flow BR 4.65328358497015E-6 m34.65328358497015E-6 m3
Elementary flow BG 3.32070724525342E-6 m33.32070724525342E-6 m3
Elementary flow MY 5.91453450697411E-10 m25.91453450697411E-10 m2
Elementary flow KR 9.694437098243202E-7 m39.694437098243202E-7 m3
Elementary flow ZA 3.64226784262988E-8 m2*a3.64226784262988E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 9.21696646985228E-18 m29.21696646985228E-18 m2
Elementary flow AU 8.57814787580785E-11 m28.57814787580785E-11 m2
Elementary flow 8.23684876865516E-14 m2*a8.23684876865516E-14 m2*a
Elementary flow BR 6.37691848873354E-6 m2*a6.37691848873354E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow DK 1.2850020201826E-9 m21.2850020201826E-9 m2
Elementary flow GR 1.09224559898676E-7 m2*a1.09224559898676E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow SE 1.04976927030949E-5 m31.04976927030949E-5 m3
Elementary flow MY 4.37206109154473E-7 m34.37206109154473E-7 m3
Elementary flow 0.00860839540210047 kg0.00860839540210047 kg
Elementary flow 1.70199186476311E-15 m21.70199186476311E-15 m2
Elementary flow GR 4.19269116976936E-6 m34.19269116976936E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.56427011212905E-14 m21.56427011212905E-14 m2
Elementary flow PL 1.21220728619619E-10 m21.21220728619619E-10 m2
Elementary flow SE 0.00165698424747758 m2*a0.00165698424747758 m2*a
Elementary flow AR 3.49169282742857E-8 m23.49169282742857E-8 m2
Elementary flow NO 4.03854730636998E-8 m2*a4.03854730636998E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow TH 1.11433681802169E-8 m31.11433681802169E-8 m3
Elementary flow 1.46752325740465E-7 kg1.46752325740465E-7 kg
Elementary flow CZ 5.30297688387282E-5 m35.30297688387282E-5 m3
Elementary flow NL 2.62831090114022E-9 m22.62831090114022E-9 m2
Elementary flow 6.42502492929927E-28 m26.42502492929927E-28 m2
Elementary flow BA 1.67590153620539E-8 m2*a1.67590153620539E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.43941394953275E-6 m21.43941394953275E-6 m2
Elementary flow NO 1.8356139255937E-8 m21.8356139255937E-8 m2
Elementary flow MX 7.06543560472607E-10 m2*a7.06543560472607E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow MY 5.91453450697411E-10 m25.91453450697411E-10 m2
Elementary flow NO 3.10684545408446E-4 m23.10684545408446E-4 m2
Elementary flow HU 1.00452157769092E-6 m31.00452157769092E-6 m3
Elementary flow RS 2.0449056646455E-8 m2*a2.0449056646455E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow NL 1.08014691127039E-12 m2*a1.08014691127039E-12 m2*a
Elementary flow PT 7.53774411927951E-13 m2*a7.53774411927951E-13 m2*a
Elementary flow NL 1.16331890260449E-4 m21.16331890260449E-4 m2
Elementary flow ES 9.3337320772094E-10 m29.3337320772094E-10 m2
Elementary flow CL 2.22442782101437E-9 m22.22442782101437E-9 m2
Elementary flow CN 4.80838021597306E-10 m24.80838021597306E-10 m2
Elementary flow US 0.107154977306255 m2*a0.107154977306255 m2*a
Elementary flow 2.10864025338047E-15 m2*a2.10864025338047E-15 m2*a
Elementary flow MK 1.96657675399054E-8 m21.96657675399054E-8 m2
Elementary flow 1.50920742102338E-5 kg1.50920742102338E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.79762855556652E-15 m2*a1.79762855556652E-15 m2*a
Elementary flow BG 1.03561515242977E-4 m2*a1.03561515242977E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow RS 4.40689292562631E-8 m24.40689292562631E-8 m2
Elementary flow 1.23976630975423E-27 m21.23976630975423E-27 m2
Elementary flow 2.0672745048032E-16 kg2.0672745048032E-16 kg
Elementary flow SK 6.42501010091299E-11 m26.42501010091299E-11 m2
Elementary flow AU 1.26408275852121E-6 m21.26408275852121E-6 m2
Elementary flow JP 3.30717053146802E-5 m33.30717053146802E-5 m3
Elementary flow ZA 9.02940901037933E-7 m39.02940901037933E-7 m3
Elementary flow PT 3.53375555550213E-10 m23.53375555550213E-10 m2
Elementary flow LT 6.42501010091299E-11 m26.42501010091299E-11 m2
Elementary flow IN 1.1841659609142759E-4 m31.1841659609142759E-4 m3
Elementary flow 1.31169106003774E-22 kg1.31169106003774E-22 kg
Elementary flow 25.5795303512728 MJ25.5795303512728 MJ
Elementary flow TH 2.03947241266522E-10 m22.03947241266522E-10 m2
Elementary flow DE 0.004028186197049 m2*a0.004028186197049 m2*a
Elementary flow CL 1.17339847194505E-6 m2*a1.17339847194505E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow GR 1.30654231400845E-11 m21.30654231400845E-11 m2
Elementary flow JP 3.3948058321732E-8 m33.3948058321732E-8 m3
Elementary flow GB 0.00126017151800701 m20.00126017151800701 m2
Elementary flow AT 4.14246062493116E-4 m24.14246062493116E-4 m2
Elementary flow 8.05910764363663E-15 m28.05910764363663E-15 m2
Elementary flow EE 2.07123030940167E-4 m22.07123030940167E-4 m2
Elementary flow RO 2.11873251188537E-7 m22.11873251188537E-7 m2
Elementary flow 1.28155350170664E-19 m21.28155350170664E-19 m2
Elementary flow 0.00689203535347835 MJ0.00689203535347835 MJ
Elementary flow SE 5.95369556301764E-8 m25.95369556301764E-8 m2
Elementary flow AU 9.45299466423179E-6 m29.45299466423179E-6 m2
Elementary flow 7.16759340745383E-16 m27.16759340745383E-16 m2
Elementary flow 2.24434837125176E-15 kg2.24434837125176E-15 kg
Elementary flow ID 5.56290734050882E-8 m2*a5.56290734050882E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow GB 8.75491127201773E-8 m28.75491127201773E-8 m2
Elementary flow FR 3.64992622865863E-13 m2*a3.64992622865863E-13 m2*a
Elementary flow SE 0.001656984247022 m20.001656984247022 m2
Elementary flow RU 1.54542549658651E-10 m21.54542549658651E-10 m2
Elementary flow CZ 1.18733186536109E-7 m2*a1.18733186536109E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow CO 1.60074985905971E-6 m21.60074985905971E-6 m2
Elementary flow 4.29382289298558E-16 kg4.29382289298558E-16 kg
Elementary flow NO 8.0535040506314E-6 m38.0535040506314E-6 m3
Elementary flow TH 1.11814821790486E-10 m2*a1.11814821790486E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow IT 7.23207031262462E-4 m37.23207031262462E-4 m3
Elementary flow VN 8.1983712182612E-11 m2*a8.1983712182612E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow IT 1.2715833968411E-7 m2*a1.2715833968411E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow JP 1.98375510044852E-10 m21.98375510044852E-10 m2
Elementary flow DE 0.00404285528716076 m20.00404285528716076 m2
Elementary flow 1.79195235662228E-17 m21.79195235662228E-17 m2
Elementary flow SK 3.98752837789756E-5 m33.98752837789756E-5 m3
Elementary flow 3.20173602068778E-20 kg3.20173602068778E-20 kg
Elementary flow BA 3.85564762584373E-8 m23.85564762584373E-8 m2
Elementary flow GB 2.02705543917391E-4 m32.02705543917391E-4 m3
Elementary flow BE 2.07123030940167E-4 m22.07123030940167E-4 m2
Elementary flow KZ 3.42152133235147E-8 m23.42152133235147E-8 m2
Elementary flow RU 1.06902713105935E-6 m2*a1.06902713105935E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow VN 5.84545889510341E-11 m2*a5.84545889510341E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow GB 3.10684545408446E-4 m23.10684545408446E-4 m2
Elementary flow CZ 3.10684545409135E-4 m2*a3.10684545409135E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow 5.4730012364947E-14 kg5.4730012364947E-14 kg
Elementary flow EE 1.77924220832388E-9 m31.77924220832388E-9 m3
Elementary flow 7.09155844821313E-21 kg7.09155844821313E-21 kg
Elementary flow KR 1.00283444222864E-7 m31.00283444222864E-7 m3
Elementary flow NO 0.04763980773369034 m30.04763980773369034 m3
Elementary flow SE 1.02081279365555E-7 m2*a1.02081279365555E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow NO 1.8356139255937E-8 m21.8356139255937E-8 m2
Elementary flow IT 2.07123030950638E-4 m22.07123030950638E-4 m2
Elementary flow 1.35354448146257E-13 m2*a1.35354448146257E-13 m2*a
Elementary flow MX 8.25197973039016E-10 m2*a8.25197973039016E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow LV 3.10684546400852E-4 m23.10684546400852E-4 m2
Elementary flow CH 1.38137717169629E-9 m21.38137717169629E-9 m2
Elementary flow 4.11008586744869E-16 kg4.11008586744869E-16 kg
Elementary flow 1.08414672527226E-15 m21.08414672527226E-15 m2
Elementary flow CO 1.60074985905971E-6 m21.60074985905971E-6 m2
Elementary flow FR 5.3333634219888E-9 m25.3333634219888E-9 m2
Elementary flow 6.33411404410427E-19 m26.33411404410427E-19 m2
Elementary flow BR 1.37710371330938E-4 m31.37710371330938E-4 m3
Elementary flow 3.72883498005563E-12 kg3.72883498005563E-12 kg
Elementary flow NL 1.16331890260449E-4 m21.16331890260449E-4 m2
Elementary flow RU 1.15055581666319E-6 m2*a1.15055581666319E-6 m2*a
Elementary flow IS 3.75585149651594E-10 m33.75585149651594E-10 m3
Elementary flow AT 3.56203695041894E-5 m33.56203695041894E-5 m3
Elementary flow NL 7.21741281379011E-4 m37.21741281379011E-4 m3
Elementary flow 3.66573969707886E-5 m23.66573969707886E-5 m2
Elementary flow RU 1.54542549658651E-10 m21.54542549658651E-10 m2
Elementary flow RO 3.10684546400852E-4 m2*a3.10684546400852E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow PH 5.24824968500154E-17 m35.24824968500154E-17 m3
Elementary flow BG 1.8710635278523E-8 m2*a1.8710635278523E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 6.16582112100851E-6 kg6.16582112100851E-6 kg
Elementary flow NL 1.16331890260449E-4 m2*a1.16331890260449E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow US 0.00458878366431501 m30.00458878366431501 m3
Elementary flow 2.85843852004472E-20 m2*a2.85843852004472E-20 m2*a
Elementary flow MX 1.77174058555667E-9 m21.77174058555667E-9 m2
Elementary flow 1.11932525811835E-15 kg1.11932525811835E-15 kg
Elementary flow MY 1.9455874710115E-4 m21.9455874710115E-4 m2
Elementary flow IT 2.49149634780305E-9 m22.49149634780305E-9 m2
Elementary flow BE 0.011972903768705058 m30.011972903768705058 m3
Elementary flow TR 1.27553194522094E-8 m21.27553194522094E-8 m2
Elementary flow 2.22473558939084E-17 kg2.22473558939084E-17 kg
Elementary flow EE 3.27295338663397E-5 m33.27295338663397E-5 m3
Elementary flow RO 5.26207367991996E-5 m35.26207367991996E-5 m3
Elementary flow BR 5.58461696572551E-7 m35.58461696572551E-7 m3
Elementary flow BR 2.93047656159652E-9 m22.93047656159652E-9 m2
Elementary flow 2.17180136916414E-16 kg2.17180136916414E-16 kg
Elementary flow EE 6.42501010091299E-11 m26.42501010091299E-11 m2
Elementary flow NL 1.08014691127039E-12 m21.08014691127039E-12 m2
Elementary flow ES 5.9679080469366E-8 m2*a5.9679080469366E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 8.15302561296299E-12 m2*a8.15302561296299E-12 m2*a
Elementary flow LU -5.51064153203982E-7 m3-5.51064153203982E-7 m3
Elementary flow CA 2.68080296451429E-7 m22.68080296451429E-7 m2
Elementary flow PL 6.29809883259058E-7 m2*a6.29809883259058E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 1.50952423864262E-20 m21.50952423864262E-20 m2
Elementary flow CA 2.38154723019717E-6 m32.38154723019717E-6 m3
Elementary flow 9.54366772244633E-19 m29.54366772244633E-19 m2
Elementary flow LT 2.07123030950638E-4 m2*a2.07123030950638E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow 4.50790977663958E-27 m24.50790977663958E-27 m2
Elementary flow CZ 2.9184049072686E-7 m2*a2.9184049072686E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow DE 0.0611150187782099 m20.0611150187782099 m2
Elementary flow 3.67140893095509E-15 m23.67140893095509E-15 m2
Elementary flow PT 3.10684546400852E-4 m2*a3.10684546400852E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow PT 3.53375555550213E-10 m23.53375555550213E-10 m2
Elementary flow 0.00187057528882851 kg0.00187057528882851 kg
Elementary flow CO 6.99296875898541E-7 m2*a6.99296875898541E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow FR 0.00124274551743635 m20.00124274551743635 m2
Elementary flow IE 6.42501010091299E-11 m26.42501010091299E-11 m2
Elementary flow 1.93169397441358E-11 m21.93169397441358E-11 m2
Elementary flow BR 5.21251272320777E-5 m25.21251272320777E-5 m2
Elementary flow CN 8.50910238767668E-9 m2*a8.50910238767668E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow FR 0.00124273818560858 m20.00124273818560858 m2
Elementary flow TR 2.12225854159706E-7 m32.12225854159706E-7 m3
Elementary flow AU 1.11795425361651E-5 m21.11795425361651E-5 m2
Elementary flow GR 3.6242591696532E-6 m33.6242591696532E-6 m3
Elementary flow 0.0245122814715806 kg0.0245122814715806 kg
Elementary flow CH 4.02092292804746E-5 m34.02092292804746E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.14391798225824E-8 kg1.14391798225824E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.20707430089699E-13 m2*a2.20707430089699E-13 m2*a
Elementary flow 4.75944648493216E-16 m24.75944648493216E-16 m2
Elementary flow PL 4.11521024902171E-4 m34.11521024902171E-4 m3
Elementary flow 1.06816684659449E-9 kg1.06816684659449E-9 kg
Elementary flow ID 3.6781247775388E-7 m23.6781247775388E-7 m2
Elementary flow -8.622753291340919E-10 MJ-8.622753291340919E-10 MJ
Elementary flow TR 3.53856391632275E-6 m33.53856391632275E-6 m3
Elementary flow MK 3.50755977337647E-7 m33.50755977337647E-7 m3
