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Process Data set: Polamide 6 (PA6); 1 kg of primary PA6 “at gate” (production site output) representing a European industry production average, in pellet form.; Europe-27; PA6 can be extruded, granulated and moulded in a wide range of textile, packaging and engineering applications. The main uses include fibers, films and engineering plastics. Applications range from automotive and electrical to food packaging. It should be noted that PA6 (polycaprolactam or Nylon 6) and PA6.6 (Nylon 6.6) are used for similar purposes. PA6 can be recycled mechanically or for feedstock; chemical recycling back to the monomer is commercially exploited. (en) en

Key Data Set Information
Location EU-27
Geographical representativeness description PlasticsEurope Eco-profiles and EPDs represent European industry averages within the scope of PlasticsEurope as the issuing trade federation. Hence they are not attributed to any single producer, but rather to the European plastics industry as represented by PlasticsEurope’s membership and the production sites participating in the Eco-profile data collection.
Reference year 2010
Base name ; Treatment, standards, routes ; Mix and location types ; Quantitative product or process properties
Polamide 6 (PA6); 1 kg of primary PA6 “at gate” (production site output) representing a European industry production average, in pellet form.; Europe-27; PA6 can be extruded, granulated and moulded in a wide range of textile, packaging and engineering applications. The main uses include fibers, films and engineering plastics. Applications range from automotive and electrical to food packaging. It should be noted that PA6 (polycaprolactam or Nylon 6) and PA6.6 (Nylon 6.6) are used for similar purposes. PA6 can be recycled mechanically or for feedstock; chemical recycling back to the monomer is commercially exploited.
Use advice for data set Ecoprofile
Technical purpose of product or process Polyamide 6 for any relevant application
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: Materials production / Plastics
General comment on data set The main data source was a data collection from European producers of polyamide 6 (PA6). Primary data on gate-to-gate PA6 production is derived from site-specific information for processes under operational control supplied by the participating companies of this study. Four different PA6 producers with plants in four European countries were participating in the primary data collection. They represent 57% of European PA6 production (EU27) in 2012. With the exception of caprolactam, the data for the upstream supply chain until the precursors as well as relevant background data, such as energy and auxiliary material, are from the DEAM, PlasticsEurope and Ecoinvent databases. For caprolactam, three caprolactam producers with plants in three European countries participated in the primary data collection. Polyamides are a group of polymers characterised by a carbon chain with –C=O–NH– groups interspersed at regular intervals along it. They are commonly referred to by the generic name Nylon and are usually identified by a numbering system that indicates the number of carbon atoms between successive nitrogen atoms in the main chain. This EPD is for Polyamide 6 (PA6), a polymer formed by ring-opening polymerisation of caprolactam, a cyclic monomer. Caprolactam has a peptide bond which is broken during polymerisation, after which new peptide bonds are formed at each end of the monomer. This leads to a backbone polymer. Among the intrinsic properties of PA6 are: high ten-sile strength, good abrasion resistance, elasticity, barrier properties of films, durability, flexible design, and easy processing. It is also resistant to acid and alkali chemicals as well as to hydrocarbons, solvents, fuels, waxes, and oils. In addition, PA6 is an electrical isolator. Weight reduction in automobiles and increased shelf life of fresh food are examples where PA6 ap-plications contribute to reduction of carbon footprint and costs in the use phase compared with standard solutions. Please keep in mind that comparisons cannot be made on the level of the polymer material alone: it is necessary to consider the full life cycle of an application in order to compare the performance of different materials and the effects of relevant life cycle parameters. This EPD is intended to be used by member companies, to support product-orientated environmental management; by users of plastics, as a building block of life cycle assessment (LCA) studies of individual products; and by other interested parties, as a source of life cycle information.
Copyright Yes
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2016
Time representativeness description The LCI data for production were collected as 12-month averages representing the years 2010–2012, to compensate seasonal influences of data. The overall reference year for this Eco-profile is 2010–2012 with a maximal temporal validity until 2016.
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system This EPD describes the production of the Polyamide 6 (PA6) polymer from cradle to gate (from crude oil extraction to granules or resin at plant). PlasticsEurope Eco-profiles and EPDs represent European industry averages within the scope of PlasticsEurope as the issuing trade federation. Hence they are not attributed to any single producer, but rather to the European plastics industry as represented by PlasticsEurope’s membership and the production sites participating in the Eco-profile data collection. The production processes were modelled using specific values from primary data collection at site, representing the specific technology for the four companies. The LCI data represent technology in use in the defined production region employed by participating producers. The considered participants cover all producers in Europe, so the technological coverage is understood as representative. Primary data were used for all foreground processes (under operational control) complemented with secondary data from background processes (under indirect management control).
Flow diagram(s) or picture(s)
  • PA6 processs Image
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set LCI result
LCI Method Principle Attributional
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations None. It has been prepared according to PlasticsEurope’s Eco-profiles and Environmental Declarations – LCI Methodology and PCR for Uncompounded Polymer Resins and Reactive Polymer Precursors (PCR version 2.0, April 2011).
LCI method approaches
  • Substitution - specific
Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations Within the scope of this Eco-profile, allocation was avoided, using the substitution method for the co-product ammonium sulphate. Due to the system boundary at gate this approach rendered negative values for some flows and impacts.Due to the relevance of the allocation decision on the results, a sensitivity analysis was conducted: -The recommended solution, in terms of the best representation of industrial/economic systems, is the use of system expansion and substitution to account for ammonium sulphate (AMS) and, in some cases, sul-phuric acid (H2SO4) co-production alongside caprolactam. This solution reflects an emerging consensus among industry experts (WBCSD working group). -While allocation should be avoided, where possible, an alternative solutiuon is an economic allocation for AMS (i.e. no credits from substitution). While it is apparent that the economic allocation renders more conservative results, the project group adhered to theWBCSD working group consensus and implemented the substitution. Among the primary reasons for this decision is that economic allocation introduces another uncertain element, i.e. fluctuating market prices.
Modelling constants Use of high heating value
Deviation from modelling constants / explanations none
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Data cut-off and completeness principles In the foreground processes all relevant flows were considered, trying to avoid any cut-off of material and energy flows. At least 95 % of mass and energy of the input and output flows were covered and 98 % of their environmental relevance (according to expert judgment) was considered, hence an influence of cut-offs less than 2 % on the total is expected.
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations None
Data selection and combination principles Eco-profile developed by PlasticsEurope use average data representative of the respective foreground production process, both in terms of technology and market share. The primary data are derived from site-specific information for processes under operational control supplied by the participating member companies of PlasticsEurope All relevant background data, such as energy and auxiliary materials, are taken from the DEAM, PlasticsEurope and Ecoinvent 2.2 databases. Most of the background data and the pertinent documentation are publicly available.
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None
Data treatment and extrapolations principles When there were no database on some chemicals, expertise and stoechiometric equation was used in order to model all raw material in the system boundary.
Deviation from data treatment and extrapolations principles / explanations None
Data source(s) used for this data set
Percentage supply or production covered 57 %
Annual supply or production volume 2010-2012
Data collection period 2012-2013
Completeness of product model All relevant flows quantified
Completeness elementary flows, per topic
  • Climate change: All relevant flows quantified
Type of review Scope / Method(s) of review Data quality indicators Review details
Independent external review
Scope name Method name
Life cycle inventory methods
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Cross-check with other source
LCIA results calculation
  • Expert judgement
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
LCI results or Partly terminated system
  • Mass balance
  • Documentation
  • Expert judgement
  • Energy balance
Goal and scope definition
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044
  • Cross-check with other source
LCIA results
  • Expert judgement
  • Cross-check with other source
  • Methodological appropriateness and consistency: Very good
  • Precision: Not applicable
  • Completeness: Very good
  • Geographical representativeness: Very good
  • Time representativeness: Very good
  • Technological representativeness: Very good
The project included regular milestone meetings with representatives of all participating producers and Plas-ticsEurope as system operator. The reviewer participated in these meetings. In addition, a review meeting be-tween the LCA practitioner and the reviewer was held, including a model and database review, and spot checks of data and calculations. Specific comments on the results include: -The nitrous oxide (laughing gas, N2O) emission abatement in terms of technologies used, their elimination efficiency, and degree of use was subject to review and received due attention. It became apparent that adoption of such technologies is at quite different stages across industry, in some cases being very recent developments, which may partly explain the disparities in reported N2O levels. Further, the monitoring of N2O levels varied from continuous to intermittent, adding some uncertainty to reported levels in a few cases. An effort was made to confirm the reported N2O emission with reports under the ETS scheme. -The use of system expansion and substitution to account for ammonium sulphate (AMS) and, in some cas-es, sulphuric acid (H2SO4) co-production alongside caprolactam reflects an emerging consensus among industry experts (WBCSD working group), but is still debatable and by no means unanimous. As with all allocation decisions, it remains a subjective decision with pros and cons. Its effects on final results are, in fact, quite substantial, as shown by the sensitivity analysis (Table 1) of this aspect. -The differentiation of the water inventory by source and destination (allowing for a water balance and supporting water footprints) should be included in future updates. This Eco-profile is considered a representative, reliable and high-quality quality representation of PA6 produc-tion in Europe. The allocation decision affects energy and GWP indicators with approximately 10%. The critical review confirms that this Eco-profile adheres to the rules set forth in the PlasticsEurope’s Eco-profiles and Environmental Declarations – LCI Methodology and PCR for Uncompounded Polymer Resins and Reactive Polymer Precursors (PCR version 2.0, April 2011).
