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Process Data set: Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS); emulsion polymerisation, bulk polymerisation or combined processes; production mix, at producer; n/a (en) en

Key Data Set Information
Location EU-27
Geographical representativeness description Primary production data for ABS production are from four different European suppliers each, in five European countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain and The Netherlands). Fuel and energy inputs in the system reflect average European conditions and whenever applicable, site specific conditions were applied, to reflect representative situations.
Reference year 2010
Base name ; Treatment, standards, routes ; Mix and location types ; Quantitative product or process properties
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS); emulsion polymerisation, bulk polymerisation or combined processes; production mix, at producer; n/a
Use advice for data set The data set can be used for all LCA/CF studies where the product is needed. Combination with individual unit processes using this commodity enables the generation of user-specific (product) LCAs. Due to its combination of strength and impact resistance, ABS is widely used as an engineering material. The main consumers are the automotive industry, the domestic appliances industry, the data technology and telecommunications area, and producers of refrigeration equipment, toys, sports articles, and semi-finished articles. ABS can be recycled, used articles can be ground and directly recycled in the pro-duction process. Furthermore, energy recovery by incineration is also possible.
Technical purpose of product or process Due to its combination of strength and impact resistance, ABS is widely used as an engineering material. The main consumers are the automotive industry, the domestic appliances industry, the data technology and telecommunications area, and producers of refrigeration equipment, toys, sports articles, and semi-finished articles. ABS can be recycled, used articles can be ground and directly recycled in the pro-duction process. Furthermore, energy recovery by incineration is also possible.
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • GaBiCategories: Processes / Production / Material production / Plastic production
General comment on data set The main data source was a data collection from European producers of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS). Primary data on gate-to-gate ABS production is derived from site-specific information for processes under operational control supplied by the participating companies of this eco-profile. Primary production data for ABS production are from four different European suppliers: overall five sites for ABS production are included in the average calculations. This covers more than 90 % of the European ABS (EU-27) production in 2013.
Copyright Yes
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2022
Time representativeness description The LCI data for ABS production was collected as 12 month averages representing the year 2013. Background data have reference year of 2010 to 2013. Even if all data were related to 2013, major changes in the result are not expected, as technological breakthrough is not known for refining, steam cracking or re-refining technology or one of the related up-stream technologies. These are rather established and if possible constantly optimised technologies. The dataset is considered to be valid until substantial technological changes in the production chain occur.
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system Foreground system: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) can be produced by emulsion polymerisation, bulk polymerisation or combined processes. In the first, ABS graft rubber and SAN (Styrene Acrylonitrile) matrix are either polymerised separately then compounded, or polymerised together. The second starts with butadiene rubber in solvent, followed by a pre-polymerisation of the rubber-monomers mixture under continuous mixing. The polymerisation is finally completed; the product is centrifuged, dried and compounded. For ABS sold to the market, additives such as lubricants, antioxidants or light stabilisers can also be added. Background system: Electricity: Electricity is modelled according to the individual country-specific situations. The country-specific modelling is achieved on multiple levels. Firstly, individual energy carrier specific power plants and plants for renewable energy sources are modelled according to the current national electricity grid mix. Modelling the electricity consumption mix includes transmission / distribution losses and the own use by energy producers (own consumption of power plants and "other" own consumption e.g. due to pumped storage hydro power etc.), as well as imported electricity. Secondly, the national emission and efficiency standards of the power plants are modelled as well as the share of electricity plants and combined heat and power plants (CHP). Thirdly, the country-specific energy carrier supply (share of imports and / or domestic supply) including the country-specific energy carrier properties (e.g. element and energy content) are accounted for. Fourthly, the exploration, mining/production, processing and transport processes of the energy carrier supply chains are modelled according to the specific situation of each electricity producing country. The different production and processing techniques (emissions and efficiencies) in the different energy producing countries are considered, e.g. different crude oil production technologies or different flaring rates at the oil platforms. Thermal energy, process steam: The thermal energy and process steam supply is modelled according to the individual country-specific situation with regard to emission standards and considered energy carriers. The thermal energy and process steam are produced at heat plants. Efficiencies for thermal energy production are by definition 100% in relation to the corresponding energy carrier input. For process steam the efficiency ranges from 85%, 90% to 95%. The energy carriers used for the generation of thermal energy and process steam are modelled according to the specific import situation (see electricity above). Transports: All relevant and known transport processes are included. Ocean-going and inland ship transport as well as rail, truck and pipeline transport of bulk commodities are considered. Energy carriers: The energy carriers are modelled according to the specific supply situation (see electricity above). Refinery products: Diesel fuel, gasoline, technical gases, fuel oils, lubricants and residues such as bitumen are modelled with a parameterised country-specific refinery model. The refinery model represents the current national standard in refining techniques (e.g. emission level, internal energy consumption, etc.) as well as the individual country-specific product output spectrum, which can be quite different from country to country. The supply of crude oil is modelled, again, according to the country-specific situation with the respective properties of the resources.
Flow diagram(s) or picture(s)
  • Plastics_Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, ABS (PlasticsEurope).jpg Image
Mathematical model
Model description The calculation follows the vertical calculation methodology, i.e. that the averaging is done after modelling the specific processes. Restrictions on competition and confidentiality do not allow displaying and describing the systems and analysing details.
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set LCI result
LCI Method Principle Attributional
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations None
LCI method approaches
  • Allocation - net calorific value
  • Allocation - exergetic content
  • Not applicable
  • Allocation - mass
  • Allocation - market value
Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations Foreground system: In some companies information, output material with deviations from the required specification is re-ported. If these materials show only slight differences and are sold at comparable price-level, they are assumed as product output (< 4% of total production); in case of material declared as off-grade sent to recovery, neither further environmental burden nor credits are given to the modelled system (< 1% of total production). No post-consumer waste is reported as input to the system, therefore no allocation between different life cycles is necessary. Background system: In the refinery operations, co-production is addressed by applying allocation based on mass and net calorific value. The chosen allocation in downstream petrochemicals is based on several sensitivity analyses, which were reviewed by petrochemical experts. Materials and chemicals needed are modelled using the allocation rule most suitable for the respective product (mass, energy, exergy, economic). For further information on specific product see
Modelling constants All data used in the calculation of the LCI results refer to net calorific value.