Elementary flow SL 4.87235557123392E-8 m24.87235557123392E-8 m2
Elementary flow CN 4.39960225456285E-7 m24.39960225456285E-7 m2
Elementary flow IT 0.0200596473557853 m20.0200596473557853 m2
Elementary flow CZ 3.38020087194668E-7 m2*a3.38020087194668E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow ES 4.14246062481267E-4 m2*a4.14246062481267E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow IT 2.49149634780305E-9 m22.49149634780305E-9 m2
Elementary flow ES 2.93900720088031E-6 m32.93900720088031E-6 m3
Elementary flow BR 6.37691850458688E-6 m26.37691850458688E-6 m2
Elementary flow IN 5.35805816520787E-7 m25.35805816520787E-7 m2
Elementary flow LU 6.42501010091299E-11 m26.42501010091299E-11 m2
Elementary flow 0.00252795463461334 m30.00252795463461334 m3
Elementary flow CN 3.05706494167975E-6 m33.05706494167975E-6 m3
Elementary flow PT 7.53774411927951E-13 m27.53774411927951E-13 m2
Elementary flow DE 1.33288363798069E-9 m21.33288363798069E-9 m2
Elementary flow 8.38128027693338E-7 m28.38128027693338E-7 m2
Elementary flow BR 8.70516074080982E-7 m28.70516074080982E-7 m2
Elementary flow DE 3.83966937219009E-5 m33.83966937219009E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.93740979248972E-9 kg1.93740979248972E-9 kg
Elementary flow 5.39234214337892E-13 m2*a5.39234214337892E-13 m2*a
Elementary flow RO 3.10684545408446E-4 m23.10684545408446E-4 m2
Elementary flow GB 9.79936967675319E-7 m39.79936967675319E-7 m3
Elementary flow VN 2.54878219730999E-9 m32.54878219730999E-9 m3
Elementary flow NO 5.92883175605234E-10 m25.92883175605234E-10 m2
Elementary flow CL 1.17317707066118E-6 m21.17317707066118E-6 m2
Elementary flow PL 6.94759767204982E-7 m2*a6.94759767204982E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow 0.00131508427125391 MJ0.00131508427125391 MJ
Elementary flow NZ 1.77845840386687E-9 m31.77845840386687E-9 m3
Elementary flow IN 2.83123238031351E-10 m2*a2.83123238031351E-10 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.82432361964884E-19 m23.82432361964884E-19 m2
Elementary flow SL 2.26150187166942E-8 m2*a2.26150187166942E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow PT 7.53774411927951E-13 m27.53774411927951E-13 m2
Elementary flow AT 4.14246062493116E-4 m2*a4.14246062493116E-4 m2*a
Elementary flow AR 2.35653331840818E-8 m32.35653331840818E-8 m3
Elementary flow 7.36965879533979E-22 kg7.36965879533979E-22 kg
Elementary flow GB 4.12960389688082E-5 m34.12960389688082E-5 m3
Elementary flow HU 1.96079258385538E-4 m31.96079258385538E-4 m3
Elementary flow BA 6.86558719237253E-7 m36.86558719237253E-7 m3
Elementary flow CN 4.39757551255556E-7 m24.39757551255556E-7 m2
Elementary flow PL 0.00151920015230225 m20.00151920015230225 m2
Elementary flow BE 2.69069605678878E-9 m22.69069605678878E-9 m2
Elementary flow 1.20758167743577E-10 kg1.20758167743577E-10 kg
Elementary flow FR 2.94420097985286E-9 m2*a2.94420097985286E-9 m2*a
Elementary flow BE 0.00207588599474772 m30.00207588599474772 m3
Elementary flow CO 1.60352122811944E-7 m2*a1.60352122811944E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow DE 0.00129439245096961 m20.00129439245096961 m2
Elementary flow AT 4.30655397323433E-8 m2*a4.30655397323433E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.67128222772737E-15 m2*a3.67128222772737E-15 m2*a
Elementary flow SL 2.12153978204502E-8 m2*a2.12153978204502E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow EE 6.42501010091299E-11 m26.42501010091299E-11 m2
Elementary flow PL 1.85450884614288E-6 m21.85450884614288E-6 m2
Elementary flow FI 4.49750707063909E-10 m24.49750707063909E-10 m2
Elementary flow 1.24744054890176E-14 m2*a1.24744054890176E-14 m2*a
Elementary flow -3.17682144365335E-15 m2*a-3.17682144365335E-15 m2*a
Elementary flow AU 1.26065555611533E-6 m21.26065555611533E-6 m2
Elementary flow GR 1.30654231400845E-11 m21.30654231400845E-11 m2
Elementary flow 3.92175180796908E-11 kg3.92175180796908E-11 kg
Elementary flow BG 8.1074353836077E-8 m2*a8.1074353836077E-8 m2*a
Elementary flow 3.22312842536219E-7 m2*a3.22312842536219E-7 m2*a
Elementary flow NO 6.30459283324855E-11 m2*a6.30459283324855E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow 0.00114580071613526 kg0.00114580071613526 kg
Elementary flow -1.19193201122167E-21 kg-1.19193201122167E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.16914001547618E-16 m21.16914001547618E-16 m2
Elementary flow GB 2.85975086129814E-9 m22.85975086129814E-9 m2
Elementary flow FR 1.04699410584426E-5 m31.04699410584426E-5 m3
Elementary flow VE 5.33815281993618E-11 m2*a5.33815281993618E-11 m2*a
Elementary flow ID 3.6781247775388E-7 m23.6781247775388E-7 m2
Elementary flow DE 6.75660968625493E-8 m26.75660968625493E-8 m2
Elementary flow UA 3.29343869879816E-5 m33.29343869879816E-5 m3
Elementary flow PT 3.10684546400852E-4 m23.10684546400852E-4 m2


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Elementary flow 3.61198253889684E-4 kg3.61198253889684E-4 kg
Elementary flow 5.20054110675361E-7 kg5.20054110675361E-7 kg
Elementary flow 0.05253189312752702 kg0.05253189312752702 kg
Elementary flow 9.37703119222959E-7 kg9.37703119222959E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.54289068621877E-6 kg1.54289068621877E-6 kg
Elementary flow 9.0405935836636E-4 kg9.0405935836636E-4 kg
Elementary flow 4.96429724053129E-13 kg4.96429724053129E-13 kg
Elementary flow 7.1820410206706E-17 kg7.1820410206706E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.1270164387465E-6 kg1.1270164387465E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.64389637126278E-16 kg3.64389637126278E-16 kg
Elementary flow 6.08643530457204E-16 kg6.08643530457204E-16 kg
Elementary flow 7.72438678297719E-19 kg7.72438678297719E-19 kg
Elementary flow 8.44023073033473E-4 kg8.44023073033473E-4 kg
Elementary flow 5.14321640021302E-20 kg5.14321640021302E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.21207140278148E-14 kg1.21207140278148E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.30173929808383E-6 kg1.30173929808383E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.17561522533882E-22 kg2.17561522533882E-22 kg
Elementary flow 5.94101990914693E-10 kg5.94101990914693E-10 kg
Elementary flow 5.60869866324728E-24 kg5.60869866324728E-24 kg
Elementary flow 2.81400007578668E-10 kg2.81400007578668E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.78794680010684E-20 kg1.78794680010684E-20 kg
Elementary flow 5.02465410635222E-12 kg5.02465410635222E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.5304624519037628E-17 kg2.5304624519037628E-17 kg
Elementary flow ES 7.321545693762462E-5 m37.321545693762462E-5 m3
Elementary flow 3.91478211029788E-13 kg3.91478211029788E-13 kg
Elementary flow 7.5543716913983E-23 kg7.5543716913983E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.27948356222175E-8 kg3.27948356222175E-8 kg
Elementary flow 8.623839971168814E-9 kg8.623839971168814E-9 kg
Elementary flow CO 9.14305061917711E-6 m39.14305061917711E-6 m3
Elementary flow GR 3.3541529366842E-6 m33.3541529366842E-6 m3
Elementary flow 3.30318741506245E-25 kg3.30318741506245E-25 kg
Elementary flow ZA 2.51185128744636E-5 m32.51185128744636E-5 m3
Elementary flow 2.63353218381175E-15 kg2.63353218381175E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.40919908196183E-22 kg1.40919908196183E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.21103746061706E-21 kg1.21103746061706E-21 kg
Elementary flow 0.00166005767026868 kg0.00166005767026868 kg
Elementary flow 1.24066539572231E-7 kg1.24066539572231E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.31130702454985E-8 kg1.31130702454985E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.31503731610592E-24 kg2.31503731610592E-24 kg
Elementary flow 6.70150372618717E-12 kg6.70150372618717E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.34052988804894E-9 kg1.34052988804894E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.02180991316823E-22 kg1.02180991316823E-22 kg
Elementary flow BG 1.00362038856531E-4 m31.00362038856531E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.14316785765094E-14 kg2.14316785765094E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.85023351580335E-12 kg1.85023351580335E-12 kg
Elementary flow 8.68293323638574E-23 kBq8.68293323638574E-23 kBq
Elementary flow VN 2.63773725147839E-9 m32.63773725147839E-9 m3
Elementary flow MK 2.80604781807442E-7 m32.80604781807442E-7 m3
Elementary flow 1.0276988340108235E-5 kg1.0276988340108235E-5 kg
Elementary flow 4.82065969746826E-18 kg4.82065969746826E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.88548714588917E-8 kg1.88548714588917E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.4338541877192E-11 kg1.4338541877192E-11 kg
Elementary flow 4.375603522952991E-12 kg4.375603522952991E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.96431138105618E-6 kg2.96431138105618E-6 kg
Elementary flow UA 2.24149031063128E-4 m32.24149031063128E-4 m3
Elementary flow 5.33276900750104E-6 kBq5.33276900750104E-6 kBq
Elementary flow UA 3.25910267650231E-5 m33.25910267650231E-5 m3
Elementary flow 4.70806665720581E-22 kg4.70806665720581E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.32314688434756E-27 kg1.32314688434756E-27 kg
Elementary flow ZA 3.36741044238619E-7 m33.36741044238619E-7 m3
Elementary flow CA 8.22603219446134E-4 m38.22603219446134E-4 m3
Elementary flow 4.93725403090105E-23 kg4.93725403090105E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.23600198092546E-19 kg1.23600198092546E-19 kg
Elementary flow FR 1.45991887490972E-7 m31.45991887490972E-7 m3
Elementary flow 4.91166457671008E-10 kg4.91166457671008E-10 kg
Elementary flow SI 6.95144566230829E-7 m36.95144566230829E-7 m3
Elementary flow 7.16105450663346E-20 kg7.16105450663346E-20 kg
Elementary flow 8.30497411465539E-12 kg8.30497411465539E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.27673388990092E-21 kg1.27673388990092E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.44247397116451E-13 kg1.44247397116451E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.96739683115636E-7 kg2.96739683115636E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.23479732244635E-24 kg1.23479732244635E-24 kg
Elementary flow -2.89173007089416E-14 kg-2.89173007089416E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.24072059340379E-17 kg1.24072059340379E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.28440043986357E-17 kg1.28440043986357E-17 kg
Elementary flow 3.70159651201584E-18 kBq3.70159651201584E-18 kBq
Elementary flow BR 1.90802847837245E-8 m31.90802847837245E-8 m3
Elementary flow 4.40842244281809E-23 kg4.40842244281809E-23 kg
Elementary flow 6.29415161177036E-23 kg6.29415161177036E-23 kg
Elementary flow 9.58323400973132E-9 kg9.58323400973132E-9 kg
Elementary flow 0.00462570912639273 kg0.00462570912639273 kg
Elementary flow 2.97104995239044E-24 kg2.97104995239044E-24 kg
Elementary flow 3.46715702533506E-23 kg3.46715702533506E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.26064663625456E-21 kg1.26064663625456E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.34895123636326E-22 kg1.34895123636326E-22 kg
Elementary flow 9.41091540940462E-10 kg9.41091540940462E-10 kg
Elementary flow 5.03337438643024E-24 kg5.03337438643024E-24 kg
Elementary flow 1.03989767875799E-26 kg1.03989767875799E-26 kg
Elementary flow 1.2846159927326E-4 kg1.2846159927326E-4 kg
Elementary flow 5.94738667471594E-23 kg5.94738667471594E-23 kg
Elementary flow 5.33312003997802E-6 kBq5.33312003997802E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00452879454825768 kg0.00452879454825768 kg
Elementary flow MK 7.03536465697132E-4 m37.03536465697132E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.35974691037306E-12 kg2.35974691037306E-12 kg
Elementary flow CZ 4.32607894702343E-5 m34.32607894702343E-5 m3
Elementary flow 5.10323061011692E-10 kg5.10323061011692E-10 kg
Elementary flow 13.5445927601607 kg13.5445927601607 kg
Elementary flow 8.308065975671948E-7 kg8.308065975671948E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.07666995752619E-17 kBq3.07666995752619E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 1.47841956136277E-11 kg1.47841956136277E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.54553989638147E-5 kg2.54553989638147E-5 kg
Elementary flow 3.28037048458189E-19 kg3.28037048458189E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.09721200133169E-10 kg1.09721200133169E-10 kg
Elementary flow 5.97319965140347E-18 kBq5.97319965140347E-18 kBq
Elementary flow 3.93523233729371E-10 kg3.93523233729371E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.14470886685007E-6 kg3.14470886685007E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.65943965982938E-11 kg1.65943965982938E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.10263680212655E-22 kg1.10263680212655E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.05777653565947E-23 kg1.05777653565947E-23 kg