Subsequent review comments
The main data source was a primary data collection from European producers, providing site-specific gate-to-gate production data for processes under operational control of the participating companies. Data for the upstream supply chain until the precursors are taken from several databases (DEAM, PlasticsEurope, GaBi, ecoinvent). Variation of single data was not recorded. Variation of the model/dataset not applicable due to vertical average of production lines and technologies. Hence, Precision above was rated “n/a”. Critical elements within the model include: - level of N2O emissions (based on effectiveness and use of abatement technologies as well as completeness of monitoring) - allocations for phenol/acetone and capro/AMS
Reviewer name and institution Complete review report
Compliance Declarations
Compliance system name
Approval of overall compliance
Fully compliant
Nomenclature compliance
Fully compliant
Methodological compliance
Fully compliant
Review compliance
Fully compliant
Documentation compliance
Fully compliant
Quality compliance
Fully compliant
Commissioner and goal
Commissioner of data set
Project Ecoprofile
Intended applications Ecoprofile
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2015-02-13T11:57:17.073+01:00
Data set format(s)
Data entry by
Official approval of data set by producer/operator
Publication and ownership
UUID c3a53e26-b87f-4d41-bffa-785fc0ca4935
Date of last revision 2014-12-01T00:00:00+01:00
Data set version 01.00.000
Owner of data set
Copyright Yes
Reference to entities with exclusive access
License type Other
Access and use restrictions From PlasticsEurope


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Elementary flow 5.00515353997443E-13 kg5.00515353997443E-13 kg
Elementary flow 3.29443513449771E-4 kg3.29443513449771E-4 kg
Elementary flow -1.17757395037611E-4 kg-1.17757395037611E-4 kg
Elementary flow 0.00224792504212773 kg0.00224792504212773 kg
Elementary flow 2.73611953957588E-4 kg2.73611953957588E-4 kg
Elementary flow 7.33662053865002E-8 kg7.33662053865002E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.49726356791538E-9 kg1.49726356791538E-9 kg
Elementary flow 8.02828868959216E-8 kg8.02828868959216E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.03928119395754E-5 kg2.03928119395754E-5 kg
Elementary flow 5.08739780379446E-6 kg5.08739780379446E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.76023012251942E-6 kg1.76023012251942E-6 kg
Elementary flow 0.0019229782590965 kg0.0019229782590965 kg
Elementary flow 1.43464699013504E-4 kg1.43464699013504E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.62708594566919E-8 kg1.62708594566919E-8 kg
Elementary flow -0.0156371970203679 kg-0.0156371970203679 kg
Elementary flow 0.196185917526373 MJ0.196185917526373 MJ
Elementary flow 5.99861935661697E-6 kg5.99861935661697E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.20490982677694E-5 kg1.20490982677694E-5 kg
Elementary flow 9.38867522365324E-4 kg9.38867522365324E-4 kg
Elementary flow -9.98081775025721E-13 kg-9.98081775025721E-13 kg
Elementary flow 6.06936517931785E-6 kg6.06936517931785E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.82504937841416E-8 kg2.82504937841416E-8 kg
Elementary flow 8.04961900401237E-7 kg8.04961900401237E-7 kg
Elementary flow -8.29120896887417E-7 kg-8.29120896887417E-7 kg
Elementary flow -2.8981916585768E-6 kg-2.8981916585768E-6 kg
Elementary flow 9.05888471256572E-13 kg9.05888471256572E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.69350394776843E-4 kg2.69350394776843E-4 kg
Elementary flow -3.39048733561684E-8 kg-3.39048733561684E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.26063702489283E-8 kg2.26063702489283E-8 kg
Elementary flow -0.0291672570296732 kg-0.0291672570296732 kg
Elementary flow 1.96294797423217E-6 kg1.96294797423217E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.38392480308903E-9 kg1.38392480308903E-9 kg
Elementary flow 5.52593648203859E-10 kg5.52593648203859E-10 kg
Elementary flow 0.00539472503719172 kg0.00539472503719172 kg
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from ground / Non-renewable material resources from ground 2.80308022392908E-6 kg2.80308022392908E-6 kg
Elementary flow 7.72112802521975E-6 kg7.72112802521975E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.75085356917583E-6 kg1.75085356917583E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.23948790597997E-6 kg6.23948790597997E-6 kg
Elementary flow 0.0632846248251863 MJ0.0632846248251863 MJ
Elementary flow 0.00271848360215969 kg0.00271848360215969 kg
Elementary flow 1.16532831494332E-12 kg1.16532831494332E-12 kg
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Non-renewable element resources from water -4.44329266618742E-9 kg-4.44329266618742E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.67366013361515E-5 kg2.67366013361515E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.12258459022748E-5 kg2.12258459022748E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.08918342871081E-7 kg1.08918342871081E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.82312859214239E-5 kg1.82312859214239E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.42720293182039 MJ1.42720293182039 MJ
Elementary flow 3.17515836871834E-4 kg3.17515836871834E-4 kg
Elementary flow 0.771226858291696 MJ0.771226858291696 MJ
Elementary flow 5.57897289214618E-6 kg5.57897289214618E-6 kg
Elementary flow -1.00700040378825E-9 kg-1.00700040378825E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.79352883916273E-4 MJ1.79352883916273E-4 MJ
Elementary flow 2.00356210132821E-6 kg2.00356210132821E-6 kg
Elementary flow 5.40141328113071E-5 kg5.40141328113071E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.91736538345597E-11 kg1.91736538345597E-11 kg
Elementary flow -1.62472603940322E-6 kg-1.62472603940322E-6 kg
Elementary flow 9.89743873185549E-5 kg9.89743873185549E-5 kg
Elementary flow 9.15515008811159E-8 kg9.15515008811159E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.8993126102651E-7 kg1.8993126102651E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.20784104905559E-4 kg3.20784104905559E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.92928892869403E-24 kg2.92928892869403E-24 kg
Elementary flow 1.22167678427078E-11 kg1.22167678427078E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.05503382887174E-11 kg1.05503382887174E-11 kg
Elementary flow 0.0244754703071071 kg0.0244754703071071 kg
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from ground / Non-renewable material resources from ground 4.26859060050826E-4 kg4.26859060050826E-4 kg
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from ground / Non-renewable material resources from ground 1.71286238615962E-33 kg1.71286238615962E-33 kg
Elementary flow 5.90566892794381E-4 kg5.90566892794381E-4 kg
Elementary flow 6.10778048888537E-6 kg6.10778048888537E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.28497715240517E-10 kg1.28497715240517E-10 kg
Elementary flow -4.10108877940901E-8 kg-4.10108877940901E-8 kg
Elementary flow -4.72181165468541E-8 kg-4.72181165468541E-8 kg
Elementary flow 0.0583370420494558 kg0.0583370420494558 kg
Elementary flow 2.07164343242346E-16 kg2.07164343242346E-16 kg
Elementary flow 1.43462313022801E-12 kg1.43462313022801E-12 kg
Elementary flow -6.52206839911244E-6 kg-6.52206839911244E-6 kg
Elementary flow 8.44375439418264E-4 kg8.44375439418264E-4 kg
Elementary flow 3.4637832691515E-6 kg3.4637832691515E-6 kg
Elementary flow 4.82725954880719E-5 kg4.82725954880719E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.67616747348299E-8 kg1.67616747348299E-8 kg
Elementary flow -4.38673889686092E-9 kg-4.38673889686092E-9 kg
Elementary flow -1.33366187903328E-6 kg-1.33366187903328E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.64487506291329E-7 kg3.64487506291329E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.3467787657796E-8 kg2.3467787657796E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.85782053074228E-5 MJ1.85782053074228E-5 MJ
Elementary flow -8.48321246696577E-7 kg-8.48321246696577E-7 kg
Elementary flow 5.98875890892E-9 kg5.98875890892E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.20290300910304E-8 kg4.20290300910304E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.51992536829562E-4 kg3.51992536829562E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.64099359686622E-6 kg1.64099359686622E-6 kg
Elementary flow 7.92089658993732E-4 kg7.92089658993732E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.12667210629303E-5 kg2.12667210629303E-5 kg
Elementary flow -0.00100210492212081 kg-0.00100210492212081 kg
Elementary flow -1.17013137153082E-4 kg-1.17013137153082E-4 kg
Elementary flow -4.68984841328767E-8 kg-4.68984841328767E-8 kg
Other flow Materials production / Raw materials 3.80787162134675E-6 kg3.80787162134675E-6 kg
Elementary flow 0.00762851515545582 MJ0.00762851515545582 MJ
Other flow Materials production / Raw materials 4.75995946606423E-6 kg4.75995946606423E-6 kg
Product flow Materials production / Raw materials 2.6021868940316E-5 kg2.6021868940316E-5 kg
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Non-renewable element resources from water 2.9136863766742E-8 kg2.9136863766742E-8 kg
Other flow Materials production / Raw materials 0.00192084416554086 kg0.00192084416554086 kg
Other flow Materials production / Raw materials 1.98081781673821E-12 kg1.98081781673821E-12 kg
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Renewable resources from water, unspecified 5.01804013398789E-6 m35.01804013398789E-6 m3
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Renewable resources from water, unspecified 0.00267244441382126 m30.00267244441382126 m3
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Renewable resources from water, unspecified -0.163 m3-0.163 m3
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Renewable resources from water, unspecified 0.00188653459529957 m30.00188653459529957 m3
Elementary flow 0.152377476378225 m30.152377476378225 m3
Elementary flow 2.23338065241113 m32.23338065241113 m3
Elementary flow 2.04251022496159 m32.04251022496159 m3
Elementary flow 0.796048097268939 kg0.796048097268939 kg
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Renewable resources from water, unspecified -0.0784851403043936 m3-0.0784851403043936 m3
Elementary flow 0.655342725973113 kg0.655342725973113 kg
Elementary flow 1.37593197015707E-4 kg1.37593197015707E-4 kg
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Renewable resources from water, unspecified 9.50741917962614E-5 m39.50741917962614E-5 m3
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Renewable resources from water, unspecified 0.208682950355039 m30.208682950355039 m3
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Renewable resources from water, unspecified 0.00459652797219673 m30.00459652797219673 m3