Deviation from modelling constants / explanations None
LCA methodology report
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Data cut-off and completeness principles In the foreground processes all relevant flows are considered, trying to avoid any cut-off of material and energy flows. In single cases additives used in the ABS foreground unit process (<0.3% m/m of product output) are neglected. In such cases, it is assured that no hazardous sub-stances or metals are present in this neglected part. According to the GaBi database used in the background processes, at least 95% of mass and energy of the input and output flows are covered and 98% of their environmental relevance (according to expert judgment) are considered, hence an influence of cut-offs less than 1% on the total is expected. Transports for the main input materials (styrene, alpha-methyl styrene, acrylonitrile) contribute less than 3% to the overall environmental burden. The contribution of transport of small material proportions is expected to be less than 1%; hence the transports for minor input amounts are excluded.
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations None
Data selection and combination principles 90% coverage of the European industry
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None
Data treatment and extrapolations principles The data set represents the specific situation in Europe, focusing on the main technologies used for producing ABS in Europe. Primary production data for ABS production are from four different European suppliers each, in five European countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain and The Netherlands).
Deviation from data treatment and extrapolations principles / explanations None
Documentation of data quality management
Data source(s) used for this data set
Percentage supply or production covered 90.0 %
Annual supply or production volume The considered participants covered 90% of all ABS production in Europe in 2013.
Sampling procedure European producers act as a main source of data for the production of ABS on the basis of a direct questionnaire. Primary data on gate-to-gate ABS production is derived from site specific information for processes under operational control supplied by the participating companies of this study. The data for the upstream supply chain until the precursors are taken from the database of the software system GaBi 6.
Data collection period 2013
Uncertainty adjustments None
Completeness of product model All relevant flows quantified
Supported impact assessment methods
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2013, Abiotic Depletion (ADP elements)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2013, Abiotic Depletion (ADP fossil)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2013, Acidification Potential (AP)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2013, Eutrophication Potential (EP)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2013, Global Warming Potential (GWP 100 years)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2013, Ozone Layer Depletion Potential (ODP, steady state)
  • CML2001 - Apr. 2013, Photochem. Ozone Creation Potential (POCP)
  • Primary energy demand from ren. and non ren. resources (gross cal. value)
Completeness elementary flows, per topic
  • Noise: No statement
Type of review Scope / Method(s) of review Data quality indicators
Independent internal review
Scope name Method name
  • Documentation
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Expert judgement
LCIA results
  • Cross-check with other data set
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Expert judgement
LCIA results calculation
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Expert judgement
Unit process(es), single operation
  • Cross-check with other data set
  • Mass balance
  • Element balance
  • Energy balance
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Expert judgement
Unit process(es), black box
  • Cross-check with other data set
  • Mass balance
  • Element balance
  • Energy balance
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Expert judgement
LCI results or Partly terminated system
  • Cross-check with other data set
  • Mass balance
  • Element balance
  • Energy balance
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Expert judgement
Raw data
  • Sample tests on calculations
  • Validation of data sources
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Expert judgement
Goal and scope definition
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Expert judgement
Life cycle inventory methods
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Overall quality: Good
  • Methodological appropriateness and consistency: Good
  • Precision: Good
  • Completeness: Good
  • Geographical representativeness: Good
  • Time representativeness: Very good
  • Technological representativeness: Good
Reviewer name and institution
Type of review Scope / Method(s) of review Data quality indicators
Independent external review
Scope name Method name
Life cycle inventory methods
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Cross-check with other source
LCIA results
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Expert judgement
Unit process(es), single operation
  • Cross-check with other data set
LCI results or Partly terminated system
  • Mass balance
  • Energy balance
  • Documentation
  • Expert judgement
LCIA results calculation
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Expert judgement
Unit process(es), black box
  • Cross-check with other data set
  • Expert judgement
Goal and scope definition
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Overall quality: Not evaluated / unknown
  • Methodological appropriateness and consistency: Very good
  • Precision: Very good
  • Completeness: Good
  • Geographical representativeness: Good
  • Time representativeness: Good
  • Technological representativeness: Very good
Reviewer name and institution
Compliance Declarations
Compliance system name
Approval of overall compliance
Fully compliant
Nomenclature compliance
Fully compliant
Methodological compliance
Fully compliant
Review compliance
Fully compliant
Documentation compliance
Fully compliant
Quality compliance
Not defined
Compliance system name
Approval of overall compliance
Not defined
Nomenclature compliance
Not defined
Methodological compliance
Not defined
Review compliance
Not defined
Documentation compliance
Not defined
Quality compliance
Not defined
Compliance system name
Approval of overall compliance
Not defined
Nomenclature compliance
Fully compliant
Methodological compliance
Fully compliant
Review compliance
Not defined
Documentation compliance
Fully compliant
Quality compliance
Not defined
Commissioner and goal
Commissioner of data set
Intended applications This background LCI data set can be used for any types of LCA studies. LCA studies considering the full life cycle (»cradle-to-grave«) of an application or product allow for comparative assertions to be derived. It is essential to note that comparisons cannot be made at the level of the polymer or its precursors. In order to compare the performance of different materials, the whole life cycle and the effects of relevant life cycle parameters must be considered. It is intended to be used by member companies, to support product-orientated environmental management; by users of plastics, as a building block of life cycle assessment (LCA) studies of individual products; and by other interested parties, as a source of life cycle information.
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2015-03-01T00:00:00+01:00
Data set format(s)
Data entry by
Official approval of data set by producer/operator
Publication and ownership
UUID 864a6be9-1a0a-44fb-860a-199bdb66dd60
Date of last revision 2015-03-01T00:00:00+01:00
Data set version 09.00.000
Workflow and publication status Data set finalised; entirely published
Unchanged re-publication of
Owner of data set
Copyright Yes
License type Other
Access and use restrictions GaBi (source code, database including extension modules and single data sets, documentation) remains property of PE INTERNATIONAL AG. PE INTERNATIONAL AG delivers GaBi licenses comprising data storage medium and manual as ordered by the customer. The license guarantees the right of use for one installation of GaBi. Further installations using the same license are not permitted. Additional licenses are only valid if the licensee holds at least one main license. Licenses are not transferable and must only be used within the licensee's organisation. Data sets may be copied for internal use. The number of copies is restricted to the number of licenses of the software system GaBi the licensee owns. The right of use is exclusively valid for the licensee. All rights reserved.