Elementary flow 4.68255989149294E-19 kg4.68255989149294E-19 kg
Elementary flow 2.02458697054575E-11 kg2.02458697054575E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.52805388601145E-9 kg1.52805388601145E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.38050759177478E-5 kg1.38050759177478E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.85006951845167E-7 kBq2.85006951845167E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 8.81566692039603E-6 kBq8.81566692039603E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.17318915697288E-21 kg1.17318915697288E-21 kg
Elementary flow RS 6.28937025747449E-7 m36.28937025747449E-7 m3
Elementary flow -2.44790434022409E-23 kg-2.44790434022409E-23 kg
Elementary flow 4.37415025929475E-8 kBq4.37415025929475E-8 kBq
Elementary flow BG 3.10894739092109E-4 m33.10894739092109E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.26085704943131E-21 kg2.26085704943131E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.69977578165814E-19 kg1.69977578165814E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.79315785983028E-19 kg1.79315785983028E-19 kg
Elementary flow 4.2213901624959E-15 kg4.2213901624959E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.384647272897654E-25 kg1.384647272897654E-25 kg
Elementary flow 4.43580061830004E-25 kg4.43580061830004E-25 kg
Elementary flow 9.66471116826549E-12 kg9.66471116826549E-12 kg
Elementary flow MY 1.1332662651732E-8 m31.1332662651732E-8 m3
Elementary flow 4.57936064495398E-22 kg4.57936064495398E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.16754957753173E-18 kg1.16754957753173E-18 kg
Elementary flow -4.68760817196522E-13 kg-4.68760817196522E-13 kg
Elementary flow 3.08158586501627E-19 kg3.08158586501627E-19 kg
Elementary flow 8.66191471313258E-6 kg8.66191471313258E-6 kg
Elementary flow 7.18905829934032E-9 kg7.18905829934032E-9 kg
Elementary flow HU 8.08744287018824E-5 m38.08744287018824E-5 m3
Elementary flow 3.67194265626722E-23 kg3.67194265626722E-23 kg
Elementary flow CN 1.20379276294991E-5 m31.20379276294991E-5 m3
Elementary flow LT 9.59969897854076E-6 m39.59969897854076E-6 m3
Elementary flow KR 9.02015579997335E-8 m39.02015579997335E-8 m3
Elementary flow 6.269074399807795E-11 kg6.269074399807795E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.8507411779463867E-5 kBq1.8507411779463867E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 2.33590642948005E-28 kg2.33590642948005E-28 kg
Elementary flow ID 9.34536675472316E-7 m39.34536675472316E-7 m3
Elementary flow 1.90208597825361E-18 kg1.90208597825361E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.10541370714596E-16 kBq1.10541370714596E-16 kBq
Elementary flow 7.83588971836232E-11 kg7.83588971836232E-11 kg
Elementary flow 7.54543721650781E-8 kg7.54543721650781E-8 kg
Elementary flow 6.77875862252515E-7 kg6.77875862252515E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.65312808941877E-16 kg3.65312808941877E-16 kg
Elementary flow 3.00254553396077E-22 kg3.00254553396077E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.04739408466581E-9 kg1.04739408466581E-9 kg
Elementary flow GB 1.9845344519175E-4 m31.9845344519175E-4 m3
Elementary flow 0.00615415709473034 kBq0.00615415709473034 kBq
Elementary flow 4.87315787631105E-22 kg4.87315787631105E-22 kg
Elementary flow 3.67537224729584E-11 kg3.67537224729584E-11 kg
Elementary flow 8.49190375252978E-23 kg8.49190375252978E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.37603109698599E-14 kBq1.37603109698599E-14 kBq
Elementary flow 7.51507075095931E-7 kg7.51507075095931E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.395221363821315E-7 kg4.395221363821315E-7 kg
Elementary flow SE 7.87367510281682E-9 m37.87367510281682E-9 m3
Elementary flow 4.89721740779237E-9 kg4.89721740779237E-9 kg
Elementary flow 6.04032364259676E-22 kg6.04032364259676E-22 kg
Elementary flow GB 4.4804053135768E-7 m34.4804053135768E-7 m3
Elementary flow 3.86676169318278E-9 kg3.86676169318278E-9 kg
Elementary flow 9.86307024145567E-18 kg9.86307024145567E-18 kg
Elementary flow 2.42905886641213E-23 kg2.42905886641213E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.04720577658843E-22 kg1.04720577658843E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.199004242914301E-7 kg1.199004242914301E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.63926114445633E-6 kg3.63926114445633E-6 kg
Elementary flow 0.005071203239645891 kg0.005071203239645891 kg
Elementary flow 2.351854030096E-23 kg2.351854030096E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.84364463907558E-20 kg3.84364463907558E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.01004222309206E-21 kg1.01004222309206E-21 kg
Elementary flow 0.0023238924288290896 m30.0023238924288290896 m3
Elementary flow 1.86900997955601E-11 kg1.86900997955601E-11 kg
Elementary flow 6.31368828698614E-15 kBq6.31368828698614E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0265181522132695 kBq0.0265181522132695 kBq
Elementary flow IN 8.19999105061416E-8 m38.19999105061416E-8 m3
Elementary flow AR 2.08683649330165E-7 m32.08683649330165E-7 m3
Elementary flow 3.36113871304427E-14 kg3.36113871304427E-14 kg
Elementary flow 2.31959685687537E-18 kg2.31959685687537E-18 kg
Elementary flow 5.5267029035809E-6 kg5.5267029035809E-6 kg
Elementary flow -4.58486060604434E-12 kg-4.58486060604434E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.34250372822239E-23 kg1.34250372822239E-23 kg
Elementary flow BA 0.00102170667060108 m30.00102170667060108 m3
Elementary flow 1.40733563344724E-10 kg1.40733563344724E-10 kg
Elementary flow 6.83392008287932E-13 kg6.83392008287932E-13 kg
Elementary flow 9.55257361647833E-22 kg9.55257361647833E-22 kg
Elementary flow 4.35244155833058E-19 kg4.35244155833058E-19 kg
Elementary flow 3.8720790555953E-9 kg3.8720790555953E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.22399929043539E-16 kg1.22399929043539E-16 kg
Elementary flow 4.32262410723463E-9 kg4.32262410723463E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.42596255750309E-23 kg1.42596255750309E-23 kg
Elementary flow 7.57665790524921E-7 kg7.57665790524921E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.6401294411093E-18 kg1.6401294411093E-18 kg
Elementary flow 2.0991063395008E-6 kBq2.0991063395008E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.35388148231144E-13 kg1.35388148231144E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.48214360432022E-8 kg1.48214360432022E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.94997336020744E-8 kg1.94997336020744E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.911733936093707E-5 kg3.911733936093707E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.85092550049037E-13 kg2.85092550049037E-13 kg
Elementary flow 7.97188838464389E-9 kg7.97188838464389E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.81386069154058E-23 kg3.81386069154058E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.55315990029852E-15 kg1.55315990029852E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.72732662463263E-21 kg1.72732662463263E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.84351768053516E-22 kg1.84351768053516E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.01764389896794E-9 kg1.01764389896794E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.59058866963298E-6 kg1.59058866963298E-6 kg
Elementary flow 4.97211109624155E-23 kg4.97211109624155E-23 kg
Elementary flow 5.74339453778584E-23 kg5.74339453778584E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.89908931431562E-18 kg1.89908931431562E-18 kg
Elementary flow CN 6.06605848448799E-4 m36.06605848448799E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.06996226280163E-11 kg2.06996226280163E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.79722875847812E-18 kg3.79722875847812E-18 kg
Elementary flow 5.14321640022136E-15 kBq5.14321640022136E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 3.22477631877705E-22 kg3.22477631877705E-22 kg
Elementary flow 4.94763064555733E-17 kg4.94763064555733E-17 kg
Elementary flow ES 0.00214861233122727 m30.00214861233122727 m3
Elementary flow 5.04210695659907E-7 kg5.04210695659907E-7 kg
Elementary flow 6.09619732000089E-23 kg6.09619732000089E-23 kg
Elementary flow 6.37355936443178E-7 kg6.37355936443178E-7 kg
Elementary flow 8.86223517217815E-23 kg8.86223517217815E-23 kg
Elementary flow IT 0.0290323970100473 m30.0290323970100473 m3
Elementary flow 0.0678237177765349 kg0.0678237177765349 kg
Elementary flow 1.45615758908489E-7 kg1.45615758908489E-7 kg
Waste flow 0.00554629812182963 kg0.00554629812182963 kg
Elementary flow 3.11977568489574E-22 kg3.11977568489574E-22 kg
Elementary flow EE 1.42339376796589E-9 m31.42339376796589E-9 m3
Elementary flow 2.08746635395935E-17 kg2.08746635395935E-17 kg
Elementary flow 0.00682712390430161 m30.00682712390430161 m3
Elementary flow 1.5890773891322256 MJ1.5890773891322256 MJ
Elementary flow 9.3320707096541E-5 kg9.3320707096541E-5 kg
Elementary flow 4.07982342804604E-22 kg4.07982342804604E-22 kg
Elementary flow 5.92855991819892E-25 kg5.92855991819892E-25 kg
Elementary flow 8.03944657018183E-11 kg8.03944657018183E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.86774715423591E-22 kg1.86774715423591E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.17752045901141E-17 kBq2.17752045901141E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 1.00720148586073E-21 kg1.00720148586073E-21 kg
Elementary flow 2.65109190704902E-6 kBq2.65109190704902E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.4277805374269E-18 kg1.4277805374269E-18 kg
Elementary flow 2.64300331170724E-11 kg2.64300331170724E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.22660594426187E-17 kg1.22660594426187E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.60738807652075E-12 kg2.60738807652075E-12 kg
Elementary flow 7.71403056164266E-11 kg7.71403056164266E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.11101292804469E-22 kg1.11101292804469E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.00470913474009E-20 kg1.00470913474009E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.79206875073242E-10 kg1.79206875073242E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.87898787997944E-23 kg3.87898787997944E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.97534005852739E-9 kg3.97534005852739E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.796775878851486E-6 kg1.796775878851486E-6 kg
Elementary flow 8.52396352896892E-17 kg8.52396352896892E-17 kg
Elementary flow PL 3.80565191072807E-4 m33.80565191072807E-4 m3
Elementary flow 6.53222808605707E-7 kg6.53222808605707E-7 kg
Elementary flow 5.89362996003455E-14 kg5.89362996003455E-14 kg
Elementary flow 5.92784315385107E-25 kg5.92784315385107E-25 kg
Elementary flow 2.28116692594834E-9 kg2.28116692594834E-9 kg
Elementary flow FR 5.06717024444781E-4 m35.06717024444781E-4 m3
Elementary flow 1.30504356957728E-19 kg1.30504356957728E-19 kg
Elementary flow 3.38385690405847E-6 kg3.38385690405847E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.59511944647712E-22 kg3.59511944647712E-22 kg
Elementary flow 4.904527443290648 MJ4.904527443290648 MJ
Elementary flow 1.3162339823545E-16 kBq1.3162339823545E-16 kBq
Elementary flow 2.2220677194636E-18 kg2.2220677194636E-18 kg
Elementary flow PT 4.32594507097961E-5 m34.32594507097961E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.34194841810914E-17 kg1.34194841810914E-17 kg
Elementary flow 9.19259324776333E-10 kg9.19259324776333E-10 kg
Elementary flow MX 1.25676021034117E-5 m31.25676021034117E-5 m3
Elementary flow 2.25670264577722E-12 kg2.25670264577722E-12 kg
Elementary flow 0.003066805241668194 kg0.003066805241668194 kg
Elementary flow 5.44598469269359E-8 kg5.44598469269359E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.95485780483046E-18 kg1.95485780483046E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.19952248111924E-8 kg1.19952248111924E-8 kg
Elementary flow US 3.64933066866414E-5 m33.64933066866414E-5 m3
Elementary flow 9.07810885425441E-20 kg9.07810885425441E-20 kg
Waste flow 3.85684057308446E-4 kg3.85684057308446E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.43382232986538E-22 kg1.43382232986538E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.51685940574723E-23 kg2.51685940574723E-23 kg
Elementary flow NL 7.00605093199243E-4 m37.00605093199243E-4 m3
Elementary flow 5.14321640022128E-18 kg5.14321640022128E-18 kg
Elementary flow 9.62734421074829E-7 kBq9.62734421074829E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 4.01113427450972E-16 kg4.01113427450972E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.8369988043629625E-5 kg2.8369988043629625E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.08643758099834E-17 kg2.08643758099834E-17 kg
Elementary flow 3.99887479198013E-24 kg3.99887479198013E-24 kg
Elementary flow 9.14005709719329E-16 kg9.14005709719329E-16 kg