Elementary flow 7.57202143359638E-5 m37.57202143359638E-5 m3
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Renewable resources from water, unspecified 6.20104262249954E-5 m36.20104262249954E-5 m3
Elementary flow 7.57202143359638E-5 m37.57202143359638E-5 m3
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Renewable resources from water, unspecified 6.71372924177441E-5 m36.71372924177441E-5 m3
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Renewable resources from water, unspecified 7.79483793987968E-6 m37.79483793987968E-6 m3
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Renewable resources from water, unspecified 0.0166329907152994 m30.0166329907152994 m3
Elementary flow 0.0760646397707277 m30.0760646397707277 m3
Elementary flow 0.809454631199532 m30.809454631199532 m3
Elementary flow 0.846392186065953 kg0.846392186065953 kg
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from water / Renewable resources from water, unspecified 1.48004365952511E-4 m31.48004365952511E-4 m3
Elementary flow 0.320511394335783 kg0.320511394335783 kg


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Landfilling 3.01680310413259E-6 kg3.01680310413259E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.7132323288875E-16 kg1.7132323288875E-16 kg
Elementary flow 4.61918955249136E-6 kg4.61918955249136E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.8206238867676E-20 kg3.8206238867676E-20 kg
Elementary flow 3.83385073262996E-13 kg3.83385073262996E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.23211654742284E-7 kg1.23211654742284E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.8511869600208E-6 kg3.8511869600208E-6 kg
Elementary flow -1.36971092048625E-7 kg-1.36971092048625E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.43531662600299E-9 kg3.43531662600299E-9 kg
Elementary flow 7.90104622709675E-7 kg7.90104622709675E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.73772782703128E-13 kg3.73772782703128E-13 kg
Elementary flow 5.41361321728709E-11 kg5.41361321728709E-11 kg
Elementary flow -5.50722783513489E-10 kg-5.50722783513489E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.60349603348587E-12 kg1.60349603348587E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.39555331519513E-5 kg2.39555331519513E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.57212144456804E-5 kg1.57212144456804E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 8.16650143354148E-7 kg8.16650143354148E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.28894196691901E-10 kg3.28894196691901E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.00422709475789E-5 kg3.00422709475789E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.74303027934638E-14 kg1.74303027934638E-14 kg
Elementary flow 9.08962479510476E-5 kg9.08962479510476E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.47737295144715E-10 kg2.47737295144715E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.26089934408636E-12 kg2.26089934408636E-12 kg
Elementary flow 7.57172448035288E-13 kg7.57172448035288E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.28546588186171E-14 kg2.28546588186171E-14 kg
Elementary flow 5.59262547801594E-8 kg5.59262547801594E-8 kg
Elementary flow 9.04151281193349E-6 kg9.04151281193349E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.69499126499359E-7 kg2.69499126499359E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.49249157288576E-13 kg2.49249157288576E-13 kg
Elementary flow 4.63631408734019E-12 kg4.63631408734019E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.12172517459727E-7 kg2.12172517459727E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified -2.53539639992351E-17 kg-2.53539639992351E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.5359638627555E-11 kg1.5359638627555E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.58448373202218E-5 kg1.58448373202218E-5 kg
Elementary flow 7.97498699679106E-9 kg7.97498699679106E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.90527723065435E-12 kg1.90527723065435E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.90527723065435E-12 kg1.90527723065435E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.17432465679999E-9 kg3.17432465679999E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.86495926486612E-6 kg2.86495926486612E-6 kg
Elementary flow -8.78540765677792E-17 kg-8.78540765677792E-17 kg
Elementary flow 1.61522756753464E-7 kg1.61522756753464E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.82082919626737E-7 kg2.82082919626737E-7 kg
Elementary flow -5.77828642344742E-12 kg-5.77828642344742E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.39468239239334E-5 kg1.39468239239334E-5 kg
Elementary flow 6.98475612473263E-6 kg6.98475612473263E-6 kg
Elementary flow -1.06969478231158E-11 kg-1.06969478231158E-11 kg
Elementary flow 7.37533747759301E-14 kg7.37533747759301E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.06754485905658E-7 kg1.06754485905658E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.51175705432394E-13 kg1.51175705432394E-13 kg
Elementary flow -3.28668790267561E-12 kg-3.28668790267561E-12 kg
Elementary flow -2.73903872654191E-13 kg-2.73903872654191E-13 kg
Elementary flow -2.61363165496259E-11 kg-2.61363165496259E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.60567482419554E-9 kg1.60567482419554E-9 kg
Elementary flow 5.19619902470021E-10 kg5.19619902470021E-10 kg
Elementary flow 5.05337312182034E-22 kg5.05337312182034E-22 kg
Elementary flow 1.23009023653892E-7 kg1.23009023653892E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.68361079576912E-6 kg2.68361079576912E-6 kg
Elementary flow 8.3441489353712E-7 kg8.3441489353712E-7 kg
Elementary flow 8.0251605588946E-4 kg8.0251605588946E-4 kg
Elementary flow 4.01361950152617 kg4.01361950152617 kg
Elementary flow 3.15947514081636E-7 kg3.15947514081636E-7 kg
Elementary flow 5.37823444844129E-6 kg5.37823444844129E-6 kg
Elementary flow 0.00352820353633789 kg0.00352820353633789 kg
Elementary flow 5.6996385195311E-10 kg5.6996385195311E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.30175526416181E-7 kg2.30175526416181E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.1348610245696E-13 kg1.1348610245696E-13 kg
Elementary flow 3.16437704167305E-10 kg3.16437704167305E-10 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 4.85889336485776E-8 kg4.85889336485776E-8 kg
Elementary flow 7.18624036709913E-7 kg7.18624036709913E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.05932338340907E-11 kg1.05932338340907E-11 kg
Elementary flow 5.64398516647766E-11 kg5.64398516647766E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.15965441557324E-13 kg2.15965441557324E-13 kg
Elementary flow 9.34461929486074E-13 kg9.34461929486074E-13 kg
Elementary flow 9.40792113830977E-13 kg9.40792113830977E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.66318398398062E-7 kg2.66318398398062E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.28878497141027E-8 kg1.28878497141027E-8 kg
Elementary flow 4.72197676820724E-7 kg4.72197676820724E-7 kg
Elementary flow 9.36815125326575E-13 kg9.36815125326575E-13 kg
Elementary flow 4.47419127037114E-8 kg4.47419127037114E-8 kg
Elementary flow 9.29593046076362E-7 kg9.29593046076362E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.79060730667397E-8 kg1.79060730667397E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.40536071447449E-8 kg1.40536071447449E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.76872810251605E-13 kg1.76872810251605E-13 kg
Elementary flow 4.09368105806493E-15 kg4.09368105806493E-15 kg
Elementary flow 1.91468858478582E-5 kg1.91468858478582E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.91468858478582E-5 kg1.91468858478582E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.12049372900881E-13 kg2.12049372900881E-13 kg
Elementary flow 5.84767395706049E-13 kg5.84767395706049E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.12842289683202E-13 kg3.12842289683202E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.68284108470412E-11 kg3.68284108470412E-11 kg
Elementary flow 5.79668745508612E-8 kg5.79668745508612E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.60696606400476E-13 kg3.60696606400476E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.01237842615611E-12 kg1.01237842615611E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.15836792036392E-16 kg2.15836792036392E-16 kg
Elementary flow 2.21794785921643E-13 kg2.21794785921643E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.19248478409698E-15 kg3.19248478409698E-15 kg
Elementary flow 3.44973278520665E-5 kg3.44973278520665E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.90610178640303E-7 kg1.90610178640303E-7 kg
Elementary flow -9.87005685641502E-7 kg-9.87005685641502E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.11487725868606E-7 kg2.11487725868606E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified -1.99935077435281E-9 kg-1.99935077435281E-9 kg
Elementary flow 6.73960958281769E-5 kg6.73960958281769E-5 kg
Elementary flow 3.10936906071143E-13 kg3.10936906071143E-13 kg
Elementary flow -5.31553850505999E-10 kg-5.31553850505999E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.46863430229177E-12 kg2.46863430229177E-12 kg
Elementary flow 7.83316723025009E-12 kg7.83316723025009E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.28546563977915E-9 kg1.28546563977915E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.53904565777151E-7 kg4.53904565777151E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.9882378103106E-8 kg2.9882378103106E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.41523090527271E-6 kg2.41523090527271E-6 kg
Elementary flow 4.02803813086479E-14 kg4.02803813086479E-14 kg
Elementary flow 2.19507161279323E-8 kg2.19507161279323E-8 kg
Elementary flow 6.52436634513858E-9 kg6.52436634513858E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.51511016880638E-13 kg3.51511016880638E-13 kg
Elementary flow -1.68727556202829E-13 kg-1.68727556202829E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.72782202387456E-9 kg2.72782202387456E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.37703181520937E-8 kg2.37703181520937E-8 kg
Elementary flow 7.35964298702117E-13 kg7.35964298702117E-13 kg
Elementary flow -1.65288541632161E-8 kg-1.65288541632161E-8 kg
Elementary flow 7.2653521459887E-16 kg7.2653521459887E-16 kg
Elementary flow 1.17638182477913E-10 kg1.17638182477913E-10 kg
Elementary flow -4.86388722028524E-11 kg-4.86388722028524E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.44536159893242E-14 kg1.44536159893242E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.10394644805318E-13 kg1.10394644805318E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.30654806026502E-11 kg1.30654806026502E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.69375985744382E-7 kg3.69375985744382E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.39093759793796E-7 kg1.39093759793796E-7 kg