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Elementary flow 24.6938408868587 kg24.6938408868587 kg
Elementary flow 7.41241015811347E-11 kg7.41241015811347E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.80030836516791E-14 kg2.80030836516791E-14 kg
Elementary flow 7.19528516196363E-7 kg7.19528516196363E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.26339829641854E-7 kg1.26339829641854E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.89097531592388E-4 kg1.89097531592388E-4 kg
Elementary flow 0.00178098587874164 kg0.00178098587874164 kg
Elementary flow 0.6122637683751 MJ0.6122637683751 MJ
Elementary flow 0.0224870721153784 kg0.0224870721153784 kg
Elementary flow 2.86709944699785E-12 kg2.86709944699785E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.06781532085158E-10 kg2.06781532085158E-10 kg
Elementary flow 0.0880199445777555 kg0.0880199445777555 kg
Elementary flow 3.58982374757471E-6 kg3.58982374757471E-6 kg
Elementary flow 7.71080877659696E-4 kg7.71080877659696E-4 kg
Elementary flow 7.40103695394301E-11 kg7.40103695394301E-11 kg
Elementary flow 6.19638080921094E-6 kg6.19638080921094E-6 kg
Elementary flow 4.78999559285071E-5 kg4.78999559285071E-5 kg
Elementary flow 44.5923599262518 MJ44.5923599262518 MJ
Elementary flow 4.28419231990698E-12 kg4.28419231990698E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.75661192252228E-5 kg1.75661192252228E-5 kg
Elementary flow 3.08230851454921E-21 kg3.08230851454921E-21 kg
Elementary flow 5.93232889676491E-6 kg5.93232889676491E-6 kg
Elementary flow 5.67389118017886E-10 kg5.67389118017886E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.0403592420046E-21 kg3.0403592420046E-21 kg
Elementary flow 26.4947340479315 kg26.4947340479315 kg
Elementary flow 8.247051581231E-5 kg8.247051581231E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.64455925982261 MJ1.64455925982261 MJ
Elementary flow 1.28652674884016 kg1.28652674884016 kg
Elementary flow 1.37056239887834E-13 kg1.37056239887834E-13 kg
Elementary flow 0.00126512765618513 kg0.00126512765618513 kg
Elementary flow 2.55284417992001E-5 kg2.55284417992001E-5 kg
Elementary flow 45.3419376509465 kg45.3419376509465 kg
Elementary flow 3.61138417870138E-5 kg3.61138417870138E-5 kg
Elementary flow 7.86309902285737E-6 kg7.86309902285737E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.28494824538385E-9 kg1.28494824538385E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.25536592995514E-4 kg4.25536592995514E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.66184609049242E-5 kg2.66184609049242E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.53106903790611E-16 kg1.53106903790611E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.04775094174545E-7 kg2.04775094174545E-7 kg
Elementary flow 0.00526896399935687 kg0.00526896399935687 kg
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from ground / Non-renewable energy resources from ground 34.5187337751919 kg34.5187337751919 kg
Elementary flow -9.03627069124643E-7 kg-9.03627069124643E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.25474289033016E-15 kg2.25474289033016E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.67208612663157E-13 kg1.67208612663157E-13 kg
Elementary flow 0.0011689927403633 kg0.0011689927403633 kg
Elementary flow 2.42589544601465E-12 kg2.42589544601465E-12 kg
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from ground / Non-renewable energy resources from ground 0.00353724862768141 kg0.00353724862768141 kg
Elementary flow -4.68489397139239E-5 kg-4.68489397139239E-5 kg
Elementary flow 4.111687196635E-12 kg4.111687196635E-12 kg
Elementary flow 0.00110708077936019 kg0.00110708077936019 kg
Elementary flow 4.4432315452933E-12 kg4.4432315452933E-12 kg
Elementary flow 0.0118268044249029 MJ0.0118268044249029 MJ
Elementary flow 0.26510426941665 MJ0.26510426941665 MJ
Elementary flow 0.981818861546009 MJ0.981818861546009 MJ
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Renewable energy resources from water 3.14146036756208E-13 kg3.14146036756208E-13 kg
Elementary flow 0.354314888655733 MJ0.354314888655733 MJ
Elementary flow 5.48819525669905E-9 kg5.48819525669905E-9 kg
Elementary flow 0.00710800089719633 kg0.00710800089719633 kg
Elementary flow 6.99901824593984E-7 kg6.99901824593984E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.49095651024062E-11 kg3.49095651024062E-11 kg
Elementary flow 738.631120203542 kg738.631120203542 kg
Elementary flow 8.11372940135974E-13 kg8.11372940135974E-13 kg
Elementary flow 3.03439372881167 kg3.03439372881167 kg
Elementary flow 1.43280691378709E-9 kg1.43280691378709E-9 kg
Elementary flow 7.43881636478831E-8 kg7.43881636478831E-8 kg
Elementary flow 0.0623010111306191 kg0.0623010111306191 kg
Elementary flow 2.48555729608811E-21 kg2.48555729608811E-21 kg
Elementary flow 7.82540357010184E-13 kg7.82540357010184E-13 kg
Elementary flow 0.00756004025277262 kg0.00756004025277262 kg
Elementary flow 0.00224283550353453 kg0.00224283550353453 kg
Elementary flow 1.04801592921121E-11 kg1.04801592921121E-11 kg
Elementary flow 7.14456405373753E-8 kg7.14456405373753E-8 kg
Elementary flow 8.92311835261203E-9 kg8.92311835261203E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.02797567461655E-10 kg1.02797567461655E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.28851483581467E-7 kg1.28851483581467E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.16207231337359 MJ2.16207231337359 MJ
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from ground / Non-renewable element resources from ground 1.40429703597032E-8 kg1.40429703597032E-8 kg
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from biosphere / Renewable energy resources from biosphere 2.69231764442178E-11 kg2.69231764442178E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.88120723711053E-5 kg3.88120723711053E-5 kg
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from ground / Non-renewable element resources from ground 2.74802472417226E-14 kg2.74802472417226E-14 kg


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow Valuable substances / Materials / Plastics 1.0 kg1.0 kg
Elementary flow Deposited goods / Radioactive waste 1.12035467126154E-6 kg1.12035467126154E-6 kg
Elementary flow Deposited goods / Radioactive waste 1.57580942976275E-5 kg1.57580942976275E-5 kg
Elementary flow Deposited goods / Radioactive waste 7.33038520300719E-6 kg7.33038520300719E-6 kg
Elementary flow Deposited goods / Radioactive waste 8.34154281877713E-4 kg8.34154281877713E-4 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.9584705772481E-19 kg2.9584705772481E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.0151539228506E-19 kg1.0151539228506E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.49805818173594E-18 kg1.49805818173594E-18 kg
Elementary flow 2.34062505694967E-20 kg2.34062505694967E-20 kg
Elementary flow 1.98019490225581E-21 kg1.98019490225581E-21 kg
Elementary flow 4.00600676006989E-14 kg4.00600676006989E-14 kg
Elementary flow 7.6827717302335E-21 kg7.6827717302335E-21 kg
Elementary flow 3.48894123077639E-9 kg3.48894123077639E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.01130716580009E-9 kg1.01130716580009E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.98441785862325E-10 kg3.98441785862325E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.49934871998073E-9 kg1.49934871998073E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.33592753041658E-10 kg4.33592753041658E-10 kg