Elementary flow PL 1.14133758795025E-4 m31.14133758795025E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.57160823538638E-15 kBq2.57160823538638E-15 kBq
Elementary flow ID 6.90460080388658E-7 m36.90460080388658E-7 m3
Elementary flow 1.48268578677466E-19 kg1.48268578677466E-19 kg
Elementary flow 5.26314268976108E-23 kg5.26314268976108E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.72927974721214E-21 kg1.72927974721214E-21 kg
Elementary flow 6.50347455734899E-6 kg6.50347455734899E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.18110620852037E-17 kg1.18110620852037E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.9382908317479E-24 kg1.9382908317479E-24 kg
Elementary flow TR 3.30238222069614E-6 m33.30238222069614E-6 m3
Elementary flow 2.16514710222063E-24 kg2.16514710222063E-24 kg
Elementary flow 1.0683391001238E-16 kg1.0683391001238E-16 kg
Elementary flow FI 1.61243912880378E-6 m31.61243912880378E-6 m3
Elementary flow CZ 0.00410836351767077 m30.00410836351767077 m3
Elementary flow 9.09320328128949E-22 kg9.09320328128949E-22 kg
Elementary flow BA 5.4945807816692E-7 m35.4945807816692E-7 m3
Elementary flow 4.19601254527237E-24 kg4.19601254527237E-24 kg
Elementary flow 1.560959869475553E-10 kg1.560959869475553E-10 kg
Elementary flow 6.20793923704753E-7 kg6.20793923704753E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.75781836983963E-23 kg1.75781836983963E-23 kg
Elementary flow 5.12221008434361E-17 kg5.12221008434361E-17 kg
Elementary flow 0.00412608161699659 kBq0.00412608161699659 kBq
Elementary flow 1.00670318246042E-23 kg1.00670318246042E-23 kg
Elementary flow KZ 0.00234482244436526 m30.00234482244436526 m3
Elementary flow 3.60750807864028E-23 kg3.60750807864028E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.05898081416883E-11 kg3.05898081416883E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.66077621143393E-11 kg1.66077621143393E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.40368939486054E-23 kg1.40368939486054E-23 kg
Elementary flow 4.09246068374987E-9 kg4.09246068374987E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.41310470419449E-21 kg2.41310470419449E-21 kg
Elementary flow 7.66700921379526E-10 kg7.66700921379526E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.09349097958949E-6 kg1.09349097958949E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.71911911814702E-29 kg6.71911911814702E-29 kg
Elementary flow 1.8663444963414E-8 kg1.8663444963414E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.28993636588959E-4 kg3.28993636588959E-4 kg
Elementary flow NG 4.13343068188879E-5 m34.13343068188879E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.48465061884573E-8 kBq1.48465061884573E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 1.79097804759397E-7 kg1.79097804759397E-7 kg
Elementary flow RO 3.15666664033211E-6 m33.15666664033211E-6 m3
Elementary flow 8.30497828900555E-7 kg8.30497828900555E-7 kg
Elementary flow AU 1.3296244357275E-6 m31.3296244357275E-6 m3
Elementary flow 5.34198843063434E-13 kg5.34198843063434E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.68307037797753E-23 kg1.68307037797753E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.38157999227114E-13 kg2.38157999227114E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.29888970982942E-16 kg1.29888970982942E-16 kg
Elementary flow 0.00400246178323362 kBq0.00400246178323362 kBq
Elementary flow 7.97867645053242E-6 kBq7.97867645053242E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 2.51999841882857E-4 kBq2.51999841882857E-4 kBq
Elementary flow RO 5.06434213102794E-5 m35.06434213102794E-5 m3
Elementary flow 0.00307337540902106 kg0.00307337540902106 kg
Elementary flow 1.62961754782546E-13 kg1.62961754782546E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.66257777123465E-14 kg1.66257777123465E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.95291347076146E-21 kg1.95291347076146E-21 kg
Elementary flow 2.530759837193E-7 kg2.530759837193E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.32663385409634E-13 kg4.32663385409634E-13 kg
Elementary flow 3.40428182926806E-15 kg3.40428182926806E-15 kg
Elementary flow JP 5.17196493434586E-8 m35.17196493434586E-8 m3
Elementary flow 2.57398167873355E-18 kg2.57398167873355E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.95288221465722E-15 kBq1.95288221465722E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 1.10001880383601E-11 kg1.10001880383601E-11 kg
Elementary flow 9.2333182099018E-22 kg9.2333182099018E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.11340635088882E-10 kg1.11340635088882E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.46308750980427E-22 kg1.46308750980427E-22 kg
Elementary flow 3.24768240749177E-23 kg3.24768240749177E-23 kg
Elementary flow CL 5.19700588185772E-6 m35.19700588185772E-6 m3
Elementary flow ES 3.23783250589789E-4 m33.23783250589789E-4 m3
Elementary flow AT 3.49910566806471E-5 m33.49910566806471E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.11044216561167E-9 kg1.11044216561167E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.56498188283614E-22 kg2.56498188283614E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.79399330663081E-23 kg1.79399330663081E-23 kg
Elementary flow 5.8450021336205E-15 kg5.8450021336205E-15 kg
Elementary flow 7.81359797430716E-17 kg7.81359797430716E-17 kg
Elementary flow 7.04057151279016E-8 kg7.04057151279016E-8 kg
Elementary flow JP 2.78913905311915E-6 m32.78913905311915E-6 m3
Elementary flow EE 4.46476398363265E-5 m34.46476398363265E-5 m3
Elementary flow 4.3231526789700676E-7 kg4.3231526789700676E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.98075795438322E-11 kg4.98075795438322E-11 kg
Elementary flow CN 3.01545952458091E-6 m33.01545952458091E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.75155643970221E-21 kg1.75155643970221E-21 kg
Elementary flow 8.62663218989766E-14 kg8.62663218989766E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.81307654121594E-22 kg1.81307654121594E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.71431577336517E-13 kg1.71431577336517E-13 kg
Elementary flow 3.90584063253046E-5 kg3.90584063253046E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.37556579662056E-10 kg1.37556579662056E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.10016506908826E-8 kBq1.10016506908826E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 2.11607613187151E-21 kg2.11607613187151E-21 kg
Elementary flow 2.948437699662E-6 kg2.948437699662E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.43752174882448E-19 kg1.43752174882448E-19 kg
Elementary flow KZ 7.80022225605494E-5 m37.80022225605494E-5 m3
Elementary flow 2.29236353404621E-15 kBq2.29236353404621E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 2.86021038579034E-8 kBq2.86021038579034E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 2.29118367014677E-8 kg2.29118367014677E-8 kg
Elementary flow 4.72712480027702E-23 kg4.72712480027702E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.29607581077813E-10 kg3.29607581077813E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.67919440276814E-8 kg2.67919440276814E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.89985209654191E-19 kBq2.89985209654191E-19 kBq
Elementary flow 2.2077995762523E-5 kg2.2077995762523E-5 kg
Elementary flow 8.73373044763923E-6 kg8.73373044763923E-6 kg
Elementary flow UA 1.58003498548564E-7 m31.58003498548564E-7 m3
Elementary flow 4.74289104414395E-9 kg4.74289104414395E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.20111432721638E-4 kg1.20111432721638E-4 kg
Elementary flow SE 0.0180401075575999 m30.0180401075575999 m3
Elementary flow 1.54002766341549E-10 kg1.54002766341549E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.1307624757848E-24 kg2.1307624757848E-24 kg
Elementary flow SE 4.17102763805332E-6 m34.17102763805332E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.4556229134142875E-6 kg1.4556229134142875E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.50530294388527E-22 kg2.50530294388527E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.28822355434838E-4 kg1.28822355434838E-4 kg
Elementary flow SI 1.26975449758851E-5 m31.26975449758851E-5 m3
Elementary flow 3.25359460164044E-8 kg3.25359460164044E-8 kg
Elementary flow 8.83286244758062E-20 kg8.83286244758062E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.55204147631016E-12 kg1.55204147631016E-12 kg
Elementary flow 4.01379834701283E-11 kg4.01379834701283E-11 kg
Elementary flow PH 5.14856308066459E-17 m35.14856308066459E-17 m3
Elementary flow 5.54716964118957E-8 kBq5.54716964118957E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 5.43161140660819E-15 kg5.43161140660819E-15 kg
Elementary flow 2.99391901339392E-26 kg2.99391901339392E-26 kg
Elementary flow 1.55196014790645E-8 kBq1.55196014790645E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 4.85712823254686E-15 kg4.85712823254686E-15 kg
Elementary flow FI 0.00285474954628162 m30.00285474954628162 m3
Elementary flow 1.26248409632963E-5 m31.26248409632963E-5 m3
Elementary flow 0.0010143577774981757 kg0.0010143577774981757 kg
Elementary flow 1.32273233732725E-5 kg1.32273233732725E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.99100084945256E-23 kg2.99100084945256E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.31147062677314E-17 kBq1.31147062677314E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 1.01072422332377E-18 kBq1.01072422332377E-18 kBq
Elementary flow 2.9469883582216E-22 kg2.9469883582216E-22 kg
Elementary flow 5.00713394131434E-17 kg5.00713394131434E-17 kg
Elementary flow 7.97867601861527E-6 kBq7.97867601861527E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 2.37404963597683E-22 kg2.37404963597683E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.24527644880679E-25 kg1.24527644880679E-25 kg
Elementary flow 3.48230098565586E-18 kBq3.48230098565586E-18 kBq
Elementary flow 6.35006111116089E-23 kg6.35006111116089E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.09670111075458E-20 kg3.09670111075458E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.00995771523327E-10 kg1.00995771523327E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.671249663364E-10 kg1.671249663364E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.18219789042555E-12 kg1.18219789042555E-12 kg
Elementary flow 5.96001647028369E-20 kg5.96001647028369E-20 kg
Elementary flow US 9.7267121931209E-6 m39.7267121931209E-6 m3
Elementary flow 8.25687128120315E-23 kg8.25687128120315E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.04140257967338E-23 kg2.04140257967338E-23 kg
Elementary flow BE 1.75497579010135E-4 m31.75497579010135E-4 m3
Elementary flow 1.66077620667358E-11 kg1.66077620667358E-11 kg
Elementary flow 6.4863744061963E-12 kg6.4863744061963E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.9638784354622E-11 kg3.9638784354622E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.03778360649473E-21 kg1.03778360649473E-21 kg
Elementary flow 0.923143201705001 kBq0.923143201705001 kBq
Elementary flow 0.220235897023371 kBq0.220235897023371 kBq
Elementary flow CH 3.88036157843872E-5 m33.88036157843872E-5 m3
Elementary flow 2.53961358556858E-9 kg2.53961358556858E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.36138335681632E-21 kg4.36138335681632E-21 kg
Elementary flow 2.73946091623337E-7 kg2.73946091623337E-7 kg
Elementary flow 5.20068781760374E-22 kg5.20068781760374E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.17480378708517E-17 kg1.17480378708517E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.28422705292546E-23 kg2.28422705292546E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.18948255957829E-9 kg2.18948255957829E-9 kg
Elementary flow SK 1.70867113146651E-7 m31.70867113146651E-7 m3
Elementary flow 2.9129279113016E-21 kg2.9129279113016E-21 kg
Elementary flow -1.08366989016677E-15 kg-1.08366989016677E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.54494942498082E-25 kg1.54494942498082E-25 kg
Elementary flow 8.15785104072983E-8 kg8.15785104072983E-8 kg
Elementary flow KR 1.04921114587879E-10 m31.04921114587879E-10 m3
Elementary flow 1.38106304000903E-6 kg1.38106304000903E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.89671896273705E-23 kg6.89671896273705E-23 kg
Elementary flow 8.48648208715816E-19 kg8.48648208715816E-19 kg
Elementary flow 2.53811636493264E-11 kg2.53811636493264E-11 kg
Elementary flow CZ 9.97614536290706E-6 m39.97614536290706E-6 m3
Elementary flow 2.0659862505191E-22 kg2.0659862505191E-22 kg
Elementary flow ID 1.47126263728071E-5 m31.47126263728071E-5 m3
Elementary flow 8.52341466604468E-4 kBq8.52341466604468E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 1.56765868615526E-9 kg1.56765868615526E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.29150603927432E-21 kg1.29150603927432E-21 kg
Elementary flow 5.74498391941261E-22 kg5.74498391941261E-22 kg