Elementary flow -5.79980546053438E-18 kg-5.79980546053438E-18 kg
Elementary flow 7.47475120910553E-10 kg7.47475120910553E-10 kg
Elementary flow 9.00187579086125E-9 kg9.00187579086125E-9 kg
Elementary flow 20.8033819558941 MJ20.8033819558941 MJ
Elementary flow 4.29272913154617E-8 kg4.29272913154617E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.02503444195802E-6 kg1.02503444195802E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.4485881259673E-11 kg6.4485881259673E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.92505940435231E-18 kg1.92505940435231E-18 kg
Elementary flow 2.65260435947404E-6 kg2.65260435947404E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 5.11030440677252E-9 kg5.11030440677252E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.05961159968436E-6 kg1.05961159968436E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.23090247311161E-7 kg3.23090247311161E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.79317452629407E-7 kg3.79317452629407E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.72685376301884E-8 kg1.72685376301884E-8 kg
Elementary flow 0.00129959788661518 kg0.00129959788661518 kg
Elementary flow 0.00150283124430866 kg0.00150283124430866 kg
Elementary flow 0.00170444732714716 kg0.00170444732714716 kg
Elementary flow 1.2013670261693E-4 kg1.2013670261693E-4 kg
Elementary flow 3.61717603321398E-6 kg3.61717603321398E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.89407902215915E-6 kg6.89407902215915E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.2872266180632E-9 kg6.2872266180632E-9 kg
Elementary flow 7.12072645052211E-6 kg7.12072645052211E-6 kg
Elementary flow 5.92220238522339E-12 kg5.92220238522339E-12 kg
Elementary flow 7.12156346792756E-8 kg7.12156346792756E-8 kg
Elementary flow 8.43221390392161E-8 kg8.43221390392161E-8 kg
Elementary flow 8.25665693738725E-6 kg8.25665693738725E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.3458106935658E-9 kg1.3458106935658E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.0275375517819E-10 kg3.0275375517819E-10 kg
Elementary flow 8.43524365980155E-12 kg8.43524365980155E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.59201178094628E-14 kg3.59201178094628E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 4.98681142583192E-13 kg4.98681142583192E-13 kg
Elementary flow 4.36730089364598E-9 kBq4.36730089364598E-9 kBq
Elementary flow 1.12267582288056E-6 kg1.12267582288056E-6 kg
Elementary flow 5.46754234717915E-6 kg5.46754234717915E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.92267778669175E-7 kg2.92267778669175E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.21624060937831E-7 kg3.21624060937831E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.22800623356246E-6 kg1.22800623356246E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.03195753863565E-6 kg3.03195753863565E-6 kg
Elementary flow 0.0193180337672145 kg0.0193180337672145 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.78735007198309E-13 kg1.78735007198309E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.29835423126857E-6 kg1.29835423126857E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.32109681777618E-13 kg1.32109681777618E-13 kg
Elementary flow 3.691691539187E-18 kg3.691691539187E-18 kg
Elementary flow 7.26133353019586E-15 kg7.26133353019586E-15 kg
Elementary flow -6.24862201884312E-10 kg-6.24862201884312E-10 kg
Elementary flow -7.82797621585552E-13 kg-7.82797621585552E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 9.02541349809284E-15 kg9.02541349809284E-15 kg
Elementary flow 5.75813579737976E-12 kg5.75813579737976E-12 kg
Elementary flow -9.86994982316992E-7 kg-9.86994982316992E-7 kg
Elementary flow -2.41301685662777E-12 kg-2.41301685662777E-12 kg
Elementary flow 5.47471067443816E-13 kg5.47471067443816E-13 kg
Elementary flow -2.38927688870098E-10 kg-2.38927688870098E-10 kg
Elementary flow 4.09362316432538E-11 kg4.09362316432538E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.42770085158517E-8 kg2.42770085158517E-8 kg
Elementary flow -2.48965512494333E-8 kg-2.48965512494333E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.29953369474002E-4 kg2.29953369474002E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.49962139160786E-13 kg2.49962139160786E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.28230340149482E-6 kg1.28230340149482E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.15125514179423E-8 kg2.15125514179423E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.55039727049961E-10 kg1.55039727049961E-10 kg
Elementary flow 3.0499978757064E-12 kg3.0499978757064E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.1357281610677E-14 kg3.1357281610677E-14 kg
Elementary flow 6.62608148196294E-6 kg6.62608148196294E-6 kg
Elementary flow 5.95309932925292E-9 kg5.95309932925292E-9 kg
Elementary flow 0.0109439866286073 kg0.0109439866286073 kg
Elementary flow 0.007417908067586 kg0.007417908067586 kg
Elementary flow 1.98646127508432E-10 kg1.98646127508432E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.53136555858618E-4 kg2.53136555858618E-4 kg
Elementary flow 3.0349518704355E-9 kg3.0349518704355E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.39951432045494E-6 kg1.39951432045494E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.47368249169173E-14 kg1.47368249169173E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.61959099870784E-5 kg1.61959099870784E-5 kg
Elementary flow 4.31157771827103E-4 kg4.31157771827103E-4 kg
Elementary flow 9.33044078047892E-5 kg9.33044078047892E-5 kg
Elementary flow 4.7185177703379E-5 kg4.7185177703379E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.39303919936807E-4 kg1.39303919936807E-4 kg
Elementary flow 6.44637289283316E-4 kg6.44637289283316E-4 kg
Elementary flow -1.89207849585252E-12 kg-1.89207849585252E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.08348145880883E-9 kg1.08348145880883E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.10072302700369E-5 kg3.10072302700369E-5 kg
Elementary flow 2.2024129288477E-14 kg2.2024129288477E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.66434972422517E-14 kg1.66434972422517E-14 kg
Elementary flow 2.50028372532613E-11 kg2.50028372532613E-11 kg
Elementary flow -6.99910223956158E-9 kg-6.99910223956158E-9 kg
Elementary flow -4.76029582285626E-13 kg-4.76029582285626E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.45425911980871E-7 kg1.45425911980871E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.74692231038211E-13 kg2.74692231038211E-13 kg
Elementary flow 5.60170844840232E-14 kg5.60170844840232E-14 kg
Elementary flow 2.14888393759145E-10 kg2.14888393759145E-10 kg
Elementary flow 9.63012745645435E-11 kg9.63012745645435E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.06182933565612E-12 kg1.06182933565612E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.07671209423604E-6 kg1.07671209423604E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.93040496737734E-6 kg2.93040496737734E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.69005472527386E-5 kg1.69005472527386E-5 kg
Elementary flow -2.12877410029884E-7 kg-2.12877410029884E-7 kg
Elementary flow 5.21287354312688E-12 kg5.21287354312688E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.88903607205857E-11 kg1.88903607205857E-11 kg
Elementary flow 3.22682944647657E-7 kg3.22682944647657E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.27558508107434E-14 kg1.27558508107434E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.61383150216753E-6 kg1.61383150216753E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.50607120074541E-15 kg3.50607120074541E-15 kg
Elementary flow 2.1770460179774E-8 kg2.1770460179774E-8 kg
Elementary flow 8.21358648145854E-9 kg8.21358648145854E-9 kg
Elementary flow 7.66403293930507E-8 kg7.66403293930507E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.31384812280694E-5 kg2.31384812280694E-5 kg
Elementary flow -1.76702670240569E-11 kg-1.76702670240569E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.98375167805536E-10 kg2.98375167805536E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.59947476732456E-12 kg1.59947476732456E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.68178394295557E-6 kg1.68178394295557E-6 kg
Elementary flow -2.06864096271919E-10 kg-2.06864096271919E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.47908980327834E-9 kg1.47908980327834E-9 kg
Elementary flow -1.21744552747066E-11 kg-1.21744552747066E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.77666530220946E-8 kg2.77666530220946E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.57097777576689E-4 kg2.57097777576689E-4 kg
Elementary flow 3.20643250327879E-7 kg3.20643250327879E-7 kg
Elementary flow 9.12878146053279E-8 kg9.12878146053279E-8 kg
Elementary flow -0.0066286132936274 kg-0.0066286132936274 kg
Elementary flow 2.46376198519222E-11 kg2.46376198519222E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.08658489495741E-8 kg2.08658489495741E-8 kg
Elementary flow 0.0053090479295712 kg0.0053090479295712 kg
Elementary flow 3.20381891044812E-7 kg3.20381891044812E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.39634444384107E-11 kg2.39634444384107E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.86275002905723E-9 kg2.86275002905723E-9 kg
Elementary flow 5.34261351813639E-14 kg5.34261351813639E-14 kg
Elementary flow 4.9141953183724E-13 kg4.9141953183724E-13 kg
Elementary flow 1.58092508831463E-9 kg1.58092508831463E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.97980907592879E-9 kBq2.97980907592879E-9 kBq
Elementary flow 3.28025284650201E-8 kg3.28025284650201E-8 kg
Elementary flow 6.46434657106103E-7 kg6.46434657106103E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.72745811896901E-5 kg1.72745811896901E-5 kg
Elementary flow 4.69093265057373E-13 kg4.69093265057373E-13 kg
Elementary flow 6.36611230560959E-13 kg6.36611230560959E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified -6.83700699650852E-11 kg-6.83700699650852E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.28557518280343E-14 kg1.28557518280343E-14 kg
Elementary flow 7.35236905741726E-10 kg7.35236905741726E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.92424217852844E-9 kBq2.92424217852844E-9 kBq
Elementary flow 1.31200506935806E-5 kg1.31200506935806E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.63436011930534E-6 kg1.63436011930534E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.18327223796612E-7 kg3.18327223796612E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.60113115972531E-6 kg1.60113115972531E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.65544602558276E-9 kg3.65544602558276E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.249581573046E-6 kg4.249581573046E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.19303548615049E-9 kg2.19303548615049E-9 kg