Elementary flow 9.34007846960255E-7 kg9.34007846960255E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.86534215023779E-6 kg4.86534215023779E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.03931667829307E-9 kg1.03931667829307E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.52892597630499E-16 kg4.52892597630499E-16 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.09234657605649E-11 kg2.09234657605649E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 1.3077166100353E-12 kg1.3077166100353E-12 kg
Elementary flow 9.24565493533952E-7 kg9.24565493533952E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.45433874393142E-11 kg4.45433874393142E-11 kg
Elementary flow 8.89562081647592E-9 kg8.89562081647592E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.8165664393547E-17 kg4.8165664393547E-17 kg
Elementary flow 4.07361259587918E-10 kg4.07361259587918E-10 kg
Elementary flow 7.87168579384729E-7 kg7.87168579384729E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.21826379708144E-6 kg4.21826379708144E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.48872319555483E-6 kg2.48872319555483E-6 kg
Elementary flow 7.55526742104898E-13 kg7.55526742104898E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.21313971264664E-9 kg1.21313971264664E-9 kg
Elementary flow 8.33170282300233E-5 kg8.33170282300233E-5 kg
Elementary flow 3.89786753515522E-9 kg3.89786753515522E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.87609642045824E-11 kg4.87609642045824E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.0150533061705E-8 kBq2.0150533061705E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 1.07954390177057E-4 kg1.07954390177057E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.83909405292973E-4 kg1.83909405292973E-4 kg
Elementary flow 9.19688168631298E-8 kg9.19688168631298E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.31515838791399E-11 kg1.31515838791399E-11 kg
Elementary flow 4.29805180993908E-10 kg4.29805180993908E-10 kg
Elementary flow 8.53136385879054E-14 kg8.53136385879054E-14 kg
Elementary flow 6.26195718321639E-11 kg6.26195718321639E-11 kg
Elementary flow 6.52185228541079E-9 kg6.52185228541079E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.89227834961856E-9 kg1.89227834961856E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.58025659740258E-8 kg1.58025659740258E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.34821042238054E-10 kg2.34821042238054E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.85354019064936E-15 kg1.85354019064936E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.74710006868614E-6 kBq1.74710006868614E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 4.67955625882501E-5 kBq4.67955625882501E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 5.25721271120693E-5 kBq5.25721271120693E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 2.41113668387884E-7 kg2.41113668387884E-7 kg
Elementary flow 0.0620345772025093 kBq0.0620345772025093 kBq
Elementary flow 4.21660510955737E-13 kg4.21660510955737E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.58811412315492E-8 kg2.58811412315492E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 2.47587386080715E-6 kg2.47587386080715E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.88095675100098E-12 kg2.88095675100098E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water 7.0641757458731E-7 kg7.0641757458731E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.66528710649468E-11 kg3.66528710649468E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.29080444155917E-12 kg2.29080444155917E-12 kg
Elementary flow 9.58635530105621E-8 kg9.58635530105621E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.13670316742975E-5 kg2.13670316742975E-5 kg
Elementary flow 6.15839793907599E-6 kg6.15839793907599E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.03501526324982E-14 kg1.03501526324982E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 6.46884539531139E-16 kg6.46884539531139E-16 kg
Elementary flow 5.52716853761447E-6 kg5.52716853761447E-6 kg
Elementary flow 8.01517783536541E-6 kg8.01517783536541E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.31194865794946E-6 kg2.31194865794946E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.16417862703602E-11 kg3.16417862703602E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.9985657974549E-10 kg3.9985657974549E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.15368003875818E-10 kg1.15368003875818E-10 kg
Elementary flow 4.21876261990277E-10 kg4.21876261990277E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.82757933362451E-11 kg2.82757933362451E-11 kg
Elementary flow 5.64652504294322E-11 kg5.64652504294322E-11 kg
Elementary flow 4.87449018740723E-11 kg4.87449018740723E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.405033557327E-11 kg1.405033557327E-11 kg
Elementary flow 5.44295586488492E-10 kg5.44295586488492E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.07607713111221E-10 kg1.07607713111221E-10 kg
Elementary flow 8.27692247411484E-17 kg8.27692247411484E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.23019892141916E-16 kg2.23019892141916E-16 kg
Elementary flow 5.85192189902546E-5 kg5.85192189902546E-5 kg
Elementary flow 8.34536067039016E-7 kg8.34536067039016E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.58038054513065E-7 kg4.58038054513065E-7 kg
Elementary flow 5.88089553760549E-7 kg5.88089553760549E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.07969364833687E-15 kg1.07969364833687E-15 kg
Elementary flow 4.8108976246465E-19 kg4.8108976246465E-19 kg
Elementary flow 1.73199474754023E-10 kg1.73199474754023E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.03059652836988E-7 kg1.03059652836988E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.02628995162142E-11 kg1.02628995162142E-11 kg
Elementary flow 8.43652759453921E-8 kg8.43652759453921E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.12577491850638E-7 kg1.12577491850638E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.97325354576242E-8 kg2.97325354576242E-8 kg
Elementary flow 6.50040795577526E-9 kg6.50040795577526E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.05862757971375E-6 kg1.05862757971375E-6 kg
Elementary flow 4.06959460685022E-11 kg4.06959460685022E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.02283488076544E-7 kg3.02283488076544E-7 kg
Elementary flow 0.00102513346823197 kg0.00102513346823197 kg
Elementary flow 1.37829629156349E-5 kg1.37829629156349E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.9202618257959E-13 kg1.9202618257959E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.31167445337114E-12 kg2.31167445337114E-12 kg
Elementary flow 0.0747568904249123 kg0.0747568904249123 kg
Elementary flow 2.80957179059777 kg2.80957179059777 kg
Elementary flow 1.10549121838113E-16 kg1.10549121838113E-16 kg
Elementary flow 0.00168791691558075 kg0.00168791691558075 kg
Elementary flow 0.0743305764060885 kBq0.0743305764060885 kBq
Elementary flow 2.42537963686927E-6 kBq2.42537963686927E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00117237392098106 kBq0.00117237392098106 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00133562854840013 kg0.00133562854840013 kg
Elementary flow 3.87399720867183E-4 kg3.87399720867183E-4 kg