Elementary flow 3.42857678036305E-4 kg3.42857678036305E-4 kg
Elementary flow 0.0288324110611571 kBq0.0288324110611571 kBq
Elementary flow 1.03415918707664E-13 kg1.03415918707664E-13 kg
Elementary flow 4.1746273202852E-7 kg4.1746273202852E-7 kg
Elementary flow 7.30297000106006E-16 kg7.30297000106006E-16 kg
Elementary flow 6.36711425073381E-5 kBq6.36711425073381E-5 kBq
Elementary flow LV 0.00198039928434099 m30.00198039928434099 m3
Elementary flow 4.85350452314231E-27 kg4.85350452314231E-27 kg
Elementary flow 5.92579385768714E-7 kg5.92579385768714E-7 kg
Elementary flow 6.37448246558347E-5 kg6.37448246558347E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.50931081985372E-24 kg1.50931081985372E-24 kg
Elementary flow 7.73180560270331E-18 kg7.73180560270331E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.87319007760617E-7 kg1.87319007760617E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.936484044110291E-4 kBq2.936484044110291E-4 kBq
Elementary flow ZA 2.29045305610435E-7 m32.29045305610435E-7 m3
Elementary flow 2.65011087104067E-13 kBq2.65011087104067E-13 kBq
Elementary flow 1.51752991475148E-8 kg1.51752991475148E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.51023104035783E-10 kg2.51023104035783E-10 kg
Elementary flow 7.78213699406423E-23 kg7.78213699406423E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.52955062115512E-6 kg1.52955062115512E-6 kg
Elementary flow 5.82982830523944E-23 kg5.82982830523944E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.55672810748858E-6 kg1.55672810748858E-6 kg
Elementary flow DE 0.00317101453777924 m30.00317101453777924 m3
Elementary flow CA 6.17997002268428E-5 m36.17997002268428E-5 m3
Elementary flow GR 1.88929133920708E-6 m31.88929133920708E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.32406703000645E-11 kg1.32406703000645E-11 kg
Elementary flow 7.23364081557285E-22 kg7.23364081557285E-22 kg
Elementary flow 4.4676691690429E-11 kg4.4676691690429E-11 kg
Elementary flow RS 1.20375786011695E-5 m31.20375786011695E-5 m3
Elementary flow 3.6959191490069E-16 kBq3.6959191490069E-16 kBq
Elementary flow 3.85480969849412E-23 kg3.85480969849412E-23 kg
Elementary flow 7.80224967027864E-22 kg7.80224967027864E-22 kg
Elementary flow 5.72797924293875E-10 kg5.72797924293875E-10 kg
Elementary flow 8.41162767209381E-11 kg8.41162767209381E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.06099314633808E-4 kg2.06099314633808E-4 kg
Elementary flow 9.31403527222734E-19 kg9.31403527222734E-19 kg
Elementary flow 7.54578303273722E-7 kg7.54578303273722E-7 kg
Elementary flow 8.633224946363965E-6 kg8.633224946363965E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.75363163918726E-5 kBq1.75363163918726E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 4.32957926869673E-9 kg4.32957926869673E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.23652284531721E-22 kg1.23652284531721E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.92585091669832E-24 kg1.92585091669832E-24 kg
Elementary flow 3.55517934496868E-6 kBq3.55517934496868E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.65639611687294E-11 kg1.65639611687294E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.21273634291101E-20 kg3.21273634291101E-20 kg
Elementary flow 3.7014625926154E-12 kg3.7014625926154E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.50768415626406E-27 kg3.50768415626406E-27 kg
Elementary flow 6.33689389542691E-19 kg6.33689389542691E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.81575854410363E-21 kg1.81575854410363E-21 kg
Elementary flow 4.5997086663326E-10 kg4.5997086663326E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.15639595285831E-13 kg1.15639595285831E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.47528845593757E-6 kg2.47528845593757E-6 kg
Elementary flow 4.04188885841561E-11 kg4.04188885841561E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.92886478890467E-22 kg3.92886478890467E-22 kg
Elementary flow 5.37771996403926E-6 kg5.37771996403926E-6 kg
Elementary flow 8.48648208715855E-18 kg8.48648208715855E-18 kg
Elementary flow 5.70380603093874E-20 kg5.70380603093874E-20 kg
Elementary flow 2.11582370356565E-24 kg2.11582370356565E-24 kg
Elementary flow 2.62622777240599E-14 kg2.62622777240599E-14 kg
Elementary flow 2.69505042974664E-6 kg2.69505042974664E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.16731521183617E-6 kBq1.16731521183617E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 9.90968255751367E-24 kg9.90968255751367E-24 kg
Elementary flow 4.2481431194686E-14 kBq4.2481431194686E-14 kBq
Elementary flow IS 3.7328017706343E-10 m33.7328017706343E-10 m3
Elementary flow SK 3.90053348286383E-5 m33.90053348286383E-5 m3
Elementary flow 4.85302858368741E-7 kg4.85302858368741E-7 kg
Elementary flow BE 0.00454805310748799 m30.00454805310748799 m3
Elementary flow HU 8.0361726323614E-7 m38.0361726323614E-7 m3
Elementary flow 3.53989173643659E-20 kg3.53989173643659E-20 kg
Elementary flow US 5.15144211694491E-4 m35.15144211694491E-4 m3
Elementary flow 1.10596150009764E-4 kg1.10596150009764E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.0801086875892E-22 kg2.0801086875892E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.09091282733087E-18 kg2.09091282733087E-18 kg
Elementary flow 4.4807641063211E-29 kg4.4807641063211E-29 kg
Elementary flow 1.04878127983365E-20 kg1.04878127983365E-20 kg
Elementary flow 3.72954053752518E-15 kg3.72954053752518E-15 kg
Elementary flow 5.40283308179304E-25 kg5.40283308179304E-25 kg
Elementary flow 2.75432414137629E-21 kg2.75432414137629E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.185367294892E-22 kg1.185367294892E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.66818487877685E-17 kg1.66818487877685E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.92776086904546E-10 kg2.92776086904546E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.53761484634579E-4 kg1.53761484634579E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.60874628368417E-19 kg2.60874628368417E-19 kg
Elementary flow 4.05902966366925E-18 kg4.05902966366925E-18 kg
Elementary flow 4.22890047940685E-20 kg4.22890047940685E-20 kg
Elementary flow -3.83858900788102E-19 kg-3.83858900788102E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.29842431757301E-21 kg1.29842431757301E-21 kg
Elementary flow 6.85504737387898E-24 kg6.85504737387898E-24 kg
Elementary flow 1.49755571846857E-26 kg1.49755571846857E-26 kg
Elementary flow 2.84482955215675E-22 kg2.84482955215675E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.69126471168032E-21 kg1.69126471168032E-21 kg
Elementary flow 5.85935684080531E-20 kg5.85935684080531E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.49564433294916E-23 kg1.49564433294916E-23 kg
Elementary flow 0.00375887647687763 kBq0.00375887647687763 kBq
Elementary flow 5.77409936231527E-20 kg5.77409936231527E-20 kg
Elementary flow TH 1.09875870456836E-8 m31.09875870456836E-8 m3
Elementary flow 4.02984966971679E-18 kg4.02984966971679E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.44799411957334E-18 kg1.44799411957334E-18 kg
Elementary flow 7.8462584379036E-12 kg7.8462584379036E-12 kg
Elementary flow 6.65221024414931E-11 kg6.65221024414931E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.36044020620676E-16 kBq2.36044020620676E-16 kBq
Elementary flow 1.60907291047682E-19 kg1.60907291047682E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.9855102794249E-11 kg1.9855102794249E-11 kg
Elementary flow CL 3.73460537373357E-5 m33.73460537373357E-5 m3
Elementary flow 6.7150235617661E-14 kg6.7150235617661E-14 kg
Elementary flow 8.25253224899312E-17 kg8.25253224899312E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.09168076707548E-14 kg1.09168076707548E-14 kg
Elementary flow -1.5138250915808398E-6 kg-1.5138250915808398E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.36165193092001E-15 kg6.36165193092001E-15 kg
Elementary flow 2.47482979737955E-11 kg2.47482979737955E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.79212943631059E-11 kg3.79212943631059E-11 kg
Elementary flow AU 4.19253823760907E-5 m34.19253823760907E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.92585094314732E-23 kg1.92585094314732E-23 kg
Waste flow 2.29074844863022E-8 kg2.29074844863022E-8 kg
Elementary flow 5.36752391266448E-8 kg5.36752391266448E-8 kg
Elementary flow 4.84850164523807E-23 kg4.84850164523807E-23 kg
Elementary flow 8.62829730292963E-21 kg8.62829730292963E-21 kg
Elementary flow BR 3.93307777862423E-6 m33.93307777862423E-6 m3
Elementary flow IS 1.50124879153734E-5 m31.50124879153734E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.44775329899772E-7 kg1.44775329899772E-7 kg
Elementary flow SI 0.00615467357750156 m30.00615467357750156 m3
Elementary flow 9.64363489447703E-5 kg9.64363489447703E-5 kg
Elementary flow 6.29744748347806E-23 kg6.29744748347806E-23 kg
Elementary flow 5.07504340439646E-21 kg5.07504340439646E-21 kg
Elementary flow 2.00621249271164E-22 kg2.00621249271164E-22 kg
Elementary flow 4.23834775807215E-9 kg4.23834775807215E-9 kg
Elementary flow 5.66430910221457E-8 kg5.66430910221457E-8 kg
Elementary flow PL 3.30473597570802E-5 m33.30473597570802E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.61858394471622E-11 kg1.61858394471622E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.20782221037134E-19 kg1.20782221037134E-19 kg
Elementary flow MX 1.42082577280134E-8 m31.42082577280134E-8 m3
Elementary flow 6.41622553105118E-15 kBq6.41622553105118E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 2.18023904864781E-9 kg2.18023904864781E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.87886196701016E-20 kBq3.87886196701016E-20 kBq
Elementary flow 9.03468246644628E-13 kg9.03468246644628E-13 kg
Elementary flow 5.01725337334238E-16 kg5.01725337334238E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.51963308425097E-20 kg2.51963308425097E-20 kg
Elementary flow 0.03060487724939795 m30.03060487724939795 m3
Elementary flow 9.74980631371949E-20 kg9.74980631371949E-20 kg
Elementary flow 4.31268273191466E-13 kg4.31268273191466E-13 kg
Elementary flow EE 3.27295308950872E-5 m33.27295308950872E-5 m3
Elementary flow 4.39161800621714E-11 kg4.39161800621714E-11 kg
Elementary flow 6.43023806900348E-6 kBq6.43023806900348E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.72007293835335E-22 kg1.72007293835335E-22 kg
Elementary flow 6.67261825717949E-23 kg6.67261825717949E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.16946153790073E-9 kg3.16946153790073E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.99125884312737E-11 kg3.99125884312737E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.80129065023272E-9 kg3.80129065023272E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.83041544659679E-17 kg4.83041544659679E-17 kg
Elementary flow 4.34105189247224E-19 kg4.34105189247224E-19 kg
Elementary flow 2.28931220731853E-4 kg2.28931220731853E-4 kg
Elementary flow 4.57095891952103E-10 kg4.57095891952103E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.34135644877253E-5 kg1.34135644877253E-5 kg
Elementary flow 5.28936220666396E-21 kg5.28936220666396E-21 kg
Elementary flow RU 2.50570818560728E-4 m32.50570818560728E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.45474684342937E-4 kg2.45474684342937E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.97831254634635E-21 kg2.97831254634635E-21 kg
Elementary flow 4.15866959722509E-10 kg4.15866959722509E-10 kg
Elementary flow 5.37416563712346E-7 kg5.37416563712346E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.99376063586042E-11 kg1.99376063586042E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.039380243295E-27 kg1.039380243295E-27 kg
Elementary flow 3.83129147004791E-22 kg3.83129147004791E-22 kg
Elementary flow 8.95218947849408E-9 kg8.95218947849408E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.47958280092916E-20 kg2.47958280092916E-20 kg
Elementary flow 2.18553788677137E-21 kg2.18553788677137E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.25448906985677E-9 kg1.25448906985677E-9 kg
Elementary flow 6.38364333339091E-14 kg6.38364333339091E-14 kg
Elementary flow 8.44678273001917E-7 kg8.44678273001917E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.51965963818226E-6 kg1.51965963818226E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.26281345417342E-22 kg1.26281345417342E-22 kg
Elementary flow 0.0685936329524658 kg0.0685936329524658 kg
Elementary flow 7.6580010162152E-10 kg7.6580010162152E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.9680300961056E-21 kg2.9680300961056E-21 kg
Elementary flow 5.17038558453949E-7 kg5.17038558453949E-7 kg
Elementary flow 6.71911911814702E-29 kg6.71911911814702E-29 kg
Elementary flow 1.07556058411336E-22 kg1.07556058411336E-22 kg
Elementary flow 9.33857194707523E-21 kg9.33857194707523E-21 kg
Elementary flow 5.8808845551415E-23 kg5.8808845551415E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.11516905074248E-11 kg1.11516905074248E-11 kg