Elementary flow 2.70788091826696E-14 kg2.70788091826696E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.30232523499677E-8 kBq2.30232523499677E-8 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.3595643638832E-6 kBq2.3595643638832E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 3.7212621536451E-8 kBq3.7212621536451E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 1.22654503990941E-8 kBq1.22654503990941E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 4.18912631134767E-11 kBq4.18912631134767E-11 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00105672333454953 kBq0.00105672333454953 kBq
Elementary flow 2.17461675810816E-9 kBq2.17461675810816E-9 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0149691318928189 kBq0.0149691318928189 kBq
Elementary flow 5.27190240049655E-10 kBq5.27190240049655E-10 kBq
Elementary flow 1.08166855158886E-7 kBq1.08166855158886E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 1.08691011104331E-7 kBq1.08691011104331E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 3.37828580884051E-11 kBq3.37828580884051E-11 kBq
Elementary flow 1.15796539585854E-7 kBq1.15796539585854E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 1.33495702020424E-7 kBq1.33495702020424E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 38.2824548208177 kBq38.2824548208177 kBq
Elementary flow 8.84142292428243E-6 kBq8.84142292428243E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 2.21902626943518E-4 kBq2.21902626943518E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 1.43240422008522E-6 kBq1.43240422008522E-6 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 7.39345045470809E-9 kBq7.39345045470809E-9 kBq
Elementary flow 115.337809268574 kBq115.337809268574 kBq
Elementary flow 5.67324210323019E-5 kBq5.67324210323019E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 2.62494307989239E-5 kBq2.62494307989239E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 2.42905601973732E-5 kBq2.42905601973732E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 5.17333040772371E-6 kBq5.17333040772371E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.85853053843289E-10 kBq1.85853053843289E-10 kBq
Elementary flow 9.38037749556206E-5 kBq9.38037749556206E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 1.73001525120113E-11 kBq1.73001525120113E-11 kBq
Elementary flow 2.05372339092134E-12 kBq2.05372339092134E-12 kBq
Elementary flow 1.25291511871369E-12 kBq1.25291511871369E-12 kBq
Elementary flow 1.37711443227646E-10 kBq1.37711443227646E-10 kBq
Elementary flow 6.02168233815547E-11 kBq6.02168233815547E-11 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 5.90267315780567E-11 kBq5.90267315780567E-11 kBq
Elementary flow 1.58653316964852E-4 kBq1.58653316964852E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 2.3793532654925E-5 kBq2.3793532654925E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 2.06469116629661E-6 kBq2.06469116629661E-6 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified -1.57749965897742E-6 kBq-1.57749965897742E-6 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.66410514336648E-9 kBq1.66410514336648E-9 kBq
Elementary flow 35.6073944294264 kBq35.6073944294264 kBq
Elementary flow 4.05798469964228E-5 kBq4.05798469964228E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 1.17449423645369E-5 kBq1.17449423645369E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 5.04283240952782E-4 kBq5.04283240952782E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 71.3086431094333 kBq71.3086431094333 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.08280994251444E-15 kBq2.08280994251444E-15 kBq
Elementary flow 4.51203241071969E-13 kBq4.51203241071969E-13 kBq
Elementary flow 1.96289064045691E-8 kBq1.96289064045691E-8 kBq
Elementary flow 4.47174547173641E-12 kBq4.47174547173641E-12 kBq
Elementary flow 8.31342398968882E-6 kBq8.31342398968882E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 2.05103575285027E-6 kBq2.05103575285027E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 7.20870525737727E-6 kBq7.20870525737727E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 2.1053626331847E-6 kBq2.1053626331847E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0729655811144367 kBq0.0729655811144367 kBq
Elementary flow 2.92250627542512E-5 kBq2.92250627542512E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 6.74032164050586E-6 kBq6.74032164050586E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 3.65511570392171E-7 kBq3.65511570392171E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 2.45291193274274E-5 kBq2.45291193274274E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 5.63796282057265E-4 kBq5.63796282057265E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 0.136050687500552 kBq0.136050687500552 kBq
Elementary flow 1.83763062158696E-5 kBq1.83763062158696E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0147862357839019 kBq0.0147862357839019 kBq
Elementary flow 8.69970531581888E-4 kBq8.69970531581888E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00223544271628905 kBq0.00223544271628905 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00257354848709284 kBq0.00257354848709284 kBq
Elementary flow 8.63837980931319E-11 kBq8.63837980931319E-11 kBq
Elementary flow 8.44361876363826E-11 kBq8.44361876363826E-11 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 2.70725928536836E-10 kg2.70725928536836E-10 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified -1.36161592764003E-11 kg-1.36161592764003E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 3.35713665998522E-6 kg3.35713665998522E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.0194898462487E-10 kg1.0194898462487E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.11364712144458E-12 kg2.11364712144458E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.18783712710473E-12 kg3.18783712710473E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.2503699331147E-9 kg1.2503699331147E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified -3.572159447259E-12 kg-3.572159447259E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 3.59272602910175E-7 kg3.59272602910175E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 7.34641992964365E-12 kg7.34641992964365E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.38164188180809E-10 kg1.38164188180809E-10 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 8.79118375717422E-19 kg8.79118375717422E-19 kg
Elementary flow 3.76827453620152E-8 kg3.76827453620152E-8 kg
Elementary flow -1.27375210198747E-10 kg-1.27375210198747E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.4507599118322E-5 kg1.4507599118322E-5 kg
Elementary flow 4.92197335088961E-11 kg4.92197335088961E-11 kg
Elementary flow 4.02756860803572E-9 kg4.02756860803572E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 9.88785625641693E-6 kg9.88785625641693E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified -1.24839641830662E-5 kg-1.24839641830662E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 2.74744798042225E-17 kg2.74744798042225E-17 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 3.1463120667087E-10 kg3.1463120667087E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.7859216597798E-10 kg1.7859216597798E-10 kg
Elementary flow 1.26758818093426E-8 kg1.26758818093426E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.72402847790669E-7 kg1.72402847790669E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.26808707828546E-9 kg4.26808707828546E-9 kg
Elementary flow 7.55853062313868E-11 kg7.55853062313868E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.04376490842542E-7 kg1.04376490842542E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 5.69783165105226E-10 kg5.69783165105226E-10 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.15148069040536E-9 kg1.15148069040536E-9 kg
Elementary flow 8.04693899085862E-12 kg8.04693899085862E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.17193941222763E-11 kg2.17193941222763E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.52608805515504E-7 kg1.52608805515504E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 5.5241741682631E-9 kg5.5241741682631E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 0.0305001349562425 MJ0.0305001349562425 MJ
Elementary flow 1.04838946306381E-5 kg1.04838946306381E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified -3.22379816426513E-10 kg-3.22379816426513E-10 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 2.08276659013685E-9 kg2.08276659013685E-9 kg
Elementary flow 7.07471264725531E-7 kg7.07471264725531E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.08631961685087E-10 kg4.08631961685087E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.12657698062635E-7 kg2.12657698062635E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.35780500353242E-12 kg4.35780500353242E-12 kg
Elementary flow 9.34809657044352E-12 kg9.34809657044352E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.5096002899375E-8 kg1.5096002899375E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.43886467043594E-11 kg1.43886467043594E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.59341644515204E-11 kg1.59341644515204E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.65392218811537E-11 kg1.65392218811537E-11 kg
Elementary flow -1.31939018877479E-9 kg-1.31939018877479E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.99785488540309E-11 kg3.99785488540309E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.01728282488209E-4 kg1.01728282488209E-4 kg
Elementary flow 7.77002788252216E-11 kg7.77002788252216E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.66566157332537E-10 kg2.66566157332537E-10 kg
Elementary flow 2.04631318726621E-7 kg2.04631318726621E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.3069518580658E-11 kg1.3069518580658E-11 kg
Elementary flow 4.7511673381513E-7 kg4.7511673381513E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 9.42783914681882E-17 kg9.42783914681882E-17 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 4.12653181551257E-7 kg4.12653181551257E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.17458782093204E-6 kg1.17458782093204E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 7.20151328877123E-9 kg7.20151328877123E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 0.0109218501817161 kg0.0109218501817161 kg
Elementary flow 1.45297137483531E-11 kg1.45297137483531E-11 kg
Elementary flow 2.00219187173884E-6 kg2.00219187173884E-6 kg