Elementary flow 3.18690374255428E-7 kBq3.18690374255428E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 1.48121385862861E-5 kBq1.48121385862861E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 1.40825696213941E-5 kBq1.40825696213941E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 2.65094086363209E-7 kBq2.65094086363209E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 7.15992455876708E-5 kBq7.15992455876708E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 1.88354368686146E-4 kBq1.88354368686146E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 3.25795301003159E-15 kg3.25795301003159E-15 kg
Elementary flow 2.76278963797859E-10 kg2.76278963797859E-10 kg
Elementary flow 7.00460489927901E-16 kg7.00460489927901E-16 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 4.39823758541362E-16 kg4.39823758541362E-16 kg
Elementary flow 6.67760174725674E-4 kg6.67760174725674E-4 kg
Elementary flow 3.80884005741409E-5 kg3.80884005741409E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.20937849114102E-14 kg2.20937849114102E-14 kg
Elementary flow 3.6659485792693E-6 kg3.6659485792693E-6 kg
Elementary flow 0.132788182627359 kg0.132788182627359 kg
Elementary flow 1.93830866539491E-5 kg1.93830866539491E-5 kg
Elementary flow 0.0306075900215317 kg0.0306075900215317 kg
Elementary flow 1.19710508925566E-6 kg1.19710508925566E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.87494288488991E-6 kg3.87494288488991E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.25538117240195E-12 kg1.25538117240195E-12 kg
Elementary flow 4.08125777799439E-15 kg4.08125777799439E-15 kg
Elementary flow -9.50124541067348E-12 kg-9.50124541067348E-12 kg
Elementary flow 4.86379328687827E-8 kg4.86379328687827E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.88557890972149E-6 kg3.88557890972149E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.80771658496462E-10 kg1.80771658496462E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.15718390652361E-6 kg1.15718390652361E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.65929631122312E-7 kg6.65929631122312E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.93324502626899E-10 kg2.93324502626899E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.75838534696355E-8 kg3.75838534696355E-8 kg
Elementary flow 4.57125538404314E-13 kg4.57125538404314E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.34180801217444E-15 kg1.34180801217444E-15 kg
Elementary flow 3.93662333207635E-8 kg3.93662333207635E-8 kg
Elementary flow 5.36152533689435E-15 kg5.36152533689435E-15 kg
Elementary flow 7.78165102069421E-11 kg7.78165102069421E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.46421155073204E-9 kg1.46421155073204E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.22159302816529E-10 kg4.22159302816529E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.327632265956E-8 kg1.327632265956E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.63664765373338E-9 kg2.63664765373338E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.28414488364658E-11 kg4.28414488364658E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.88259615563464E-12 kg1.88259615563464E-12 kg
Elementary flow 7.65325471753152E-7 kBq7.65325471753152E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 2.81475182633561E-4 kBq2.81475182633561E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 1.4952755529911E-6 kBq1.4952755529911E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.76101970193908E-4 kBq1.76101970193908E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 2.25321113942306E-5 kBq2.25321113942306E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 6.56165173955696E-7 kg6.56165173955696E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.65633515897626E-8 kg4.65633515897626E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.83321143379985E-6 kg3.83321143379985E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.90981926457854E-10 kg2.90981926457854E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.05131690299782E-6 kg1.05131690299782E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.9480364340754E-17 kg1.9480364340754E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.49678472329347E-17 kg1.49678472329347E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.07230507784437E-15 kg1.07230507784437E-15 kg
Elementary flow 2.67055258407679E-8 kBq2.67055258407679E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 5.42300660124832E-8 kg5.42300660124832E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.15329180360092E-6 kg1.15329180360092E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water 3.4490693526262E-15 kg3.4490693526262E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.23550004784671E-10 kg1.23550004784671E-10 kg
Elementary flow 5.79739293220779E-5 kg5.79739293220779E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.14898735979318E-10 kg1.14898735979318E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.17681678502259E-5 kg1.17681678502259E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.11144147379778E-10 kg2.11144147379778E-10 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 1.31965092112362E-11 kg1.31965092112362E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.76001634469669E-11 kg1.76001634469669E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.40039407764208E-12 kg1.40039407764208E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 8.75246298526304E-14 kg8.75246298526304E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.31908041088015E-13 kg1.31908041088015E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.39743069385233E-18 kg1.39743069385233E-18 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 4.15171499048643E-12 kg4.15171499048643E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 2.59482186905401E-13 kg2.59482186905401E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.91373454604387E-14 kg2.91373454604387E-14 kg
Elementary flow 2.49930035966314E-4 kg2.49930035966314E-4 kg
Elementary flow 4.22856148483823E-4 kg4.22856148483823E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.84404841309327E-6 kg1.84404841309327E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.494059650847E-7 kg6.494059650847E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.36361183642203E-7 kg4.36361183642203E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.25865258859139E-7 kg1.25865258859139E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.46924107634727E-9 kg1.46924107634727E-9 kg
Elementary flow 5.58085110491619E-10 kg5.58085110491619E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.42512769886201E-13 kg1.42512769886201E-13 kg
Elementary flow 8.90704811788752E-15 kg8.90704811788752E-15 kg
Elementary flow 2.04981184229882E-10 kg2.04981184229882E-10 kg
Elementary flow 4.54137949769382E-10 kg4.54137949769382E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.34896432370599E-10 kg1.34896432370599E-10 kg
Elementary flow 6.50960666972109E-10 kg6.50960666972109E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.17793261202878E-7 kg2.17793261202878E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.41531374752534E-4 kg2.41531374752534E-4 kg
Elementary flow 3.36198188731901E-8 kg3.36198188731901E-8 kg
Elementary flow 4.1409842439007E-9 kg4.1409842439007E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.28930333927628E-10 kg2.28930333927628E-10 kg