Elementary flow 6.82109527479796E-23 kg6.82109527479796E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.50270620658628E-9 kg2.50270620658628E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.9139165867099E-7 kg2.9139165867099E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.25203950314981E-9 kg4.25203950314981E-9 kg
Elementary flow 9.64221217854342E-15 kg9.64221217854342E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.83710254120772E-19 kBq1.83710254120772E-19 kBq
Elementary flow 9.01080158650823E-22 kg9.01080158650823E-22 kg
Elementary flow 6.04944364578068E-20 kg6.04944364578068E-20 kg
Elementary flow IE 7.61479442521139E-8 m37.61479442521139E-8 m3
Elementary flow 3.30063553347082E-15 kBq3.30063553347082E-15 kBq
Elementary flow MK 1.32341719526997E-6 m31.32341719526997E-6 m3
Elementary flow 5.54350208389526E-22 kg5.54350208389526E-22 kg
Elementary flow -1.11514633346958E-8 kg-1.11514633346958E-8 kg
Elementary flow -1.09152720759566E-20 kg-1.09152720759566E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.13258136294407E-17 kBq1.13258136294407E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 2.40203452522813E-22 kg2.40203452522813E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.40381888961833E-10 kg2.40381888961833E-10 kg
Elementary flow BG 2.6565657944522E-6 m32.6565657944522E-6 m3
Elementary flow 8.93968557001929E-10 kg8.93968557001929E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.58200644275463E-7 kg1.58200644275463E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.4569931253783E-9 kg1.4569931253783E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.40876382554892 kBq1.40876382554892 kBq
Elementary flow 1.91540772741545E-5 kBq1.91540772741545E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 6.85015913923134E-23 kg6.85015913923134E-23 kg
Elementary flow 4.39240589074445E-11 kg4.39240589074445E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.16522183172976E-22 kg1.16522183172976E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.72583057105752E-16 kBq2.72583057105752E-16 kBq
Elementary flow 6.31410800447035E-23 kg6.31410800447035E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.48132497580883E-22 kg2.48132497580883E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.19090403018105E-5 kg2.19090403018105E-5 kg
Elementary flow RO 7.12191840477577E-4 m37.12191840477577E-4 m3
Elementary flow 3.49994765285804E-4 kg3.49994765285804E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.56430582048166E-16 kg2.56430582048166E-16 kg
Elementary flow 3.14188990372507E-28 kg3.14188990372507E-28 kg
Elementary flow FR 0.0577696307554317 m30.0577696307554317 m3
Elementary flow NL 0.00101032306570273 m30.00101032306570273 m3
Elementary flow 0.117769650279816 MJ0.117769650279816 MJ
Elementary flow 7.43047829121616E-10 kg7.43047829121616E-10 kg
Elementary flow 4.75509889710412E-15 kg4.75509889710412E-15 kg
Elementary flow 2.58748993946464E-23 kg2.58748993946464E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.33947999647569E-15 kg1.33947999647569E-15 kg
Elementary flow NG 0.00213340618844005 m30.00213340618844005 m3
Elementary flow 1.00530875052461E-7 kg1.00530875052461E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.25546907578884E-7 kg1.25546907578884E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.78128281987562E-21 kg3.78128281987562E-21 kg
Elementary flow LV 1.86663648252283E-7 m31.86663648252283E-7 m3
Elementary flow 2.57115442123753E-20 kg2.57115442123753E-20 kg
Elementary flow 2.16840630668451E-17 kg2.16840630668451E-17 kg
Elementary flow 3.1160012231225E-24 kg3.1160012231225E-24 kg
Elementary flow 1.00568673792073E-6 kBq1.00568673792073E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 7.78316172777276E-23 kg7.78316172777276E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.43963490479078E-4 kg3.43963490479078E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.69969940495228E-23 kg1.69969940495228E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.8339784589455416E-12 kg1.8339784589455416E-12 kg
Elementary flow 6.360922433519444E-10 kg6.360922433519444E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.05282268930185E-13 kBq1.05282268930185E-13 kBq
Elementary flow 4.48169350081496E-9 kg4.48169350081496E-9 kg
Elementary flow 8.01105549103865E-23 kg8.01105549103865E-23 kg
Elementary flow SK 7.08570606545578E-4 m37.08570606545578E-4 m3
Elementary flow 0.00233049990614498 kBq0.00233049990614498 kBq
Elementary flow 5.14321640022093E-19 kg5.14321640022093E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.24440341011496E-21 kg1.24440341011496E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.70170775475961E-19 kg1.70170775475961E-19 kg
Elementary flow TH 3.59717530341102E-9 m33.59717530341102E-9 m3
Elementary flow 2.77242336356654E-15 kg2.77242336356654E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.20555643940384E-23 kg1.20555643940384E-23 kg
Elementary flow 4.64968814023183E-30 kg4.64968814023183E-30 kg
Elementary flow 7.78765928795279E-23 kg7.78765928795279E-23 kg
Elementary flow 5.46372432586913E-11 kg5.46372432586913E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.00290497229826E-22 kg2.00290497229826E-22 kg
Elementary flow 8.08261691508453E-13 kg8.08261691508453E-13 kg
Elementary flow 5.10618406779603E-15 kg5.10618406779603E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.50073723936189E-20 kg1.50073723936189E-20 kg
Elementary flow 0.0211584809875352 kg0.0211584809875352 kg
Elementary flow NO 7.97910162625596E-6 m37.97910162625596E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.25922303011605E-12 kg1.25922303011605E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.37273633065448E-19 kg2.37273633065448E-19 kg
Elementary flow 6.04137858740226E-22 kg6.04137858740226E-22 kg
Elementary flow 4.63224814405451E-22 kg4.63224814405451E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.8385029270229E-5 kBq1.8385029270229E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 3.44967225965965E-15 kg3.44967225965965E-15 kg
Elementary flow 3.83264123041021E-14 kBq3.83264123041021E-14 kBq
Elementary flow LT 7.58843922698516E-7 m37.58843922698516E-7 m3
Elementary flow 1.58180909013018E-4 kg1.58180909013018E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.17294010514282E-6 kg1.17294010514282E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.30975041094725E-22 kg2.30975041094725E-22 kg
Elementary flow 3.89275441654991E-22 kg3.89275441654991E-22 kg
Elementary flow RS 0.00111366500669339 m30.00111366500669339 m3
Elementary flow 2.93303977120266E-10 kg2.93303977120266E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.3638340408789E-15 kg1.3638340408789E-15 kg
Elementary flow 6.40732021422794E-9 kg6.40732021422794E-9 kg
Elementary flow 5.09837659524533E-15 kBq5.09837659524533E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 4.33791898388294E-12 kg4.33791898388294E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.04721309218212E-15 kBq1.04721309218212E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 2.8536232039334E-6 kg2.8536232039334E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.44488621776214E-8 kg2.44488621776214E-8 kg
Elementary flow IT 1.64840544743335E-5 m31.64840544743335E-5 m3
Elementary flow 4.45175005794723E-9 kg4.45175005794723E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.12914966614167E-9 kg4.12914966614167E-9 kg
Elementary flow 0.014237680660305 kBq0.014237680660305 kBq
Elementary flow 6.16972622959813E-15 kg6.16972622959813E-15 kg
Elementary flow LU -5.47714742035166E-7 m3-5.47714742035166E-7 m3
Elementary flow 2.82428608550074E-10 kg2.82428608550074E-10 kg
Elementary flow 4.96450015566081E-18 kg4.96450015566081E-18 kg
Elementary flow 9.41610846426893E-8 kg9.41610846426893E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.23224567135986E-24 kg3.23224567135986E-24 kg
Elementary flow 5.90829799384506E-10 kg5.90829799384506E-10 kg
Elementary flow 5.68576201169692E-4 kBq5.68576201169692E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 8.77087539361379E-4 m38.77087539361379E-4 m3
Elementary flow 3.98638714423364E-7 kg3.98638714423364E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.26033181980403E-23 kg1.26033181980403E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.50575428541027E-17 kBq3.50575428541027E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 6.28511239709144E-18 kg6.28511239709144E-18 kg
Elementary flow 3.34767008935095E-14 kg3.34767008935095E-14 kg
Elementary flow 6.58008212714093E-8 kBq6.58008212714093E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 4.32446481815574E-7 kg4.32446481815574E-7 kg
Elementary flow TR 4.70829557145307E-4 m34.70829557145307E-4 m3
Elementary flow 5.93721730952374E-14 kg5.93721730952374E-14 kg
Elementary flow 8.98403651825162E-24 kg8.98403651825162E-24 kg
Elementary flow 2.55370428291557E-10 kg2.55370428291557E-10 kg
Elementary flow 6.5677658385702E-15 kg6.5677658385702E-15 kg
Elementary flow 2.11084490024318E-20 kg2.11084490024318E-20 kg
Elementary flow 3.34398053846269E-8 kg3.34398053846269E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.95301059877543E-20 kg3.95301059877543E-20 kg
Elementary flow 8.14028132880354E-21 kg8.14028132880354E-21 kg
Elementary flow 8.36386520309788E-12 kg8.36386520309788E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.03103767888045E-14 kBq1.03103767888045E-14 kBq
Elementary flow 2.25544052456934E-17 kBq2.25544052456934E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 4.80582621712993E-7 kg4.80582621712993E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.58339143476159E-22 kg2.58339143476159E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.42347917342218E-8 kBq2.42347917342218E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 2.01341959301708E-22 kg2.01341959301708E-22 kg
Elementary flow 7.13777671551419E-24 kg7.13777671551419E-24 kg
Elementary flow 2.82406326973837E-19 kg2.82406326973837E-19 kg
Elementary flow 9.59811577625361E-14 kBq9.59811577625361E-14 kBq
Elementary flow 6.49977448114873E-4 kBq6.49977448114873E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 6.73432757224109E-17 kg6.73432757224109E-17 kg
Elementary flow PH 2.10069314579684E-15 m32.10069314579684E-15 m3
Elementary flow 7.48761004280373E-22 kg7.48761004280373E-22 kg
Elementary flow 9.22661254182992E-12 kg9.22661254182992E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.23095871496223E-16 kg1.23095871496223E-16 kg
Elementary flow 4.27892763922632E-13 kg4.27892763922632E-13 kg
Elementary flow 7.807709300455919E-5 kg7.807709300455919E-5 kg
Waste flow 1.16425715887541 kg1.16425715887541 kg
Elementary flow RU 0.0209576763211833 m30.0209576763211833 m3
Elementary flow 3.37844605507179E-13 kg3.37844605507179E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.27954109287666E-23 kg2.27954109287666E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.04345105220404E-18 kBq1.04345105220404E-18 kBq
Elementary flow 1.24074276159997E-10 kg1.24074276159997E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.7627225587432E-18 kg2.7627225587432E-18 kg
Elementary flow 2.58589614669985E-23 kg2.58589614669985E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.2255422440785E-8 kg1.2255422440785E-8 kg
Waste flow 3.61597544214669E-11 kg3.61597544214669E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.18449659157676E-18 kg2.18449659157676E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.54005168327785E-12 kg1.54005168327785E-12 kg
Elementary flow KZ 2.05981649392026E-7 m32.05981649392026E-7 m3
Elementary flow 1.59438079813738E-15 kBq1.59438079813738E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 2.63836999647673E-16 kg2.63836999647673E-16 kg
Elementary flow 1.32553318417796E-6 kBq1.32553318417796E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 2.86770806275098E-11 kg2.86770806275098E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.54743591930054E-19 kg1.54743591930054E-19 kg
Elementary flow 4.69764282169654E-19 kBq4.69764282169654E-19 kBq
Elementary flow 2.50382501209958E-23 kg2.50382501209958E-23 kg
Elementary flow 7.43404439292858E-8 kg7.43404439292858E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.60025149231306E-17 kg3.60025149231306E-17 kg
Elementary flow 4.79322873879817E-9 kg4.79322873879817E-9 kg
Elementary flow DE 0.320134830285905 m30.320134830285905 m3
Elementary flow 4.27753881036622E-27 kg4.27753881036622E-27 kg
Elementary flow 2.51624082979981E-18 kg2.51624082979981E-18 kg
Elementary flow 2.84291085453766E-16 kg2.84291085453766E-16 kg
Elementary flow NZ 6.66233108000913E-8 m36.66233108000913E-8 m3
Elementary flow 9.09222859432796E-15 kg9.09222859432796E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.43913777277029E-10 kg1.43913777277029E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.00568673892264E-6 kBq1.00568673892264E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.0047091347376E-21 kg1.0047091347376E-21 kg