Elementary flow -7.1405184479401E-13 kg-7.1405184479401E-13 kg
Elementary flow 3.91909999724099E-11 kg3.91909999724099E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 9.5921322547049E-13 kg9.5921322547049E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.30335080579403E-11 kg1.30335080579403E-11 kg
Elementary flow 8.63504838491162E-12 kg8.63504838491162E-12 kg
Elementary flow 5.65975979289047E-9 kg5.65975979289047E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.6200296178735E-10 kg1.6200296178735E-10 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.61902217470596E-8 kg1.61902217470596E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 69.0585873961899 kBq69.0585873961899 kBq
Elementary flow 1.03032214292463 kBq1.03032214292463 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.97061364291538 kBq1.97061364291538 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00100095034061555 kBq0.00100095034061555 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00233628043252873 kBq0.00233628043252873 kBq
Elementary flow 4.99256568102994E-4 kBq4.99256568102994E-4 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 5.65779826948251 kBq5.65779826948251 kBq
Elementary flow 1.30977686282151 kBq1.30977686282151 kBq
Elementary flow 2.33604067602048 kBq2.33604067602048 kBq
Elementary flow 2.92848351573267 kBq2.92848351573267 kBq
Elementary flow 312.283152309847 kBq312.283152309847 kBq
Elementary flow 0.083189002768461 kBq0.083189002768461 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00671009614046648 kBq0.00671009614046648 kBq
Elementary flow 16.1909230708786 kBq16.1909230708786 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 17.0417295150965 kBq17.0417295150965 kBq
Elementary flow 1.87762288231515E-5 kBq1.87762288231515E-5 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 5.83208132450809E-4 kBq5.83208132450809E-4 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 0.0121298069343122 kBq0.0121298069343122 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 0.0233574997553613 kBq0.0233574997553613 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 0.233576446429385 kBq0.233576446429385 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.16660488270182E-4 kBq1.16660488270182E-4 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 0.0198592109449109 kBq0.0198592109449109 kBq
Elementary flow 144.903934688452 kBq144.903934688452 kBq
Elementary flow 5.00403140620453 kBq5.00403140620453 kBq
Elementary flow 14.6215649383451 kBq14.6215649383451 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 3063.52803330733 kBq3063.52803330733 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0873158770836187 kBq0.0873158770836187 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0852699975526581 kBq0.0852699975526581 kBq
Elementary flow 116.318569694793 kBq116.318569694793 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 1.43326802271548 kBq1.43326802271548 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 0.00753268352379933 kBq0.00753268352379933 kBq
Elementary flow 0.759941911132607 kBq0.759941911132607 kBq
Elementary flow 0.323960869211316 kBq0.323960869211316 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0892019349687225 kBq0.0892019349687225 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 0.0130175696531697 kBq0.0130175696531697 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0233574997553613 kBq0.0233574997553613 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 3.66004897409663E-5 kBq3.66004897409663E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0489693160089112 kBq0.0489693160089112 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 9.68539767895081E-4 kBq9.68539767895081E-4 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified 0.00888169746575702 kBq0.00888169746575702 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0197938070247239 kBq0.0197938070247239 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0665029971061595 kBq0.0665029971061595 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.99554952933053E-7 kg2.99554952933053E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.17479136420727E-11 kg1.17479136420727E-11 kg
Elementary flow 1.38004473088644E-12 kg1.38004473088644E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -2.5526775655107E-9 kg-2.5526775655107E-9 kg
Elementary flow 4.45173009425947E-8 kg4.45173009425947E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.43022628429907E-11 kg1.43022628429907E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.48103995640105E-13 kg1.48103995640105E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.15237946167644E-14 kg4.15237946167644E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.39435194480296E-5 kg2.39435194480296E-5 kg
Elementary flow -1.30341200930044E-9 kg-1.30341200930044E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.13097240005698E-16 kg1.13097240005698E-16 kg
Elementary flow 1.848097885962E-14 kg1.848097885962E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.09233519332429E-9 kg1.09233519332429E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.55023344125907E-7 kg5.55023344125907E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.07958523151694E-8 kg5.07958523151694E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.77427808040006E-4 kg3.77427808040006E-4 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.12276092358772E-5 kg1.12276092358772E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.4663640510204E-10 kg1.4663640510204E-10 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.38464238615782E-14 kg4.38464238615782E-14 kg
Elementary flow 3.65776970246725E-5 kg3.65776970246725E-5 kg
Elementary flow 1.21427181636925E-4 kg1.21427181636925E-4 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.43912071464086E-12 kg5.43912071464086E-12 kg
Elementary flow 6.84355618744704E-12 kg6.84355618744704E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.64241019693523E-7 kg2.64241019693523E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.1883710063314E-6 kg3.1883710063314E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.34324790378845E-6 kg2.34324790378845E-6 kg
Elementary flow 3.1271304148167E-4 kg3.1271304148167E-4 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.73362640590057E-5 kg1.73362640590057E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.31565130369291E-5 kg4.31565130369291E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 6.71313657731141E-7 kg6.71313657731141E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.68669275428893E-7 kg3.68669275428893E-7 kg
Elementary flow 5.77606068472823E-12 kg5.77606068472823E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.35436717093333E-7 kg1.35436717093333E-7 kg
Elementary flow 4.0135375194023E-5 kg4.0135375194023E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.102080496659E-7 kg1.102080496659E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.58367382099938E-9 kg1.58367382099938E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.40774910635108E-6 kg1.40774910635108E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -4.27878324225895E-12 kg-4.27878324225895E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -3.58123182966097E-9 kg-3.58123182966097E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 9.69306067391789E-9 kg9.69306067391789E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -4.65599415896932E-9 kg-4.65599415896932E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.62830808911002E-13 kg3.62830808911002E-13 kg
Elementary flow -7.8882866949972E-12 kg-7.8882866949972E-12 kg
Elementary flow 0.0015257150841392 kg0.0015257150841392 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 9.26416414807458E-7 kg9.26416414807458E-7 kg
Elementary flow 0.00441304471397657 kg0.00441304471397657 kg
Elementary flow 1.63257381776852E-12 kg1.63257381776852E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.62008908223102E-5 kg3.62008908223102E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 6.01041064010551E-6 kg6.01041064010551E-6 kg
Elementary flow 4.04461784333255E-9 kg4.04461784333255E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.37567992625544E-9 kg1.37567992625544E-9 kg
Elementary flow 1.03186055529019E-12 kg1.03186055529019E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.71058668128381E-5 kg1.71058668128381E-5 kg
Elementary flow 0.00828148433709549 kg0.00828148433709549 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.75312180311812E-6 kg5.75312180311812E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.52624630028183E-7 kg3.52624630028183E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.99085754254233E-9 kg2.99085754254233E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.84763570655829E-14 kg5.84763570655829E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -3.15029603177056E-8 kg-3.15029603177056E-8 kg
Elementary flow -6.66028009678234E-11 kg-6.66028009678234E-11 kg
Elementary flow 5.38570580383278E-13 kg5.38570580383278E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.92145306576862E-12 kg1.92145306576862E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 8.87511524089277E-9 kg8.87511524089277E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.15984115158603E-7 kg3.15984115158603E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 6.7679390375822E-8 kg6.7679390375822E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.23722601159979E-7 kg2.23722601159979E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.54440932828905E-6 kg2.54440932828905E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.51010822861191E-8 kg2.51010822861191E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.26548105761983E-14 kg1.26548105761983E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.5988401719052E-6 kg5.5988401719052E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 8.00509060447001E-6 kg8.00509060447001E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 9.52904405154394E-17 kg9.52904405154394E-17 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.30321285060016E-8 kg4.30321285060016E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.68364476136562E-7 kg2.68364476136562E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.21114956456518E-8 kg1.21114956456518E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -1.52438715832324E-9 kg-1.52438715832324E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 8.99523962487209E-8 kg8.99523962487209E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.15200516355421E-9 kg5.15200516355421E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.42982612661081E-12 kg2.42982612661081E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.3778304283905E-12 kg2.3778304283905E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.97623355434825E-15 kg1.97623355434825E-15 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.00113290107438391 kg0.00113290107438391 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -1.83611380947619E-5 kg-1.83611380947619E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -0.0016075486661249 kg-0.0016075486661249 kg