Elementary flow 4.52291746980934E-9 kg4.52291746980934E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.11178943102349E-5 kg1.11178943102349E-5 kg
Elementary flow 8.25039456684487E-16 kg8.25039456684487E-16 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.42619543470212E-12 kg3.42619543470212E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 2.14137214668883E-13 kg2.14137214668883E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.17457209453188E-16 kg1.17457209453188E-16 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.02476019711648E-18 kg2.02476019711648E-18 kg
Elementary flow Deposited goods / Stockpile goods 0.00118322670374343 kg0.00118322670374343 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.93209720587468E-16 kg1.93209720587468E-16 kg
Elementary flow 1.40761033632377E-14 kg1.40761033632377E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.17982095734428E-11 kg1.17982095734428E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.31652400258682E-11 kg3.31652400258682E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.59088762885658E-6 kg2.59088762885658E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.38146420205289E-19 kg2.38146420205289E-19 kg
Elementary flow 7.02168207011024E-6 kg7.02168207011024E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.15004190203459E-18 kg2.15004190203459E-18 kg
Elementary flow 1.63418762068178E-18 kg1.63418762068178E-18 kg
Elementary flow 5.13823557468903E-11 kg5.13823557468903E-11 kg
Elementary flow 4.03937935446876E-11 kg4.03937935446876E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.55930916907203E-11 kg2.55930916907203E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.60865038986554E-11 kg3.60865038986554E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.77347509521098E-10 kg2.77347509521098E-10 kg
Elementary flow 7.17899174372411E-10 kg7.17899174372411E-10 kg
Elementary flow 6.05906903170313E-12 kg6.05906903170313E-12 kg
Elementary flow 8.34187095918416E-5 kg8.34187095918416E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water 1.97534338180484E-13 kg1.97534338180484E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.48676746634488E-9 kg1.48676746634488E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.45529771285376E-16 kg3.45529771285376E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.33403431358139E-6 kg2.33403431358139E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.4997822443499E-11 kg3.4997822443499E-11 kg
Elementary flow 5.27203180046592E-12 kg5.27203180046592E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.68388451920269E-4 kg2.68388451920269E-4 kg
Elementary flow 6.68050005689073E-10 kg6.68050005689073E-10 kg
Elementary flow 9.41349091890868E-7 kg9.41349091890868E-7 kg
Elementary flow 7.69531141302837E-10 kg7.69531141302837E-10 kg
Elementary flow 8.27150768914184E-19 kg8.27150768914184E-19 kg
Elementary flow 2.54528318009037E-7 kg2.54528318009037E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.34067821314324E-5 kg4.34067821314324E-5 kg
Elementary flow 0.235448388799194 kBq0.235448388799194 kBq
Elementary flow 5.45202577133475 kBq5.45202577133475 kBq
Elementary flow 1.54028105233998 kBq1.54028105233998 kBq
Elementary flow 1.81324362973781E-10 kg1.81324362973781E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.10524899530318E-11 kg2.10524899530318E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions to fresh water / Inorganic emissions to fresh water 2.00410992152278E-22 kg2.00410992152278E-22 kg
Elementary flow 9.78664542286928E-17 kg9.78664542286928E-17 kg
Elementary flow 4.47084704896766E-8 kBq4.47084704896766E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 2.92681136725691E-6 kBq2.92681136725691E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 9.44784552157254E-4 kBq9.44784552157254E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 7.59806901898208E-6 kBq7.59806901898208E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 2.05957580712889E-4 kBq2.05957580712889E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 2.39341541237814E-7 kg2.39341541237814E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.06827194102664E-4 kg1.06827194102664E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.80974166850571E-9 kg1.80974166850571E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.70156585370668E-11 kg4.70156585370668E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.82736367751689E-7 kg1.82736367751689E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.59527886353411E-9 kg1.59527886353411E-9 kg
Elementary flow 0.962349033000925 kBq0.962349033000925 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 3.9436608014619E-13 kg3.9436608014619E-13 kg
Elementary flow 9.9153479442173E-7 kg9.9153479442173E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.71352739083817E-7 kg1.71352739083817E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.05772002373831E-6 kg1.05772002373831E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.10452588298684E-11 kg1.10452588298684E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.11653233034992E-7 kg2.11653233034992E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.64855638919581E-15 kg3.64855638919581E-15 kg
Elementary flow 7.68202941912794E-6 kBq7.68202941912794E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.72713255068888E-5 kg1.72713255068888E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.20091962923343E-7 kg1.20091962923343E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.45673509003887E-7 kg1.45673509003887E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.16118233444412E-13 kg3.16118233444412E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.97573895902757E-14 kg1.97573895902757E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.95483810944458E-7 kg1.95483810944458E-7 kg
Elementary flow 8.26753289912344E-7 kg8.26753289912344E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.18734199589078E-10 kg3.18734199589078E-10 kg
Elementary flow 7.51979621289531E-12 kg7.51979621289531E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.6505416056085E-5 kBq1.6505416056085E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 1.88833854003712E-13 kg1.88833854003712E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.12819865413015E-8 kg2.12819865413015E-8 kg
Elementary flow 6.65931912317819E-9 kg6.65931912317819E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.28308263454225E-8 kg2.28308263454225E-8 kg
Elementary flow 9.70136877707754E-9 kg9.70136877707754E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.47240779467276E-14 kg2.47240779467276E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.7523902373367E-9 kg1.7523902373367E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.09701884313001E-14 kg4.09701884313001E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 5.36214542399978E-11 kg5.36214542399978E-11 kg
Elementary flow 0.00864544488891446 kg0.00864544488891446 kg
Elementary flow 1.84980755501295E-6 kg1.84980755501295E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.30643481193843E-4 kg1.30643481193843E-4 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.15852945415322E-14 kg2.15852945415322E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 1.34908090884577E-15 kg1.34908090884577E-15 kg