Elementary flow 8.12667533980164E-22 kg8.12667533980164E-22 kg
Elementary flow 6.00492527677435E-5 kg6.00492527677435E-5 kg
Elementary flow 3.19857429536274E-19 kg3.19857429536274E-19 kg
Elementary flow 5.66185786956792E-27 kg5.66185786956792E-27 kg
Elementary flow 2.19953346066482E-22 kg2.19953346066482E-22 kg
Elementary flow BA 1.0187843020194E-5 m31.0187843020194E-5 m3
Elementary flow 3.7195554025056E-9 kg3.7195554025056E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.76081177129718E-6 kBq1.76081177129718E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 2.26692837685026E-7 kg2.26692837685026E-7 kg
Elementary flow 7.47709880804957E-9 kg7.47709880804957E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.21544042165578E-28 kg4.21544042165578E-28 kg
Elementary flow 7.93926559404725E-21 kg7.93926559404725E-21 kg
Elementary flow 2.69575981423223E-15 kBq2.69575981423223E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 1.12028474400746E-17 kBq1.12028474400746E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 1.78539577563815E-7 kg1.78539577563815E-7 kg
Elementary flow 9.47821318936664E-23 kg9.47821318936664E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.07668425288243E-18 kg3.07668425288243E-18 kg
Elementary flow 4.74094616791125E-6 kg4.74094616791125E-6 kg
Elementary flow 4.12811164586458E-22 kg4.12811164586458E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.421820447403E-6 kg2.421820447403E-6 kg
Elementary flow 17.3058659799103 kg17.3058659799103 kg
Elementary flow 9.97537274250593E-12 kg9.97537274250593E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.18891064182721E-20 kg1.18891064182721E-20 kg
Elementary flow -3.18192037025734E-8 kg-3.18192037025734E-8 kg
Elementary flow RU 2.12808841136863E-5 m32.12808841136863E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.46586510522732E-18 kg1.46586510522732E-18 kg
Elementary flow 3.17242366467552E-22 kg3.17242366467552E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.3072409988924E-20 kg1.3072409988924E-20 kg
Elementary flow 2.4946036384701E-10 kg2.4946036384701E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.27170023018619E-7 kg3.27170023018619E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.12552345706266E-4 kg2.12552345706266E-4 kg
Elementary flow 3.86859743620399E-9 kg3.86859743620399E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.98793339841245E-8 kg2.98793339841245E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.05987719319724E-5 kBq1.05987719319724E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00114494201098912 kg0.00114494201098912 kg
Elementary flow 0.00115206525465857 kBq0.00115206525465857 kBq
Elementary flow 5.77943394425027E-20 kg5.77943394425027E-20 kg
Elementary flow 4.63574844775573E-6 kBq4.63574844775573E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.60392540562234E-13 kBq1.60392540562234E-13 kBq
Elementary flow 9.78082683084435E-12 kg9.78082683084435E-12 kg
Elementary flow 8.72498925726419E-29 kg8.72498925726419E-29 kg
Elementary flow 1.38649811364985E-21 kg1.38649811364985E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.07367637599174E-6 kBq1.07367637599174E-6 kBq
Elementary flow AR 2.33410279411364E-8 m32.33410279411364E-8 m3
Elementary flow 1.3299778088924E-8 kg1.3299778088924E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.23224567135986E-24 kg3.23224567135986E-24 kg
Elementary flow 4.8974310742177E-12 kg4.8974310742177E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.35185489611407E-11 kg1.35185489611407E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.13335485239451E-23 kg2.13335485239451E-23 kg
Elementary flow 4.6021767692122E-24 kg4.6021767692122E-24 kg
Elementary flow 6.30779309133163E-21 kg6.30779309133163E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.53927821981352E-21 kg1.53927821981352E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.62361206474387E-17 kg1.62361206474387E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.45370790572628E-21 kBq2.45370790572628E-21 kBq
Elementary flow 1.70650221067762E-24 kg1.70650221067762E-24 kg
Elementary flow 8.65621305323941E-15 kg8.65621305323941E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.806136849236E-19 kg1.806136849236E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.73986541273101E-22 kg1.73986541273101E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.84424636436495E-10 kg2.84424636436495E-10 kg
Elementary flow NO 1.8033932648873E-6 m31.8033932648873E-6 m3
Elementary flow 2.07449324026665E-22 kg2.07449324026665E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.95309433542914E-10 kg1.95309433542914E-10 kg
Waste flow 4.34631575134794E-7 kg4.34631575134794E-7 kg
Elementary flow 6.95269670382282E-6 kg6.95269670382282E-6 kg
Elementary flow 4.43841038673478E-9 kg4.43841038673478E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.02850092032818E-30 kg3.02850092032818E-30 kg
Elementary flow 0.00131169067126001 kg0.00131169067126001 kg
Elementary flow 7.51410876197138E-16 kg7.51410876197138E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.31637342812746E-7 kg2.31637342812746E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.83683666447996E-23 kg1.83683666447996E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.8128724069306E-10 kg3.8128724069306E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.70743696176116E-9 kBq1.70743696176116E-9 kBq
Elementary flow 6.12766623915774E-22 kg6.12766623915774E-22 kg
Elementary flow 6.05019029637454E-24 kg6.05019029637454E-24 kg
Elementary flow 5.78088604242456E-24 kg5.78088604242456E-24 kg
Elementary flow 22.5352120130158 kBq22.5352120130158 kBq
Elementary flow 6.18970495918235E-23 kg6.18970495918235E-23 kg
Elementary flow NZ 1.73955753158864E-9 m31.73955753158864E-9 m3
Elementary flow 3.73791546344031E-22 kg3.73791546344031E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.19553256870229E-8 kg2.19553256870229E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.62719760884072E-28 kg1.62719760884072E-28 kg
Elementary flow DK 3.70454139847137E-5 m33.70454139847137E-5 m3
Elementary flow 9.92872523057664E-5 kBq9.92872523057664E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 2.1626239648697E-21 kg2.1626239648697E-21 kg
Elementary flow MY 3.14982272384533E-7 m33.14982272384533E-7 m3
Elementary flow 3.29890804616448E-17 kg3.29890804616448E-17 kg
Elementary flow 8.63301026682274E-7 kg8.63301026682274E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.12602939821095E-18 kg1.12602939821095E-18 kg
Elementary flow 4.84849226705129E-18 kg4.84849226705129E-18 kg
Elementary flow 2.76198549865986E-14 kg2.76198549865986E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.45805029196059E-8 kBq1.45805029196059E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 1.1827494849055E-17 kBq1.1827494849055E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 5.41107639330086E-17 kg5.41107639330086E-17 kg
Elementary flow 4.56148083009316E-12 kg4.56148083009316E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.87283885866211E-22 kg3.87283885866211E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.61751357132666E-23 kg2.61751357132666E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.07273422670866E-10 kg3.07273422670866E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.85607742404478E-16 kg3.85607742404478E-16 kg
Elementary flow 3.5032719250581E-23 kg3.5032719250581E-23 kg
Elementary flow 9.39119879120629E-13 kg9.39119879120629E-13 kg
Elementary flow 6.13982273897599E-24 kg6.13982273897599E-24 kg
Elementary flow 5.96621897915665E-8 kg5.96621897915665E-8 kg
Elementary flow 5.63778848231552E-12 kg5.63778848231552E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.87411105337805E-10 kg1.87411105337805E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.33435637436598E-11 kg3.33435637436598E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.56063463739501E-28 kg2.56063463739501E-28 kg
Elementary flow 1.11105108028559E-24 kg1.11105108028559E-24 kg
Elementary flow IN 1.29454218160771E-6 m31.29454218160771E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.10035541017667E-27 kg1.10035541017667E-27 kg
Elementary flow 3.26730165647938E-5 kg3.26730165647938E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.76100664022129E-9 kBq1.76100664022129E-9 kBq
Elementary flow 8.19757816109937E-4 kg8.19757816109937E-4 kg
Elementary flow NZ 1.0225251708781E-5 m31.0225251708781E-5 m3
Elementary flow 2.51283606081672E-7 kBq2.51283606081672E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 1.0203363801254E-21 kg1.0203363801254E-21 kg
Elementary flow DE 0.00887893657013985 m30.00887893657013985 m3
Elementary flow 2.632157820524E-13 kg2.632157820524E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.5956108181084E-6 kBq1.5956108181084E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 5.76753088878479E-7 kBq5.76753088878479E-7 kBq
Elementary flow AT 1.94679477746238E-7 m31.94679477746238E-7 m3
Elementary flow 9.25154329392395E-23 kg9.25154329392395E-23 kg
Elementary flow 9.95654377402534E-17 kg9.95654377402534E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.50278450374396E-28 kg2.50278450374396E-28 kg
Elementary flow 1.06054678209283E-21 kg1.06054678209283E-21 kg
Elementary flow 5.78001736742129E-6 kg5.78001736742129E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.36550021387895E-6 kg1.36550021387895E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.6905421196912E-10 kg1.6905421196912E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.05702239084895E-5 kg3.05702239084895E-5 kg
Elementary flow 4.13054482372806E-23 kg4.13054482372806E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.69972050990057E-22 kg3.69972050990057E-22 kg
Elementary flow NO 0.04760290449683 m30.04760290449683 m3
Elementary flow 1.06731746868509E-20 kg1.06731746868509E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.03385773222411E-15 kBq1.03385773222411E-15 kBq
Elementary flow VE 1.79370843776247E-6 m31.79370843776247E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.55318099014686 kg1.55318099014686 kg
Elementary flow 3.3226146966528E-22 kg3.3226146966528E-22 kg
Waste flow 0.00753312210465258 kg0.00753312210465258 kg
Elementary flow 0.00322385906504856 kg0.00322385906504856 kg
Elementary flow 1.23615198211057E-6 kg1.23615198211057E-6 kg
Elementary flow 5.03189843040928E-6 kg5.03189843040928E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.43555722677836E-10 kg1.43555722677836E-10 kg
Elementary flow TR 1.82065178747667E-7 m31.82065178747667E-7 m3
Elementary flow 6.17267509094162E-6 kg6.17267509094162E-6 kg
Elementary flow GR 1.44693765347141E-4 m31.44693765347141E-4 m3
Elementary flow IN 1.18356359848451E-4 m31.18356359848451E-4 m3
Elementary flow 4.59735682921655E-6 kg4.59735682921655E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.24951636290985E-13 kg2.24951636290985E-13 kg
Elementary flow 0.0180854111638712 kg0.0180854111638712 kg
Elementary flow 6.45027698843748E-9 kg6.45027698843748E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.33969002697962E-23 kg3.33969002697962E-23 kg
Elementary flow 6.06238164884831E-14 kg6.06238164884831E-14 kg
Elementary flow 2.22822011273074E-7 kg2.22822011273074E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.96666460029806E-13 kBq1.96666460029806E-13 kBq
Elementary flow 1.76517880354929E-11 kg1.76517880354929E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.24443993846717E-5 kg1.24443993846717E-5 kg
Elementary flow 3.2482621727558E-22 kg3.2482621727558E-22 kg
Elementary flow 4.18662469818299E-7 kg4.18662469818299E-7 kg
Product flow 1.0 kg1.0 kg
Elementary flow 3.72942505247534E-11 kg3.72942505247534E-11 kg
Elementary flow VE 2.53061316681517E-5 m32.53061316681517E-5 m3
Elementary flow 1.69925848697311E-13 kBq1.69925848697311E-13 kBq
Elementary flow 2.12378858131699E-17 kBq2.12378858131699E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 1.42738341760796E-7 kg1.42738341760796E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.97783736747179E-6 kBq1.97783736747179E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 2.22585361499333E-6 kg2.22585361499333E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.93599610678497E-19 kg3.93599610678497E-19 kg
Elementary flow 3.53349691115332E-26 kg3.53349691115332E-26 kg
Elementary flow 1.1543172970997E-20 kg1.1543172970997E-20 kg
Elementary flow 5.65743925002901E-13 kg5.65743925002901E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.05651549239857E-23 kg2.05651549239857E-23 kg