Elementary flow 2.57159998647641E-10 kg2.57159998647641E-10 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -8.17195151056364E-9 kg-8.17195151056364E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.72815110331981E-12 kg4.72815110331981E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.30939210272997E-7 kg1.30939210272997E-7 kg
Elementary flow 8.51735363378344E-9 kg8.51735363378344E-9 kg
Elementary flow 7.47298655172004E-13 kg7.47298655172004E-13 kg
Elementary flow -6.02150149690044E-10 kg-6.02150149690044E-10 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.11524355219498E-12 kg2.11524355219498E-12 kg
Elementary flow -4.05898548449942E-6 kg-4.05898548449942E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.29758266795539E-11 kg3.29758266795539E-11 kg
Elementary flow 5.3790304401474E-8 kg5.3790304401474E-8 kg
Elementary flow 3.73594391684881E-9 kg3.73594391684881E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 9.66746852088699E-14 kg9.66746852088699E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.65949284581764E-11 kg4.65949284581764E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.80645089556368E-14 kg2.80645089556368E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 8.6046806566626E-10 kg8.6046806566626E-10 kg
Elementary flow 0.404855167547179 MJ0.404855167547179 MJ
Elementary flow 1.08846990801266E-17 kg1.08846990801266E-17 kg
Elementary flow 2.59741319714794E-10 kg2.59741319714794E-10 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.6508287981047E-8 kg1.6508287981047E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.78824593195591E-7 kg1.78824593195591E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.07961633926844E-5 kg3.07961633926844E-5 kg
Elementary flow 5.96418011429699E-12 kg5.96418011429699E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.61247609460713E-12 kg4.61247609460713E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.69058526591213E-8 kg1.69058526591213E-8 kg
Elementary flow -1.3995266373482E-7 kg-1.3995266373482E-7 kg
Elementary flow 2.93565985845433E-8 kg2.93565985845433E-8 kg
Elementary flow 9.61828490459102E-8 kg9.61828490459102E-8 kg
Elementary flow 1.85446719925691E-9 kg1.85446719925691E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 8.63207227246334E-10 kg8.63207227246334E-10 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.51985227751919E-7 kg5.51985227751919E-7 kg
Elementary flow 7.26935206525131E-4 kg7.26935206525131E-4 kg
Elementary flow 8.62076567345167E-14 kg8.62076567345167E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.19687707466739E-12 kg1.19687707466739E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.67983061851432E-7 kg5.67983061851432E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -3.85788500671424E-8 kg-3.85788500671424E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.51941216962129E-11 kg2.51941216962129E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.00228640978183115 kg0.00228640978183115 kg
Elementary flow 2.0939058367282E-4 kg2.0939058367282E-4 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.58391431999602E-7 kg3.58391431999602E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.51105544305856E-4 kg2.51105544305856E-4 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 8.10119664345521E-8 kg8.10119664345521E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.74538237200384E-5 kg1.74538237200384E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.17061789034442E-13 kg3.17061789034442E-13 kg
Elementary flow 8.85998699616288E-18 kg8.85998699616288E-18 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -1.50468271172608E-13 kg-1.50468271172608E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.74268591239098E-14 kg1.74268591239098E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -1.22066435561318E-8 kg-1.22066435561318E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -1.87868998085902E-12 kg-1.87868998085902E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -9.63368006207259E-13 kg-9.63368006207259E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.91127209221924E-8 kg2.91127209221924E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.51113271548589E-8 kg3.51113271548589E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.77420005023067E-6 kg1.77420005023067E-6 kg
Elementary flow 2.36633939687764E-13 kg2.36633939687764E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.27401297931516E-9 kg3.27401297931516E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.16206817802994E-12 kg2.16206817802994E-12 kg
Elementary flow 3.34393881531189E-12 kg3.34393881531189E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.63527307317067E-5 kg1.63527307317067E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.77832244001891E-4 kg1.77832244001891E-4 kg
Elementary flow 1.49332871312012E-6 kg1.49332871312012E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.22228170360253E-11 kg1.22228170360253E-11 kg
Elementary flow 4.85746138164647E-9 kg4.85746138164647E-9 kg
Elementary flow 6.0868931697315E-5 kg6.0868931697315E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.42878905915238E-4 kg1.42878905915238E-4 kg
Elementary flow 2.33945140392572E-7 kg2.33945140392572E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.27303134841044E-6 kg1.27303134841044E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.06689544568948E-4 kg2.06689544568948E-4 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.88833210239577E-5 kg1.88833210239577E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.09959534759841E-20 kg4.09959534759841E-20 kg
Elementary flow 3.08713924270857E-15 kg3.08713924270857E-15 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.27168266822188E-10 kg5.27168266822188E-10 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.28596271894991E-14 kg5.28596271894991E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.99451906264072E-14 kg3.99451906264072E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.65873169764522E-6 kg1.65873169764522E-6 kg
Elementary flow 6.49111898128791E-4 kg6.49111898128791E-4 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 8.62006222091725E-5 kg8.62006222091725E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.19938012360026E-6 kg2.19938012360026E-6 kg
Elementary flow 8.18923678444694E-12 kg8.18923678444694E-12 kg
Elementary flow 4.06336162796671E-15 kg4.06336162796671E-15 kg
Elementary flow 6.46123919635036E-8 kg6.46123919635036E-8 kg
Elementary flow 0.00133212424408607 kg0.00133212424408607 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.98881282152713E-13 kg1.98881282152713E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 7.65197849345633E-14 kg7.65197849345633E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 9.63434752883396E-13 kg9.63434752883396E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.06146980357275E-14 kg3.06146980357275E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 8.99171474867639E-8 kg8.99171474867639E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.83202753760732E-13 kg2.83202753760732E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.22860230460335E-8 kg5.22860230460335E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.42688859849483E-8 kg5.42688859849483E-8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.23131378903637E-6 kg2.23131378903637E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.97742059725387E-5 kg1.97742059725387E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 6.26312719624743E-7 kg6.26312719624743E-7 kg
Elementary flow 1.08392644077798E-6 kg1.08392644077798E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.00155900993456177 kg0.00155900993456177 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.94833452830094E-9 kg5.94833452830094E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.67198562967412E-8 kg5.67198562967412E-8 kg
Elementary flow 0.00740701447610036 kg0.00740701447610036 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -2.92499569607946E-11 kg-2.92499569607946E-11 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 8.90224177227149E-5 kg8.90224177227149E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.0188896443795708 kg0.0188896443795708 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 7.24054985755311E-7 kg7.24054985755311E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.60447006036859E-7 kg2.60447006036859E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 9.0404355362387E-7 kg9.0404355362387E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.9480139639356E-4 kg1.9480139639356E-4 kg
Elementary flow -9.63374603887277E-4 kg-9.63374603887277E-4 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.00537351922639884 kg0.00537351922639884 kg
Elementary flow 3.42335367077176E-13 kg3.42335367077176E-13 kg
Elementary flow 2.66054329069088E-14 kg2.66054329069088E-14 kg
Elementary flow 9.19822012323261E-8 kg9.19822012323261E-8 kg
Elementary flow 7.29056670686688E-7 kg7.29056670686688E-7 kg
Elementary flow 3.06101183457273E-5 kg3.06101183457273E-5 kg
Elementary flow 7.16021452486657E-7 kg7.16021452486657E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.0121887101159E-9 kg1.0121887101159E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.43597801738979E-9 kg4.43597801738979E-9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 6.00055016198743E-14 kg6.00055016198743E-14 kg
Elementary flow 1.6503545034916E-12 kg1.6503545034916E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.52791371093905E-12 kg1.52791371093905E-12 kg
Elementary flow 2.04420265365378E-6 kg2.04420265365378E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.085332880999E-14 kg3.085332880999E-14 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.21878465775154E-6 kg1.21878465775154E-6 kg
Elementary flow 1.04239234468033E-13 kg1.04239234468033E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.18636151967615E-6 kg2.18636151967615E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.16627416159671E-6 kg2.16627416159671E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.159230288274E-7 kg3.159230288274E-7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.00702268869080749 m30.00702268869080749 m3
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 6.09160642990879E-4 m36.09160642990879E-4 m3
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.0160333849961289 m30.0160333849961289 m3