Elementary flow 6.45511833236129E-12 kg6.45511833236129E-12 kg
Elementary flow 9.74693313596097E-9 kg9.74693313596097E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.08648890415662E-7 kg1.08648890415662E-7 kg
Elementary flow 5.72976952837446E-18 kg5.72976952837446E-18 kg
Elementary flow 6.61184737587484E-9 kg6.61184737587484E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 2.51944420705116E-7 kg2.51944420705116E-7 kg
Elementary flow 7.26338126959113E-8 kg7.26338126959113E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.21896384516443E-4 kg1.21896384516443E-4 kg
Elementary flow 4.13910697409702E-14 kg4.13910697409702E-14 kg
Elementary flow 3.32385973763916E-7 kg3.32385973763916E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.91880382511572E-7 kg2.91880382511572E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.57600879125739E-6 kg2.57600879125739E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.81593034794935E-11 kg6.81593034794935E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.93420481794399E-7 kg3.93420481794399E-7 kg
Elementary flow 9.13830215808912E-17 kg9.13830215808912E-17 kg
Elementary flow 7.10304625642323E-4 kg7.10304625642323E-4 kg
Elementary flow 3.84930586071401E-13 kg3.84930586071401E-13 kg
Elementary flow 9.51149854427064E-7 kg9.51149854427064E-7 kg
Elementary flow 7.76650968449966E-10 kg7.76650968449966E-10 kg
Elementary flow 6.38750486063412E-9 kg6.38750486063412E-9 kg
Elementary flow 0.00548352860788901 kg0.00548352860788901 kg
Elementary flow 1.02364056358608E-5 kg1.02364056358608E-5 kg
Elementary flow 5.45254751823179E-12 kg5.45254751823179E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.78460079528002E-4 kg2.78460079528002E-4 kg
Elementary flow 0.00119762889242663 kg0.00119762889242663 kg
Elementary flow 1.4253109764535E-6 kg1.4253109764535E-6 kg
Elementary flow Deposited goods / Stockpile goods 1.27727575018855 kg1.27727575018855 kg
Elementary flow 0.0202225382348216 kg0.0202225382348216 kg
Elementary flow 7.93593301589712E-17 kg7.93593301589712E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.86732850975884E-13 kg1.86732850975884E-13 kg
Elementary flow 4.23344374791557E-5 kg4.23344374791557E-5 kg
Elementary flow 0.00995251396600633 kg0.00995251396600633 kg
Elementary flow 6.64172211236511E-4 kg6.64172211236511E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.41001568636835E-7 kg2.41001568636835E-7 kg
Elementary flow 7.32948259333943E-4 kg7.32948259333943E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.25461286415176E-4 kg1.25461286415176E-4 kg
Elementary flow 7.11332036969337E-5 kg7.11332036969337E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 3.0675964691558E-13 kg3.0675964691558E-13 kg
Elementary flow 5.66523455372778E-5 kg5.66523455372778E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.07537201285537E-9 kg2.07537201285537E-9 kg
Elementary flow 9.03174638989341E-11 kg9.03174638989341E-11 kg
Elementary flow 9.01214141242341E-6 kg9.01214141242341E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.33703093697186E-6 kg2.33703093697186E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.5139034625704E-5 kg3.5139034625704E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.59246752317942E-7 kg2.59246752317942E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.51191632275623E-10 kg3.51191632275623E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.12486638286917E-12 kg2.12486638286917E-12 kg
Elementary flow 5.31186168398499E-13 kBq5.31186168398499E-13 kBq
Elementary flow 8.01197268299961E-8 kBq8.01197268299961E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 1.15230441286919E-5 kBq1.15230441286919E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 4.33642409820972E-11 kg4.33642409820972E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.70135193225836E-8 kg3.70135193225836E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.32981840888964E-9 kg1.32981840888964E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.07279468180954E-11 kg2.07279468180954E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.48071355842129E-5 kg1.48071355842129E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.79284075116975E-7 kg1.79284075116975E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.12203543573265E-14 kg2.12203543573265E-14 kg
Elementary flow 5.31575077441816E-4 kg5.31575077441816E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.79415988396196E-7 kg1.79415988396196E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.42127291931853E-9 kg2.42127291931853E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.50654819792742E-10 kg3.50654819792742E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.78322708905384E-9 kBq3.78322708905384E-9 kBq
Elementary flow 1.76786312572609E-5 kBq1.76786312572609E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 9.13653725949082E-17 kg9.13653725949082E-17 kg
Elementary flow 9.7645347770703E-14 kg9.7645347770703E-14 kg
Elementary flow 4.8930891529513E-17 kBq4.8930891529513E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 3.99714689926285E-5 kBq3.99714689926285E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0633549715156269 kBq0.0633549715156269 kBq
Elementary flow 9.78619776910949E-17 kBq9.78619776910949E-17 kBq
Elementary flow 2.95136678422631 kBq2.95136678422631 kBq
Elementary flow 7.6608196126968E-17 kg7.6608196126968E-17 kg
Elementary flow 4.85407471095303E-6 kBq4.85407471095303E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 6.33715632962735E-4 kBq6.33715632962735E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 7.4932983574714E-17 kg7.4932983574714E-17 kg
Elementary flow 4.30383575898989E-8 kg4.30383575898989E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.40412036685423E-8 kg2.40412036685423E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.34819966971209E-14 kg1.34819966971209E-14 kg
Elementary flow 9.88391683034561E-13 kg9.88391683034561E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.21313974639464E-9 kg1.21313974639464E-9 kg
Elementary flow 5.27843185399903E-9 kg5.27843185399903E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.70044787801982E-17 kg1.70044787801982E-17 kg
Elementary flow 5.58393170356746E-5 kBq5.58393170356746E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0137656650168209 kg0.0137656650168209 kg
Elementary flow 2.15265508521876E-7 kg2.15265508521876E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.66660310752603E-5 kg1.66660310752603E-5 kg
Elementary flow Deposited goods / Stockpile goods 0.00754978367760651 kg0.00754978367760651 kg
Elementary flow 2.84027416376521E-15 kg2.84027416376521E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.0343088844879E-6 kg1.0343088844879E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.36614692944295E-12 kg1.36614692944295E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.72833061197963E-8 kg1.72833061197963E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.21878564004855E-6 kBq2.21878564004855E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 3.18618137684042E-5 kBq3.18618137684042E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 4.89987405873637E-7 kg4.89987405873637E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.62080104272831E-9 kg2.62080104272831E-9 kg
Elementary flow 0.00126313593450639 kg0.00126313593450639 kg