Elementary flow 7.38873684920998E-14 kg7.38873684920998E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.2355872636193E-11 kg1.2355872636193E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.23532705926421E-22 kg1.23532705926421E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.66624719614745E-22 kg2.66624719614745E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.15852829201009E-14 kg1.15852829201009E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.54118894137661E-18 kg1.54118894137661E-18 kg
Elementary flow 5.03049806731406E-9 kg5.03049806731406E-9 kg
Elementary flow 8.2553752077578E-9 kg8.2553752077578E-9 kg
Elementary flow 9.40799918460089E-20 kBq9.40799918460089E-20 kBq
Elementary flow 4.0887052288347E-15 kg4.0887052288347E-15 kg
Elementary flow 4.21525705680838E-20 kg4.21525705680838E-20 kg
Elementary flow 3.04948620676969E-19 kg3.04948620676969E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.96986847584124E-13 kg1.96986847584124E-13 kg
Elementary flow MX 5.69089373428172E-5 m35.69089373428172E-5 m3
Elementary flow 2.07399397916065E-16 kBq2.07399397916065E-16 kBq
Elementary flow 9.91341512026225E-23 kg9.91341512026225E-23 kg
Elementary flow 6.23968251069052E-21 kg6.23968251069052E-21 kg
Elementary flow SG 4.28310135065712E-9 m34.28310135065712E-9 m3
Elementary flow 7.10524217942613E-11 kg7.10524217942613E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.58983131351617E-8 kg1.58983131351617E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.03335759176154E-28 kg1.03335759176154E-28 kg
Elementary flow 7.94017031518145E-10 kg7.94017031518145E-10 kg
Elementary flow NL 1.10130928091788E-4 m31.10130928091788E-4 m3
Elementary flow 2.74373415004223E-10 kg2.74373415004223E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.82763035408439E-23 kg2.82763035408439E-23 kg
Elementary flow 4.58279623676104E-16 kg4.58279623676104E-16 kg
Elementary flow KR 9.68783779380497E-7 m39.68783779380497E-7 m3
Elementary flow 1.88020914871072E-9 kg1.88020914871072E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.08702013239195E-15 kg4.08702013239195E-15 kg
Elementary flow GB 2.6783202286439E-5 m32.6783202286439E-5 m3
Elementary flow JP 1.31757561688184E-4 m31.31757561688184E-4 m3
Elementary flow 8.03694967799811E-10 kg8.03694967799811E-10 kg
Elementary flow CL 1.32007960746046E-8 m31.32007960746046E-8 m3
Elementary flow DK 5.77368475580757E-7 m35.77368475580757E-7 m3
Elementary flow 1.54605347893097E-13 kg1.54605347893097E-13 kg
Elementary flow MY 9.16553282184929E-6 m39.16553282184929E-6 m3
Elementary flow 2.34007438081977E-8 kg2.34007438081977E-8 kg
Elementary flow 4.76731898235493E-21 kg4.76731898235493E-21 kg
Elementary flow 0.0235481036899496 kBq0.0235481036899496 kBq
Elementary flow 6.6924228406724E-23 kg6.6924228406724E-23 kg
Elementary flow 8.1180592115051E-18 kg8.1180592115051E-18 kg
Elementary flow 5.52028093941484E-15 kg5.52028093941484E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.89947962391498E-21 kg1.89947962391498E-21 kg
Elementary flow 7.49806277619406E-17 kg7.49806277619406E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.47558178058409E-16 kg2.47558178058409E-16 kg
Elementary flow BR 1.34851627317828E-4 m31.34851627317828E-4 m3
Elementary flow 1.48485076824899E-17 kg1.48485076824899E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.41337945543609E-11 kg1.41337945543609E-11 kg
Elementary flow 4.41404463763673E-17 kg4.41404463763673E-17 kg
Elementary flow 8.56708518737374E-10 kg8.56708518737374E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.60135580816453E-8 kg2.60135580816453E-8 kg
Elementary flow 4.38997464633408E-9 kg4.38997464633408E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.47984513151289E-13 kg2.47984513151289E-13 kg
Elementary flow 8.58625709600576E-26 kg8.58625709600576E-26 kg
Elementary flow 1.22165669899124E-22 kg1.22165669899124E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.55068010245723E-4 kBq1.55068010245723E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 1.16621186814407E-15 kBq1.16621186814407E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 4.2924603157797E-8 kg4.2924603157797E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.35770480115198E-14 kg1.35770480115198E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.54864953059766E-23 kg1.54864953059766E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.49178208793026E-22 kg2.49178208793026E-22 kg
Elementary flow 4.82837807172579E-6 kg4.82837807172579E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.49444742380379E-17 kg6.49444742380379E-17 kg
Elementary flow 5.04801995056479E-14 kBq5.04801995056479E-14 kBq
Elementary flow CH 0.0178411299668215 m30.0178411299668215 m3
Elementary flow 7.23737395311462E-22 kg7.23737395311462E-22 kg
Elementary flow 4.86216938387643E-5 kg4.86216938387643E-5 kg
Elementary flow 6.55410883804617E-20 kg6.55410883804617E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.84934476018893E-22 kg1.84934476018893E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.75259237594561E-11 kg2.75259237594561E-11 kg
Waste flow 7.46569646755998E-6 kg7.46569646755998E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.28848981103838E-18 kg2.28848981103838E-18 kg
Elementary flow PT 0.00289863474907803 m30.00289863474907803 m3
Elementary flow 2.82162090138517E-21 kg2.82162090138517E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.97937951714565E-13 kg1.97937951714565E-13 kg
Elementary flow -6.54006886349964E-11 kg-6.54006886349964E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.54833180252759E-21 kg1.54833180252759E-21 kg
Elementary flow 2.22580115624935E-20 kg2.22580115624935E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.469388533098E-9 kg1.469388533098E-9 kg
Elementary flow 5.27112073600526E-19 kg5.27112073600526E-19 kg
Elementary flow 2.9479123203778E-8 kg2.9479123203778E-8 kg
Elementary flow 4.16804123366663E-5 kg4.16804123366663E-5 kg
Elementary flow 7.5014883370366E-6 kBq7.5014883370366E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 9.06453005789733E-11 kg9.06453005789733E-11 kg
Elementary flow 8.39896302642214E-7 kg8.39896302642214E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.99076209009597E-16 kg1.99076209009597E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.59485936799207E-23 kg2.59485936799207E-23 kg
Elementary flow 5.68264143824149E-16 kg5.68264143824149E-16 kg
Elementary flow 3.84072174387868E-12 kg3.84072174387868E-12 kg
Elementary flow TH 1.02556520954214E-7 m31.02556520954214E-7 m3
Elementary flow 2.03265032155573E-18 kg2.03265032155573E-18 kg
Elementary flow 5.4580562577927E-17 kBq5.4580562577927E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 2.38325281868335E-14 kg2.38325281868335E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.30027660608886E-11 kg1.30027660608886E-11 kg
Elementary flow 6.00920992748604E-23 kg6.00920992748604E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.34671463872056E-11 kg2.34671463872056E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.3204051598389E-15 kg1.3204051598389E-15 kg
Elementary flow AU 3.70548151895986E-6 m33.70548151895986E-6 m3
Elementary flow 1.97671139362515E-11 kg1.97671139362515E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.2501756226815E-15 kg1.2501756226815E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.05084257156927E-13 kg1.05084257156927E-13 kg
Elementary flow 4.91486437858967E-14 kg4.91486437858967E-14 kg
Elementary flow 3.45032570643596E-19 kg3.45032570643596E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.92372626364745E-5 kg1.92372626364745E-5 kg
Elementary flow 4.86065507277747E-12 kg4.86065507277747E-12 kg
Elementary flow LU 1.83228731603241E-6 m31.83228731603241E-6 m3
Elementary flow IT 2.26600062174171E-4 m32.26600062174171E-4 m3
Elementary flow 0.0666967199653901 m30.0666967199653901 m3
Elementary flow 9.64371122070475E-10 kg9.64371122070475E-10 kg
Elementary flow FI 6.70556344502103E-8 m36.70556344502103E-8 m3
Elementary flow 3.30194572065754E-15 kg3.30194572065754E-15 kg
Elementary flow 2.57540602833569E-21 kg2.57540602833569E-21 kg
Elementary flow 1.03525478540632E-23 kg1.03525478540632E-23 kg
Elementary flow VE 8.15930081069019E-9 m38.15930081069019E-9 m3
Elementary flow 5.55092390565688E-4 kg5.55092390565688E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.37513945934551E-19 kg2.37513945934551E-19 kg
Elementary flow 2.81368220198058E-20 kg2.81368220198058E-20 kg
Waste flow 0.0264404235719927 kg0.0264404235719927 kg
Elementary flow CA 2.20609998711541E-6 m32.20609998711541E-6 m3
Elementary flow 7.02605071682152E-20 kg7.02605071682152E-20 kg
Elementary flow 3.27395252100064E-5 kg3.27395252100064E-5 kg
Elementary flow 3.78877745597522E-22 kg3.78877745597522E-22 kg
Elementary flow IE 1.48056629377229E-4 m31.48056629377229E-4 m3
Elementary flow 3.39817333654763E-19 kg3.39817333654763E-19 kg
Elementary flow 4.83135677808007E-17 kg4.83135677808007E-17 kg
Elementary flow 5.98586480670229E-22 kg5.98586480670229E-22 kg
Elementary flow 3.53112993412338E-5 kBq3.53112993412338E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 7.53281216312275E-7 kg7.53281216312275E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.9802680163991E-15 kBq2.9802680163991E-15 kBq
Elementary flow AT 0.0679880078116269 m30.0679880078116269 m3
Elementary flow 8.02041424846916E-14 kBq8.02041424846916E-14 kBq
Elementary flow 5.36933247307699E-8 kg5.36933247307699E-8 kg
Waste flow 3.53877620574032E-6 kg3.53877620574032E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.48977981837957E-22 kg3.48977981837957E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.53546152621378E-6 kg1.53546152621378E-6 kg
Elementary flow 7.26395505267125E-19 kBq7.26395505267125E-19 kBq
Elementary flow 1.68487200837191E-18 kg1.68487200837191E-18 kg
Elementary flow -4.9438452308821E-18 kg-4.9438452308821E-18 kg
Elementary flow 6.81194865388507E-11 kg6.81194865388507E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.06039956169694E-6 kg3.06039956169694E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.16296783302198E-10 kg2.16296783302198E-10 kg
Elementary flow -3.06563743530506E-20 kg-3.06563743530506E-20 kg
Elementary flow HU 1.96079240449923E-4 m31.96079240449923E-4 m3
Elementary flow 1.40344270955801E-17 kg1.40344270955801E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.22025699004844E-12 kg2.22025699004844E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.06861092032006E-13 kg1.06861092032006E-13 kg
Elementary flow 3.07319403525986E-13 kg3.07319403525986E-13 kg
Elementary flow 9.41183197237891E-16 kg9.41183197237891E-16 kg
Elementary flow 7.49140026415037E-23 kg7.49140026415037E-23 kg
Elementary flow 3.14127622332808E-15 kg3.14127622332808E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.25361718937821E-17 kg1.25361718937821E-17 kg
Elementary flow 4.83506954807694E-18 kg4.83506954807694E-18 kg
Elementary flow 5.61926523574761E-7 kg5.61926523574761E-7 kg
Elementary flow IE 6.02710273815512E-6 m36.02710273815512E-6 m3
Elementary flow 4.51151318726029E-11 kg4.51151318726029E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.20109402391241E-20 kg1.20109402391241E-20 kg
Elementary flow 2.94143821625228E-23 kg2.94143821625228E-23 kg
Elementary flow 4.32388534495547E-22 kg4.32388534495547E-22 kg
Elementary flow 2.39246429895897E-23 kg2.39246429895897E-23 kg
Elementary flow 2.59777912949281E-16 kg2.59777912949281E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.13391799050155E-14 kBq2.13391799050155E-14 kBq
Elementary flow 5.45320078922246E-5 kg5.45320078922246E-5 kg
Elementary flow 5.25726729349427E-12 kg5.25726729349427E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.37674923520679E-23 kg3.37674923520679E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.37169499068859E-5 kg1.37169499068859E-5 kg
Elementary flow 5.65930127821224E-17 kg5.65930127821224E-17 kg
Elementary flow 8.92220429186895E-21 kg8.92220429186895E-21 kg
Elementary flow 3.61072423324356E-11 kg3.61072423324356E-11 kg
Elementary flow 7.2640658643259E-20 kg7.2640658643259E-20 kg
Elementary flow 5.0833039183774E-11 kg5.0833039183774E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.39730971898918E-21 kg2.39730971898918E-21 kg
Elementary flow 3.45017598203903E-16 kg3.45017598203903E-16 kg
Elementary flow 1.55294065799669E-15 kg1.55294065799669E-15 kg
Elementary flow 4.46731878676334E-7 kg4.46731878676334E-7 kg
Elementary flow BE 0.0119584702112412 m30.0119584702112412 m3
Elementary flow 1.06408437357659E-16 kg1.06408437357659E-16 kg
Elementary flow 6.68199846538158E-17 kg6.68199846538158E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.57692448964015E-7 kg2.57692448964015E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.92570205418868E-4 kg1.92570205418868E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.86689705897183E-18 kBq2.86689705897183E-18 kBq
Elementary flow 1.03137066814412E-17 kg1.03137066814412E-17 kg
Elementary flow 3.52106132774714E-23 kg3.52106132774714E-23 kg
Elementary flow 1.98356512615778E-15 kBq1.98356512615778E-15 kBq