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.98318015632806E-6 kg3.98318015632806E-6 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -9.89949983908197E-13 kg-9.89949983908197E-13 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified -7.91963183637631E-13 kg-7.91963183637631E-13 kg
Elementary flow 5.69397343161465E-5 kg5.69397343161465E-5 kg
Elementary flow 5.42235788651828E-12 kg5.42235788651828E-12 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 6.47071828739018E-6 kBq6.47071828739018E-6 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.20007380428381E-10 kBq2.20007380428381E-10 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.29156567501293E-9 kBq1.29156567501293E-9 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.28137676874334E-6 kBq3.28137676874334E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 3.01775052865839E-4 kBq3.01775052865839E-4 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.65758756997489E-9 kBq5.65758756997489E-9 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00353174358886572 kBq0.00353174358886572 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.26201582882604E-9 kBq2.26201582882604E-9 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.20018382358473E-7 kBq4.20018382358473E-7 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.55248085707687E-5 kBq5.55248085707687E-5 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.01465200620347E-10 kBq4.01465200620347E-10 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.00165553672511012 kBq0.00165553672511012 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 9.07283218388948E-7 kBq9.07283218388948E-7 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.39530997497601E-7 kBq3.39530997497601E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 2.44394803563219E-5 kBq2.44394803563219E-5 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.03310399068566E-4 kBq2.03310399068566E-4 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.16590957674787E-10 kBq1.16590957674787E-10 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.1775028242694E-7 kBq3.1775028242694E-7 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 8.7119198330566E-8 kBq8.7119198330566E-8 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 6.44002326412294E-4 kBq6.44002326412294E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 4.67170991392474E-6 kBq4.67170991392474E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.135013112026E-6 kBq1.135013112026E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 9.7646995163044E-10 kBq9.7646995163044E-10 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 6.02575722182711E-9 kBq6.02575722182711E-9 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.0526800391334E-6 kBq4.0526800391334E-6 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.72423870291073E-5 kBq1.72423870291073E-5 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.07762217966331E-9 kBq2.07762217966331E-9 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.56485218356296E-5 kBq3.56485218356296E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 8.08992435216343E-8 kBq8.08992435216343E-8 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.50145131197215E-10 kBq3.50145131197215E-10 kBq
Elementary flow 9.07733343486832E-10 kBq9.07733343486832E-10 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.26684483342661E-5 kBq1.26684483342661E-5 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.85746138164647E-6 kBq4.85746138164647E-6 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 8.49174599108618E-5 kBq8.49174599108618E-5 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 7.65611632889223E-13 kBq7.65611632889223E-13 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 7.65611632889223E-13 kBq7.65611632889223E-13 kBq
Elementary flow 1.0959010579452E-6 kBq1.0959010579452E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 1.14962047028121E-5 kBq1.14962047028121E-5 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.78784486841471E-5 kBq3.78784486841471E-5 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.00295754722339343 kBq0.00295754722339343 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.71287479426144E-4 kBq2.71287479426144E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0195514909734733 kBq0.0195514909734733 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.42314764969356E-4 kBq5.42314764969356E-4 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.38398303823363E-10 kBq4.38398303823363E-10 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.0082803384395649 kBq0.0082803384395649 kBq
Elementary flow 1.45543307561017E-5 kBq1.45543307561017E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 1.57196377447075E-8 kBq1.57196377447075E-8 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 8.8563517054644E-6 kBq8.8563517054644E-6 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.00645278818846556 kBq0.00645278818846556 kBq
Elementary flow 7.97616473273131E-5 kBq7.97616473273131E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 4.8360031340459E-8 kBq4.8360031340459E-8 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.20294928211444E-10 kBq1.20294928211444E-10 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.15458181291252E-7 kBq1.15458181291252E-7 kBq
Elementary flow 0.00108510377314371 kBq0.00108510377314371 kBq
Elementary flow 0.0013683762919698 kBq0.0013683762919698 kBq
Elementary flow 2.2703942544345E-6 kBq2.2703942544345E-6 kBq
Elementary flow 3.78796411317897E-5 kBq3.78796411317897E-5 kBq
Elementary flow 6.03855349523422 kBq6.03855349523422 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.71161072454184E-4 kBq5.71161072454184E-4 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.02530641871392E-4 kBq1.02530641871392E-4 kBq
Elementary flow 2.32619385636108E-5 kBq2.32619385636108E-5 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.18387846530479E-4 kBq1.18387846530479E-4 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.00117441176905E-6 kBq1.00117441176905E-6 kBq
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.4680135490226E-9 kBq2.4680135490226E-9 kBq
Product flow Materials production / Other materials 4.85746138164647E-6 kg4.85746138164647E-6 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Landfilling 1.41672296298623E-4 kg1.41672296298623E-4 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 0.00526602194581152 kg0.00526602194581152 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Energy recycling 5.20407758485983E-9 kg5.20407758485983E-9 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 0.048167307649085 kg0.048167307649085 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Energy recycling 1.13771208489251E-7 kg1.13771208489251E-7 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 1.37940534743483E-5 kg1.37940534743483E-5 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 8.78804092011063E-4 kg8.78804092011063E-4 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Energy recycling 7.56341527151579E-4 kg7.56341527151579E-4 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 4.1983549334672E-7 kg4.1983549334672E-7 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 8.91259248964493E-7 kg8.91259248964493E-7 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 3.77306140565487E-5 kg3.77306140565487E-5 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 0.0432039275543164 kg0.0432039275543164 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 3.13242705624034E-6 kg3.13242705624034E-6 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 0.00422575560478231 kg0.00422575560478231 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 9.15096011365855E-10 kg9.15096011365855E-10 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 1.09020233760719E-5 kg1.09020233760719E-5 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 0.00985807482931397 kg0.00985807482931397 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 0.00114958877464203 kg0.00114958877464203 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life services 1.3918767441505E-5 kg1.3918767441505E-5 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.65720948339605E-6 m32.65720948339605E-6 m3
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 215.032655067566 m3215.032655067566 m3
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 21.8425782829112 m321.8425782829112 m3
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.0199182668837798 m30.0199182668837798 m3
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.00484206040364999 m30.00484206040364999 m3
Elementary flow 1.45564731389924E-9 kg1.45564731389924E-9 kg
Elementary flow 3.0803414043462E-15 kg3.0803414043462E-15 kg
Elementary flow 8.92929045658225E-8 kg8.92929045658225E-8 kg
Elementary flow 2.80299929369877E-12 kg2.80299929369877E-12 kg
Elementary flow 1.52989508176577E-6 kg1.52989508176577E-6 kg
Product flow Materials production / Organic chemicals 1.0 kg1.0 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Energy recycling 0.0199265661386094 kg0.0199265661386094 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Energy recycling 6.07988875511257E-8 kg6.07988875511257E-8 kg
Waste flow 2.43137623760241E-4 kg2.43137623760241E-4 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Material recycling 7.92284931635511E-4 kg7.92284931635511E-4 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Material recycling 4.39681865835328E-6 kg4.39681865835328E-6 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Material recycling 1.18637637364089E-5 kg1.18637637364089E-5 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Material recycling 1.33816220036839E-6 kg1.33816220036839E-6 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Energy recycling 0.0062681220748181 kg0.0062681220748181 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Energy recycling 7.0907792905426E-4 kg7.0907792905426E-4 kg
Waste flow End-of-life treatment / Landfilling 5.4774791842078E-4 kg5.4774791842078E-4 kg
Waste flow 1.14699617174433E-6 kg1.14699617174433E-6 kg
Waste flow 2.06704003430617E-4 kg2.06704003430617E-4 kg
Waste flow 5.96971886925108E-5 kg5.96971886925108E-5 kg
Waste flow 4.26645952342766E-4 kg4.26645952342766E-4 kg
Waste flow 0.00133282429735667 kg0.00133282429735667 kg
Waste flow 4.23001672554926E-5 kg4.23001672554926E-5 kg
Other flow Use and consumption / Other use and consumption 129.120270258992 MJ129.120270258992 MJ
Other flow Use and consumption / Other use and consumption 0.357124032287942 MJ0.357124032287942 MJ
Other flow Use and consumption / Other use and consumption 128.763146226704 MJ128.763146226704 MJ
Other flow 90.6528253312442 MJ90.6528253312442 MJ
Other flow Use and consumption / Other use and consumption 38.4674449277479 MJ38.4674449277479 MJ