Elementary flow 2.17509276100334E-8 kg2.17509276100334E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.63193299958791E-4 kg1.63193299958791E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.45031309658684E-4 kg2.45031309658684E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.2781992269423E-7 kg1.2781992269423E-7 kg
Elementary flow 7.05320143518864E-5 kg7.05320143518864E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.60232476401947E-7 kg1.60232476401947E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.05039854924549E-9 kg1.05039854924549E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.4321347295658E-12 kg1.4321347295658E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil 1.87069733025445E-10 kg1.87069733025445E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.46536940109831E-9 kg1.46536940109831E-9 kg
Elementary flow 0.00374815920276242 kg0.00374815920276242 kg
Elementary flow 1.6052523418474E-13 kg1.6052523418474E-13 kg
Elementary flow 7.30088630619146E-10 kg7.30088630619146E-10 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 1.18584544123859E-9 kg1.18584544123859E-9 kg
Elementary flow Deposited goods / Stockpile goods 0.0024661443908776 kg0.0024661443908776 kg
Elementary flow 8.9434060441115E-12 kg8.9434060441115E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.57588500915485E-12 kg1.57588500915485E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 9.84928130721777E-14 kg9.84928130721777E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.24811403925902E-15 kg1.24811403925902E-15 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 4.07957597482546E-15 kg4.07957597482546E-15 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water 1.6818031689142E-18 kg1.6818031689142E-18 kg
Elementary flow 6.32318916846196E-11 kg6.32318916846196E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.47892872311469E-11 kg1.47892872311469E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.95723955382191E-16 kBq1.95723955382191E-16 kBq
Elementary flow 1.15238219884672E-5 kBq1.15238219884672E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00142303451095856 kBq0.00142303451095856 kBq
Elementary flow 3.8316613533515E-9 kBq3.8316613533515E-9 kBq
Elementary flow 1.76786316477981E-5 kBq1.76786316477981E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 2.11791597236467E-8 kg2.11791597236467E-8 kg
Elementary flow 4.13900648978361E-14 kg4.13900648978361E-14 kg
Elementary flow 2.03663154744867E-17 kg2.03663154744867E-17 kg
Elementary flow 3.03475982565696E-20 kg3.03475982565696E-20 kg
Elementary flow 2.17790845694322E-9 kg2.17790845694322E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.67029748839651E-8 kg1.67029748839651E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.07359750840726E-18 kg2.07359750840726E-18 kg
Elementary flow 3.4010480828813E-7 kg3.4010480828813E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.87478246213723E-6 kg4.87478246213723E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.40595749763751E-6 kg1.40595749763751E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.59233702928853E-4 kg6.59233702928853E-4 kg
Elementary flow 8.34536085373824E-7 kg8.34536085373824E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.55308011280677E-11 kg4.55308011280677E-11 kg
Elementary flow 5.36989879674488E-17 kg5.36989879674488E-17 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.05014903108617E-13 kg1.05014903108617E-13 kg
Elementary flow 6.56343144428853E-15 kg6.56343144428853E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.02660193891449E-10 kg1.02660193891449E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.68208654871301E-5 kBq3.68208654871301E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 5.42288218693193E-4 kBq5.42288218693193E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 1.8747420808481E-6 kBq1.8747420808481E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 5.51882690526155E-7 kBq5.51882690526155E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 2.88208423996509E-6 kBq2.88208423996509E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 3.95927479566542E-5 kBq3.95927479566542E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 5.76042546779353E-4 kBq5.76042546779353E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 1.8747420808481E-6 kBq1.8747420808481E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 16.0053023453648 kg16.0053023453648 kg
Elementary flow 4.54004543981667E-7 kg4.54004543981667E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.35233415414553E-8 kg3.35233415414553E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.68374155443147E-15 kg2.68374155443147E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.60783921442764E-9 kg1.60783921442764E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.90064623540804E-13 kg3.90064623540804E-13 kg
Elementary flow 5.52017504060212E-6 kg5.52017504060212E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.92489261953104E-5 kg3.92489261953104E-5 kg
Elementary flow 8.34536074582474E-9 kg8.34536074582474E-9 kg
Elementary flow Deposited goods / Stockpile goods 0.0185344967319087 kg0.0185344967319087 kg
Elementary flow 5.83917300356522 MJ5.83917300356522 MJ
Elementary flow 0.501524860393552 MJ0.501524860393552 MJ
Elementary flow 0.00291536249707232 MJ0.00291536249707232 MJ
Elementary flow Emissions to air / Inorganic emissions to air 10.9072104632697 kg10.9072104632697 kg
Elementary flow Emissions to fresh water / Other emissions to fresh water 2.7819083562312E-6 kg2.7819083562312E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions to fresh water / Other emissions to fresh water 39.5342295308949 kg39.5342295308949 kg
Elementary flow Emissions to fresh water / Other emissions to fresh water 2.81896594390369E-6 kg2.81896594390369E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions to fresh water / Other emissions to fresh water 741.487914660282 kg741.487914660282 kg
Elementary flow Emissions to fresh water / Other emissions to fresh water 7.2546804822534 kg7.2546804822534 kg
Elementary flow Emissions to sea water / Other emissions to sea water 3.00035789503884 kg3.00035789503884 kg
Elementary flow Emissions to sea water / Other emissions to sea water 0.128359422729755 kg0.128359422729755 kg
Elementary flow 23.1635481091452 kg23.1635481091452 kg
Elementary flow 0.0308992689246306 kBq0.0308992689246306 kBq
Elementary flow 0.651548880560005 kBq0.651548880560005 kBq
Elementary flow 0.715288707314519 kBq0.715288707314519 kBq
Elementary flow 0.101843383463878 kBq0.101843383463878 kBq
Elementary flow 0.111793569024388 kBq0.111793569024388 kBq
Elementary flow 2.73243159604137E-6 kg2.73243159604137E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.74179947049547E-6 kg1.74179947049547E-6 kg
Elementary flow 5.02414285192242E-7 kg5.02414285192242E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.65973958250131E-6 kg2.65973958250131E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.53958472530205E-7 kg1.53958472530205E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.83271690923344E-7 kg4.83271690923344E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.28346444104301E-10 kg3.28346444104301E-10 kg
Elementary flow 8.69120182010273E-9 kg8.69120182010273E-9 kg
Elementary flow 6.07475240349356E-20 kg6.07475240349356E-20 kg